Without googling, name one memorable quote that is not a quip from the #1 movie of all time that changed cinema forever

without googling, name one memorable quote that is not a quip from the #1 movie of all time that changed cinema forever

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Avengers assemble

"I am Iron Man"

>Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA
There, done.

i fucking LOVE science

I am inevitable.




"Computer invent time travel!"

>that's America's ass *BRRAAAAAAP* oh yes my dear quite pungent indeed

What is this?

You couldn’t live with your own failures and look where that brought you...back to me

Eat a salad

"Go to bed or I'm throwing away all your toys"

it was SELL all your toys

I thought that by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. But you have shown me it's impossible. As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

ah guess I failed then oh no

I fucking swear that quote came from Bane, this is some weird mandela effect shit

>"Go, go, girl power!"

Doesn’t count

I love you 3000

It sounds a lot like something Bane from the comics would say.

"Aw YEAH!!" - Rocket Raccoon after seeing the very impressive maneuver Captain Marvel did moments prior

"Hail Hydra"

That’s a meme, the movie was forgettable

>others provide quotes you asked for
>say they dont count

Kill yourself

>You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me

I can literally hear Tom Hardy saying it in my head, I swear it came from that scene where Bane and Batman first fight.

Any movie that appeals to the masses of that many people is incapable of being memorable or standoutish in anyway. It just has to be a cookie cutter boring piece of shit that looks pretty and makes loud noises.

Where did that bring you? Back to me.

"You took everything from me!"
"I don't even know who you are!"

No, I don't think I will

I can't even think of a single memorable quote from Avatar though. At least with Titanic everyone remembers "I'm the king of the world! Cawcawww!"

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Cap's "Hail Hydra" is an awesome line on so many levels.
Not only does it cleverly defuse a tense scene that seems headed to the great elevator battle in Winter Soldier, it's also a call-back to the comic panel that rustled everyone's jimmies.

Such a great line.

>doesn't count

>"You're not in Kansas anymoe, youre in Pandora"
Stop having shit memory, fag

They’re literal meme lines

And I...

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>memorable quote is just a rip off of another quote
thats a yikes from me bro

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That phrase about sons and fathers. It been telled by Thor's mother.

I don't like them therefore they don't count

Explain the difference between a regular line and a meme line

How did Raimi get away with this?

>I know I said no more surprises, but I really wanted to pull off one last one.

>I went for the head

“What happened?”

Scott Lang

“I am Iron Man”

"Hey Peter Parker, you got something for me"
*unzips pants*

>"Hey Peter Parker, you got something for me"
>*unzips pants*
>A massive black beamed cock emerges between denvers legs

The difference is clearly obvious you absolute fucking mongoloid.

>durr I love you 3000
>“Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.”

Kill the women, rape the kids

>Spider-Man, is that an erect penis in your pants or are you happy to see me?
-Colonel Danvers,
United States Airforce

"You are so big"

Scott Lang trying to not break when he realized he just lost 5 years worth of time with her daughter


Jonah laugh.gif

>"Who puts mayo on a hot dog?"
>"I know I said no more surprises, but I was really hoping to pull off one last one."
>"I fought him? Who told you that? No, he threw a planet at me while the Bleeker street magician gave away the store."
>"There is no trust, liar. You find him, you put that on, and you hide."
>"Let's go get this son of a bitch."
>"The universe required correction. Once the work was done, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation."
>"I used the stones to destroy the stones."
>"Ahh, daughter. Perhaps I was too hard on you."

That's just what I remember from the opening prologue...

Spoken by Black Panther.

You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me.

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The only memorable quotes in infinity war and endgame came all from Thanos.

“I love you 3000” is arguably the most remembered line in the movie.

don't lick where ya eat

Marvel so. Y. Bois are triggered about all their movies being forgettable garbage. Now that disney got the viewerbase hooked they are starting with even more propaganda boring shit. Choke on your so. Y.

I'm not a fan of the films (they were just ok), but that is a really good line.

>you missed my head by 2 inches, incel
>wait till twitter hears about this attempted battery over a defenseless woman

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She shouldn't have provoked him beforehand when she bragged she's taken bigger pieces.

god her look at the start of the film makes me so hard


>something something avengers are arrogant and that is their weakness although I never met them and know nothing about them and they didn't display arrogance yet
>sits down, arrogantly waiting for them to come to him so he can punch them hard, confident he can't loose
such pottery such brilliance amazink mobie

>i want cheese burgers

Yo kid, what day is it?

You don't get to decide what counts.

What?? Well excuuuuuuuuuuuse me, incel, do you want to get exposed on twitter or something?

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Just go home Brie.

You can't this movie was dogshit and the reason why you should stop believing internet memes and shitty websites with movie ratings, this film has zero cultural impact and was a boring shitty 3 hour movie for no reason.

"Prepare to die Avengers. Endgame is near."

Probably would have to now that half the population returned

You could live with your own defeat, and where did that bring you? Back to me.

"Fuck you you giant purple space nigger, I am Ironman."

"SHAWARMA!!! Galaga billionare shawarma!!!"

For god's sake, learn how to write a memorable speech:


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Don't you just love Halloween?



Have you ever thought that your insufferable personality is why you have no irl friends?

Is this from the movie too?

>All that for a drop of blood


>You're an errand boy... sent by grocery clerks... to collect a bill

They are both meme lines to me

Yeah. It's hard to have a one-liner that doesn't just sound like a meme.

Name one from the godfather that isn’t just a quote people made into a joke. Quotes are a shit metric for a film

"What happens to him, I decide. You don't love me no more, well that breaks my heart. But you don't gotta love me, but you will respect me" - Thanos

-Natasha, spoken to Steve Rogers

i think he says "so you came back here to die with your city"

>He remembers Avatar quotes

Have sex

>I want to suck your dick so badly Peter Parker from Queens
Thought it was a little much for PG-13 to be honest

I don't remember her saying Queens at the end but whatever.

>They'll see and say she wouldn't even harm a fly

it was fun

Im almost positive fat Thor says "Shiggy Diggy" at some point

this one right here folks

I agree.

>durr I don't give a damn
>I understood that reference

Eat more salad

that was my favourite scene in the movie probably

Don't know, never seen it

I was surprised when Steve said that

[Something misogynistic] - White Male

OP is a faggot - Noobmaster69

You can hear it from the headphones if you turn your sound all the way up.

without looking them up name a memorable line from IW

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You have to remember that the biggest movie ever before this was a gimmick for boomers to feel like they were entering into the jetsons vision of the 2000s

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Eat a salad

Every single quote in existence is a meme you blithering retard

"ahhhh... Thank you daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly--"

"I see this as an absolute win!"

"Beers in the bucket! Feel free to log onto the wifi!"

"Ooh. Yeah we actually don't say that name here."

"I couldn't stop him." "Neither could I."

"I am inevitable."

"I'm wearing shirts now!"

Infinity War and Endgame are actually insanely quotable. Shut the fuck up and let people enjoy things

That's not an explanation.

Feel free to define both in ways that defend your point of view. We will wait

that scene was shit too. He literally whispers it out as if he is embarrased to say it. Should have been an empowering and triumphant moment, when it's literally basically your team calling. Was not worth the 10 year tease

that's still literally a quip and not even a quote originally from the film

obviously not that quotable

literally only 2 of those are quotable. Stop having low standards shill

>Whatever it takes
>I'm the inevitable - And I am Iron Man
>Let's kill him properly this time
>Does she have family? - Yes. Us
>You took everything from me - I don't even know you - Oh, you will
>The radiation. It's mostly gamma. It's like I was born for this
>I asked what if we lose and you said "Then we'll do it together too". And we did. And you weren't there.
>On your left

>Faggot OP asks for one
>He actually gets 2
>F-fucking shill!

That little back and forth between natasha and clint about forgiving their worst mistakes was pretty kino. The scenery probably helped

2 out of a 3 hour long movie. Keep being in denial

Let's go get this son of a bitch nigger!
Mainly remembered it due to the awesome score that followed. Fuck, I love that theme.

No, I don’t think I will.


Was that Iron Man?

Bane said "So you came back to die with your city" which is kinda similar

>"No. I came back to stop you!"

I love you 3000.

>Provides quotes
>Doesn't count
>Is retarded

If we have a chance, we owe it to everyone not on this room. I only remember the title of Avatar

What movie is it that from?