>He could easily be adopted as the patron saint of incels
TIME magazine
The low rotten tomatoes score of 86% is lower than Black Panther
>He could easily be adopted as the patron saint of incels
TIME magazine
The low rotten tomatoes score of 86% is lower than Black Panther
I thought Pepe was the patron saint of incels
>RT of 86%
>also on RT it has an average rating of 9.15/10 which is higher than both BP and Endgame
Cope harder Disney shill
>a movie about the emptiness of our culture
Is that so? Isn't it about decadence and degradation instead, using Arthur's mental illness and his descent into madness as a parallel narrative and a metaphor?
In the trailer he says: "All I have are negative thoughts." So there's something in there, it could be just an ugly void that twists everything, but it's definitely something. So where does this "emptiness" talk comes from... It's as if the critic just wanted to force a dumb punchline to have a catchy clickbait headline and nothing more
>doesn’t have a plot; it’s more like a bunch of reaction GIFs strung together
What did she mean by this? Also, she seems mad that the movie is telling her to sympathize with the Joker.
normies probably already forgot
Plus 40% for DC (and Sony) minus 20% from Marvel to get the true RT score
You haven’t even seen the movie.
Aren't reviewers supposed to review the filmmaking rather than the ideology?
its a masterpiece
yeah, you'd think
Here's your movie reviewer bros
>talks about how Joakino is a bad actor
And after that we supposed to believe that she isnt just some crazy sjw who will lie and made up things just to fit her narrative? Even that IndieWire bitch David Ehrlich who hates Todd Phillips and drags him
whenever possible said that Joaquin was very good so
Lmao literally every negative review of this movie has to use the word incel. People have been shitposting about this movie reviews like this for months and they predictably said exactly what we thought they would. They are so transparent with their politics it is fucking embarrassing.
in this timeline? not anymore
>all the negative reviews talk about incels instead of the movie
Yeah I'm thinking is kino
>low score
kek. You dumb faggots want this movie to fail and get negative reviews because you desperately want this to be your movie that normies don't get.
hes with the hongkongers now
t incel
Its actually 87 now with 30 reviews
>The low rotten tomatoes score of 86% is lower than Black Panther
>Movie about a lonely disenfranchised white man has a lower score than nigger propaganda: the movie
You don't say, mousecuck
>(choir starts singing over church organ)
>87 RT, praise from most of the critics
>b-b-but it is from white male critics, the only reviews what matter should be from women and poc and they HATE this incel-friendly movie
I find funny how they complain about the movie not outright stating that the joker is supposed to be a bad guy, like if movies needed someone stating who is the baddie at all times
True. The reviews say Phoenix is almost in every take, and that it's a "character's study", so I'm just speculating based on that, but I suspect the movie is more complex than OP's reviewer is implying.
You'd think actions speak louder than words.
>>He could easily be adopted as the patron saint of incels
oh god you can almost smell the cataclysmic butthurt this movie is going to cause and its not even out yet.
>Aren't reviewers supposed to review the filmmaking rather than the ideology?
you would think so but no, these fuckwits cant see anything without it going through their ideologue check filter first its pathetic.
You see, you’re told consistently to go and comment on ‘historical and social context’ which provides a ready opportunity to inject politics in.
I can't help but agree. It a hollow metaphor about how hollow our society is. Worse, it's a boring retread of movies that have had the same message better. The very fact that it is practially a remake goes to show how empty and out of ideas Hollywood is.
And I say this as a huge Joker fan. I got a framed vintage Killing Joke promo poster in my room. Yet I haven't seen a good Joker from Hollywood since Heat Legend. And even then I have a ton of nitpicks about Nolan's postmodernist bulshit. I just kept it low key since Ledger died. For what it was, his performance was great. Plus a buncha girls I knew at the gime kept gushing over him even before his death.
where is their formal education for reviewing movies
Maybe Phoenix is bad in this. I do think he is an amazing actor, but even great ones can have bad roles. I think he is kinda wasted in this myself.
Joker has been stale since Caesar Romero wouldn't shave his cum stache for the batman tv show
>Time is hiring its reviewrs from Salon
She went to the cosmetic surgeon to get her nose enlarged
Why not? (((New York Times))) hired an overt anti-white racist and nothing happened.
>joaquin being bad
Ok we can henceforth disregard that review, and every other review by this person and publisher for ever and ever
Considering that literally every other review, even the ones that don't like the movie, praise his acting to high heavens I find this doubtful.
Or the fact that one of the Venice jurys directly called it an oscar-worthy performance.
Phoenix acting is good even in bad movies like Mary Magdalene or Irrational man, also like 99% of critics who watched it yesterday said that his performance is amazing, oscar-worthy and ets. So when this woman saying that his performance not even mediocre but BAD? Yikes
Where is that webm of the witch face vs angel face?
What did this critic give Black Panther ?
>Negative Joker reviews
>all fucking 3 negative reviews
Now go tell me there aren't disneyshills in this board, I fucking dare you
Imagine seeing this in Venice and sitting throug 8 minutes of standing ovations and just getting madder and madder lol
do you sometimes read the first few paragraphs and then wonder if it was written by a woman, scroll up and sure enough it is?
or just me
Smart move by Warner to show this thing overseas first, so the outrage mob couldn't claim "point of personal privilege" or some shit like that. Not to mention you can't have standing ovations with jazz hands.
All the negative reviews are just whinging about incels or politics not the movie itself
Supposedly top critics too
>Critics seething
Why are they so threatened by losers being mad on the internet
Gamers will rise up
Look out Veronica
>negative reviews are all muh incels
Can you Americans keep your mental retardations to yourselves please?
Sincerely, the rest of the civilized world
Remember when Joker was an amoral murderous psychopath so distanced from society that he essentially lives in his own pocket reality of utter chaos?
We're not supposed to 'like' Joker. He's a pure maniac, not a wounded hero or loveable badboy. He's the fucking boogieman of crime that even criminals are scared of.
I swear people were expecting this film to end with him leading a V for Vendetta charge against Drumpf or some shit, trying to force their self-ascribed 'outsider' status (read: completely ordinary), onto a borderline inhuman monster. Because he wears snazzy suits and doesn't play by the rules.
Joker movie should be a spiralling nightmare of bad luck and worse decisions, ending in a man broken beyond repair. Serbian Film with honks instead of sex.
Shut the fuck up Stacey
literally read the full reviews. That’s exactly what it is.
The assmad is real.
Todd Phillips doesn't even know what a character study is. You plebs will eat up any capeshit as long as it doesn't have Marvel in it. Get some standards.
the more they attack incels the more they radicalize them
Who are you to say what should and shouldn't be the correct interpretation of a capeshit character? Your version seems more boring
Just white twitter woketards complaining about other white people(actually puerto rican lol) nothing to see here
Wait. People went in clown costumes?
>Joker wants to be a movie that's a prime example of the emptiness of our culture. Instead, it's about it
joker is more like the holy ghost
>Let's start a prayer circle
user...We are all clowns...
>Litmus test status: Failed.
Why americans act like incels need a fictional icon when there's been one shooting (or more) every other fucking week this year?
Woops guess I missed that
I’m tired of hearing the opinions of Jewish women about a movie that wasn’t made for them.
Really make you think doesn't it
Pretty much, his. Using the character Joker, as a set piece for your own movie idea is not only absurd, but disrespectful to the comic book character. Nolan at least understood the agent of chaos part. There is no humanity beneath Joker and if there ever was its buried underneath a killing joke origin story or perhaps he always unrepentant sociopathic. Making the audience think the Joker is "relatable" is the biggest cop-out.
>hated Joker
>loved TLJ
What the fuck is wrong with this cunt?
It's really mind boggling that now even normie publications like time use the term incel, just to designate political enemies
Wow this clown timeline
>disrespectful to the capeshit character
I generally agree. The fact is, they were motivated by two things: to tell a story about an incel as some trend-chasing commentary on society, and to make lots of money by making a Joker movie. They combined the two together even though it doesn't make any sense of the character.
It's a really sad fucking state of our culture if people craft stories and have to shoehorn-in superhero IP because it's the only thing people want to watch.
>this is the author
It all makes sense now
I'm chad and I love pepe and apu
funny how the people who hate most to be criticized are winning prizes for criticism
this but unironically
personally i want this movie to be no one's movie 'cause i hate the "joker was actually a good guy but we live in society" vibe i get from the trailers and normies lap that shit up
i hope i'm wrong though
it's literally the other way round you /poltard/ that justin chang guy from last year if you were here you remember him gave it a positive review
it's actually only the top critics on RT and fair ones giving it a bad review
Incels are unironically the most oppressed minority
Literally all negative reviews talk about incels instead of the movie, why do you hate white people so much disneykike?
OP here
i made this thread as bait and can see why there are so many threads like mine on the catalog, its so easy to get (you)s with so many levels of irony, im surprised the mods don't just delete these threads immediately
thing is you will see threads laughing at incels and other threads claiming we are all incels and it is /ourmovie/ honk honk MUH CLOWNWORLD sneed suck and fuck based cringe dilate discord tranny what went wrong?
It's a pretty recognizable style... limp-wristed and somewhat motherly, it characterizes rostie writing.
the guardian and collider gave it 5 stars stop making it political what the fuck do you even want
Reviews talking about the actual movie instead of giving it one this zoomer splashed tomato thing because white people may like the movie.
Reminder (s)hes based and has far more masculine taste in cinema than you sad kike in clown get up loving plebs
Not him but, dude... fuck off with absolute cherrypicking. Just because a few reviewers decided to not make some kind of political statement doesn't mean that the other user is incorrect about other reviewers giving negative and political reviews.
Don't rest on ad verecundiam either , especially not among movie critics
>They think you are supposed to sympathize with him
Why is it ok for redditors who are hyped for this to make threads like this and post literal who twitter caps, yet they beg for the mods when you show that it's actually a hit piece against white men?
Like, the Time review is NOTHING but politics
>The director is a dude bro
>Joker is an incel
>Why am I meant to feel sorry for "the people behind every mass shooting in America"
It's all just liberal political nonsense. I don't even know if I can call it liberal , it's just the bourgeois delusions of some sheltered narcissist ranting and raving about how annoyed she is at her Twitter feed
well every reviewer is different the guardian is very left wing but the reviewer gave it 5 stars
It would be interesting to see if the negative reviews correlate with reviewers that positively reviewed Disney owned properties.
they don't know anything about that
Yeah, because that reviewer has enough sense to not make a political rant over an apolitical movie by projecting their own worldview onto it. Other people not so much
Fucks sake. That Times review was written by someone who nearly won a Pulitzer? Really? Her syntax and language makes it seem as if she's still in high school.
>Waaah why can't there be something new under the sun?! I got a framed vintage Killing Joke promo poster in my room!! Using the character Joker, as a set piece for your own movie idea is not only absurd, but disrespectful to the nonexistent, fictional ccomic book character and his s0ib0i fans (aka me)!! How DARE they try to make something fresh and bold and relevant by reinterpreting the character in the aesthetic context of the current zeitgeist instead of just shitting out generic Marvel capeshit ripoff #683682?! How DARE normies like OUR movie?! REEEEEEEEEEE!!
Have sex you nigger faggots.
What about this guy? You know the ign reviewer you plebs have been championing for giving this trash a 10/10
Because antiwhite SJW reviewers are attacking the movie on the basis of being pro white therefore defeating your abortion of an argument and making Joker /ourmovie/ and you an exposed disney kike
He's just the mascot.
Another shitty directed Capeshit movie is a prime example of the emptiness of our culture?
Absolutely based and redpilled
incels are actually capeshitters
that headline is fucking with me
so it became what it sought out be?
>and thats a bad thing
This guy DAVID JENKINS from Time Out gave it a rotten review. He also disliked Cold War and gave 5/5 to Roma and 4/5 to Thor Ragnarok.
You read that right, there's a guy out there who rated 4/5 Thor fucking Ragnarok and 3/5 to Cold fucking War. Disneyshills will defend this
>almost universal praise among leftist review sites
>almost universal praise among disney reviewers
An ideology is part of the film making you retard.
>enough sense to not make a political rant
this is the problem i don't think you're seeing the movie itself has a lot of hollow truisms and platitudes said in it which can be interpreted either way politically
if the reviewer interpreted it from a point where they think the movie is on their side then they see so issue with it and agree that it's a great movie with a great message, the inverse can also happen
>all the negative reviews are attacks on lonely disenfranchised white men while saying nothing about the actual movie
>all of them rated The Last Jedi highly
What's so weird about that, disney kike? They earn their mouse checks just like you
it goes both ways
you literally can't pick a side and this movie will absolutely break /poltv/
He is
The Last Jedi was a fucking great movie you capeshitting retarded mong
You mean likeor how about that she gave the last movie you twitter pajeets spammed(captain marlel) a rotten as well?
People should read the Killing Joke.
Society will never be the same
Hahahahaha too easy
Sorry mate your fellow disney kike couldn't help himself and fucked you over
What about right wing review sites
It's funny that retards complain they aren't following the comics when the failed comedian thing is literally from Killing Joke, and Todd Phillips even mentioned it at the press conference.
This incel thing is being pushed harder than the milhouse meme. Very try hard.
>this is the problem i don't think you're seeing the movie itself has a lot of hollow truisms and platitudes said in it which can be interpreted either way politically
Oh you've seen it then? Bullshit, the author of the times review cites one example of a musing as evidence of "constant vague truisms".
Based on her language, her syntax, and her unnecessary political rambling I'm not going to take one vague citation as evidence that this movie is filled with truisms. I'm amazed at just how far the times have fallen. Christ, what a rag
>haha I'm going to ignore this because now because you realized who i was
What's wrong twitter paki? Dont want the names out again?
>disney kike
>likes Rian Johnson's written and directed kino
Pick one the disney sheeple hated the last jedi and loved the force awakens rogue one and even solo which are all actual steaming feces.
I gotta ask who the fuck greenlit this poster? I didn't realize until yesterday that this shit was actually the joker movie and not an elaborate parody.
>pulitzer prize in criticism
you truly embody the spirit of The Joker user. intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
Disney pressed the shill button.
Go on buddy, remind me why The Last Jedi is so amazing again. With that blue haired tumblr admiral telling all those white "fly boys" to shut up, you liked that didn't you, you anti white disneykike?
>Joker and the Polanksi film are the two favorites for the Golden Lion
oh boy, this is gonna be good
>Um like really? A white male? In 2019? Yikes.
outed yourself as reddit with that reply
>The Last Jedi was a fucking great movie
>The Joker wins a Golden Lion in Venice
I think this will cause suicides among disney kikes
And there it is
We see the shill swaglord once again protecting products that have paid for viral against the brotherhood showing it's true nature.
How convenient that there was almost no moderation yesterday(when the reviews came out) and the day before there was tons, AND then none before that.
thats antisemitic
But I didn't say that nor do I like any star wars, twitter paki
a blowjob
that's so dumb I can't believe I wasted my time reading that stupid shit.
>Remember when Joker was an amoral murderous psychopath so distanced from society that he essentially lives in his own pocket reality of utter chaos?
Yeah. Do you remember when he was a funny guy who did pranks and got stopped by Batman?
Stop consuming it.
>literally a brainwashed incel mutt
you don't even know what good cinema looks like
wtf I hate Joker (2019) now
>not a single thread prunned or deleted
>not a single post deleted either
>complaining about moderation
Only disney has shills here buddy, you sound like one of them if I'm honest with you
Russian press also loved it, it seems only SJW american critics disliked it because of political reasons. Or maybe they are paid by Disney, that would explain a lot actually
>trash can beside the post
>not a single thread prunned or deleted
Is at&t not paying for your eye care, twitter pajeet?
>Remember when Joker was an amoral murderous psychopath so distanced from society that he essentially lives in his own pocket reality of utter chaos?
Why is this thread not deleted then? How many threads did Disney pay you to make?
The holocaust didn't happen.
will somebody think of the comic book character?!
Literally a tranny shitskin commie
Why would this thread be deleted when it's not attacking the movie, but the reviewers that gave it a bad rating? Are you only reading half of the posts?
>because it's the only thing people want to watch
wrong, it's the only thing people are still willing to spend $20 on, for 2 hours of cheap entertainment, because at least they're gonna see some characters they used to like as children so it won't be a complete waste of money
>Why would this thread be deleted when it's not attacking the movie, but the reviewers that gave it a bad rating?
>The low rotten tomatoes score of 86% is lower than Black Panther
It's sad to see the reading skills on third world kids, I hate disney for making you work instead of giving you the education you need, disney kike. You're the victim here
Where does it say that this thread would be deleted too?
I mean the MCU made all their characters unironic clowns what's your point?
hi zach!
This thread was made to cherrypick negative reviews, so if swaglord was protecting it it should be deleted. You know like they were deleting HUNDREDS of posts and banning DOZENS of posters when they actually protected the /reylo/ generals you disney kikes were spamming
It's how the author sees the world, and since they're unable to consider other world views and opinions, they instantly read their convictions onto unrelated media.
>tfw you're not a shill but like making shill threads because of the (you) dopamine hits
absolutely DEVILISH
You’re retarded
She is saying it is empty itself
Why are you so delusional?
>jumping to shill
>jumping to disney
talk about overeaction
there are much simpler explanations when you consider the mental health of 90% of posters here
Occam's razor. It's obvious. Plus if you look at their other reviews then you can tell it's true. There's no evidence to the contrary.
>This thread was made to cherrypick negative reviews
Yeah and that's fine with them. Because you can paint it left vs right based on the reviewer
>so if swaglord was protecting it it should be deleted.
The thread that was deleted was showing the true nature of the film(a pro antifa flick) which does against what the marketers having been pushing here for a year now(honklerkino)
>You know like they were deleting HUNDREDS of posts and banning DOZENS of posters when they actually protected the /reylo/ generals you disney kikes were spamming
Oh you're that guy that loves pretending you helped us get rid of it. How many times did you bleed for it removal? NONE because you're a confirmed larper
You know why? Because you defended the alita general against actual Yea Forums even though it was the same pedophile janitor protecting it(who still hasn't been fired)
Now go ahead and defend yourself and report my post like always you larping janny loving scum
>How many times did you bleed for it removal? NONE because you're a confirmed larper
If you never Sneeded at least one Reylo thread then you're not real.
Fuck off, Rian.
>ignored the rest of the post like always when caught
Oh yeah its fucking you alright
The coward who jumped in once to help on his phone. If you werent in every thread getting banned all day then you're not real, pedo janny/mod loving larper
>Occam's razor
exactly my point genius
>Yeah and that's fine with them.
That makes no sense, disney kike. No sense at all
>ow many times did you bleed for it removal? NONE because you're a confirmed larper
I got banned over 30 times along with my fellow sneedbros. We uncovered the connection between them (and I mean you, disney kikes) and the tumblr SJWs that now get triggered at Joker, here they (you) are as evidence. We defeated you then and we'll defeat you now
I wasn't that guy bro. I should've replied to both of you though.
>he replies again for damage control after getting caught as a larper
Hilarious. Fucking larpering shitskin tranny ALWAYS pulling the same shit
The other post wasn't me, disney kike. Please stop embarrassing yourself it's getting sad
If you're both Sneeders...then why fight?
Culture, east and west, is empty... We need a war. Against Jews. Only then can high culture proliferate.
Dont group sony shit with DCchads
He's not a sneedchad, he's a star wars tranny shill
>Why not? (((New York Times))) hired an overt anti-white racist and nothing happened.
Forgive me for not taking this at face value, when you polcels claim everything is literally white genocide
russian press didnt like polanski that much, but Joker is a masterpiese for them. What a crazy time to be a capeshitter
Looks cool to me
>read this article
>go to the RT
>its actually 88% fresh
wtf is this woman problem? also Phoenix is a great actor and nobody will convinse me otherwise
>Hilary Agro
>In a time of increasing violence perpetrated by disaffected white men
the levels of delusion i cant even
fuck women, fuck (((white women))) and fuck niggers
go ahead and ban me janny, so i can get some productivity going
>Arthur inspires chaos and anarchy, but the movie makes it look like he’s starting a revolution, where the rich are taken down, the poor get everything they need and deserve, and the sad guys who can’t get a date become killer heroes. There’s a sick joke in there somewhere. Unfortunately, it’s on us.
more like (((us)))
that's rich coming from fags who hate capeshit just because jews made it
Yeah I could buy this Hangover guy being a shit director but Joaquin? It's safe to disregard the entire review
>reviews literally over a month before public release
My far left sister spent 5 minutes trying to convince me of this today.
>"Joker is a bad guy, it's irresponsible not to show that"
>"For you"
>"But they should make it clear that he's wrong and not symapthetic"
>"For you"
>"You don't agree? This could make some freaks out there think that he's being celebrated. This is dangerous"
>"For you"
Literally just repeated 'for you' for 5 minutes while she ranted. Eventually stormed off cursing, called me autistic and a weirdo - which is funny because she hates 'ableism'.
>wtf is this woman problem
Arthur is an isolated, straight, white mentally ill man who's only wish is to find human connection. He's a fucking incel for all in tents and porpoise. He becomes the violent reflection of the uncaring society that discarded him.
Women cannot stand non-chads so she hates the film
sounds like you have autism, user
carefull not to provoke her too much user
she might want to fuck you then
it seems Zacharek may be a polish Jewish last name btw. I just thought that was interesting
why do these people even have jobs? I'm asking that seriously.
She wasn't paid to shill for joker
pretty sure this is the official one
Its not going to be like that dude. Hes still a villian.
Makes sense. Having a white male lead is a thing of the past.
No, it isn’t.
Cope more marvelfag, your kiddy shit has no redeeming qualities and you're the only one bringing up jews.
what did you want, exactly?
they both are
Find someone who looks at you the way 18-35 year old white men look at the Joker trailer.
>Joker wants to be a movie about the emptiness of our culture. Instead, it's a prime example of the emptiness in our culture.
Tell me someone didn't got pay to write that
Disney is going to shill it as bad so hard. My usual news feed is already packed with negative articles about the movie. I'm sure it'll be a fine movie but the fucking Jews are trying to kill it a month before we can even watch it.
>create a word
>use it to describe people
>continue to reference created word people you hate
>fabicate scenario where these people are affected by thing you also hate to validate you calling them your made up word in the frist place
>bottom text
Archive archive archive, newfags
>she actually did call him the patron saint of incels
Kek. Hang all "critics"
based user. Have a (you)
i don’t get it
>which is funny because she hates ‘ableism’.
For you.
Black panther was niggerkino. Just because it doesnt appeal to me doesnt mean I cant see it for what it is.
she realises that this is a VILLAIN origin story right? the movie isn't holding up Arthur Fleck as an example to be followed, but a warning as to what happens when the vulnerable and sick are systematically mistreated
Why are they trying so hard to turn "dude" into a slur? I'm not referring to masculinity specifically, but the word "dude." Whenever one of these cunts wants to insult a man, they use "dude."
wow she's actually pretty based for a tranny
>the movie isn't holding up Arthur Fleck as an example to be followed
This is exactly what's going to happen though. It's Fight Club all over again, except for this time it's going to be anons who take the chad/beta/VERONICA shit seriously instead of dudebros who think Joe Rogan and pic related are great.
I love these fake articles about all the 'pranks' Leto pulled on set, honestly a film about them and the behind the scenes would be a better film
pepe and joker are two sides of the same coin
>Groveling goblins
Nope no hate here only a tolerant progressive.
Has based Armond seen it?
do these people want religion to take over again?
>Of course, in real life, Johnson doesn't really leap from cranes into burning buildings. But in the unapologetically absurd Skyscraper, boy, does he make you believe he could
How is that a bad thing?
>There’s a sick joke in there somewhere. Unfortunately, it’s on us.
I started a joke which started the whole world crying
But I didn't see that the joke was on me
I wonder how these people will feel when the ones they belittle and insult like this finally snap.
Be honest, how will you react when he trashes it? Because he is one hundred percent going to.
no Pepe is patron saint of counter culture
Sneed is patron saint of trannys
Bane is patron saint of Big Guys
CIA is patron saint of people in control (not jannys)
Joker is patron saint of people living in societies
>she fucked her own political party
>For 8 minutes I sat there.
>8 minutes of male privilege celebrating itself
>8 minutes of toxic masculinity patting itself on the back
>8 minutes of knowing that I, a woman, was at the mercy of these men should this movie take hold
>8 minutes of fearing for my life
>8 minutes of being raped
>The Joker movie raped me
Doesn't that mean it succeeded? Stupid acHtUAlLy article.
Jesus, even the positive reviews boil down to "orange man bad." All journalists must hang.
I agree it's hilarious unintentionally. In a few years the retards here will reach our level and pretend they never liked it