what were Dafoe's true intentions here?
What were Dafoe's true intentions here?
Other urls found in this thread:
You know the janny was part of that whole Yale thing.
he wanted to inquire about cute and funny threads
Been so long since I've seen this movie, I totally forgot Dafoe was in it. Why isn't this character a bigger meme? I mean, Green Goblin fights Batman in Dubs: The Movie?
He was hired to investigate the disappearance of OP's dubs.
I think he wanted a cute and funny lgf
trannies should be executed
Memeing queers need the rope
sir, this is a cunny's
top kek these are only getting better
they get hot pockets you idiots
>that little skirt
hnng I wanna hug maisie
so cute and funny :3
top kek
This is funny.
i fucking LOVE science
lol I was just checking her ig after that post; cuncuns with pigtails is just too much, literally makes my heart melt
I've said it on 4keks before but fuck it: this webm is incredible
not only do you have the subtitles which are funny, her play-acting is also isnanely cute and hilarious on its own :3
I agree, especially with
>her play-acting is also isnanely cute and hilarious on its own :3
but I hate how the subtitles look on that one, although it's a great concept
>they all work for free
wait what? is that true?
>but I hate how the subtitles look on that one
why? I think it's cool how they show up at the appropriate spot
"board rules" on the paper, "lol w/e" on her hand that's doing the gesture, stuff like that
they're too fast and with bad colors
>go back to read it
too cute
w-why is she so smug
wouldn't you be if you looked like that?
do you have the one with bateman axe scene
but cuncuns usually don't seem aware of how cute and funny they are
how do i report threads on this shitty website why is this thread still up????
naw that's bullshit
most kids have a phase where they realize how precocious they are and they milk that shit hardcore
go back to where you came from
Post real cp faggots
this, my niece used to try and seduce me all the time
as opposed to fake cp? lol
Jannies but not mods
Thanks user
this should be in art galleries
>galleries dedicated to cunny
I'd like to see that
he was dafoe of bateman