>Japanese TV
Japanese TV
Just bring over real men like me, and your dying populous will become stable again. No need to waste time on these ducks while I am here
And I'm not interested by the way, and I hate anime.
Birth rates are down across the developed world, and this is used as one of the justifications for genocidal mass migration in the West, though people also exist in a state of doublethink where on one hand they recognize that unlimited mass migration is needed but on the other hand believe that Japan is the only country on the planet that has excessively low birth rates and liberal white saviors have to do something about it for some reason (it's actually triple think since they also believe birth rates must be limited for the sake of the environment--this is beyond Orwellian now).
maybe their people would have kids if they had more fuckin money you god damn dipshits
>I hate anime
What does this have to do with the topic? Why do you people feel the need to constantly mention this? Who in their right mind even hates the entirety of anime?
well I remember around 8th-9th grade when I went through my anti-anime phase it was because I saw some weird shit on adult swim and it noided me out. I believe it was ghost in the shell, and transhumanism has always been a topic that makes me uncomfortable.
Imagine someone reacting like this to live action. You do have to imagine it since it has likely never happened.
For what reason?
Anime is trash body, I still can't believe the shit I watched is real.
Then everything is trash.
It's funny that people keep making fun of the Japanese government for wanting its citizens to have babies, while Western governments have no such plans and only want migrants from Africa, the Middle East and South America.
If they're willing to work for minimum wage, sure.
>implying anyone makes a distinction between rats and cockroaches based on ethnicity
>tell me how much you venerate the white children in your neighborhood and the women who spawned them
>implying you don't detest those little parasitic, loud, annoying, obnoxious rats as much as any other
What exactly are you trying to say?
Denmark has programs like this, so does Hungary
Probably other countries too
Illiterate Africans don't work
Most Western countries just want foreigners.
That for all the talk of saving the white race, nobody's actually out of their fucking minds that much to want to have children.
All you have to do is think about what an absolute fucking cunt you were as a child to be permanently convinced that should never happen again. It's why the natality of any country where the people are self aware enough is dropping astronomically.
post moar
Hiring companies btfo
but i wasnt a cunt.
not really doing it for me lads. these women are fucking ugly
>Most Western countries
Most western governments*
>is the best!
Nice projection m8, I was a pretty good kid desu, quiet and I liked reading books and hanging with friends.
now I'm 25 and I can tell you I am way more of an asshole than I ever was back when I was a kid/pre-teen
>that reply
You were probably the biggest one in the neighborhood.
This doesn't change the fact that increasing birth rates is the correct solution and mass migration is the wrong solution, and that most Western governments have chosen the latter.
>quiet and reading books
There goes the next mass shooter.
That doesn't change the fact that the immigration band aid argument for the population problem wouldn't even be a thing if "intelligent" whites actually gave a fuck about having kids. They don't lmao. Imagine raising a kid in this clownworld
All they need to do is import 1 million basket ball Americans and boom. Crisis averted. Not sure what the hold up is
anti-natalism is literally regression of humanity and evolution. Kill yourself so that you dont pollute the planet with your existence.
Japanese youtube is2.Yea Forums.org/wsg/1566376412309.webm
While I absolutely agree with you, it is also a fact that you have to be completely fucking retarded not to see that importing cockroaches is the only solution for a modern economy to work.
Hell, any economy. Our economies have been based for the past... you know, forget past - THE ENTIRETY OF OUR HISTORY on a class based system of one class exploiting another.
Americans have their Mexicans. Germans have their Turks. French have their Algerians. Britons have their Indians and Pakis. Brazil has their Africans. Hell, even the Swiss imported a whole bunch of Turks and Eastern Europeans. Swedes their Somalians and Iranians, etc. Hell, Japan, the biggest xenophobe outlier who has refused to do it, caved in last month and started re-writing immigration legislation to allow a steady stream into the country.
And that's just today. And these are leading economies.
Sweden had a harmonization in the 50s and 60s with 0 immigrants in the country save a few Jews, and what happened? Even with the unsurpassed human development growth in the direct post war years, the country was marred by strikes and the working population just wanting more and more and more and more.
And sure, they were entitled to it, but the point is nobody wants to give them more for capitalism to work. Only a few can have yachts and private planes, not everyone. So you've got an unhappy population when everyone is "supposed" to be getting "what they deserve".
You import a bunch of rats from elsewhere though, and people learn their place pretty quick when they can directly look at what awaits them if they step out of line.
It's normal for birth rates to fall in advanced nations, it's not a white thing. Japan has the same problem yet they haven't started doing mass migration.
>importing cockroaches is the only solution for a modern economy to work.
It may seem at first like a solution but it doesn't solve anything and only destroys the country. And that's actually the entire point in many cases. It's deliberate genocide.
They just did.
>redirecting you to "BBC"
Nigs are only wanted for security/club work in big cities though
For now...
>Why yes, I'm a foreigner living in Japan, how can you tell?
That's a guest worker program.
Not at all, manual labour and other blue collar work goes to SEA migrants, mostly Vietnamese and others willing to migrate and learn the language without bringing a family over.
imagine if they danced like that on you
Don´t look away from me you bitch
>That's a guest worker program.
Yeah, just like in post-war Germany.
Japan is nowhere near as cucked up as Germany.
Yes. That's how it starts.
300 000 guest workers. But that will not be enough in a country of 120 million. And it will work pretty well, so there will be no reason not to expand it.
It's how it started in Germany, Sweden, etc.
>Have kids so you can perv on your kid's teacher
What's wrong with Japan?
Like I said, Japan isn't as cucked up as Germany.
Seems to be following the same cucked trajectory though. Is there really a difference?
You'd have to be completely fucking retarded to see that America's immigration problem only became a thing after the 1965 immigration act. Guess capitalism never existed back then. Capitalism works by exploiting the PRODUCTIVE and intelligent for the benefit of the rest of society. So lets import actual human capital and not third world trash.
Guest workers only stay if the government is too cucked to tell them to leave, and the West is so cucked that even the idea of border security is seen as ludicrous.
The Japanese government is pretty damn tame. As a matter of fact the entire culture is pretty tame
>american cinema
Yet the jewish influence that has laid waste to the West has had barely any impact in Japan.
is thsi the start of a porno or something
Once they have their foot in the door and start knocking up locals (protip: women, whores that they are, will stop maintaining even the barest pretense of xenophobia when the foreigner in question has 6" and 50lb. over the rest of the local dating pool), rectifying the situation requires what the UN legally recognizes as genocide.
But please, keep living in your fantasy world where every Japanese person snubs even the faintest hint of melanin and not a place where interracial JAV titles release weekly. That will do everyone a lot of good.
Painfully American post Tbh
Japan is still very homogenous and took practically no refugees when countries like Germany were desperate to vacuum up as many as they could.
That's fine since it's an aesthetic and not really a genre.
Wrong tense for this discussion.
>Why yes, I'm a foreigner living in Japan, how can you tell?
and non white kids are much worse
yet you want to fill your country with blacks and muslims
It's a lot more than just an aesthetic.
What are you talking about?
god i wish that was me
living the dream
But a lot less than a genre.
It's a lot more than a genre, which is why there's action anime, fantasy anime, comedy anime, romance anime etc.
Are the children wearing maga hats?
>japs pop a steel erection from someone dabbing their pants and seeing some underwear
Jamie pull up those birth rates
This doesn't make any sense
I mean sure i'd go over to japan and impregnate all their women but i wouldnt enjoy it.
They just look to much too chinkish for me.
>I want kids
>so I think I'll watch some other peoples kids professionally
Yeah I think I'm seeing the problem here
>cohabiting japs need to down hard liquor before making eye or physical contact
Burgers I think you went too far with the bombs
As someone who drinks with Salarymen on a weekly basis, this is correct.
Japan birth rates are the same as indigenous European birth rates.
Abe doesn't take dirty smelly black or exploading goat men so international perception is Japan shrink.
Expat in HK here
Starting to consider going to Tokyo if shtf here politically, the protests are getting more violent every week
What's it like working/living there as a huwhite?
If they're the same a Euro birthrates that means it IS shrinking
It depends on what industry you're working in. White collar work is easy to get with the employment shortage, but the real catch is office culture - especially the working hours, you'll find yourself killing ~2 hours every day doing very little, only to save face and not make your superior look bad (which, in turn, makes their superior look bad, and the whole thing turns into one big passive-aggressive hate game if someone screws up). Outside of work, it's a different story. You won't run out of things to do in Tokyo, and you'll meet a lot of great people.Housing is annoying to get as a foreigner, but it's not as bad/expensive as HK, especially if you're fine with commuting in from the suburbs.
whites are below replacement rate births in much of the world too.
the (((media))) focuses on japan because they won't let refugees in.
>real men like me
>Needs to go to chinkland to get pussy because no white woman wants him
Nothing wrong with gaming the system Tbh, dating culture is the West is cancer
This is 100% true
It's really not that bad, you're just bas at it
t. lived in both Europe and Asia
>Bro it’s not that bad
Male virginity doubled from 10 years ago, it’s getting worse for men of all races.
>tfw even my chad coworkers don't get pussy
One of them told me and some other dudes that he's been on a dry spell for like 6 months
I'm from Denmark and no we don't
There was just a travel company that made a commercial that went viral saying you should go on a holiday to make babies so your mom would be happy and have grand kids.
It's nothing to do with declining birthrates even though people have fewer kids at an older age than before.
It's only all the immigrants who spit out babies like crazy.
Denmark is just as fucked as every other European country.
I wish white countries would do things like this.
Instead we import invaders.
But "that's racist!!!!" if whites do it
Meanwhile in her head
>oh prease ret this be finar take
>I just wanna go home and eat roodle
>maybe watch some chinrese cartoon
>thinking autistic waifuism is about promoting birth rates.
good goy.
that's fucking mayuyu isn't it?
one of the top members of AKB48 the idol group that has probably killed more people than SARS with depression alone.
kudos for them trying. if anyone's going to get the herbivore class of lonely men thinking about making kids it's going to be the girl they've been jacking it to since she was 13
Or you know...different people have different opinions and what you believe to be "liberals" is not a hivemind.
>The primal motivations to being a parent are freaking me out
Came here to ask this. Fucking what happened.
i only watch rider and sentai son
Did she get kancho'd during the shots for this? That one kid is hovering a bit too long around her ass.
How do we save them?
Decade is shit. Zio is way better as an anniversary series
Less plastic surgery fucking up their internals.
I dunno, I'm fine with their women and JAV, but that censorship, you thing 2.5 bombs would have been better? or maybe 1.5?
Is the same girl, racist
No, after writing their constitution, you should have went back and write a new one, or at least slap them and say that they should move on.
You fucking western shits got scared because they still sold 8 year old girls to the red districts during the second world was era so you had to do something but then you just went home, you fucks.
Fuck off, Narutaki
>Japan literally needs TV slots to remind their population to fuck because they're basically pandas at this point
That actually was you forcing them prude laws. They had no problem showing genitals and having pervy shit before USA control
Also neo decadriver is actually pink, not """magenta"""
yeah it's totally that people just don't want to have sex and not that males are gradually getting darwin'd due to internationalism and having to compete with every cock within airplane distance
in a couple hundred years japan is going to be like those edgy 80s feminist sci fi novels where there's nine women to every male and the dudes that inseminate them are either cherished gigachads or mindless little snail creatures depending on if the philosophy is sex positive or negative
How many children did Shinzo father?
I've heard some people like to feel weight on them. Not in a sexual way at all. I'm talking inanimate objects too not necessarily a femdom type deal. What is it?
Kill all non whites.
As if the MAGA hats wasn't a dead give-away, I mean they're really not subtle about wanting white children in general.
wow 6 months
>red=MAGA hat
Imagine living like this, in your own little bubble.
Found the chink.
we don't
sounds hot desu
So what? Should we ban the red colour from traffic lights because it's MAGA?
>JAV titles are remote facsimile of reality
you REALLY need to go outside
You realize white males make up less 4% of tourists in Japan annually? This isn't a result of white guys going over there fucking all the women, there are other socio economic factors at play. Also, have sex.
You and other /pol/-tier people are blowing the immigrant thing out of proportion. Yes, immigrants have a shitload of kids. No, it doesn't stay at those levels always. Eventually people acclimate and have less kids.
t. immigrant
Nigga you gay. If I hadn't just whacked off I'd pop a boner. As it is, I'm hungover as shit.
This. In the US immigration has always been a thing, hell even what people think of as "white" now were persecuted to hell and back. It's only now what with miscegenation among whites that people forget racial discrimination also applied to other whites. The irish, italians, etc were seen as a pestilence.
/pol/ needs to read up on history instead of bringing up stupid ideas.
Post the one in which she rejects you.
>all that makeup
Nips and gooks are ugly as fuck underneath
She's 10/10, obviously.
You can tell that she's a virgin. That makes it far hotter.
>go to Japanese market near where I live
>there are extremely cute girls everywhere
>can't tell if any of them are underage or okay to approach
>eventually they have less kids
Africa says hello
As opposed to your average western female.
>trust me
t. Someone you should not trust
>killed more people than SARS with depression alone
Wut? Are their songs depressing?
I remember I had a European professor who told me at night the main channels would play softcore porn to get couples horny so they smash and make more kids
i feel like this kind of thing backfires, as it gives the false impression that women like this are common or that you're likely to ever find one. the entire reason birth rates are down is because women are getting uglier and less desirable in both personality and appearance, and men don't care to better themselves or compete or excel in a barren dating market.
>I've heard some people like to feel weight on them.
I do.
Based and pervertpilled.
are you gay?
How are you still alive with your lack of brains. All you need is a cheap workforce, and immigration solves that. I don't know what stupid bullshit you've been consuming, but immigrants don't show up trying to get free shit. They show up cause they want better opportunities and jobs.
I bet you also believe "they're taking up all the good jobs". Like cleaning houses or doing yardwork or cleaning dishes is gonna pay great. If a mexican who can't speak english nor has a high school diploma can take your job, you are a piece of shit. Simple as that.
is that Nick Rochefort?
This. White women are beyond cancer. Only idiots are fine with marrying and impregnating roasties that have taken dozens of dicks, which is the average where i live.
>Like cleaning houses or doing yardwork or cleaning dishes is gonna pay great
They would certainly pay better if we didn't an unlimited supply of 3rd worlders to do the job no matter how low the pay.
>not that bad
You're a beta white knight, huh?
only dudes with small dicks have yellow fever. FACT
>The irish, italians, etc
It stops at those two. And at least those two were either European or part of the UK.
I will have sex with every single attractive woman in Japan. Try and stop me, Abe
In southern california I've never seen an african. However, mexicans don't have a shitload of kids after the 2nd or 3rd generation. My grandma had 17 brothers and sisters. She had 3, and my mother had 4. I'm thinking of having 2 max, and my brother doesn't want any.
Basically, poor people have a shitload of kids. Once poverty ends so does having a shitload of kids. Ergo, poverty is the issue.
This is feminist propaganda. All women wear makeup.
You're 70 iq niggers that are turning the country into africa, though.
it's not just south american shitters coming up and filling shitter jobs that americans don't want. it's also pajeets coming in and massively devaluing our college-educated IT workforce. also what do we do when all those shitters come in and have kids who are raised in america and don't want to belong to a shitter caste anymore? what do we do when automation hits and these millions upon millions of shitters we imported are obsolete and out of work?
>poverty is the issue
It's not. People are poor due to low iq.
t. Yasuho
>"What's your gf's name then?"
Just say her name and see her reaction.
>but immigrants don't show up trying to get free shit.
4% of adult Japanese women have been in pornographic films, even more if you look at 18-40 year olds
Yes, because as we all know, people want shit jobs for shit pay. Just look at all the people lining up to get paid 50 bucks a day for tiring work. Again, if your job can get lost towards an illiterate and relatively-stupid immigrant, you're a piece of shit. You couldn't pay me $20 an hour for yardwork, let alone minimum.
>good work today
I fucking hate all the fake politeness in nip culture. How would she know the other person did a good job? She wasn't there at work. She probably has no idea what even constitutes doing a good job in that person's job. No, trying hard or doing your best doesn't count.
Yeah, but half of their young girls are virgins. Meanwhile, the average number of dicks for the same demographic here in Sweden is 12.
the problem I see with those graphs, aside from the source being some christian family values organization, is that they ignore the fact that promiscuity and failed relationships are a symptom of behavioral disorders, abuse, depression, etc. in the first place, not the cause of it.
i love tiny asian girls because they make my already massive white cock appear even more monstrously large in proportion.
He's working for her.
If you don't think it hurts women's psyche and weakens their ability to pairbond when they sleep around, you're deluded.
See, this is someone who never had a single contact with another person in his life, probably doesn't even have a family. Chris-chan had magnitudes more social interaction and experience than this guy.
Then your problem isn't illegal immigration, is it? As for the other thing, whoopdeedoo. Coal mining and other industries get replaced by other things.
As an aside, an illegal using someone else's social security number still gets taxed every paycheck. They don't file taxes at the end of the year, so they won't get a tax return. That's free money going towards the government. Every week. Getting paid cash is even better for the economy, as labor is therefore gotten cheap.
Fun fact, japanse birth rates are higher then in the west.
If you take away the POC&immigrant birth rates then you will see that white birthrates are much lower then japans.
So in the future japan will still be japan, just with less people in it, while europe&us will be brazil 2.0
of course it does. that's not the point. the point is that they only sleep around because they're already broken in the first place. i have literally never met a slut who wasn't sexually abused as a kid. promiscuity is a symptom, not a cause.
You do realize it doesn't matter if millions of immigrants with higher fertility rates keep coming?
what does the immigration being legal or not have to do with immigration still being a big problem? mass immigration of ANY kind has historically always been a bad thing for native populations.
Japan's birthrates are well known to be bad because their population shrunk in the last decade and there's not many countries on Earth that had the same.
>moving to Japan, marrying a Jap girl and having Hafu children
The correct way of doing it. Having half-Asians in a white country leads to Eliot Rogers. Having half-Asians in an Asian country leads to them being Chads/Stacys in that culture.
How do I get a gf, lads?
I've got 9 inches and I love Asians. Your theory is shit.
Except not even your children get citizenship in Japan, so be ready to pay a lot and work hard for that.
>tfw best man at my best friend's wedding next week
I'm just a little autistic, but fuck nip culture
Read up on history. People have always bitched about immigrants, and looking around, I don't see shit. Where's all this irish culture? What faggots are speaking german or french around here? Again, people acclimate and become part of the culture. If it's not mexicans today, it's africans. Or arabs. Or chinese. You only complain because it's what's you are seeing now. And it'll be a new issue tomorrow.
Maybe, but uncontrolled massive population growths are retarded with the next upcoming technology revolutions.
And this time it's white collar workers who will get fucked over the hardest.
have you tried communicating with females as if they're normal humans with normal human motivations similar to your own?
not really
its too late for you. Mabye suck a genies lamp and wish to start from middleschool again
Don't be socially awkward and never admit true weakness, no matter what you do
My point is that slutty women are trash that aren't worth marrying, regardless of how it happened.
I meant, I agree with you, most western countries didn't lose population due to immigration. But there's not many countries that forbid mass invasion of shitskins, and thus we can know actual demographic numbers.
...yes? I assume this is where most humans start (other than the incels here, but they don't talk to women).
>while europe&us will be brazil 2.0
It'll be worse. There's far more racial animus here, and jews. We'll get a third world country with endless secterian strife.
If one of the parents is Japanese, the children will be Japanese. Also, you get a spousal visa if you marry a Japanese person, which lets you stay however long you want and work in whatever field.
that sounds a bit gay desu
Kids are cute when you are occasionally with them, when you spend every single day, almost every single hour with them, not so much.
>If one of the parents is Japanese, the children will be Japanese.
Nope. Unless they recently changed it, if the mother is japanese, the child won't get citizenship automatically.
at least japanese television is filled with japs instead of kikes and blacks
sign me up for some of that gay sex with women then, fampai
Fuck children, i am not spending my money on someone else. They are mine and mine only.
Racemixing is fucking disgusting. im in Seoul right now and have been out the last few days. when i went out in hongdae the past 3 days just now, ive seen tons of white guys with hot korean chicks walking around.
I saw like 8 in thursday party on thursday (almost every couple was a white guy w an asian girl) and when i went out yesterday, i mustve counted like 15 in total in my night out, mike's cabin alone had like 3-4 couples (1 white guy w 2 hot ass korean chicks), then in mcdonalds by exit 9 at 2am i counted 3.
Literally thought i could escape WMAF in LA by moving to korea but its not great here either lol...
WMAFs mostly come out at night in seoul just cause you know, koreans want to hookup w white guys
>Fuck children
Okay, but you need a hell lot of money in banks for that.
But when maga /pol/acks/ talk about immigration they talk about whites becoming a minority and they are fucking right. Immigration will keep coming and a small difference in fertility rate can make a difference depending the size or the population. You and I not caring about it is another matter.
Tbf, (correct me if I am wrong), I believe Thursday Party to be a joint where foreign hunters congregate. Unless something changed, (things in Korea change very quickly), last time I was there, if you are a Korean girl and want a foreign guy, you got Thursday Party. Same with Tinder at least when I was there. If you're a Korean girl (or a Korean guy) and you want to mack foreigners, you go on Tinder because Korea has its own dating apps that aren't privy to much foreigners. It's a self selecting sample.
Places like Gangnam and the more "mainstream clubs" I didn't notice much WMAF.
It must be hard being American
>woah why did all the brit cucks get everyone speaking english. muh diversity.
Having spent a fair bit of time in Asia, most women there are just as superficial as in the west, probably even more so.
The ones who have nerdy hobbies like anime or video games can't speak English to save their lives and don't want anything to do with foreigners.
>Article 2 of the Nationality Act provides three situations in which a person can become a Japanese national at birth:
>1. When either parent is a Japanese national at the time of birth. If born abroad and the child has a foreign nationality at birth, the child must be registered within three months of birth or otherwise will have to live in Japan before the age of 20 and notify the MOJ.
32 year old guy here. I'm a pretty average-looking, tall guy. Am I too old to score a cutie korean girl?
the difference is that those groups had finite populations of immigrants that came in. we don't have huge waves of europeans stll pouring into america, while the flood of southern goblins remains unending because they have no apparent capability of fixing their own countries to stop the flow of emigration on their end.
The rich hold more than half the wealth despite being 1%, so yes it quite is.
Well, if you go there, you should learn the language. Don't behave like the niggers do in Europe.
For every decent Korean woman who would never date a foreigner there are ten white worshipping Lu whores who will fuck a white guy just cos.
do it for him
No it just means women around the globe don't want you
>evil, old white men don't want to give all their money to brown invaders, women and stupid faggots like me
How terrible.
I want a pure gf, not a thot.
>dark skin, tomboy, tanlines
Abe-san, those are my tags of choice as well.
Actually that bottom list of tags is pretty damn good.
If you're an unlovable autist in the west you'll be an unlovable autist in the east too. Language barrier can only hide so much awkwardness.
>the same old "white" men use their infinite money to import africans and take your privilages
How nice.
Whites are the biggest race mixers around. You can find people who have a genetic makeup of countries/ethnicities that hated each other easily. I knew a chick in high school who had like 6 different ethnicities in her.
Anyways I don't give a shit about whites in general. It's not like a single ethnicity is overtaking/supplanting everyone else. Whites are just becoming normal in my view. What I give a shit about is where loyalties lie. If you believe in the US, you're alright by me. Hell, if it were up to me the whole world would be subservient to the US, or at least based upon its views. I say this as a 2nd generation immigrant. US hegemony should be the first priority of anyone who lives in the US.
Is the prime minister of Japan, dare i say it, Based and Redpilled?
This will never work because they have to compete with JAV, don't they realize that?
>it's not leftists' fault that the borders have been open meme
40% of whites love diversity and open borders. That's why politicans are fine with keeping them open. It's all because of roasties and basedboys.
And I hope you get eaten alive by the chinks.
are you prince charming? pure gfs don't go for the village idiot.
Do phrases like "have a good day" and "I'm fine how are you" also trigger you?
do you think any significant portion of japanese men want to date or marry JAVsluts?
Alright lads I went to a Uni with a lot of asian students and I dated 2 for a short while
Let me tell you they are fucking insane do not get sucked into the idea it'll be good because it ain't
>US, or at least based upon its views.
No, I don't think feminism, censorship, diversity and antifa love should be spread to other countries. The US has turned into leftist cancer. It's going to die, because it's so nuts nowadays.
The main problems is that typical japanese marriage is husband working from early morning to late evening every single day and wife at home and controlling all money the husband makes. It took them a while but men realized that this isn't beneficial to them. This is the main reason, not herbivore men or whatever the fucking reason they make up.
No sane person wants to deal with toxic females, especially with the internet accessible to all.
>you'll find yourself killing ~2 hours every day doing very little, only to save face and not make your superior look bad
So I've always wondered what will they do if you just leave once you're finished like a normal person? Will it just be passive-aggressiveness shit where they don't tell you work related info and then blame you? I know they do shit like that all the time, the little fuckers. I wouldn't comply, though. Never.
Not the guy you're responding to, by the way.
>leglock, nakadashi, tomboy, vanilla
Based and redpilled.
>Again, people acclimate and become part of the culture. If it's not mexicans today, it's africans. Or arabs. Or chinese. You only complain because it's what's you are seeing now. And it'll be a new issue tomorrow.
Eh, that would be true IF I didn't constantly see signs in both English and Spanish, aka the retard's English.
I think there's a slip from acclimation to merely continuing foreign culture because, of course, asking for cultural change is akin to the Holocaust.
wtf sub-saharran niggers and spics are just like people from these europeean countries
Why date at all when all your needs are already satisfied by JAV?
Exactly. Their culture doesn't consider love as the basis of a relationship so why even bother.
It's painful to read how horribly uneducated 99% of this thread really is.
>pair bonding
Tradcuck cope
>yikes you're not enlightened like me
I'm glad you're finally getting it.
Those of us who know how stuff really works in this world don't waste our time in threads that will be deleted soon.
Watching this makes me feel like even more of a serial killer than watching ASMR does.
Asian women are peak materialistic. Just look at Crazy Rich Asians. They care about money and flexing on each other. The models that weebs jerk off over are the most superficial of the bunch
why post at all if your time is so valuable
>muh neolibs
>social media is a reflection of real life
The US is great not because of its economy, nor armed forces. It is great because it has a near-perfect balance of democracy and republic. Shit was designed to not change so quickly, nor to move by the majority. All this "leftist shit" is superficial and made bigger only because that's what's around you. The real deal is that things are steady and change happens slowly. It's why I will never support Bernie Sanders despite me loving 90% of what he says. In the end compromise and taking things in stride wins.
this looks like propaganda to get japs to have sex with eachother
Shinzo "Have Sex" Abe will save Nippon
no bro.. those models really want world peace.
I blame the easy access to porn. Why expend too much energy trying to get some head/poon when you can just look at a clip online?
she's really cute and she doesnt seem extraordinarily fake like most of these girls
so there are panty shots on regular shows too?
kinda neat
Reminder that propaganda does fuck all.
Giving women money for having kids is also a terrible idea.
The only thing that works is taking women's rights away, nothing, absolutely NOTHING else will work.
I think you're on to something
Poe's law.
>t. degenerate
>It is great because it has a near-perfect balance of democracy and republic.
I keep hearing this from americans as if the two things are present on the same axis; they are not. A republic's republic-ness is not decided by its degree of democracy. The US is great precisely because of its military and economic power, which it gained through massive migration from Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries, coupled with the destruction of much of Europe's industries in the two world wars.
Weebs claim that they prefer women in japanese games because they're more "feminine", and represent the ideal of a feminine woman. The problem is that the "feminine ideal" doesn't exist. It was invented by men, and women simply fell in line to emulate it when men tamed women at the birth of civilization.
As much as western society sucks, women there have freedom, as in, they act according to their true nature. And their true nature has nothing to do with femininity. Their nature is that of vicious social predators, and parasites upon men. Men are capable of abstraction, and women are only preoccupied with the material. Honor, love, courage, loyalty, self-sacrifice - all of those abstract ideas were invented by men, and can only be felt by men. Men simply project those feelings (especially love) on women, and women, in turn, pretend to feel them for their own benefit. Thus, falling into the same female-idealizing trap as current western progressives do.
Anime faggots still worship an idea of a woman, thus putting them on a pedestal. True right wing chads simply dismiss women as anything but breeding stock. If you think about women for any reason at all other than breeding, you are on the different side of the same cunt-worshiping coin. The most important thing to understand is that women aren't human in the same sense men are - they are more like bacteria, and only understand reproduction. Their entire lives revolve around maximizing their breeding potential, and any abstract or idealistic character you ascribe to them (love, femininity, innocence, etc) are your own delusions and projections, which mislead you into being subservient to women by elevating them to an ideal, be it in real life, or in fiction (anime, video games, etc). Free your mind from the naive and self-deceptive idealization of women as anything more than breeding machines, and only then you will attain true freedom and masculinity.
>ghost in the shell
>8th grade
dude i was 30 yrs old when that happened. talk to me about it i am a grown man with a large penis and hairy back, balding hair, droopy cheeks, big ole'ball sack just hanging to my knees, and knuckles as sharp as car keys.
I can tell that you are a creepy little wimp. My kids type the exact same way as you. I give them advice to help keep them from being cowards (because they were born the same generation as you---nothing can help that....)
Ask me any advice. Do it, coward.
What if your breeding stock produces a daughter?
Would you rather you lose your job to a yuropoor, or keep your job and also have a cheap maid? I'd rather have the latter.
You have a point with the spanish thing. However from my experience, the children of immigrants acclimate and usually don't speak spanish well. My cousins barely understand it, and don't speak it.
It's sad, really. US culture overtakes mexican culture and customs. Even mexicans in mexico are speaking english. It's like taking a zoo animal into the wild: they don't know shit and will die easily. Take an immigrant's child to mexico, see how that goes.
>True right wing chads simply dismiss women as anything but breeding stock. If you think about women for any reason at all other than breeding, you are on the different side of the same cunt-worshiping coin.
In my opinion this is the only possible position for women after modern science (not to speak of their modern freedoms) has revealed them for the natural prostitutes and soulless beasts they are.
In my opinion women should be raised separately, not taught anything but the most rudimentary language, and then be groomed to be breeding stock. The best females will be bred by the best males: these best specimens will be chosen by a special eugenic council of men like myself, of good taste. Additionally I will choose from among men the most impressive specimens as "studs" to breed the female population at large and thereby improve the race.
It is true that under this scheme most men would not be fathers, but most men do not desire this anyway; they would, in exchange, get plenty of free sex, which is better than they can say for themselves now.
The noxious influence of women not only in politics and public life, but also in the culture, in the arts and letters, will be eliminated and the biological quality of the race will be improved under the direction and foresight and good taste of men like myself.
(It's a big nasty bug.)
Anime like the gits seasons and death note are actual cultural master pieces.
well that's retarded. It's not the men they need to try to convince
what song?
>or keep your job and also have a cheap maid?
You don't understand human nature. We're tribal creatures. In "multicultural" societies, politics essentiallybecomes proxy warfare between the races, like the dem party in the US is the brown party. With a majority of browns and blacks that look alike, they'll only vote for their interest. They'd turn the place into africa very quickly.
why are childless 60 year old women a thing then?
You’re a fool, everyone should at least have 6 children. And here is an amazing piece of trivia, if you discipline your children, they don’t become monsters and you have rest
>being self aware = not wanting children
yeah no, more like people destroying themselves with terrible food, media and porn and becoming childless and blaming others for their problems
Just go found tleilax somewhere else, buddy. That being said, I await the day you can produce babies without women. I also don't think it wrong to have a side piece.
All my yallow fever went away couple years ago
i dont know why. I used to have huge boner for asian girl, now i cant feel anything
Can't relate, buddy.
I genuinely believe there has never been a work of any artistic merit made in all of anime.
*Your wife's kids
Is that motherfucking Shunya Shiraishi?
For me it's actually exactly the opposite.
This is the funniest comment I've read today.
>elegant yellow girl
So damn pretty.
If you take out niggers, the US IQ average is 101.
See The majority can't really do much with our system the way it is. Change happens slowly so the fear of immigrants leading to massive political change is without ground. Fear instead things that oversee such change. Appointing judges to the supreme court, deregulation (and less government in general), shit like that. That has lasting change. I thought that seeing Trump win would make people see that we are not a true democracy, but here we are.
I switched from yellow girls to brown girls. Maybe its just part of growing up overcoming neoteny.
Hah, I love jap comedy
Low iq caused by poverty. Intelligence is due to a mixture of nature and nurture. A bright kid can be marred by upbringing, a dumbass can become someone the same way. Just look at Bush 2.
His girlfriend is cute tho, I don't see the problem. I love japanese snaggletooth. As a brit, it makes me feel at home
what a cheater
>Change happens slowly so the fear of immigrants leading to massive political change is without ground.
This is nuts. Everything will change once they get majorities.
>fear deregulation
Oh, you're a leftist. That explains your stupidity. Lad, once there's more of them, they'll dictate the nature of the country. You may delude yourself into thinking that you neo-marxists haven't destroyed the country, but you have done so.
>Low iq caused by poverty.
No, you deluded leftist. IQ is 75% genetics, 25% nurture, and people are mostly eating well and going to school during their formative years nowadays. Blacks and browns aren't getting much smarter.
>blow hard and send the candy down the tube at a great speed
>it flies into the opponents mouth and travels into her trachea, asphixiating her and causing her to die
based jap television
>of men like myself, of good taste.
What's your opinion on thicc girls
>true democracy
The United States was NEVER a true democracy and was never supposed to be as a pure democracy is fucking horrible. People fear massive immigration as it will without a doubt fuck the US up and turn it into a 2nd world shithole.
Based redditor. He looks to be 50-60. Given his age, he has an extremely attractive girl.
go back tenda
Living the dream.
>say blacked is porn
>attractive jap girls being servile as fuck in jav isn't porn
i don't get it. what i do get is that those things are a reflection of reality to an extent
I don't know how your government works, but I know how mine does. To my knowledge shit like V for Vendetta is possible because change can happen quickly with how UK's government is. That can't happen in the US. Trump can't really change shit, no president can. We don't have a king, we have a head of state. What you can see though is little things. Broad sweeping change is just not possible in the US. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. Hell, even the end of slavery didn't do jack shit for blacks, shit was bad for decades afterward.
I thought it was an insect?
Sadly, none, his wife ended up being barren, a true tragedy.
>that shaved jaw
Bitch I have stuff to do I cant come visit you at fucking work everyday.
KEK all you people talk out of your ass. I actually deal with immigrants and poor people daily. Seems to me you'd be scared just walking down my street. Man I despise suburban assholes.
Candy shaped insect.
>broad sweeping change is just not possible in the US
Let the Liberals run all 3 branches and they'll let in millions of 3rd worlders and strategically place them in republican strongholds to swing every single election in their favor.
no, this is 10/10
How possible would it be for me, a 6'2" 370lb white mountain of a man, to go to Japan, train to be a Sumo, and live like a king?
I just want to meet a qt 3.14 Japanese girl and start a family.
Who said the US was a total democracy? People believe it to be so and are retarded for it. And mass immigration? Where's the proof of that? I got my greencard in 2009. I actually experienced that shit firsthand. You people are fearmongers that look in fear from a removed position, you lack interaction and knowledge. I bet you believe crime is higher now just cause of the media.
What's it like to kiss soft white Japanese flesh
>talk out of your ass.
Nigger, that's Flynn's opinion on the subject, and he's a leading expert on iq study. He's also credited for stuff like Flynn's law.
>he thinks Japanese women aren't like other women
All women are the same and want the same 5 things. Stop being a delusional weeb and live in reality.
You did you retard as I quoted you saying "true democracy". If the liberals had it their way there would be openboarders and anyone that entered the US would get free healthcare as well. The democrats running for 2020 have all admitted to this. The entire left media wanted the US to take in every single illegal during both caravan attempted invasions.
Imagine raising a white kid in the year 2019.
The kid would be bullied be brown Invaders and be forced to act like a monkey to fit in
No thanks
Reminder that you'll never get a girl that's half as good as this. If you don't want to be alone, you'll have to settle for some white roastie that dones't love you and is only with you for your money. She has also taken miles of dick and will leave you and take the kid after a few years.
>He doesn't know that Sumo are considered celebrities on par with American sports stars.
Japanese girls want sumo dick like white girls crave basketball player dick.
Fearmongering. That's all you people. How many young people vote? It's all old people, and sure as hell, they won't vote for stupid bullshit you fear. If reality followed what you spout, Bernie would be president and we'd have socialized healthcare. Taxes would be even more up the ass and white people would line up to suck my dick. None of that is happening, guy. You sound like my mother, and she's a massive idiot, a neurotic and pussy.
I genuinely believe you're a simpleton that needs to get the fuck off my board
I want a nana gf, bros.
Well you probably aren’t strong for one. Or athletic of any kind. And considering these people have been training for likely over a decade and all you’ve done is shame bloatmax I would say your chances are very very slim.
You might get laid by some 5/10s just so they can giggle to their friends about it and keep it as secret as can be
Democrats have admitted to wanting open boarders, it's not fearmongering. You're clearly retarded. Look at California, they actually do have taxes up the ass and that's what the liberals want for the entire US. If they get control of the presidency and the congress, the US will turn into a 2nd world shithole.
>All women are the same and want the same 5 things.
Fuck off, roastie.
>there are men in this thread that haven't taken the yellow pill
I said PEOPLE think we're a democracy. I never said that's what I believed personally.
I won't lie, that's what I hope happens. I'm socialist as fuck. I'd rather pay my government up the ass in taxes than some jew corporation. Fuck credit and fuck insurance. Anyways, that shit won't happen. Maybe in 50 years, but clearly not anytime soon.
Like with weed and gay marriage, shit takes time. Fast change is, AGAIN, not possible. Most other 1st world nations have socialized healthcare, yet we have some botched piece of shit. I continue to pay the fee cause I refuse to pay for insurance. What change is enacted is miniscule and I'd rather have nothing than that bullshit.
I'd gladly undergo the training, and I'm decently strong, especially in my legs. In high school I could leg press 500lbs. But given that my knowledge of Sumo is virtually nonexistent, I'd have years of training to catch up on.
It'd be worth it though, to live like a king and meet beautiful Japanese women who love me for being a big strong Sumo.
Not like these white roastie whores who don't even give me a second glance.
you are the biggest retard of them all.
This only happens if the Immigration happens at a controllable rate, and they're strongly encouraged to adopt the host culture. Not happening now. They're coming in in such rates that they're just setting up their own enclaves, and scaring away the historical inhabitants of those parts. Telling them to "fucking learn English, and drop those cultural practices that clash with the people here" is racism of the highest order.
There are totally parts of Canada that still speak French, also.
>shaved jaw
Why care? I don't want kids, and it looks great.
My problem with shaved jaws, thin straigh noses, bottox lips, anime eyes, etc is not the kids, is that it looks atrocious to me
Nigga, I live in soutern california (don't call it the OC, fuck you). I get taxed 18%, I'm fine with that. And it IS fearmongering when shit doesn't come about. I actually live what I say, I'm not some hick in a shithole town where it's 99% white and a black guy walking down the streets is news.
Where's all these commies? How come I don't have healthcare provided by my country? It's cause even with a majority, change is slow. 60 years ago it was a punishable offense to be gay. Now it's a lawful right. So what YOU fear, MAY happen, just 50 years from now. When these goddamn faggots online actually start to vote, THEN is when you should actually start worrying.
Also, trends over time show that the US is becoming more liberal. Not talking about culture, I'm referring to law. I can smoke weed legally, I can marry some gay dude if it floats my boat. Stop being a pussy and enjoy shit now, when you're old as fuck you're gonna be raving.
Divorce rate and single mother rate is steadily climbing in Japan, even based Nobita did a video on it. Average number of lifetime sexual partners for Japan is 10.2, for the US it's 10.7. Actually when you take into account that Japanese people lose their virginity at 20 instead of 18 on average like Americans, they're worse. Keep trying though.
Liberals and retards think the US is a democracy.
>socialist as fuck
Enjoy your bread lines, mass starvation, and eventual death by gun shot in the head.
>weed and gay marriage
Both are horrible for the US and have already fucked shit up.
>socialized healthcare
Enjoy your long wait times and death panels. There's a reason why people come to the US when they need the best treatment. There's a reason why the US is rated 1st in cancer treatment. There's a reason why you are 5x more likely to die in a UK hospital compared to a US hospital.
Enjoy your socialist utopia though that has NEVER worked in the known history of the world. Enjoy your mind numbing drugs and government provided bullshit so they always control you.
Done talking to a socialist retard.
true in my case
Don't remind me I'm just 16.5-17 cm
>17cm at best
I'd seriously contemplate suicide if I were you.
>Average number of lifetime sexual partners for Japan is 10.2
Not buying it. The only statistic I've seen on this is that something like 45% of nip girls in the 18-30 bracket are virgins.