

Attached: 69688498_10157565770498197_5924043933196746752_n.jpg (825x725, 105K)

6 or 4 desu

>sitting anywhere near a shitbull

Sit with Gandalf and Frodo and smoke pipe weed

would unironically sit with Keanu if it werent for that shitbull. Will sit with Hermione instead

in this car

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1 with Hermionekino

I sit on the sneed table

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4 looks pretty comfy

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Gandalf and Frodo and Han and Chewie probably have the most interesting stories to tell but Tony and Steve seem like they're more fun to hang out with. Harry and Hermione are literal kids, Batman and Wonder Woman are too serious and John Wick doesn't seem like he's very fun to have a conversation with.

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5 because there's no empty table and that's the least cringe


on the toilet


4 because there is no Kirk and Sisko table.

5, cause cliff booth taught me the importance of pitbulls

with him

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where's him?

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pray you never have children


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he's sitting in his car

according to my school life, i have to say 7

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That table on the right looks empty. I'll sit there. It's better than sitting with these weirdos. I mean have you noticed that every single group is sitting on the same side of their table?

Table 1 so I can play footsie with my wife

Digits confirm

digits steal her for myself.

I'd turn tables three, four, and five 90 degrees to the right/left, then shoot the pitbull in the face so that the five of us could have a nice lunch without getting mauled.

3 or 5

I'd go back and forth with 3 and 4, occasionally visit 2, go to 1 whenever I want to pick on the nerd and get some pussy, 5 whenever I want the knot and want to go to the range later,
and walk past 6 everday to make fun of them.

The empty table that's mostly out of frame

I would make hermoine sit on my lap

>people are unironically scared of pitbulls
Absolute fucking pussies.

but he won't say anything

this isn't at all important.


I don't LIKE pitbulls, but I'm not fucking scared of them, because I'm not some DYEL skelly bitch. I'll fuck one up if it even tries to snap at the air in front of me. How much of a little bitch can you idiots be?

I’m sitting in the computer lab with the Joker




Is that even a question?

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1, show out Harry and try to get that sweet delicious Hermione.

5 of course
>Develop a deep connection with Keeanu over the course of the school year.
>Use this to cuck Harry.

1 for Emma feet

4 is my dream since I was a kid. Wish it was Bilbo or one of the fun hobbits instead of Frodo, but I'll take smoking pipe weed with my guys.

Table 1 would be good if they weren't children.
Table 2 is just 2 niggas bickering and quipping.
Table 3 is cool I guess.
Table 5 is some silent boring assassin and a dog. Wow, fucking killer conversation
Table 6 could be fun too

>Table 1 would be good if they weren't children.

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>Look, Tails, buddy. Im just saying maybe try my therapist.
>You can't keep calling me up like this. What if we get pulled and someone looks in the trunk?

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Oh man I've always liked Keanu Reeves especially before he became a mem-

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i'll stand

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I'm in this car

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I'll sit with the guy with the blue shirt. He looks like he's in charge here.

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scrolling down fast i thought she was smothering someone with her tits..

I'm upstairs fucking ms. gardner. Jealous?


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Gardner was a frumpy bitch and is only fucking you to spite her boyfriend, """Chad"""
I'm out in the parking lot fucking Ms. Carpenter in my bitchin' Camaro

Me in the driver's seat

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number 5 with Brigitte for me

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Wasted years.

>you’ll never get to hang with based awkward sonic and Eliot
I imagine we’d go to six flags and forget about the thots for a while

>together forever

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is 4 platonic?

Based Keanu

I'll sit with socially awkward Avatar, who is feasting in the bathroom.

1 if I'm feeling horny, 4 in all other situations

but there's not charge for them

table 1. i wanna cuck harry by fucking hermione


I hate capeshit but statistically it's less likely you'll die with them than with anyone else

6 and discuss how we solve the Palestine problem

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6 and discuss why there's a khazar with no milkers


Fuck Gal gafot with spanking Ben's pot belly

Keanu wants to sit alone, I wouldn't impose

in the library

He's in the car.
He never gets out of the car.



Come on to the table, I'll call it in. Just don't bring any friends, you don't get to do that.

I'll sit at the big table.

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capeshit anons deserve the school bullying.
5 is the least retarded of the room

i believe

all alone

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only losers eat in the cafeteria

With Chewie, of course. I always wanted him to fuck me in the add, Han can watch, like the good cuck that he is.

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One of the empty tables