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The fuck does that even mean?

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Coldplay is better than Radiohead


bad bait


Radiohead? More like Radiosilence, amirite?

Is it still uncool to like their first 2 albums - or any album for that matter?

this cringey bloke fucked prime goop

Like what you want.
Are you really such a faggot that lets others dictate what you can and cant like?

one of the worst opinions ever expressed on the internet

you're not slurring enough
Skin ah- booouhhhh
Somey boutehffouhhh

Well they each made 3 good albums...

music patrician here
first album is kinda good. Rush of Blood and Viva la Vida are more than decent. The rest is trash.

Fedoriohead are unironically the most cringe tier band to ever come out of the UK.

Can I like both?

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MUSE > Coldplay > Radiohead

Always been indifferent to them, but considering they're one of the biggest bands in the world, I've always found it odd how I never meet any fans of theirs. Literally never. They must have loads of middle aged women fans and the rest are probably closeted because it's not cool to like them.

I only asked if it was uncool, chump

>MUSE > Coldplay > Radiohead
i dont have one of those soiboi meme faces saved to my computer, so you're just going to have to use your imagination here user

Blur > Radiohead > Oasis > Coldplay

Ah, Muse. Now there's an irredeemably shit band.

I'm not even a Radiohead fan, I find them definitely overrated. but they made
3 very good albums (OK Computer, Kid A, Amnesiac)
2 good albums (The Bends, In Rainbows)
even their worst albums are still miles ahead the shit Coldplay has put out in the last decade

let's unpack this

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Pretty sure they have a big Mexican/Brazilian following, I remember reading YT comments to The Scientist a while back and it was littered with Hispanic babble

This is perfect. Radiohead has always been pretentious noise made for wannabe emo kids who come from well off families but pretend like their uncle diddling them is the worst thing ever to happen to a human being

Suede w/Bernard Butler>Blur>Suede without Bernard Butler>Radiohead>Oasis>>>powergap>>>Coldplay

You know who has a massive following in Mexico? Morrissey. Always tickled me.

If someone told me they liked muse irl I'd beat the shit out of them. The worthless beta autist wouldn't even put a fight.

why do Yea Forumstards pretend that The Bends isn't even that good?
>le thom yorke dislikes High & Dry so it's bad

Both are shit now
>Coldplay: we wanna make insipid radio crap
>Radiohead: bleep bloop lol :^)

Knew a big nosed Jew girl at school who was obsessed with them.

Oasis will, has and will permanently remain 100x better than blur. They might have had a gimmick with Noel and Liam fighting all the time but it will never be as sad as having your gimmick be cartoon characters

The Bends is cringe. If you listen to it you may as well be listening to Coldplay or Oasis.

Franz Ferdinand > Radiohead > Coldplay >Muse

You're thinking of Gorillaz pal, but cheers for confirming you know nothing.

Oasis had two good albums and then cocaine got the better of them.

because its bad, generic britpop shit. okc is the bare minimum of radiohead listenability and the first album where they tried anything interesting

The Beatles > all of these britpop wannabe posers.


>you’re thinking of the gorillaz
Yeah and who’s the singer of the gorillaz you uncultured swine?

John Lennon beat his wife

Yoko deserved to be beaten.

wow what a controversial statement

>I can’t separate the music from the artist
Let me guess, you’re Christian Right?

he wrote a song about burning down a woman's house because she wouldn't fuck him

Checked. Chris Martin is a lazy hack.

And it's a great song.


"I lit a fire" is referring to him sparking a joint not burning her house down btw

Why do you think he’s /ourguy/? He would have supported /pol/ too. He was the king of being counter culture

You can respectably like everything up until MX.

Well even harmless little Ringo is pro-Brexit so who knows.

radiohead being ‘bleep bloop’ is cringe. There is almost nothing on A Moon Shaped Pool that is electronic.

fuck off, the line literally references the wood her furniture is made of

There's so many Beatlefags who insert drug references into lyrics where there aren't any. John got quite fed up with all the over-analyzing which is why he wrote so much lyrical nonsense towards the end just to fuck with people.

I can't imagine how much of a pathetic autistic beta male you'd need to be to enjoy the Beatles.
Every Beatles song is cringe. You could kill every fan of the beatles and nothing of value would be lost. The only people who enjoy them are mindless boomer subhumans and the intellectually weak.

Based and Scotpilled

>Every Beatles song is cringe. You could kill every fan of the beatles and nothing of value would be lost. The only people who enjoy them are mindless boomer subhumans and the intellectually weak.

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Weezer >> Oasis >> Coldplay >> Radiohead

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Burning down someone's house makes absolutely no sense in the context of the song, a subtle drug reference was way more in line with his writing in 1965. As was sort of but not really declaring that he had an affair


"Over-analyzing" would be thinking he was referring to arson, and not smoking weed, lol

The Smiths > Blur > Radiohead > Morrissey > power gap > Coldplay = Muse

>Every Beatles song is cringe. You could kill every fan of the beatles and nothing of value would be lost. The only people who enjoy them are mindless boomer subhumans and the intellectually weak. I only listen to tyrone’s new rap albums mass produced by kikes and drink onions while I watch BLACKED.com!

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only because of that faggot singing in Radiohead


That's the '70's you're thinking of, in the '60's everyone was still a little hush-hush about drug use.
Also just read the lyrics and you'll see its about arson.

why have the "norwegian wood" callback in the same line if the fire is him lightning a joint? that's not only completely stupid, it neuters and borderline ruins an otherwise almost perfect song

Not him, but most of their song put me to sleep
But I prefer John Lennon solo music

George Harrison is a better solo artist IMO.

Nu-males love the beatles though because their music is so bland and non-masculine. I live every aspect of my life with an uncompromizing masculine brutality and that extends to the music I listen to.

Do zoomers have even one pair of bands like this they can argue over?

Animal Collective fans have tiny penises

Says the musical illiterate when the Beatles basically invented metal by their experimentation on the White Album.

i came to this thread to have a good time and i just feel so personally attacked right now

t. fatass

The entire concept of having a "band" is cringe old man shit. Collaboration is an inherent dilution of artistic vision.

beatles>stone roses>oasis>the verve>blur>radiohead>coldplay

You forget the song John wrote about threatening to kill a girl if she cheats on him.


Truly he was /ourguy/.

Britbands sucks Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots & Audioslave are better than these

>Beatles basically invented metal
They made some lame shit. They don't get to take any credit for better artists making actual good metal later on.


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>later on
Yeah, two decades down the line. Try to see how ahead of the curve they were.

>Collaboration is an inherent dilution of artistic vision.

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Dude imagine ...
no seriously listen,
Imagine taking serious Yea Forums's opinion ... HAHAHAHA
They praise Kanye West music HAHAHAHAHA

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gorrilaz>coldplay>blur>supergrass>the verve>pulp>radiohead>oasis

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It has been said that Kanye is the Beethoven of this generation. I say its more correct to say that Beethoven is the Kanye of their generation

Stop listening to Animal Collective, it makes your dick shrink

surely mozart?

Unironically B&R.
Holy shit, are you me? This opinion desu: everything they made until 2011 or whenever is musical kino, and everything thereafter is mediocre and more or less disposable. They peaked with Viva La Vida and afterward were never again able to capture that same sense of sincere creativity. Everything they produced after just sounds like so much millennial whooping.

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Oh god, you almost rustled me

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>their best album is also their first album
Any other times when this happened? Other than Coldplay and REM.

First two albums are brilliant. The rest suck.

808s & Heartbreak is better than My Dark Twisted Hipster Fantasy. As a matter fact, all of Kanye's preceding albums are better than it.

If the music is shit the music is shit. Why just stop at the Beatles? Why not go back to some prehistoric man banging on a crude drum and then proclaiming we all have to be very grateful for grug and his drum because without him we wouldn't have got Taylor Swift.

Tool > old Gorillaz/2d solo album > Blur >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NuGorillaz

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Does Mastodon count?
I think thats about as metal as I can really listen to without my head hurting

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Because that's for the next verse you illiteratw twat


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That's because you're gay and not a real warrior

Death Grips
Mogwai (putatively)
Tyler the Creator

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oasis>the verve>stereophonics>supergrass>blur>radiohead>coldplay>beatles


I'll just leave this here

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fuck off doobs

based list

Coldplay was peak breakup music and then they all settled down with families and it turned into shitty inspirational messages for the next generation.


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is this buttrock?

>is deftones buttrock?

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well Radiohead fucking sucks, so that's not saying much

>radiohead fag is a k-pop weeb lover
what a twist