Implied that she died horribly in a hotel fire

>implied that she died horribly in a hotel fire

she deserved better, bros

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is that cunny kino?

She was the best actor on that show.

How did they get away with this?

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She was a stupid brat and Esme was a whore

>She was the best actor on that show.
Jesus, no kidding.
I thought the main kid actors would get better after season 1 but they were still wooden as fuck by the final episode. The only thing they did well was look miserable.

But she out-acted them everytime she was on screen

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this is possibly the most attractive person who has ever been on television (barring Francesca Capaldi)

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god just imagine her tite little pink freckled tushy softly nestled on the bridge of your nose.

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Why do you incels always narrow everythig down to sex? Why are you so primitive?

her IG is pure CUTE.

post something then

>watching this movie with my friend
>look over during this scene
>he puffs up


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>Francesca Capaldi
excellent taste

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do you REALLY want to know? or are you just trying to appear morally superior on an anonymous moroccan oyster farming forum?

It’s more or less implied everyone died in that fire.

Oh, I would have given her something better alright.

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the miserableness of the baudelaires is kind of the point

she got too old and thicc like Maddie Ziegler

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she will have a reduction in a couple of years

Yeah, I do.

imagine eating her ass

cus sex is all woman are good for

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that would be a travesty

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She's wonderfully gregarious, but I think this show have lots of black screentime.

I love Carmelita

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this outfit is seriously conflicted


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it's so fleeting. like supernovae, they're gone in the blink of an eye. what a breathtaking phenomenon

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I wanted to see more of her so I looked up other stuff she's doing and aside from a small part in some shitty tv show, she's doing mostly voice work. She really is very talented, it's surprising to see her not doing anything more worthwhile.

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so hot

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Hmm imagine her sitting on your face and jacking you off, god damn.

Is this show any good? I've only watched the movie, which I liked.

it's kino with a beginning middle and end

I love Carmelita so goddamn much, bros, I need Carmelita wife

Kill yourselves pedos


I like her but come on, chewing the scenery isn't 'good acting'

she's too pure for 4channel

pitch me a movie with these two? (something PG rated!)

cheerleading competition movie with them as rival team leaders

Oh my god i want an lgf.

Why are there so many pedos on Yea Forums

I thought their woodlike acting was on purpose?

>enter what I imagine will be a based unfortunate events thread
>it’s actually just another pedophile thread that the janny won’t take down
Cringe. Do NOT have sex

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Guess im going to join the ranks of the pedos on Yea Forums, didn't think i'd see the day

c*nny bred?

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