How much would it cost to buy Yea Forums?
How much would it cost to buy Yea Forums?
$10 and a copy of Venom on 4K Blu-ray
More than what you have
about tree fiddy
Gookmoot payed jewmoot 10 million yen for Yea Forums. What a dumb chink lmao
I've been thinking about that myself. If I had money to spend like that I would buy this place just so I can shitpost with complete immunity.
>How much would it cost to buy Yea Forums?
Why would you?
A crumpled up $5 bill, a paper clip and some belly button lint
>94,077.50 United States Dollar
what the fuck that's not expensive at all
All spent in high class boi escorts
how many jannies are there and what is their salary?
I imagine that and the cost for server maintenance (which doesn't seem to occur thanks to so much downtime) is the price
Is the belly button lint from a cute girl?
I was under the impression the site was valued at $3-4 million, and gotta be generating SOME revenue. Hiro's not the kind of guy who'd keep this place running if he wasn't making profit.
Because retards bring down the value, like undesirables do to neighborhoods.
I get tired of resetting my router constantly faggot.
Well you have to buy out the contracts of employees and pay any wages.
Must be a lot.
Who would crowdfund with me and buy it? Maybe the jannies could contribute some of their salaries.
upgrade to a better router
are mods on the same wage as jannies or is it double or even TRIPLE their wage?
mods do actually get paid
How much they pay Hiro to keep the young white male data coming?
They get a dollar per repeating digit lads
>mods get paid NaN times the amount of jannies
Really? Truly? I think I've been lying this whole time. I thought being a mod was somehow even worse than being a janny.
Or why doesn't pic related buy the site? Imagine Hiro getting a phone call..
Real talk? jannies are hard to keep track of, since they drop off/ go silent easily and will pop back up again a month or so down the road. Also the gap of activity betwen them varies considerably. On record there are probably over 100 now, with 60-80 being considered "active". Maybe half that number are very active.
For Mods there are around twenty (as of a year+ ago) and the number never really inflates. Each mod is active and is generally picked due to the amount of BRs they push as janitors, and the acceptance rate of their BRs (having anything in the 90% of your ban requests approved is considered very good).
No one gets paid of course, but you essentially function like you have a Yea Forums pass plus some other benefits.
Also if you think about being a janitor/mod - don't. It shows you just how shitty the user base really is. You might laugh and meme about ocean of piss but I'm serious - especially as a mod when you can see IPs and post history, it just showcases how many people are devoted to shitposting, samefagging, etc.
No they do not, not even Rapeape.
Mods have always been paid.
>you can see IPs and post history
Thats bad
No. They are not.
Nope, being a janny is the lowest form of life.
They get paid in thanks
It helps gauge intent, which is important if you want to have a fair hand, but it just really showcases how shitty so many users are. It's hard to not eventually grow to despise the average poster over time.
damage control
>90% of users have adblock and are thieves
>especially as a mod when you can see IPs and post history
the fuck, i thought only admins, or no one could see that shit fuck this website
Pepe be like "Oo-hoo-HOOH!"
you can always go to 8ch- never mind
this is like those memes of fbi agents falling in love with you, but instead it's just a fat balding creepy mod on Yea Forums
yuck never posting here again, thanks for the heads up
>yuck never posting here again
see you tomorrow
No, all mods do. It's the only way to track things like ban history, and also it helps in determining if someone is ban evading. And intent, very easy to see if someone is just trying to start a flamewar or spark shit for funsies.
>tfw the mods know your secret about the shitpost youve been doing for the last 8 years
i'm actually serious tho
I've been here since 2009 and have been looking for a sign, a reason to finally stop posting on this website for good, finally found it. bye ugly turds
>fun fact, if you seem to get called out for samefagging and they seem to be spot on - chances are its a mod tired of your shit.
I give it a week before you're back
See you tomorrow, user!
So they can see my every single post since the start?
No, no no, actively they can see posts that still exist on the board. Posts can be kinda tracked back a few days but it requires some digging and using the archive - it's rarely worth it.
only goes back 6 months IIRC
I used to be a /r9k/ mod AMA
How do you know all this shit? Are you former mod?