>"worst movie I've seen in my life"
>"stronk womyn"
>"literally makes me puke"
This is why nobody likes /pol/.
Cry more, bitch niggers.
This is a /pol/ board, feel free to leave any time.
>Cry more, bitch niggers.
>This is a /pol/ board, feel free to leave any time.
Yes yes well done /pol/ well done /pol however...
It’s not. Feel free to outside anytime.
Why is the left so unfunny?
Why can't the left understand humour?
These guys were hilarious walking around talking about ending oppression of gamers.
Juat imagine being so pathetic you have to take parody and turn it into reality so you have a level target to mock.
Are they /ourguys/?
We’re talking about the same estronauts who spam pics of le ebin centrists to “own /pol/“
>Why is the left so unfunny?
>Why can't the left understand humour?
>These guys were hilarious walking around talking about ending oppression of gamers.
>Juat imagine being so pathetic you have to take parody and turn it into reality so you have a level target to mock.
Hmm last I checked this is Yea Forums not /pol/. Think you need glasses.
>resetera got so butthurt they left pol and came here to rant thinking they will be safe
Just think about it. This transcends any trolling from like chanology.
Two guys dress up as frogs and clowns and get mass media attention as some kind of nazi threat. This is insane. This is hilarious. Prank calling news networks is nothing compared to this.
have sex
>Just think about it. This transcends any trolling from like chanology.
>Two guys dress up as frogs and clowns and get mass media attention as some kind of nazi threat. This is insane. This is hilarious. Prank calling news networks is nothing compared to this.
Incels are so fucking embarrassing what is wrong with these freaks
These guys are nazis right? Oooh be careful or they're going to make negros drink from different water fountains! Oh no! Such oppression!
Xbro's win again
>they weren't informed
Theres nothing normal about these goofy faggots
lmao based clowns making faggots seethe
>These guys are nazis right? Oooh be careful or they're going to make negros drink from different water fountains! Oh no! Such oppression!
They think having a relationship with a women is the only way to get buy in life and suddenly all of your problems will just snap away when you get laid.
Haha that guy is wearing funny makeup, now cutting off dicks to become women makes sense to me!
>nobody cared until i put up the clownsuit
i just hope he has that sōyfather pillow ironicly
They look pretty based to me
>Haha that guy is wearing funny makeup, now cutting off dicks to become women makes sense to me!
Based, fuck niggers
Haha that guy looks like a loser, now I agree with cutting off my dick to become a woman! Haha I am weak minded
in awe of the fedora lad
Why are incels and self awareness seemingly mutually exclusive?
>Haha that guy looks like a loser, now I agree with cutting off my dick to become a woman! Haha I am weak minded
incoming kino
Haha that guy also has the funny makeup! Now cutting off my dick really makes sense!
that's pretty ironic coming from you
Look at that hoodie-wearing little twink. God I just wanna eat his bony little ass. Look at those chicken legs, he can't even run away when I beat him.
thats a big guy
You don't beat anything except your meat you fricking incel
Oh shit, is that a fellow Warren G Harding guy?
And they wonder why they cant get laid
Nah dude I fuck a ton of twinks. I'm quite good looking and I have a big cock.
>incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel
>why do incels incel incel
>incels are incels
>incel incel incel
>shut up incel
>incels cant get laid incel incel
Word filter when?
>that last second where he turns around to reveal his grotesque chinless profile
still the best webm i've ever seen
cringe. fuck off, reddit
>that jaw
>those lips
>that nose
>those eyebrows
This guy is unironically better looking than you, fag.
Isn't this meant to be a television and film discussion board
not sure if based but definitely twinkpilled
>son of the mask and the joker trolling the libtards epic style
Very based.
>trump takes the place of the enormous jew in the back