Class warfare

>class warfare
Wait, so this is just more commie propaganda?

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Other urls found in this thread:!cxtRWKba!os0o4sMveFprKsScSEQF2g!4EcEhIoS!5aZfv2Kz-IxQT933ywGf4w

So Batman is Baron?

the glory of this movie is that both antifa goobers and incels will think this is /theirmovie/

what's wrong with you faggot?

Yeah, we've known this for months. He goes up against a Trump-expy that's why it's getting all the rave reviews and standing ovation. The blue checkmarks decrying it as "white incel fantasy" are just outing themselves as not being cool enough to be sent to Cannes

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Well they're both autistic

>director wants to start a class warfare
>it actually starts a race warfare

Of course the movie is against trump in some way, it's hollywood remember?
I'm not even american, and i know that.

Robert de Niro is a great surprise tho.

>luv me commies
>luv me incels
>ate ngubu
>ate chads
>simple as

>square off against Trumpian politician

what the fuck does this mean? I thought he was ourguy

Baron is the Hero New York deserve.

we're not talking just money here, but also gfs
gfs should be redistributed, it's the only way to solve the incel crisis
how many school shootings could have been prevented if the shooters had been given a state provided gf?
Chad is the Capital, both have to go down if we want to be free

anyone else have no interest in seeing it? I can tell I wont like it from the trailer

go to the gym pussy

I mean, come on. This is just a little too on the nose *honk honk*

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But if joker is the villain, does that make trump expy the good guy?

The modern class devide is about sex havers vs incels

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joker is ourguy, you can find yourself another board

>go to the gym pussy

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niggers, jannies, feminazis utterly and irreparably btfod

ah yes, thomas wayne the rich philathropist physician whose principal character traits are his kindness and fairness is the perfect trumpian metaphore
sometimes i really wish he'd get reelected just to see these idiots blow a fuse

hey, they completely reinvented Joker for this movie and gave him a new name and origin story, why not do it for all the other characters?

That not you nigger.
Just did the reverse google.

having wayne as a trump-like guy would be a complete 180, might as well reveal he's actually the penguin

look at his face
no amount of weight lifting can fix that
state provided gfs or else

he's actually Joker's father, illegitimately

antifa thinks everything belong to them.

He is saying that even thought you lift it won't help if you are ugly. Which is retarded because it does help.

So the joker is the good guy after all

Pretty much. Todd Philips said the movie isn't political and that it depends how you view it through your lens.

Finally, a movie for me.

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When the fuck did trump become the standard bearer of corrupt democratic politicians?

He literally jump into politics the same year he ran for president.

There’s nothing more political than beating up poor and mentally ill people and expecting them not to become a new class of criminal.
Batman could fix Gotham with his money but he chooses to beat up the symptoms with his expensive gadgets. These movies will give us more sympathy for the joker I bet since they show how he’s treated by the normies in the public for being mentally ill.

His face is 6/10, but he got better looking because he went to the gym.
This guy is okay.


Bro-tier post.

Because he’s the president and he’s elitist and rich, so people like the joker will square off against people like that duh.

I know you think trump is the underdog but he's not anymore

Incels btfo!!

Gentle reminder that communism will win. Read Marx.

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>entire MSM is running a propaganda campaign against him with heavy spin and selective representation of facts
>not the underdog

Like just buy a whore you cheap cunt

20 is too young to be a doomer

Communism failed in 1989. Unless you think Xi is playing 4-D chess, the dream is over. Landian NRx technofascism is the inevitability. Exit. The only way out is through, and whatever comes out of the bottleneck won't be communism as Marx imagined it.

Can you watch the fucking movie before going politically ape shit on something? Just once?

Thomas Wayne isn't so much Trumpian, as he is out of touch and wants to put the blame on the workers a oppose to the job creators. He wants to run for mayor because he believes that he can end the garbage strike.

He won the election, and he’s the president. Stop thinking he’s the underdog you faggot. What kind of world do you live in?
He represents all the elites that don’t give a shit about us, he has the nuclear codes and is the most powerful man in the free world. You don’t become a weak man just because the liberals hate you. Fucking zoomers with victim complexes

Batman’s dad is the main bad guy? Damn this is gonna be a good movie.

He's also Joker's real father. Bruce and Joker are brothers :o

He can't even get half of his policies through because so many people, including his own party, are against him and using every avenue at their disposal to stall him so everything has to go to the supreme court or just be given up on

Based marx
Class is the only true catalyst of life quality. Identitarians deserve the rope

>Thomas fucking Wayne is suddenly Trump

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>Communism failed

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Story of nearly every president. This conversation is over. Kiddo

That has always been the case, user

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Batman’s parents died for a reason. It’s not because they were popular.

That’s shit. Kill this movie

Most of Batman's biggest villains aren't particularly poor.
>fellow millionaires, crime kingpins, actors, doctors, scientists, leaders of secret societies

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two sides of the same virgin.

>Communism failed

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4 more years faggot

You left wing parasite, you expect me to read all this rubbish?

>preferring to ignore the last hundred years of European history in favor of a fantasy
No thanks.

Calendar Man is better than Joker

There's no arguments.

>right wing
>refuses to read
Makes sense

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This kills the Shekelino fan goys

disgusting white trash whore

You take that back

>don't mention the FBI trying to frame him and spying on him
>Also commie judges holding him up

erohw hsart etihw gnitsugsid

happy now?

Where is Chernobyl on these little memes of yours? Or the Aral Sea? The Gulag system? The fact that the Soviet Union literally failed? I’m trying to figure out how all the bullshit typed out here amounts to anything if you actually LOOK at the state of the former Soviet bloc. I’m scratching my head over here trying to understand how you think it’s a win when there economy crashed trying to outspend us in military build up.

How is a loss a win?
Literally TOO FUCKING LONG DIDNT READ!! Jesus condense that shit.

Yeah after that we can open the borders again and turn American 20% less white than it is today. You lose we win.

>against communism
>”right wing”
I bet every time you post that 20 walls of text and people refuse to read it you call them right wing.

Omg what a poor baby. I guess he’s not the most powerful man after all? Where can he go from here? Is there an office higher than president that we can elect him to so you’ll finally stop pretending to be the victim. This is like rednecks being angry at blacks after enslaving them.
Like a rapist getting angry at his rape victim for the telling the cops what happened.

Being anti-communist is inherently right wing, it's dialectics.

orange man bad

Lol good. Fuck your gay nigger nation

I’m just trying to trigger /pol/, I’m actually a centrist.

But it did fail because it isn't around anymore. The dream worked in the short term, but it collapsed in 1989. Like I said, Landian NRx technofascism is inevitable.

>being an eastern pine is inherently coniferous. It’s dendrological.
>all conifers are eastern pines
If you payed for your education, demand a refund.

he looks better than if he were skinny. problem is he had a boyband haircut and needs to grow his beard a bit more to hide his soft jaw.
plenty women would fuck this guy

Honestly, in a vacuum, why would anyone EVER be "pro" Trump? He's a fucking joke. The only reason people suport him is because he's depicted being against what they dislike.

It's an imperative of the intelligent individual to be against Trump.

All Nordic countries are literally communist. Saudi Arabia is communist too.

Communism means no government, just one big hippie commune.

You mean socialist. Saudi Arabia is a theocracy.

imagine believing this.
the argument here is literally communism couldve worked but it didnt but it will if we try again

When you market the movie to the public it’s usually normal to appeal to the normal people who are going to watch the movie. Those people are the city people. The pro trumpers are usually old people or rural people. There’s no money to be made by marketing to pro trump people because they don’t even live near cinemas anyways.
The joker needs a rich man as the big bad who he can beat up and lash back at. The symbol of the society that beats him up every day. In a way trump represents the rich elite and the cops that protect them. It makes sense for the joker to kill cops and rich people.

It's clearly generic Fight Club-esque "anti-establishment" themes that say nothing and you can project whatever you want onto

>Thinks POTUS is a king
Oh boy, didn't you miss civ class?
And when the FBI, mainstream media, judges and hollywood start doing their jobs instead of trying to destroy Turmp then he'll lose his underdog status.

i dont like him. i disliked him before he even ran for president. but i voted for him last election and probably will again because he is miles better than the alternative.
i dont vote for the candidate i vote for the policies

Saudi Arabia has free education and welfare and shit for all it’s citizens, I guess the monarchy gets more rights, but it’s still got tons of welfare which is a sign of communism. The Nordic countries are the only countries that refugees want to live in because they’re the most socialist so everyone has a high wages that are somewhat equal to their labour. A janitor earns a third much as a doctor and that’s pretty fair too.

There aren’t enough movies that are anti establishment.

Sounds like Gotham is just the playground for some rich spoiled manchildren then


lol what the fuck are you talking about? is this what liberal americans actually believe? no wonder theyre so out of touch with the real world

80% of the people in saudi are guest workers. So those privilages goes to a minority of the people in the country

Well Norway is certainly the "most socialist" country in the world, in terms of wealth owned by the state. Saudi Arabia is an unelected monarchy, which isn't communism.

Those aren’t citizens yes.

Still the citizens have a great life and the state gives them a lot. Even jobs.

Rich people ARE bad. You don't get to make money without being morally digusting. At least generally not for more than one generation if you're lucky.
What policies, exactly? Maybe I'm biased but nothing stands particularly out to me. Sure, the economy is doing fine but that's a trend and you have enourmous problems and more are created every day and everything Trump says is incredibly dumb. He's not better than the alternative because there's no alternative, they're one and the same. They couldn't care less about the political ideas they're supposed to represent, a banner or another makes no difference for them.


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>rich men are given money so they can advance society
>they don’t advance society
They had one job

>Those aren’t citizens yes.
Having an underclass of workers without rights doesn't seem quite in keeping with communist ideals.

That's not why they're given money.

Communism doesn’t say you give excessive free stuff to those who aren’t citizens. That would collapse the model. You have to give and take to an extent.

All the libertarians say that society exists to give money to rich people so they can advance our civilisation together. Why should society let an incompetent parasite waste their resources?
What justification is there to allow rich people to accumulate all the resources? Society can easy take what it gave to them. Remember the French Revolution.

I wanted Trump to win because I naively thought him being a massive fuckup would help the left and right start working together and stop with divisive us vs. them politics both sides had going on. Guess we've seen how that ended up.

>the only countries refugees want to live in
What the fuck are you talking about? The nordic countries also have a super lax welfare system (had a super lax welfare system before the refugees came in the case of sweden) that might have something to do with it aswell

They're better than you, and they deserve nicer things.

Yes, OP. Here's your reward.

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>Noooooooooo you can't criticize the rich! We need 1% of the population to have 99% of the wealth because of trickle down economics!

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Saying that to the man who has you at gunpoint in the ally is exactly what caused Batman’s parents to die.


>dude, it's just like comic books!

Yeah, they are given money so they could bring migrants who would work more and vote for their politicians and replace the local population that can actually think and challenge those rich white people. When you are rich, your only source of concern is that some other white guy will outperform you, but if you replace everyone around you with mudblood niggers who can easily be manipulated and don't present a threat to you - then you are golden. Rich politicians don't get robbed, they live in the isolated world of rich estates where there are no fucking migrants and mslims

FAQ for washed liberal-morons, kekistani edgelord teenagers and normal people who simply do not know much about communism:

1. Communism is the USSR.
The USSR is a socialist state, not a communist state.

2.1. Why, then, does the Communists all the time refer to the USSR?
Because the USSR is our historical experience of the practical construction of a communist society. We highlight the positive aspects of the experience of the USSR and study the negative experience. It is also worthwhile to understand that the USSR is for us a certain significant Symbol.

2.2 Communism is a dictatorship
Under communism there are no classes, accordingly there is no dictatorship.

3. What about the dictatorship of the proletariat?
The dictatorship of the proletariat is a temporary form of political power called upon to ensure the observance of the rights of the proletariat during the transition from capitalist society to communism.

4. But Stalin ...
With regard to the period of Stalin's rule, we can identify a lot of positive and negative aspects of his activities. But unfortunately, all-round propaganda has distorted the history of this period too much, therefore, without a comprehensive historical analysis of this period, it is impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions on the basis of ALL declassified documents.

5. And yet Stalin ...
We adequately perceive the figure of Stalin and treat him normally and without hysteria. Nevertheless, Stalin - though significant, but by no means the main figure of the communist movement.

6. What is the main figure, if not Stalin?

7. Ie you are not Communists, but Marxists?
Communism is part of Marx's teaching. At present, Marx's teaching has evolved into many directions. As for the precise definition, the terms "Communist" and "Marxist" often very much depend on the context.

8. Communism is the antithesis of democracy.
By no means. Communism is just a true democracy.

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you're thinking of social democracy. there are no borders, no states, and thus no concept of "citizens" under communism.


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Lenin was a revisionist who cucked out and betrayed the revolution when he realized an international uprising wasn't going to happen.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage and the socialist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."
>To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

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btw the concept of class warfare from Marx was inspired by the concept of race warfare from Boulainvilliers

No one cares, Melvin.

On Lenin and Leninism:



The works of Lenin and Stalin (in PDF format):



General works on the USSR:

* (be sure to add the dot at the end otherwise URL won't work)

* ("The Stalin Era" by Anna Louise Strong and "Fraud, Famine & Fascism" in that same link concerning the Ukrainian famine)








Soviet politics (elections and such):





Soviet foreign policy:


* ("The New Lithuania" by Anna Louise Strong)


The Soviet economy:





How the USSR handled nationalities:




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"Real" communism is a pointless fantasy.

Debunking 'deaths' under communism
The Gulag Archipelago has been thoroughly debunked:

Marx and Engels complete works:!cxtRWKba!os0o4sMveFprKsScSEQF2g

Collection of leftist political reading!4EcEhIoS!5aZfv2Kz-IxQT933ywGf4w

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Joker is a poor white guy with a sick mother.
He gets mocked on TV by some rich media celebrity when his mother is on the death bed.
He has nothing else to lose but hatred to those rich fucks who don't have his problems and only use him as the butt of a joke, his life is the punchline for them, so he decides to turn the whole city into the joke, to make fun of those rich people and all of their artificial world with unfair hierarchy.
Thats what i get from the trailer.

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No one fucking cares, /leftypol/. Dilate.

>/pol/ bootlickers are going to defend the 1% they often imply to fight

Do they lack awareness?

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Imagine forcing yourself to live as a slave of one ideology or another. Humans are truly fucking stupid.

It's also a smart way too decrease wages for low skilled labour. The right wing in my country have been (untill very recently) very open to economic migrants. They're also big on introducing something called an "apprentice pay" which would be a way for companies to hire low skilled workers for tryout periods. Essentially undoing the work unions have done during the last 60 years.
Coincidense? I think not

>the joker is chaotic???
based retard

agreed thats why I'm a nihilist and want the end of humanity

this image is cringe on purpose right?

Who said anything about /pol/? I'm Richie Rich!

Jesus christ melvin shut the fuck up no one cares?

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Communism is just fascism for pussies, desu.

Nazbol is the true way towards Humanities' freedom.

Right wing and left wing - both sides have rich people behind them with their own intrests. Being a politician is a very expensive thing so they all have sponsors and those sponsors say to the politicians what agenda to advance, staying in the shadow the whole time. Soros is a well known name, but there are a lot of people who are just not known, silent donors with billions on their bank accounts. They have their own philosophy based on some cringe old books, they have goals for investment, plans for themselves for decades and plans for their own kids.
This world is run by money, not by words and ideas. Ideas and words only exist because some old fuck who has money pays for those ideas to be forces, hyped and pushed.

And those powerfull people are intrested in demographic planning, economic planning. They don't give a fuck if by pushing migrants they make the local population miserable and full of crime, its just a bonus for them because this way the local population will be brought down and wouldn't present a threat to those rich fucks. When your local population is fighting with migrants and niggers, they don't fight you, they are distracted from the actual cause of all of this and that local population cannot accumulate wealth and education to challenge you.

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read up on the stasi then kill yourselves
t. east-german

You should probably just assume that everything is leftist, communist propaganda at this point, they're actively trying to incite a race war and they're so all in on it that they aren't even being subtle about it. Trump has/had them so seething that they're cheering on a hurricane right now hoping that it kills thousands of people. These are people that would prefer to see the country in ruins just so that one man is no longer president. That's the level of resentment and rage they have toward him.

I'm not an authoritarian Bolshevist.

wait, did they turn Thomas Wayne into trump? is it someone else?

>imagine being butthurt because someone said something bad about the real estate mogul who became the president by falsely promising to solve worker's problems and instead reduced taxes for the rich and did everything his actuall ZOG-masters told him to do for Israel

>Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage and the socialist stage.
Read Ellul and you will realize why this is actually a horrifying reality.

this really doesn't need the clown pepe

I'm just pointing out facts, greentexting and trying to obfuscate my point does nothing but make you look like an idiot, even on an anonymous forum it makes you look really weak and stupid.

>biggest villains
usually he's beating up nameless thugs though then finds some clue

agreed thats why I'm a fucking monky

>Read Ellul and you will realize why this is actually a horrifying reality.
More details please

>Wait, so this is just more commie propaganda?
No, that's some disneyshill smear campaign. You aren't a disney shill right, OP?

>they're cheering on a hurricane right now hoping that it kills thousands of people
Who's "they"? You legitimately think leftwing Americans hope in their hearts an hurricane kills thousands? What the fuck.

No he isn’t stop spreading fake spoilers. Thomas said the jokers mother tried to get him to fuck so he’d have to pay her for alimony but he fired her ass, Arthur was just told Thomas was his real dad

Absolutely, read their twitters they're cheering the hurricane on hoping that it'll flatten Mar a lago. Thousands of poor and middle income americans live there too and liberals would gladly see them die if it meant one of trumps properties got damaged. They're sick, evil human beings and faux outrage on your part doesn't change a damn thing.

weuw, thanks for clarifying. If they really made them siblings that would be so retarded I would never watch it

I meant to respond With that spreading fake spoilers response but yeah don’t listen to him, he’s full of shit. Joker and Bruce aren’t related, Thomas isn’t even really a villain in my opinion but it depends how they have the guy playing Thomas deliver his lines

Cringe and libcompilled

Jesus christ you're so easily manipulated and overly emotional.
It's not about left or right, it's about being ignorant and having access to the internet while not having an intelocutor in person who reacts to the dumb shit you say and calls you out.

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>Class is the only true catalyst of life quality.
I can't wait for your inevitable helicopter ride.

>literal soviet propaganda
The USSR was a literal shithole compared to the capitalist west.

Your argument is basically
>hurrr it wasn't that bad durrr

Imagine unironically being a leftist desu

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Imagine being a commie bootlicker and not wanting to improve conditions for the working class the only way known to history, ie MARKETS

>muh 1%
This is one of the most fundamental things you people get wrong.
Taking over the means of production or simply taking all of the money from the capitalists won't actually benefit you whatsover.
The working class receives 99% of the end product of economic production(consumer goods and services)
The workers already receive what they put into the system. The capitalists only consume like 1% of all consumer goods.
If the workers took all of the capitalist's money and went to spend it, it would simply cause massive price increases because the supply of goods stays exactly the same. That or massive shortages if price controls are implemented.

The ONLY thing that increases living standards for the working class is increases in economic production.
The western world has been stagnating since the 1970s due to central banking and massive government spending and intervention.
This is why you are poor, not muh capitalism.

Re-evaluate your life and move on.

>maoist rebel news
How the fuck does this even happen to someone?

Also if communism took over Japan, anime wouldn't have been created.
Anime is capitalist.
Kill yourself bootlicker.

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Is that McLovin? based

>Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage and the socialist stage.
No, it's not.
Dialectical materialism is pseudoscience.

Marxists actually believe all human action is the result of economic forces and they deny human biological instincts. Imagine thinking you can socially engineer people to not want to care for themselves.

Marxism is as scientific as Scientology.


Gentle reminder that Scientology will win. Read Hubbard.

>USSR healthcare
>2 tiered system
>HIV in the blood supply
>massive antibiotic resistance
>extreme lack of care

Wow sounds great

Hitler did the same shit only he didn't have people starving and eating corpses.

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is this their new word for the month?

have sex nerd

>all this damage control handwaving

The best system is capitalism but you are allowed to murder anyone with over €100 million.

Trump is based lmao

>people with more money than me are making me poorer with their mere existence

They couldn't keep all that money without state protection.

taking all of their money wouldn't benefit you though, it would just cause massive price increases
the working class already consumes 99% of all consumer goods
taking savings away from the super rich and spending it would only cause price increases and shortages

this is the ultimate economics redpill

>It will work this time!

Unironically kill yourself

I was making fun of trickle down economics, I know it's a joke

>trickle down economics
Not a real thing.

Yeah i literally just said that

>The pro trumpers are usually old people or rural people. There’s no money to be made by marketing to pro trump people because they don’t even live near cinemas anyways.
what is every movie Clint Eastwood has ever made

Kill yourself.

>search archive hoping it's pasta
>it isn't

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wtf I love marx now

The left hates the working class tho

reminder that marx hated n*ggers and kikes

lol that's what propagandists told you to think so they can keep picking your pockets and telling you that you are an empowered free thinking conservative sticking it to the left by not subscribing to liberal views on social issues

>Imagine thinking you can socially engineer people to not want to care for themselves.
Social morale is at an all-time low, and the most popular memes out there among *normies* of all people are usually referencing suicide, self-harm, and acceptance of their humiliating directionless lifestyles. We already have a generation of people who do not want to care for themselves, and would rather vanish into oblivion.
Whether or not this was deliberate social engineering, fecundating pronography, cheap food, casual sex, overmedication, and a materialistic lifestyle (some call it the Jews I think it was just the invisible hand) is pretty clearly responsible for some of this. Environmental factors did this to people.

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>Wait, so this is just more commie propaganda?

The biggest joke? It's Marxist rhetoric being used to sell a consumer product by a giant multinational corporation. Tons of leftists love throwing money at these movies that promote their anti-capitalist agenda.

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>commie propaganda
What, you want to defend corporations, even though they are the ones pushing propaganda everywhere, want your kids turned into racemixed abominations and fill your country with immigrants because they are cheap workers?

Between this and how hard SJWs defend shit like Marvel, it's obvious all of America has been brainwashed.
They will definitely fight each other, but never the ones truly in charge since corporate worship is peak American "culture".

You sound like a redneck white trash farmer

Class warfare is the rich defeating the poor, wtf are you on? We'll hang your ass in the revolution, be careful what you post on the internet senpai, not even memeing.

>We'll hang your ass in the revolution
>be careful what you post on the internet senpai, not even memeing.

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HoI4 is the most embarrassing part of this

>Imagine thinking you can socially engineer people to not want to care for themselves.

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>On social issues
How does it help me if transgender black homosexual cripples get special rights

People that support the free market want to abolish IP and Copyright along with the other countless corporatist laws that keep companies like Disney and Google in place.

>when the revolution comes

/pol/ ruined this board

>special rights
which ones?

Okay, you can socially engineer people to a degree but not to the point where the "state will wither away", that's retarded.

It isn't just /pol/ brainlet.
Everyone is getting more radicalized and political.

I do not believe in the free market, it's obvious that corporations, powerful entities who only care about themselves and their own own profits, will always become cancer.
Fascism got it right with having a gun pointed at the owners of any and all businesses to make sure they serve the country, and not the opposite.

Hate speech laws, diversity quotas, reparations

This is NOT the real Joker. It's just a guy that failed as a comedian and got crazy.

Honestly? I have to applaud corporations that can milk money from anti-corporate morons who toss money at whatever media virtue signals their paper thin Marxist ideals.

I'm as much as moderate progressive as I am a right of center lolbertarian. I distrust corporations and government.

As much as I dislike Warners, and this movie in particular, I have to laugh at idiots who applaud Marxist ideals in it. It's such a lazy application of the ideology in such a shitty corporate consumer product.

Attached: leto phoenix joker 1542215406935.jpg (300x449, 56K)

The most based and redpilled post in existence

>Everyone is getting more radicalized and political.
is a fucking comic book movie, before brainlets like you came to this board, here we talked about cinematography, now you only wait if the movies are alt-right propaganda or commie propaganda to enjoy something, even if it is absolute crap or a masterpiece, you ruined this board

That's word for word what your ass will say before your brutal botched (botched because there's so many people to hang) hanging.

>it's obvious that corporations, powerful entities who only care about themselves and their own own profits, will always become cancer.
Yes and by doing this they increase economic production and increase the supply of consumer goods and services for the working class.
You know you can always regulate businesses when they do illegal shit right?

>Fascism got it right with having a gun pointed at the owners of any and all businesses to make sure they serve the country, and not the opposite.
Fascism just gives too much power to authoritarian state leading to authoritarianism, poverty, corruption and stagnant economic growth.

Wait, are they seriously proud of the fact that the director of this film is the guy who made Due Date?

I'd also argue that even many comics don't have "the real Joker".

I've been a fan for decades. There are many different versions of Jokers I like, in comics and film. Sadly most of the modern ones and even some older ones, are total crap.

Attached: suicide squad joker hot topic 1489700373417.jpg (704x1024, 190K)

>Wait, so this is just more commie propaganda?
Standing ovation at Venice, what did you expect it to be ?

>dude there's ACTUALLY going to be a communist revolution in the future and it's not a totally dead ideology
>dude capitalism will "collapse" even though marxists have been saying this since the 1800s and failed every time

Didn't marx say wages for workers in europe in the 1800s would lower to a subsistence level which would cause the revolution
Clearly the exact opposite happened.

Pinochet did nothing wrong lol

marx is to good to be associated with modern leftwing and progressives.

Imagine deluding yourself to thinking your political enemies will all inevitably be killed.

Talk about fucking COPE god damn

I particularly hated the Tony Daniel / New52 faceless Joker. I don't think even Scott Snyder could salvage that trash. I gave up reading DC before Snyder's Death Of A Family Joker story, but that didn't look great. The one after that with amnesiac Joker looks maybe okay.

Attached: dc new52 joker 1349531035694.jpg (960x564, 64K)

What is the good Joker?

I know you're joking but I know a guy in real life who is like this.

>You know you can always regulate businesses when they do illegal shit right?
You obviously can't since they always end up growing big enough to override the government.
Like how the military industry has so much power over the US government, to the point where they pretty much control the military.

>Fascism just gives too much power to authoritarian state leading to authoritarianism
It does, but it's still better than what democracy does, which is spread their asshole to any and all people willing to pay enough.
The thing is, do you deserve to have a say in the government?
What are your qualifications?
Did you study for it?
No, democracy lets anyone and their mother have a say in how nations should be ruled, including traitors who would love to see their country burn, and idiots who would get to the same end out of their own stupidity.
Civilians are too easy to manipulate for that, and the government is always open to manipulation from whoever is rich enough.
It's why the world is in it's current state.

Capitalism is a failed system.
Communism has never really been tried.

Attached: lenin hey you kids communism is fun 1383867119282.jpg (500x714, 50K)

Think in bigger time periods. You won't be alive when Marx is proven right. That's why he's so lauded among intellectuals. GET WITH THE TIMES MR 87 IQ BRO.

recommend some trumpian kino Yea Forums


>You obviously can't since they always end up growing big enough to override the government.
Actually no, they only have power because the government is so fucking big.
Back when we had a small government, corruption like this was much smaller because there wasn't anything to corrupt.

>Like how the military industry has so much power over the US government, to the point where they pretty much control the military.
This is literally the government's fault.
We need to abolish the income tax and abolish 95% of government spending.

>but it's still better than what democracy does
I think a system where people are allowed to vote but socialist/social democratic/globalist political parties aren't allowed to run is the best system.

This is better than democracy and much better than the stagnant authoritarianism of fascism.

> Marx
>lauded among intellectuals
those are intellectuals just as a 2 year old that draws with his snot is an artist

>Capitalism is a failed system.

>You won't be alive when Marx is proven right.
lol come on man
He's already been proven wrong on paper.
You people are true believer cultists.
Dialectical materialism is pseudoscience.
Marxists actually believe all human action is the result of economic forces and human biological instincts do not exist.
This is CLEARLY scientifically wrong, therefore marxism is false.

Also economic freedom has resulted in increased living standards for the working class and there is no reason to think this will stop somehow and reserve. inb4 muh automation non arguments

>That's why he's so lauded among intellectuals.
LOL yeah dude fat maoist youtube children and feces eaters like Richard Wolfe sure are "intellectuals".

Lick more boots.

Attached: 1455013820374.gif (500x535, 41K)

>You won't be alive when Marx is proven right. That's why he's so lauded among intellectuals.
Marxism is regarded as a joke in academia.
Sure there are a few insane tenured marxist professors, but it's essentially been dead for decades.

I thought commies didn't believe in IQ and think all humans are the same and the only thing that matters is class? lol

>corruption like this was much smaller because there wasn't anything to corrupt.
If there is a democratic government, there is something to corrupt, since they don't have what it takes to eliminate the ones who wish to corrupt.

>This is literally the government's fault.

What do you even know?
The last time it was tried the other systems felt so threatened by it that they rushed to destroy all countries with it.
The fact that communists aren't seen as bad, even if fascists do, points out that there must be some form of common view between capitalists and communists.

>is a fucking comic book movie, before brainlets like you came to this board, here we talked about cinematography

This is what contemporaries said about Copernicus.

>He's already been proven wrong on paper.
Wtf? He literally shines on paper, what are you talking about? I'm not a cultists, I'm an intelligent homo sapien.

No matter what you say or how "convincingly" doesn't change the reality and future. Pray that your offspring aren't hanged or tortured for YOUR crimes of capitalism.

>since they don't have what it takes to eliminate the ones who wish to corrupt.
No, you just don't allow them to corrupt anything. It's that simple.
Make it illegal for them to vote for their bullshit.

>What do you even know?
I know economic freedom has resulted in the largest increases in human living standards in history and fascism/socialist government cause stagnation.

>He literally shines on paper, what are you talking about?
Refute the points in my post you replied to
Marx is terrible on paper.
Imagine not even believing in human biological instincts. Imagine believing in the labour theory of value.
You people are secular creationists.

>weak man
you people really are mentally ill, aren't you? the underdog is not a position of weakness, it's about the favor of the mob/people. how are you this blind the fundamentals of human expression?

no really though, be careful posting shit like your comment, because it reveals so much about your personal self, what little of it there must be. you equate your personal value directly to that which is granted to you by peers. for you it's obvious that to not be favored by your peers results in you being weak, because you've got no self worth, no leverage by which to take yourself, apart from the mob, and give yourself value. discover the underdog, and discover yourself poor user.

though i expect you'll discover only anger and guilt and hatred, and you'll turn back to the safety of mobthink and mobvalue, and it will suit you better than being an independent and intelligent human. most people are just better suited to be animals in the herd.

is there anything worse than internet communists? you just know that its some 20-something nerd with a hard drive full of "relevant and informative" jpgs, with nothing but time on his hands because he doesn't work. i'm convinced its nothing more than petty jealousy. somebody has something you don't have, and you're really upset about it, we get it.

Attached: mfw.png (751x558, 584K)

>Current year
>Quoting metapedia

>No matter what you say or how "convincingly" doesn't change the reality and future.
>No matter what you say or how "convincingly" doesn't change my cult brainwashing.
Fixed that for you.
You're a true believer. I provided amble evidence and logic of just a few of the thing's marx was wrong about.
Marxism is a religious cult.

>Pray that your offspring aren't hanged or tortured for YOUR crimes of capitalism.
I honestly can't wait for the inevitable genocide of marxist scum like yourself in our lifetime.
Now THAT is much more likely than some mystical "dialectic" and "inevitable collapse of capitalism.

You idiot, "on paper" assumes 120+ IQ homo sapiens. The fact that you and people like you makes the theoretical fucking IMPOSSIBLE.


>The Gulag system?
A larger percentage of Americans are incarcerated than in the USSR during Stalin's worst purges.

>anything worse than internet communists?
Ever been to /pol/reddit?

>you just don't allow them to corrupt anything
You can't guarantee that.

>I know economic freedom has resulted in the largest increases in human living standards in history
A very brief one that is now leading the world to its demise.
Hope your own happiness was worth it to you, because you doomed your children's.


Facts are not equivalent to brainwashing, that's what you're succumbing to.

LMMFAO. People are gradually leaning to Socialism, which in the name Medicare and Social Security, you hypocritical imbeciles support wholeheartedly. Honestly though, as a sympathetic faggot, if you didn't do anything too bad, I won't wish you to be hanged with other traitors.


The Gulags are a million times worse than US jails.
Also USA has a higher percentage of blacks and hispanics which literally commit more crime.

EVer been to leftypol?

>You can't guarantee that.
You can't guarantee your fascist country wouldn't collapse.
There are no guarantees in life, only strong protections against things.

>A very brief one that is now leading the world to its demise.
But it's not, we're going AWAY from economic freedom which is killing the world.
Your precious central banks DOMINATE global economies.
This is literally your world.

>only strong protections against things
And the best possible one is keeping them under tight control.
They won't try anything when they have a laser dot on their head.

>we're going AWAY from economic freedom
That's not wrong, the problem is who has that power, people who should bow down to the government and the people, not the opposite.

>Your precious central banks DOMINATE global economies.
Oh no, eliminate them, everyone knows who is in charge of these "central banks".

>Facts are not equivalent to brainwashing
Oh you mean the fact you cannot refute anything I'm saying and continue to believe in your cult ideology?

>People are gradually leaning to Socialism
Oh boy, you wish they are.
That one survey showing zoomers want socialism is basically saying they want free healthcare and college, that's what they think of socialism, not workers control of the means of production.

>which in the name Medicare and Social Security, you hypocritical imbeciles support wholeheartedly
Is this a joke?
I want those things abolished, along with central banks.

>I won't wish you to be hanged with other traitors.
Imagine actually being a butthurt teenager thinking all the bad meanies are going to be killed.
Get a job lmao

>And the best possible one is keeping them under tight control.
A Free Markets keeps them under tight control though.
What more do you want?

>Oh no, eliminate them, everyone knows who is in charge of these "central banks".
Top Kek you fascists LOVE central banks though, this is one of the main parts of your ideology.
Only free market supporters like myself want to abolish central banking and allow free banking.

>Imagine actually being a butthurt teenager thinking all the bad meanies are going to be killed.
So you admit you're in the wrong lol

>Get a job lmao
Typical answer of a backwards idiot

>A Free Markets keeps them under tight control though.
It clearly doesn't, seeing what we have now.
People are too stupid and easy to manipulate for the free market to regulate itself, and as they earn more money, they gain more influence.
This is a recipe for destruction.

>you fascists LOVE central banks though
You are telling me what I believe in? Who do you think owns these banks?

Everything and everyone needs a leash on it, some longer, some shorter, but you can't just give freedom to everyone and expect anything but anarchy.
Specially to people who only care about profits, and not the well being of the country.
Any corporation is a potential enemy and parasite, and should be treated as such.

>The ONLY thing that increases living standards for the working class is increases in economic production.
This is fundamentally wrong. All empiricism shows us that increased standards of living only come about as a result of policies of economic redistribution, such as taxes paying for welfare, schools, etc. This is what FDR was made to understand in the 30s, and why there wasn't a fascist or communist revolution in the US.

Don't tell me Joker is going to be some #OrangeManBad bullshit, I was hoping Joker was going to be an incelkino. It's about time incels like myself got a kino to call our own, brehs.

>is there anything worse than internet communists?
Yes. It's a place called "/pol/"

who makes this shit up? just go see eastern europe you queers

nobody wants to take rich niggas money for theyselves, we want the state to take it and funnel it into education and the sorts

>above 99% literacy
If you're gonna lie at least make it subtle

That's why we were told to judge a tree by it's fruits.

what are the chances this actually kicks off occupy wall street 2?

Absolutely based

Attached: 1562056862172.webm (360x636, 2.99M)

Communism is retarded because it refuses to take into account that there are different ethnicities and races in the world
This is why there all communist countries in history dropped the internationalist shit and embraced nationalism instead. Even capitalism is more internationalist in practice than communism is

aka the Venture Brothers

Read Lenin too, I’m gonna redpill so many incels at opening night of this movie

Look it up retard

So does the joker call out the jews and bankers?

I mean isnt that the goal of a good movie, having a wide array of people with varying ideologies shut the fuck up for two hours and enjoy a movie?


No it's not nigga. Trump (and Trump-like successors) will fix all this shit, and we'll be a good ol Republic someday, like the founding fathers wanted.
We'll control the Silicon Valley faggots sooner or later, and all will be well.
The strong will thrive, and the weak will get fucked. Meritocracy, the way things should be.

the wonder years

Just like you and me, user.

it's taken me some time to realise that they aren't just baiting, they really believe it

imagine the smell

Imagine liking poorer or richer people compared to you? Pathetic. It's against human nature and they are both parasites.
I only like people like me.

is this faggot doing what i think he is?

Isn't it true? lol
Get fucked, just visit a college campus if you think IT'S NOT true.

If you don't think a few billionaires should be executed and their wealth forcibly redistributed then you probably have a cuckold fetish as well.

well its common knowledge that college campuses are rampant with that sort of thinking

Yup. Before 8ch*n shut down I would shitpost on leftypol from time to time and they are, in fact, totally serious about believing Soviet and Cuban propoganda

Most working class people are socialists. Most keyboard warriors are privvies who have too much time on their hands between daddies paid for internet courses.

expect the fact that billionares are so powerful that in the end they come untouched, they have their moneys in safe heavens in other states.
And what happens? the middle class gets destroyed even more until everyone is miserable and wageslaving to afford "rent" and food like in Murica land of the brave and free to have 30% of the population living in poverty .

Gamers of the world, unite!

Good you're not so stupid, so stfu about these people NOT being the majority of the faggots involved with in this ludicrous ideology.

>reeeee other people have things

What's even your point you fucking retard. Communism and ethnicities within a country don't exclude each other.

Based and Gamerpilled

Attached: gommunist memeball6.jpg (640x625, 64K)

/pol/fags are just communists in denial desu
>n-no is not the all rich, it's just the rich jews haha I'm not a commie bro I just hate that kind of rich people

Keep crying commie. Work harder, have a higher IQ or shut up.

Why is this board filled with mouth breathing ass hurt commies?

Remember when socialists said "socialism doesnt lead to communism"?

Here right out of the communists mouth you get the truth.

I can understand why an economic illiterate could come to the conclusion, but then I can understand why it's possible for a communist to come to any totally irrational conclusion.

Attached: gommunist memeball5.png (1134x315, 369K)

Thanks to socialist policies and worker/human rights the quality of life has greatly imprvoved since the unregulated capitalism era of the 1800s. Socialism actively benefits right wingers lives in many ways. Most right wingers are center at most because even they think unregulated capitalism was bad. Capitalists will try to distance themselves from pure capitalism like what European and American powers did in the 19th century, slavery, colonialism, imperialism. All done for capital gain. People had like 14 hour workdays and child labourers, people getting black lung in coal mines, no minimum wages or benefits. Actual capitalist hierarchal slavery. Good thing socialism is a thing and right wing retards benefit from it everyday. Only a real fucking idiot would say it's capitalist to increase workers rights and living conditions when it is entirely socialist policy. Capitalists would prefer to move industry overseas for sweat shop slave labour because the third world isn't as socialist as we are and easier to exploit. No capitalist has a good heart they will employ slaves if it means a higher bottom line and not paying workers at home adequate living conditions Right wingers, be like capitalism improves quality of life!, ignore belgian congo, british raj, all the banana wars, opium war, slave trade, plantations, et cetera et cetera, that's not real capitalism it has never been tried, regulations put in place to protect workers from cut throat capitalists, sounds right wing to me. Thank you karl marx for your theories that put into action have improved quality of life the world over. Too bad their are still some rich bastards who steal wealth from the proletariat too bad right wingers fill the military ranks for government handouts to shoot brown people for international capitalist interests and would do the same to their country men if it means more free shit.

>implying you don't want prisoners to suffer, especially if they're niggers

Can anyone confirm this?

With a large amount of ethnicities in an area you're bound to have people who want their own nations instead of being ruled by the larger one. According to Marx, a nation as a socioeconomic construction created after the collapse of the feudal system which was utilized to create the capitalist economic system. Despite that there were still various communist nations in the world instead of one big internationalist one.

there is a slogan but it's "moving gotham forward"

are u a brainlet? i literally argued against communism

>capitalism is a meritocracy
>small loan of a million dollars man can't even wipe his ass properly

>Capitalism is a failed system
>Communism has never really been tried
Not true.

Both liberals and communists are massive fucking retards.

yep, shills dont understand this. they gargle Pol propaganda where the wife is at home not working but decades before that children and women where working in factories.

Why is discussion about how this being liberal shit getting censored? Are the hotpockets working with the feds?

>So you admit you're in the wrong lol
You're admitting YOU'RE in the wrong? lol
The actual facts of reality disprove marxism.
You have no fucking argument whatsoever.
Marxism is a religious cult.
You people don't even believe in evolution lmao

>This is fundamentally wrong.
It's 100% correct.
NOTHING ELSE can increase living standards for workers
The working class consumes 99% of all consumer goods.
In order to consume something it needs to be produced.
How else are workers going to get things to consume? MAGIC?

>All empiricism shows us that increased standards of living only come about as a result of policies of economic redistribution
But the exact opposite is shown.
How stupid to you have to be to think you can just magic resources into existence?

>This is what FDR was made to understand in the 30s
FDR's policies resulted in a massive depression that starved and killed countless americans.
We only bounced back from the depression after he died and we cut like 80% of his new deal policies.

capitalism is not a political ideology or even a political system retards. Communism on the other hand is, that's why it's failing in the real world.
Capitalism is an economic theory. No country in the world is pure capitalist. America was for 10-20 years, now it's a corporatist oligarchy. China is political communist but has a capitalist economy.

>we want the state to take it and funnel it into education and the sorts
Education is the biggest pile of fucking garbage.
What kind of retard thinks education magically makes people more intelligent.
Also education is basically free.
When you people say you want to pay for more education, you just mean you want to create massive wasteful government programs that benefit corrupt teachers unions.

I read that he doesn’t even give a shit about any of that and just wants to see if he can manipulate the brain dead masses into chaos.

>Read Lenin too
I love reading people that killed millions of workers due to some dumb religious ideology.

Why the fuck do you think taking their money will allow you to buy more stuff?
You people make absolutely no sense.
The working class consumes 99% of all consumer goods.
Taking savings out of the economy and spending it only results in price increases.
The rich have NOTHING for you and aren't keeping anything from you.
Prove me wrong, you literally CANNOT!!!!

These fucking spoilers man fuck the (((media))) (((journalists))) "reporting" on fiction, they should be shot in the streets while their kids watch

>Thanks to socialist policies and worker/human rights the quality of life has greatly imprvoved since the unregulated capitalism era of the 1800s.
This is hilarious wrong.
The so called "gilded age" resulted in the greatest increases in worker living standards in human history.

If we had living standards increasing that much now like we did back then people would barely have to work.

>All done for capital gain.
This has nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with statism and greed in general.
Socialists think you can magically abolish greed.

See above.

> they gargle Pol propaganda where the wife is at home not working but decades before that children and women where working in factories.
It was the industrial revolution and gilded age that allowed children to NOT HAVE TO WORK
Child labour was abolished long before the government put in any dumb laws


>People had like 14 hour workdays and child labourers, people getting black lung in coal mines, no minimum wages or benefits.
People before this time worked even harder.
You know that right?

It was the industrial revolution that lowered working hours and increased real wages.
This was long before the government put in any of it's dumb useless harmful laws.
pic related

Attached: working hours.jpg (816x512, 169K)

Literally what these central bank supporting socialists want.


Director playing both sides so anyone can rationalize it supports their political beliefs

Imagine thinking the only reason workers can consume a lot more than they did before is government passing dumb laws and not MORE THINGS BEING PRODUCED.

I mean, think about what you're saying, stupid.

>If you don't think a few billionaires should be executed and their wealth forcibly redistributed then you probably have a cuckold fetish as well.
Wow great. I love massive price increases and zero benefit for the working class.
Yes, please take all of their 1%'s savings and redistribute it so we can be consuming the same amount of things we consumed before this happened.


Lol remember being this much of a cringe socialist when I was younger. The industrial revolution is wat increases living standards and the overall wealth of the lower classes and the Gilded Age was not an age without regulations thats a common historical myth. Like the Christian Dark Ages meme that no actually intelligent atheist believes in, yet hordes and hordes of enlightened fedoras speak of constantly.