Two tickets to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood please

>two tickets to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood please

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Sir, this is a Wendy's.


not gonna lie, this is definitely me

>three tickets to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood please.

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SEA/Flip monkeys are so goddamn ugly
negroes are prettier creatures

don't think these 2 specimen can even breed she probably dies

the women are cute when they are young
legal young i must add, i'm not australian

>sorry we have a no singles policy

Asian women are made for Caucasian dongs

Attached: asian wants the d.webm (654x1080, 795K)

>Fee-fi-fo-fum two tickets to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood please

I'll trade you for two tickets to the gun show!

>here is your complimentary oriental cock sock sir.

Why do the alt right love non-white women so much?

These threads are fucking bizarre even by Yea Forums standards. I will never understand this psycho obsession with asians.

jesus that poor chink on the left, getting mogged out of existence

its a filipino forcing a meme

asian pussy is exquisite

You can't snap out of yellow fever, it's terminal.

I fell asleep during the movie. Boring as hell.
The ending was cringy. Hurr blood hurr violence. If any other director had his name on this, people would think it was shit.

this is true. They crave the BWC.
t. went to asian college

asian countries are xenophobic, tribal, fiercely entrenched in gender roles and never had a woman's liberation movement. it's not that hard to figure

Yea Forums is filled with white incels who can't get white women so they go for the lowest hanging fruit. I've only met a few people who actually like Asians IRL but here it's a fucking epidemic

>white women

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asian women are highly sexual to white men.

Not really, but keep thinking that.

>those evil nazi racists wanting to date outside their race, how inclusive and accepting! REEE

>He hasn't taken the yellow pill

Fuck bros it wasn't supposed to happen like this.

Never mix alcohol and desperation.
I hope i end up in a similar situation.

It's quite clearly a McDonald's.

Did that ugly mutt truly make a video about waking up next to another ugly fuck, as if he wound up in bed with someone below his league? Lmao.

>at SEAmonkey mcdonald's they make the employees wear sassy golf hats

lmao why. well I guess it's better than the normal ball caps which suck

Oh come on, I agree it's a ridiculous thing to do but he's clearly way better-looking than she is.

My favorite scene? When that fake tough guy Bruce Lee got BTFO.

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choosing beggars
you go fuck him if you like him so much

Why do Filipinos love fast food spaghetti?

No thanks, I'll stick with my qt girlfriend.

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EXcusah miii Mistar Whituu Man
This is Macku Donarru, not cinema.
Now prreeaase but something or rreave or I wirr carru the coppu. You act rike braku man, onry browsing, never buying. We arso taku big white diik asu paymentu

This, these fags are losing it

t. Butthurt White roastie addicted to BBC

She's a flip, not a nip.

non white detected

Should I try Jollibee

please don't fuck/date/marry flips
they're ugly as sin and the world doesn't need anymore of the vile goblins running around

theres literally this asian fag or fags that keep spamming this
>white nationalists are dating asian women
It utter retardation.
Aznmasculinity is pure retardation.

Kek, fucking incel logic.

you should try sex

Imagin this beast smashing the small chink to the wall and then the woman prostating herself to him. She would die of internal bleeding shortly after and in her last moment she would regret nothing.

He should try socialization first

>anime website obsessed with asians
thank god summer is ending

I knew a bunch of dudes in the military who married flips over the years, like at least ten of them, and every single one of their wives without fail was just a leech looking for a better life. A few even met their wives via hooker venues/bar girls, god damn a white man with a flip wife has to be the saddest thing on this earth. It actually might be worse than inceldom because at least the incel suffers in private but the guy with the flip wife is a constant clown, everyone laughs behind his back at all times, and his marriage is this horrific ticking time bomb that will absolutely end in his complete humiliation and financial ruin in a matter of single digit years. Even thinking about it inspires this terrible feel where I want to laugh out loud hard but also feel really bad at the same time.

Every time I think about my old cucked squadmate's wife yelling at him like the aliens in Mars Attacks AKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAK it gives me a big kek but it's grim as fuck

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you're a sad little man

t. asian guy lmao

>anime website
Not really anymore. Out of like 50 boards, 1 is dedicated to anime.

well it's hard to explain so maybe it sounds like I'm being too mean to the dudes/their wives but it really do be like that. it's basically just the extreme version of the "soldiers get cucked on deployment" meme but dialed up to 11 because this time it's a gold digging turd worlder instead of just a horny white woman. whatever bros believe what you want, I'm not saying I have ill will toward these people, it's just a bad situation.

This is true. A lot of people in the Navy would marry jungle asians when stationed over there and they barely spoke english and used them as a free ticket to the states. They just end up working at the exchange or commissary with the husband eventually retiring and working as an uber driver.

>"Do you want my pussy with it?"


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This thread is hilarious. Incels naming everyone

I really hope it’s based niggers posting this shit, since we now know it’s butthurt asian incels posting blacked porn it stands to reason it should be non-whites posting AFWM

I'm a sexpat in Philippines atm

this is pretty low, girl type behaviour

that cashier could give him head while standing

Sauce me on that right fucking now

>Sir, this is Mcdo.

absolutely disgraceful coomer zone

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Don't forget about Asian men.

it only cost 1 dollar, if i can only spend 5 dollars a day on food im going to mcdonalds

Can I get either a basic gestalt or if not available a quick rundown?


She is fat though.

>can't even do a proper flip accent

t. filipino

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Reminder the average Asian penis is only 4.2 inches.

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>I'm going to stick with a tranny with a penis

it's just alternate version of cumbrain that is taking the internet by storm

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>smallest dick
>biggest population

Really makes you think.

It's the circle of cuck

Does that shithole have any exports other than cheap hookers and forced memes?

>based niggers
>we now know it's butthurt asian incels

Since when did we know it's butthurt asian incels? Where's the proof?

They were posting blacked before OUATIH came out.

>I've only met a few people who actually like Asians IRL but here it's a fucking epidemic
It's the most common interracial couple. I don't know what you're talking about. It's popular everywhere.

Sounds gay but mans is correct. Every white guy i know who travels to jap land ends up sleeping with at least one or two women


the majority of the manpower for the USN Supply Corps. Pinoy Mafia is a real thing in pearl harbor and san diego.

>source: just trust me bro

By total numbers because of WM, by percentage it's low

Literally Filipinos. The diaspora has helped the Philippines conquer Canada, for example.


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it's not always. despite what happens in porn, not being able to stick your dick in all the way is less pleasurable. also, sometimes the rabidity of the white female is an advantage.

Me in the back

All asian women need white dick to impress their ancestors

t. incel

>imagine thinking it’s hard to get an Asian when you’re white
I slept with a Jap when I went there last year. Shit was tight.

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when you realise all the fags ranting about blacks are asians the shitposting on this site makes sense.
And you really just begin to hate it and the azncel.

Attached: based proko.png (562x390, 191K)

All interracial couples have low percentage. People usually stick to their own kind. Not to mention people like me who live in Europe rarely get to see asian girls, much less hot asian girls. I don't have the opportunity to date one even if I wanted one.

Coomer is pretty based but no Stone Pony

another based and redditpilled term to insult 4incels

post pic of your asian gf
I expect you to post Google image tho

Do I have a chance as a handsome Mediterranean manlet?

either t. incel or t. flip trying to dangle white men to buy her stuff.

>imagine believing things on the Internet

>source: my ass

I literally woke up this mourning with my dick in a Chinese womans mouth, what about you?

I don't think Asian incels spam Blacked but they've been here for a while (from /r/aznmasculinity etc). They spammed anti-WMAF and pro-AMWF threads

I can’t be the only one who thought this movie was shit with spastic direction. I even thought the Hateful Eight was somewhat decent compared to this.

My boss is an ASL Filipino and IDK if it's just mermaid syndrome but she's popping in my head when I start jerking off, wtf do I do bros???


I woke up with morning with my dick in a white man's mouth and immediately called him an incel