Can we have a Yea Forums humor thread?

Can we have a Yea Forums humor thread?

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I remember this was after the election and Hillary was wearing this because it was more actual style. Like if you actually tried to be a real person during the election instead of this pantsuit alien you might have won, but you save it for after. Jesus lady.

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He's a big guy.

I don't understand what's this webm supposed to show?

muzzies are scared of alcohol

alcohol is haram

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Running from alcohol because religion forbids? I'm guessing

I guess

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>Yea Forums - alt-right babbys bitch about Hillary and leftists

a daring synthesis

>perl jam


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kek this one is perfect for oc

Discord raids killed Yea Forums. Every other week there's always some dumb faggots shitting up all the boards with unfunny forced memes. Case in point.

>Yo little donnie
>I think x sucks!
>Son of the Mask
>various pepe edits

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>Hillary was wearing this because it was more actual style
She wears that kind of clothes not for the style. It helps hide whatever contraption she has around her torso.

>Discord raids killed Yea Forums

and bitches like you love "discord raids" like you love reddit because it gives you something to blame for your own fuck-ups

This is a terrible thread

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dont even respond to those tards

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>Rockwell in the background

Fucking lel. That's probably the best Kelly gag I've ever seen

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Post webm. You know which one.

>penetrate me with your massive erection you homosexual

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Yea Forums was actually pretty good at once point. All the influx of redditors, normies, and discord fags made it almost impossible for users to self moderate the way we used to. The quality of posts is so bad now that I don't even know why I come to this site anymore. I mean there was always annoying faggots and weird people shitting up the boards but it's never gotten to this level of garbage.

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you mean if someone leaves a can of orange juice out everyone has to run away from it or else they wont get into heaven or some shit?

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Imagine being scared of alcohol but blowing yourself up in a school is fine

*a challenger approaches*

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i dont understand what this board wants. do you want more discussion of tv and films, or just all racist shitposting? because the complaining is about 50/50 but all i ever see is racist shitposting. i am confuse

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Not the guy you quoted, hes a faggot. I want both.

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Wtf was his problem

during the 70s revolution, some muslim leader made a new rule that committing suicide to kill infidels no longer bars you from heaven and is totally cool so here we are

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I will never tire of baneposting

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crazy how he killed himself while the guards were asleep and the video was accidentally erased, i mean what are the chances lol

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I heard people speculating Trump or the Clintons actually had him murdered. Pretty cool of them to punish a bad guy like him, I respect them way more if it's true.

The Apex Basedman

>girls who were once kinda cute can turn into modern day hillary
fucking CHRIST, why even marry? Every older woman I see is fat and disgusting and they only get worse

The photo isn't Rene Descartes though

>a new rule
it's been in the koran since the beginning

>train to Auschwitz
>raimi spiderman is trying to stop it
come on

But it was Matt Groening.

I know its sooo unlucky, funny how things turn out like that sometimes XD XD

she could not have won no matter what she was wearing.

alcohol haram

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Based retard, the Clintons have a long history of silencing detractors - ESPECIALLY ones who know they have ties to child sex trafficking with mur

probs mossad

I was expecting cap to say "fuck niggers" instead of "hail hydra"

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Yep. Yea Forums feels fucking miles away from where it was ten years ago, even. The brief flashes of good discussion, funny OC, etc, are so few and far between now.

Hows the tinfoil hat working

I prefer the theory that a new assassin walked in to discover Epstein's dead body every 5 minutes.


My jacket is almost exactly like Bill's.

Very unlikely that they killed him just for being a pedo.

You tell me

Holy shit, they just didn't give a shit making this did they?

The real album has songs called Alligator Ass and Talk to my Ass

prime Hillary is fucking HOT

>Big Bubba Clinton sends his regar- aww sheet

>Well old chap, I'm rather afraid you've diddled yor last- oh bloody hell

>Dasvidaniya! Komdrade Epstein- Oh for sake of fuck! Is good thing I keep receipt for Polonium-210

Did they think the cork pop was a gun shot?

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But that would be Hal's basket because they didn't take it back to the half court line.

Those are all based and redpilled

>orange juice is alcohol now

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>FrivolousFox will turn into Hilary in your lifetime

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t. brainlet

wow nice trole :^)

lol i got banned for posting this. Fuck russian mods

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People have been saying that since fucking 2006. Shut the fuck up with this bullshit.

anyone who talks about how much they miss old Yea Forums is a pedophile and based

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What is this cringe

There needs to be an edit with Pierce Brosnan's face

Just a heads up to any anons who think this Kelly fella is a basedkin, he's actually cringe af, his whole schtick is that it's satire. In other words what he's drawing isn't what he actually believe but he's mocking people who believe it. So downvote this kind of crap it's just discord trannies trying to dab on you.

There is no surer sign of psuedointellectual sophistry than the antimetabole. Anytime you hear someone do it just discard everything else they have to say.

No, stop.

i don't see any kids there

The apu niggers are still going strong.

He ain't wrong. The only "conservative" humor that actually resonates is when genuine hippocracy is pointed out. And not just "You wear clothes made under capitalism, lol!"

>People somehow think she's hot
>Clearly shows an average looking woman
>No idea what her body even looked like back then
People need to get a fucking grip and realize she never looked good or was really sexy at all.

What happened to Bill? He always has that retarded look on his face.

Everyone loves racist humor thou

>the point of satire is to comfort the afflicted
liberals actually think like this

How are you surprised by this? Everyone ages and the longer you live the more hideous you get. Go by personality instead of how hot someone is, cause a piece of shit who looks hot now is gonna be a piece of shit who looks like shit later on.


Why? Tell me pic related isn't very similar to

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Wait this is an actual movie!?

Why do they all look so tired?

Different eyes, nose, lips, chin. Literally NO SIMILARITIES you faceblind autist

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dont you dare compare her to that witch. delete this

Didn't expect you to defend Hilary this vigorously, her not becoming President must have been devastating.

Still love finding out Kelly does serious political cartoons where he’s hyper pissed all the time. Makes his Onion cartoons all the funnier to think of how offended by some of this stuff he is.

doonesbury has been running for like 60 years now

I want to believe this was made ironically but I'm pretty sure it wasn't

>that newspaper headline

>his whole schtick is that it's satire. In other words what he's drawing isn't what he actually believe but he's mocking people who believe it.
>obvious satire is satire
big if true


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>forward by sheriff joe

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for jew

A brap camera, kek. I would like to walk around with one for a day. I bet people are just letting em rip all over the place.

Holy shit it's true.


He was a good boi, he dindu nuffin.

I sincerely hope this is shopped
>Firing while gun is down

Bill's got that constant "holy fuck, I'm still alive" look on his face

>a new assassin walked in to discover Epstein's dead body every 5 minutes.
They should make a stand up comedy skit on this shit.


tru dat nigger

of course he's trying to stop it, they've arrived

Imagine being so braindead this is a revelation to you

He doesn't know

Aside from Sneed shitters that list is based.

aint nothing neurotypical about people who post on Yea Forums


The left cannot meme or even normally joke. Too much time talking that by the time the punchline is here you saw it weeks ago and walked out the door.

That's because left ideology is a little more nuanced that "kill nigs lol" and many right-wingers are genuinely illiterate (refer to "get a brain morans" et al)

Based retard. Bill had been to Epstein’s pedo island many times. Of course they wanted Epstein silenced

>the goldfish cackling evily
I love it.

its funny to think that new york wanted to get epstein off sex offender registry but then years later had him arrested because they thought they could tie him to Trump because they met a few times
but then he was """"murdered"""" and everyone blamed Clinton.
kind of a huge miscalculation.

What a fucking idiot

>That's because left ideology is a little more nuanced that "kill nigs lol"

I'm not sure a million iterations of "Drumphf" is nuanced. But maybe I expect too much.

Gatekeeping corporate liberals buying #resistance merch are controlled opposition. Genuine lefties were shitting on Obama and predicting the Trump phenomenon back in the Tea Party days.