why is this so much better than anything Hollywood has made this year?
Why is this so much better than anything Hollywood has made this year?
you've seen it? how?
It’s shit compared to You’re name
>gay jap shit
>better than anything in hollywood
thats gonna be a big no
Yet Hollywood has been taking inspiration from and doing remakes of this "gay jap shit" for a long time.
post one movie in the last ten years that is inspired by this fag shit
t. Cliff Booth
That's what I think too but sadly it has officially became the highest gross in Japan
They just released a remake of something they already stole from the nips.
what cartoon was it based on?
cartoons arent hollywood.
>japshit? never heard of it?
Highest grossing this year. On the all-time charts it was at #30 five days ago.
Inception and other influences are shown at the beginning.
Fuck me that looks like the gayest thing i have seen all week. And i suck cock for a living
>last 10 years
That's when the thing began
>when the thing began
but that isn't the matrix...
they don't even look similar
i'm not watching some faggots youtube video about cartoons
>post one movie inspired by
>they don't even look similar
eat shit
Edge of Tomorrow is an adaptation of All You Need Is Kill.
>i'm not watching some faggots youtube video about cartoons
Damage control. And anime isn't even cartoons.
his original point still stands. hollywood still churn up fee kino every year while this garbage is considered the best this year.
because you are egocentric and believe that everyone has the same opinion about a garbage cartoon that you do
The Japanese are a meritocracy where everyone is expected to work themselves until they collapse with no vacation until the day they die
Hollywood is an uninspired pool that runs off of nepotism and idiots that don’t understand people don’t actually read blogs
no niggers. niggers are ugly and don't belong in front of a camera. simple as.
You haven't seen it, and nearly nothing in anime that people claim is garbage actually is garbage.
Hollywood makes many more movies because it's a massively bigger industry than the anime movie industry.
>live action
kill yourself weeb
Hollywood and the anime industry are both producing pure garbage right now. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood at least let me see Brad Pitt beat up a Bruce Lee impersonator.
Weathering With You is the most soulless piece of bug-entertainment I've ever seen. Anime should have ended with The Wind Rises. Miyazaki understands that this over-produced shit with no real vision behind it beyond 'tickle everyone's feel-good centre as hard as possible' is evil.
The combination of the grounded and the whimsical and unrealistic in this guy's movies doesn't feel fantastical, it feels manipulative. He's a soulless bug making a movie about soulless bug-land and soulless bug-culture and the only way he can make anything pleasurable to look at out of this is to throw in goofy ass understanding and eccentric adults who throw careers at you, cute, painfully pure girls who throw themselves at social outcasts and boring nobodies and a bunch of crazy supernatural shit that ultimately comes to nothing more than an excuse for the just mentioned idealised big people to bond over.
Fuck this movie. Fuck it's over-produced 'FEEL MOVED NOW' score, fuck its flowery animation, fuck its depiction of a modern city where nobody is really an asshole, fuck its presentation of modernity as anything but pure hell. Fuck these movies and fuck the trannies and underculture who worship them.
I actually just watched it for th writer time tonight and while the stories are different you can see how he got a lot of his inspiration directly from the anime and the anime is unironically better
Every Frame a Painting did a video about the director of the movie
Inception was ripping off Paprika, I think.
The really sad thing is Japanese live action movies cannot beat their own anime
Animation can do things real people never could, it makes perfect sense to me.
It isn't
Japanese movie has already dominated Asia. Their movies got remade in Asia.
You cannot do anything to prove that I'm a weeb. Kill yourself.
It is a myth that the anime industry is producing nothing but garbage.
Meaningless buzzword.
>Anime should have ended with The Wind Rises
Anime is more than some popular movies that you have heard of.
>le bug meme
and yet most popular anime tells shitty mundane stories
The Chinese remake of Namiya's
Such is the power of capitalism.
Oh wow someone in the entire history of drawing shit has drawn a lion and a baby lion sitting next to each other at some point. What are the fucking odds... Truly amazing find.
>Kitano said, "Ourselves included, both actors and directors [of live-action films] have to reassess things a little." Kitano continued by saying that in order to produce good live-action films, "I want you to look at this type of film, understand well what makes it good, and consider where [live-action films] are losing."
The film he's talking about is a WW2 historical drama.
What is so shitty about mundane stories?
>defending jap garbage like a retard
only a weeb would do this
I haven't defended any "jap garbage" nor have I said anything retarded.
Provide the correct definition of a weeb and then prove that it applies to me.
Italian neo-realists turned the mundane into an acceptable part of cinema and killed it.
What do the movies of Italian neo-realists have to do with anime?
Should I re-read Slam Dunk for the nth time or actually read something new, bros? Feeling paralyzed by choices desu
>Anime is more than some popular movies that you have heard of.
Yes, it's mostly like a drug. At best it's a vehicle for autists like Miyazaki to realise personal vision, which even he realises isn't valuable. At worst it's a good-feels generating industry which has thrown out storytelling, vision and transmission of culture, all aside from the point which is enslaving nerds and losers and keeping them coming back indefinitely. And they've got that down to a science.
I see Weathering With You and its sister-movies as ultra high-budget incarnations of the latter trend with prestige and mainstream approval attached, allowing them to enslave and exploit a wider audience.
I blame the success of the novel for destroying fiction.
The gekiga movement was the Japanese answer to Italian neo-realism.
Read Rookies, it's almost as good.
how many times have you read slam dunk? rookies is great
You don't even watch anime. You are getting all this from what you have absorbed through osmosis, which is to say from people who also don't watch anime. None of what you are describing is real.
Even if it was, what does it have to do with the general idea of stories about mundane things?
Fucking this. What happened to poetry and plays?
Come on son what kinda shitter do you think I am, who hasn't read Rookies?
Because Japan has soul. I guess California needs a couple nukes to sort itself out.
I only read it last month
Like at least 10 times. I don't know, it's just my favorite sports manga. I've been picking some real stinkers lately so I'm kinda just hoping someone can recommend me a good sports and/or delinquent manga that I can get in to.
Well better late than never. Read Crows if you haven't already my dude.
I want to lick that pit
This is a troll thread from getgo.
To say an anime is better than anything Hollywood made this year is trolling. From that it's trolling after trolling after obvious baiting.
I love anime and have positive opinion about Hollywood but I refuse to post ITT
>You haven't seen it, and nearly nothing in anime that people claim is garbage actually is garbage.
wrong and wrong. take your kidshit to Yea Forums
I was reading this manga called tokyo revengers it's okay
It's not wrong, and what "kidshit" are you talking about?
Alright, checking it out.
>sports and/or delinquent manga
Have you ever read Happy?
all this guy makes is beautiful movies about whiny morons
What has Hollywood made this year that was any good?
I swear to god, weaboos are so obssessed with anime that they're blind to how cringe and boring it all is.
>live action
I swear to god, westaboos are so obssessed with live action that they're blind to how cringe and boring it all is.
kys faggot
Looks boring.
I don't really get this. It's difficult for me even to imagine wishing I was a Japanese.
kys faggot
the animation thats clearly marketed towards children and manchild who never grew up watching cartoon
Who wants to be Japanese? I just like their cartoons. I wouldn't want to be Chinese but I still wear the shit they make in their sweatshops, and I wouldn't want to get killed by a roaming band of niggers like an American might but I still watch their TV shows.
I've seen a fair bit of anime, but never got immersed in anime culture. Never watched anime just because I like the medium, occasionally particular titles grab me.
They aren't beautiful because of that. They'll never be more than pretty.
Which means what animation exactly?
anime is shit no matter how much you faggots try to delude yourself
Ooo sounds like it might be good, added to my to-read list thanks.
Aha! This one has been in my backlog for a while and you just reminded of it. Gonna download and start it now, thank you two bros.
Not exactly a delinquent manga but I just finished Bokutachi ga Yarimashita and wew laddies the descriptions for that one are very deceiving. It's a short read and I'm still not sure I would exactly recommend it wholeheartedly but I'd say maybe read the first volume and see if you'd like to see where it goes from there.
Okay but you're gay so...
I used to love anime when I was younger, but as time went on I started noticing that I was no longer enjoying it, was just watching for the sake of watching for the chance of finding something good. Most of the time you see an actual interesting premise, but it is filled with the same cliches and the executed and the most fucking boring way because thats what japanese are used to. They just recycle the same ideas and try to bee '2deep4u' in the same way when it doesn't acomplish anything to the story at all. Never really liked japan even when I used to watch it, but ended up hating the place and the cucked culture even more as the years went by.
Still like the reactions though.
all anime
>pretending to be retarded just to defend some shitty bug cartoon
take your garbage gookshit to
live action is shit no matter how much you faggots try to delude yourself
Cliches were not invented by anime.
>They just recycle the same ideas
He says, and then goes back to watching another superhero movie or police procedural. The truth is that anime is extremely varied.
>the cucked culture
Meanwhile the West is disappearing due to mass migration.
Most animation isn't aimed at children. Try again.
Name 5 good anime from the last 5 years. You can't. Anime has declined.
Anime is trash, read manga and become a Chad.
Dragon Ball
I haven't pretended to be retarded nor have I been actually retarded and you can't prove otherwise. I have not defended any "shitty bug cartoons," or "gookshit." I also did not make this thread, and never said or implied that I did.
*most anime isn't aimed at children
This is a trap. Regardless of the answer, you will claim they are all bad. Yet if there is no answer, you will claim that it proves your point that there isn't any more good anime.
Manga is trash, watch anime and become a Chad.
Manga has even worse quantity to quality ratio.
spic begone
Mob Psycho 100
Penguin Highway
>Cliches were not invented by anime.
Dude, of course they're weren't. But anime is filled with them, specially when you look at the character archetypes. It is always the same and they act so unnatural. After some time you can see through it and most anime are just for people that like to escape reality and fullfills their idealized way of social interactions. It might be that we live in a different society and don't look for this type of entertainment, but it is so shallow and gets boring so quickly. When you see the anime adaptations made by the japanese, they're terrible. It's always adapted literally when that isn't possible because anime is really unnatural, even for their society.
>Meanwhile the West is disappearing due to mass migration.
Debatable but yeah, I kinda agree, but doesn't make their way of living societal norms any less cucked.
Houseki no kuni.
All media is filled with cliches and there is nothing that makes anime special.
>character archetypes
Also not unique to anime.
>It is always the same
People say this about anything anime-related completely regardless of whether there is any truth ot it. It's automatic at this point.
>they act so unnatural
But Seinfeld is exactly how real people act.
>After some time you can see through it and most anime are just for people that like to escape reality and fullfills their idealized way of social interactions
You aren't seeing through anything, you are just dutifully repeating the group consensus while pretending that escapism doesn't exist in Western media.
>When you see the anime adaptations made by the japanese, they're terrible.
So you haven't actually even watched any anime.
>It's always adapted literally when that isn't possible because anime is really unnatural, even for their society.
Do explain in detail what makes anime "unnatural" in Japan, where it was developed and where it is a pervasive part of their culture.
>cgi shit
pick one
It is in fact good and you are just arbitrarily dismissing it.
Get out of here with your shit opinion, just because it's 3d doesn't mean it's bad.
It's okay not amazingly good like your name
Australian, saw it last week
Did we actually get it before Ameriburgers?
Aus NZ all of SEA and India get it before the burgers because they have to wait for it to be dubbed
We also got parasite months before everyone else
why do you find it good?
Why do you find it bad? Because Yea Forums told you that 3D anime is always bad no matter what.
Yeah, it's getting a proper theatrical run in the major cities too not the niche arthouse style treatment
I'd go see it again if I wasn't a few hours away from where I saw it. It really is a good movie.
I'm not a faggot so I don't browse Yea Forums just tell me what you like?
The Lion King is the most straightforward case of plagiarism in animation history. The studio that owned the rights to Kimba the White Lion was going to sue Disney but Disney's legal department was set to bankrupt them through legal costs so they had to back out of filing the suit. If you've ever watched the anime you'll see that The Lion King is literally a 1:1 ripoff at every level.
It looks and sounds great, it has great characters and an interesting world and story.
Not even in major xities , it is at my middle of nowhere theater for 2 weeks, completely unprecedented.
No Lion King is based on Hamlet stupid weeaboo cuck
Any feet scenes?
Anime gets raked over the coals if you have two unrelated works with a similar premise, but when Disney steals an anime and then later does a shot-for-shot CG remake of it, the result is 1.5 billion dollars at the box office.
Hello Disney shill.
lol who the fuck even is Osamu Tezuka more like Osama Tit-sucker
Lion King is based on Hamlet, a classic Shakespeare play
ever heard of shakespeare?
Kurosawa's entire filmography is plagiarised from Shakespeare and Dostoewski
I don't think it qualifies as plagiarism if the original source is credited and all.
You've been using this too much and now it's instantly obvious that you're employed by Disney.
>b-but what about this other director that has nothing to do at all with what we're talking about
There's also a big difference between basing something on a play from hundreds of years ago and totally ripping off a contemporary work.
It's on like 200 screens which is staggering for an anime movie here
When the hell are we going to get anime screenings in Murrica that aren't only available for a day or two at best? Fucking sick of it all. Super Broly had two showing in one day and that's it, I'm only seeing two days for Promare, I'm sure this movie will be the same.
Just give the fucking movies proper time to be seen by people wtf
no you are gonna watch capeshit and you are gonna enjoy it
When anime stops being foreign and becomes wholesome and American
Anime is more wholesome and American than American movies are.
No they're foreign and they're wrong, watch capeshit, watch Star wars
Wholesome and American is an oxymoron.