Other urls found in this thread:
Welling aged like shit, look how bloated he is
>but men age like wine
He unironically looks good for being 42. However, what is really striking is that she looks better than most women do in their twenties.
Kristen Kreuk was in a sex cult. Let that sink in
He looks fine considering everything. A face like his would never mature better.
She says she got out when she realized what kind of place it was, but who knows what really happened and if she took part in recruiting kids for pedos.
white people age like milk more news at 11
Welling looks like pic related
He looks like your average dad who cooks out on the weekends and listens to pantera.
chink genes
Looks good to me
pic not related/
I would not even say that, more like all around good genes coupled with some self-control and logic thinking that saves your skin and hair down the line.
Looks better actually
unironically hotter than when he had a career
she didn't even age
i would still slurp him up like a capri sun. fight me
i thought from the thumbnail i was clicking on a ashton kutcher and his wife thread
Ashton Kutcher doesn't even look like Tom Welling, James Marden definitely look a like Tom
If you're face blind maybe.
Holy fuck.
And wine tastes like piss. Adage confirmed.
Are you niggers seriously trying to convince me this is a bad-lookinig 42-year-old?
If he dropped the weight he'd look fine, probably just tired from all those years of having to be in shape
Welling was extreme slayer here, jesus
How did she avoid jail?
well shit now he really does look like he's from Kansas
he doesn’t look like that now
do you agree with welling that superman created lex?
That's actually Austin St. John.
Hey, you guys forgot Alison Mack 2019.
I want a threesome where Tom fucks me while I fuck Kristen Kreuk in the ass
the chadest of chads right there
another victim of keto + gym retardation
he went from greek god to biffy trucker
>TFW YWN get AM's initials burned next to your vag
why is he dressed like that? why does he have a chewing gum in his mouth?
>Welling aged like shit
He aged just fine. Look at pic related. He's morphing into Kingdom Come Superman.
>why is he dressed like that?
2004 aesthetic. You had to be there. It was fucking easy to dress back then.
He looks like AJ Soprano
>Michael Rosenbaum doing the söy face
What what. Dressed like what? Is that... unusual or something?
I miss smallville bros, it was such a comfy teen drama and I hate those types of shows usually
god i want to have sex with her
His talk show is pretty cool
are they in the crossover?
>Shirt and jeans
What's so retro about that? I still dress like that? What the fuck am I supposed to wear? Are you just zoomers?
this is how i know you're not a 90s kid
And that's why you're an incel. Do you even own Gucci slides bro?
Someday he'll be David Fincher.
she is still fucking beautiful. would happily betray my race for her
>dat glossy hair
Obsolute perfection.
fashion is for faggots take it to
>are they in the crossover?
Most likely. Not confirmed yet.
I don't even know what gucci slides are
have sex, loser
3 Superman's and 2 Lex's would make it much closer to the comic
gimme your address I'm gonna take you up on the offer
she's still cute
of all the guys who played superman who was the most chad?
this picture is like 10 years old, retard
you haven't been seeing the cavil glance orgasm gif being spammed? he is your answer
I'd sex her right in the cult, if you know what I mean.
Men age like absolute fucking milk
Reeve is better looking, even mogs Cavill in a wheelchair youtube.com
d-do you have a big girthy cock?
>tfw you never had a prime of your life
Why did they look 28? I actually thought Americans aged faster or something when I saw this as a kid. If this were set in 2019, imagine them doing Fortnite dances and shit. Americans, do high schoolers look like this there? They were supposed to be teenagers holy shit
She's aged like fine wine actually.
absolute chad
These people are meant to be 16
the guys clearly have a 5oclock shadow
based luke perry
>who was the most chad?
Pretty much all of them. Different time, different standards. Right now it's a match between Cavill and Welling but for different reasons.
Looks like a discount Channing Tatum in this one
Isn't he playing that version of Superman in the WB crossover thing?
>Isn't he playing that version of Superman in the WB crossover
Brandon Routh is, which is weird. Welling will be the same CK from Smallville's universe.
That woman in white is pushing 50.
wellings was in his 30s and was almost 40 when the show was over
From memory, she was 32
That's the power of sex cults.
That is weird..
Isn't Brandon Routh already in the WB shows?
He's like antman or something.
lmao she looks too old even for 32
I think he seen in an interview that he puts on weight very easily and he just doesnt give a shit sometimes
I liked him in Lucifer
Welling was 24 when the show started, playing a 15/16 year old lol
She has the face of a girl from candydoll.
still looked good in lucifer
She always stood out from the rest of the cast. She never could pass being a teen, so it always did baffle me a bit why she was cast.
lmao still looks better than Brie Larson
i am able to believe it in my JAVs, why can't you in your american TV ?
>i am able to believe it in my JAVs
w-what are you suggesting here
well, there are a lot of javs with really tiny or young looking girls where ageplay is involved. And it's not like some obscure shit, it's literally everywhere if you know how to look
Best girl in the show.
Best girl in real life.
*Blocks your path*
>it's a red kryptonite episode
I don't care what you faggots say, Kristen Kreuk is still cute as fuck. I'd marry her tomorrow if given the chance.
They both look good
what does it mean when a girl looks at you like this?
holy fuck dude ! When i was watching this show like 15 years ago i literally fell in love with her because of her cutesy performance. I was a dumb kid but she literally destroyed my heart how cute she was.
While we're discussing Smallville..anybody else listened to its soundtrack for a crazy amount of time ? For the longest period of time i thought Smallville has the best soundtrack of all time. It was just random cheesy american love songs, but i loved it and it made me feel all happy or nostalgic and shit, thinking about love and what not. Man i was a dumb teen. I remember listening and watching clips like this for fucking years youtube.com
Why so obsessed over a girl who appears in only two (iirc) episodes?
she was so cute
what happened?
some people get obsessed for life with woman they see for five minutes while walking the street
He keeps marrying these white roasties instead of the superior hapa Kristin.
it's hard to explain, show is probably quite cringy watching now when i am 31, but back then when i was like 15 and saw her i was like "holy shit she's the cutest girl i've ever seen" - don't ask me why, who the fuck knows ? It just was like that
also this
>Kreuk was born in Vancouver, British Columbia,[2] to Peter Kreuk and Deanna Che, two landscape architects.[3] Her father is of Dutch descent, her mother is of Chinese descent, born in Indonesia, and her maternal grandmother was Chinese Jamaican.[4] She has a younger sister, Justine Kreuk.[
>titlet barren children slut
Chads age like shit
Incels and nerds age like wine
I still can't believe dude is dead.
>Justine Kreuk
That goatee isnt working for him, he should do short trim beard.
Smallville playlist bros youtube.com
Dude looks fine.
She looks gorgeous, better than when she was younger.
Is that a kryptonite necklace? lol
id like dem hair
I'm pretty sure she is a literal succubus. She looks way too good for her age.
Reminder that BASED KEITH fucked all of the worthwhile pussy from this show when they were in their prime.
i thought it was that mexican guy from ant man
hell yeah, such kino teen kino youtube.com
>sunburst eyes
Why does every girl I fall for have sunburst eyes?
the second song is especially kino youtube.com
despite the short appearance she had a huge impact on me, and i assume many others. So she was pretty great
It's those hapa genes, man. They make you virtually immortal. Look at Keanu Reeves.
Doherty, Austin-Green and the blonde chick look fine, which makes sense, i looked them up and they were 17-19 during first season. Perry and the woman in white look like their parents lmao
What an absolute legend
I thought the show jumped the shark when she died and the next episode was some boring football storyline where she was never even mentioned
The late 90s and early 2000s aesthetic for men relied on a very simple principle: Don't try to be cool. So the less you "tried", the cooler you were... so some sneakers with jeans and blank t-shirt was like "Oh wow he doesn't give a shit, he's so cool". Like, going to a black tie thing (e.g. prom) dressed like a hobo was coolest shit you could pull off... if you actually had the confidence and social standing to afford it. As with every epoch it only works if you already are attractive. If you're a loser you'd just look even more of a loser.
>be me, 14 in 2002
>live in eastern yuropoor country in small village
>have poor TV and poor signal
>this show starts airing with teens
>"hmm wait this guy is like a young Superman"
>really like the show after the first episode
>final episode of season 1 airs
>ends on a huge fucking tornado cliffhanger
>"oh boy i can't wait for S2"
>yuropoor TV station only could afford S1
>they keep re-airing S1 for like 5 fucking years
>forget about the show for years
>finally get to college in big city
>get good internet and learn about torrents and shit
>see "Smallville" torrent
>binge that shit like crazy
>fell in love with it again and with all the girls in it
>such is life in poor EU, hard but it has it's highlights
Dude i can still hear the Jesse Mccarthy song from that episode when they went to an ice rink like it was yesterday youtube.com
It's weird, i watched all of Smallville and she's one of the main things i remember despite being in 2 episode in early season. There's something about her that really resonated with male teens i guess, she was a qt villain of the week who then returned and attempted to redeem herself. Her death legit shocked young me, i just wanted her to be happy
She was just a low tier member who left when she started seeing it was getting weird.
Allison Mack was full on cult member, recruiting others for her masters to fuck.
damn gotta listen to that, didn't think they'd actually talk about the story in smallville
They actually aged them down a year in the second season because they wanted a bit more buffer room to keep the show running
>but who knows what really happened and if she took part in recruiting kids for pedos.
Pretty sure she's not lying, that cult gathered a shit load of blackmail material on their members and even forced all of the lower leveled people to provide porn of themselves on a monthly basis. My point is that if she would do pedo stuff in the cult they would blackmail her to stay all the way until the end.
Nice try Kristen.
Same user, think we might be even from the same country. I remember running back from school(during early years i had to go during second shift) to watch s1 of Smallville, it started at 16.10 i think. Concept of seasons was alien to me back then so i had no idea what to do with myself after tornado in the finale. I also remember i was super into Dawnson's Creek and for some reason had to miss season finale of it and i was FURIOUS. Tried to watch it later in life and it was awful.
They have multiverse there so it's ok.
>Chinese Jamaican
The actual good show that kept doing it as well was Friday Night Lights. Riggins was supposed to be in his final year in s1, yet he doesn't finish school until s3, with each season being a year-long. Actors were all in their mid 20s as well, but the writing and acting was good you didn't care about it.
Man, I live in a third world tiny island country in the Pacific and we got all seasons. How can White people have such a shitty country?
Kevin Conroy is Bruce Wayne in it confirmed and there is a rumor that Hamill will be the Joker.
it probably depended on it's ratings and popularity, they didn't buy more seasons because it wasn't that big. I remember those spanish telenovelas were much more popular so they kept pumping those on tv
>implying easter european slavshit countries are white
They are like niggers but wrong colour by accident.
Not only was she a full member, she was 2nd-in-command. It was her idea to brand them.
I'm from ukraine and we had one channel airing all seasons of friends 2 episodes a day 5 days a week right around the time i returned school and later college. The thing is when they run out of episodes they would just start all over and eventually one day the first episode of the day was the show finale and the second was the pilot. And they didn't put commercial breaks in between the episodes. It was very weird to see pilot Joey being smarter than anyone in the finale.
now he gets fucked by tyronne and chaddington
Is he supposed to wear graphic tees? You can't handle a simple look?
I still wish that DC had gone with a plan to make their cinematic universe with Kingdom Come as their endpoint.
Just set aside a decade, lead everything up to Kingdom Come and then stop making capeshit for five years while you put new stuff into production and come back with a new universe ready to go.
They could probably get Kevin Spacey for real cheap right now if they wanted him for a third Lex.
Colombian here, every single episode was aired in colombia one week after the release in the US, what the fuck man, I tought europe was cool
the best part is he is uncomfortable but not in a pussy way, he just doesnt like mindless attention
Why didn't you save her, you fucking cunts?
no really she's more beautiful now
>gets invited to host a show (kids awards probably but still, on tv)
>shows up in black t shit, jeans and wearing some old looking cap backwards.
She waited for Superman.
She waited and will wait eternal till he flies down from the sky to be her tomorrow.
She is a rare exception to the rule, dumbass.
it's a teen award type show you incel
Ukraine here again. There was this one time one other channel was airing all season of Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, again 2 episodes per day, 5 days a week. At one point Universe started airing and that channel started airing it as well around the time US aired like 15 episodes of Universe. Ukrainian channel aired it in the same manner as always, 2 episodes 5 days a week. So when they aired all the episodes that US aired i thought they will just start over, but no. I got to see the last 4 episodes of season 1 in 2 days weeks before the rest of the world.
Asian genes.
>16 year olds referencing Nietzsche out of the blue
Tom Welling makes Cavill look like a fucking joke. Just finished smallville so it's still fresh, but god damn Welling nailed Clark Kent so fucking well and made the origin of Superman so fucking interesting that I wish he would play superman for real.
Fuck I miss this show already. He is the true giga chad. Even my girlfriend thinks cavill sucks compared to him.
This is when I fell in love with the show. I didn't stop watching like 3 months ago and binged 10 seasons. Absolute K I N O.
You'd pay a very high price for him even if it wasn't going to him
Also he was a shit Lex, I'd sooner have back fucking Eisenberg than him
IS this what happened with Leo? Did he always have a fat face?
Guy looks fine, just needs to shave off that stupid goatee
what show is this zoomer here
Damn, that hair transplant is really fucking good. Nice Welling.
she's a hapa, she's playing with cheat codes
Honestly wish I look this good when I start teaching that age in a bit.
KK looking to be a sexy mom
Literal perfection. I never forgave Jonathan Kent for this one.
do girls realy wear makeup in bed?
Are you retarded or just a virgin?
don't know what year this is from but it looks way more early 00s than 90s
You and who you replied to are both stupid. Smallville started airing in 2001.
The guy on the right is already bald.
the guy on the left is already dead
I have no idea when Smallville aired. Never seen it and have no interest.
Reminder I personally know roasties that post in these threads talking about how men age poorly because /r9k/ convinced them that they would hit the wall at 16. They are pathetic people. Ignore them.
I didn't know Xev was in smallville?
coke is helluva drug
Fair enough. Yes, girls will "go to bed" with some make up if they have the intention of stealing your seed.
It takes 5 seconds between opening a new tab, opening your search engine on choice and typing "smallville" and see the first result being overall info.
I didn't even know what seasons were when I was 14, I just watched the show every week. Just later I found there were only 8 episodes of Manimal, I would have swear there were more than that.
A chad version of that coping manlet Efron.
this is not a recent pic, look at him on Lucifer last season
the guy is bloated as fuck, probably a heavy whiskey drinker
Once told me
Asian women and half Asian women are using cheat codes
underrated post
She looks like she's gonna suck my soul.
>that 1998 to 2004 period will never come back, it's literally lost to the sands of time
>time travel will never happen
>as you get older a year being an X percentage of your life gets smaller and smaller
God it's like in 2010-2013 this shit felt so recent, then after the election everything fucking went into light speed.
He looks much more handsome now.
>>that 1998 to 2004 period will never come back, it's literally lost to the sands of time
College seems like a whole other lifetime ago, multiple lifetimes.
Here have an image from Yea Forums from 2004 and lie down for a bit.
mfw, back in 2004, if you wanted to talk about western shows and movies on Yea Forums you had to post in Yea Forums
kek what
He looks far more like a farmboy in the second pic
Also wasnt she involved in that cult shit? why is she at cons?
>I still look the same. It was really quite cathartic.
The irony of this statement is that he didn't realize that he still sees himself as a victim a decade later.
it was a different time
degenerates spotted
Damn I feel bad for her
>mfw my only experience of Yea Forums in 2004 was looking for byond dragon ball games and I caught but a glimpse of it, only to full time post on it in late 2008
>didn't even get to experience boards like Yea Forums when they were new, didn't even look at it much until dark knight returns came out and le bane maymays took over Yea Forums
You will never be a real woman
How tall is this fucker?
>chinese jamaican
d r o p p e d
We have to find a way to go back
which one
>back when all capeshit and political posting was confined to Yea Forums
reminder that kristin kreuk said that tom welling is the most attractive man she ever saw in her life
Reverse Shinji
classic Yea Forums was the bomb
Shit is that Winona at 0:47?
This scene made me feel so hard.
Absolute best girl. She was pushing all the right buttons in her first episode, but in the second one I simply fell in love with her.
Get the one from Lois & Clark
John Shea is kino
I wish I had actually been naming my Yea Forums images back in 2004. I pretty much have to scroll through the thumbnails to find something from then.
Garth Brooks looking great as usual here
I must have been around that age when I bought beyond good and evil
>Superman is Lucifer's gay lover
CW's Crisis crossover is really fucking odd.
That midlife gut suck when you see a pretty girl
delete this
>start to think "I hope I look as good as Welling is at his age"
>look it up, realize he's only five years older than me
>that early 00s nostalgia
is2.Yea Forums.org/gif/1566213365838.webm
>we need someone like Karl Urbal but working for 50 bucks
>I know a guy
>no one remembers Superboy from the 90s
>used to work with the actor's brother
>shook his hand just to touch the hand that touched the hand that touched that girl's boobs in Tomboy
Miss Alice?
>he picked this instead of kristin
Titlet? Roastie pls.
Fuck, that's hot! Do I need to watch that show?
i don't blame clark for lex becoming bad, but jonathan kent. he was the one who took every opportunity to shit on lex because he was lionel's son, convinced clark to lie to him, and was perfectly fine with clark taking advantage of lex's need for friendship to exploit his money and connections.
Pretty sure Karl Urban already works for 50 bucks. Poor guy barely has a career.
conventions, gay for pay, shitty shows after being a recluse for 15 years, this guy must be so fucking depressed, that's why he's all bloated, he doesn't want to do all that shit
it's kinda shitty but I only watch for Tom Ellis being sexy
You can fuck his fat ass for 10 bucks
15 if you want him clean, you have to pay for the soap
I didn't name anything I saved, but a lot of my images have such huge gaps in save dates (like a year or two between periods of time when I'd save images that it's easy to find everything
You better be joking nigger.
Still good-looking dude. If I were gay I'd hit it. The chick looks like a housewife, seems too respectable to me.
Too respectable?? she was in a fucking cult
You ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
hes just like 20 pounds overweight
hes still good looking, and could easily pull your girl at the bar
so disappointed when I found out this was a body double
>0/0 results
Why is Yea Forums so gay?
It's a super uncomfortable in hindsight episode
Evangeline Lily was an extra in 5 episodes of Smallville before she was famous
Pretty sure that was well after I gave up on the show in college. I forgot they had a Lena Luthor on the show. I just remember Lana vs Chloe and how Chloe was a much better Lana than Lana.
>literally only does curls
More like ripped and looking young thanks to calisthenics
I would I could say I forgot how bad the effects were on the show, but I even back then knew they were and I never forgot. I just don't think the budget was an excuse anymore.
you now remember that godawful witch storyline
You know what I forgot? Right before Supernatural started, Dean was a main charcacter in an entire season of Smallville, then in the last episode he had a cliffhanger death and was never mentioned again by anyone.
Fuuuuuuck imagine being her
Okay skelly
Tess was a fairly shit character, but she was stunning
> I just remember Lana vs Chloe
This was the first of many times Lana spin-kicked someone with the force of a freight train somehow
You sound kind of fat
Fuck you Bizarro was cool. I just wish they'd shown him using ice vision and fire breath to really fuck with Clark's mind
>tfw no kristin gf
fuck lads it hurts
Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours
Stopped watching in the last season or two. Did it ever get better?
>be 29
>unironically look as old/shit as Bam Margera
I miss this show sometimes.
Pretty much every hot young actress working at the time passed through it.
S10 was ok, after Lois found out his secret. I personally liked the Justice League crap, but I know it's not everyone's cup of tea.
There were some howlers though, like Chloe creates the Matrix and does bullet time kung fu against swat guys who are manifestations of viruses trying to delete her.
she is so beautiful
Why would I? His biggest success so far was being a glorified extra in JJ-Trek. Dredd was awesome, but it flopped hard.
Almost Human was cancelled before the final episode aired. He spends years between jobs. Now he's starring in an Amazon Original series - not necessarily the signs of a great career.
Urban was in Lord of the Rings too. And Xena.
He's not making it rain, but he gets by well enough/.
ITT: All this coping.
Face it, losers: wh*toids age like shit
Good thing I'm a slav then
Jensen Ackles is proof that men age like wine. He looks a million times hotter now.
>Urban was in Lord of the Rings too. And Xena.
But those were also minor roles. I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't remember he was in LotR. Yes, he gets by, but I doubt he's very expensive, because it doesn't look like he's in high demand.
I mean, multi-millionaire is multi-millionaire.
Comic-con too, every rando actor from Star trek makes their living doing that once a year
But you could say the same about Tom Welling. The original post made it sound like Urban was a huge star or something, and that Tom Welling was cheaper substitute.
Maybe Urban is a bit more expensive since he was in movies, while Welling is basically just TV, but I doubt it's a huge difference.
Kaufman did my translation too but 100% he's only paralysed because he's afraid she caught him looking down her shirt
the proof that if you are good looking enough you can pull any outfit you want
Are you saying that if I were good looking enough I could pull that outfit off Lana.
yes, i bet many faggots from here would want to fuck you
Hey, there are absolutely no homosexuals on Yea Forums. And by no I mean there are a few.
And by a few I mean everyone from the OP down, all gay and all willing to rape you, especially if you get doubles.
Thankfully I'm not the one with doubles here.
based family man
>308 replies
>and nobody posted Flash & Superman running webm
God i wish that were me
There you go dubu
He looks like Blake Shelton.
This seems very gay