
So, im watching this Aliens documentary and im no expert, but the cannon is that we (humans) made a robot than then made the aliens and then we rediscovered the aliens centuries later right?
And the white dudes that turn into goo in the water were killed by this robot too?
This shit is confusing.
Can someone give me a quick rundown?

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What question are you answering?

I don’t think David is the original creator of the Xenos because in Prometheus there is a mural that shows what looks like a xeno and face huggers. I wish Ridley hadn’t fucked up this franchise even more, Alien was much better when the space jockey was some bizarre alien instead of big blue human in a space suit.

Engineers created humanity and quite possibly the bonus situation

So the documentary akniwledges the retarded plot device of making David the creator of the xenomorphs? Won't watch then, will downvote the trailer.

David probably reverse engineered the xenomorphs in the modern movies based on what he found from the space jockey civilization data.

That's the most logical explanation. He tried to create his own perfect offshoot of something that already existed and was done before him, and continues to exist elsewhere beyond his influence.

>Prometheus there is a mural
This one?
But then what is the purpose of the whole "david spent thousands of years alone making life" thing?
Haven't finished it yet, im not a hardcore fan thats why i asked.

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Just ignore everything after the first two movies.

He's still the creator of the xenomorphs we see in Alien and Aliens, which is prequelites to the max and way beyond retarded.

Long story short, ole' Ridley got his head fried somewhere along the way. But going from the timeline of the movies, here's how it may have gone

>we send out an archeological expedition to the planet that may have our creators
>it's just an outpost with biological weapons that were intended to take us out after our experiment was over
>the engineer's vast interstellar empire had collapsed since mankind was made, and were reduced to roman tier technology on their homeworld
>the android david easily took them out with their own bioweapons, and conducted experiments on the crew of the ship sent to investigate
>the engineers had independently created the xenomorph on their own, and the ship discovered by the nostromo was carrying a payload of these eggs intended for a war, but never reached its intended destination
>at this point in the story david is still fucking around in space, and the time gap is too small to have engineered the xenomorphs found in the first movie

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Alien>Aliens>I have a soft spot for Resurrection

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They fucked up the storyline. That's the storyline.

Sounds like your opinion and not actual cannon.

She ressurects my penis

yeah, i'm thinking he's based

It's all so embarrassing and sad. Please stop. The movies are a dumpster fire and the entire series is dead. Just let it die.

What you retarded Ridley fanboys don't seem to realize is that David was written as the creator of the xenomorphs we see in Alien as a cheap plot device, nothing genius about it.

I think they are pretty cool and there is nothing else that has world building like the modern Alien series, Alien purists should chill out a little.

By far the best player, something it gets wonky with 4k content and HDR but whatever.

based and weedpilled

Alien depresses me as a franchise, because it's so goddamn unique but every attempt since Aliens has only made it worse. Prometheus briefly got my hopes up, because as dumb as it was it at least had some good ideas that could have been expanded upon. Then Alien Covenant dashes all hopes and dreams.

A part of me wants to write a story that hits the same notes as Alien but is untarnished by the blemishes since Alien 3. At the same time, everything would just be too obviously a "ripoff" since anything involving a monster in space will, inevitably, be compared to Alien. I mean, how the fuck do you make something that hits the same notes but ISN'T a ripoff? Do you just pull a hollyjew and restart the franchise?


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Which makes the prequels sort of pointless.

>how the fuck do you make something that hits the same notes but ISN'T a ripoff?
See Magnetic Rose

Attached: MR.jpg (1280x1879, 274K)

Haven't heard of it; you've piqued my interest. Thanks, user!

All of them

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Xenos with human DNA werent invented by david first no. remember that the facehuggers exist to kill life and were destined to kill humanity(also a creation of the prometheans) so its reasonable to think that they have binded them to human dna prior to the awakening by Wayland in prometheus

>first trailer of Prometheus comes out
>Scott insists the movie won't be about xenomorphs
>get excited, thinking the weird engineer creatures will be the villains
>go see the movie
>engineers are dumb dudes in suits who get fucked over by their own weapons
>fasbender is the villain
>it's about xenomorphs after all

The reboot franchise is the single most disappointing waste of potential ever in cinema history

Well, they've basically made the alien into a space bug, then made it into some hilarious genetic bio-weapon, yet still a space bug. The Jockeys are just giant Aryans, and they've completely ignored where the hell they or the Xenomorphs actually really did come from. They've left all of the Lovecraft cosmic horror and psycho-sexual ALIEN shit far behind in favor of space ants and robots, so there's lots of room for returning to the true kino in new stories (just not in this cat diarrhea franchise, it's done.)

And yet you Ridley fanboys told us Aliens wasn't true to the spirit of Alien, this was before Prometheus was released with Star Trek gloss and non-functional tech design with no real destinction from the alien tech, eliminating the horror feel of humans encountering an alien culture devoid of human logic. Aliens was true to the tech design of the original and since Covenant got realesed, you are painted into a corner with your damage control since it has the same amounts of action as Aliens and it even had a robot kung fu fight.
I can picture it myself, after you complained about Aliens visual design not being dark and used enough, when you saw Prometheus with it's broad daylight setting, Star Trek gloss and fucking holograms everywhere, you where like "J-just like the original".

How I feel about Prometheus exactly. The only thing that eased my eternal asspain was reading the original script by Jon Spaihts. It's much better than the shit we got after they brought in Lindelof and had that faggot shove shit in last-minute to make it connect to Alien.

Im happy with the 2 good movies we got out of it.

I really like fincher too so i wish he could have had an honest attempt at the series.

To me Alien: isolation is the real alien 3

Prometheus was dumber than Aliens though. Aliens isn't the film that rebooted the biomechanoid space jockey as an albino avatar.

not the user you replied to, but fully agree there. The direction of the series veered off a long time ago, but there's still hope that another work will carry the torch in some fashion


Stop projecting, im not a fanboy of anything.
Besides Team Fortress 2, that game is really cool.

J-just look how glossy and colorful HR Giger's designs is. Prometheus hit the right mark, he.

Engineers are literally billions or years old and have seeded life on presumably countless planets for reasons only known to them.
The seeding (as seen in Prometheus) has a ritualistic quality since one of their own sacrifices himself to literally give life to a planet.
Also they have some sort of all-purpose saturday morning cartoon level mutagen that does whatever the plot demands of it.

For reasons known only to them they decided to wipe us out (Scott says it's because we killed Jesus and he was an engineer?!) but while preparing to sortie their death-bombers one of them tripped and dropped the bio-weapon which then wiped out that facility. Apparently noone else in the entire known universe was in on this bombing run so they just dropped the issue altogether and forgot about it. Or maybe they don't even bother with basic-level communication between facilities.

Later on we create androids and go check out what the engineers are all about. Naturally a rich trillionaire wants to live forever and wakes up an engineer from cryo sleep and immediately starts to bug him to give him immortality on the spot. That engineer might as well be some janitor or handyman so he got mad and decided to use his bare hands to kill everyone in sight before an incidental squid baby finished him off.

Then the android just loses it and decides to make monsters for no particular reason.

>Then the android just loses it and decides to make monsters for no particular reason.
And those monsters are the ones that appear in all the other movies?

Is the doc worth watching?

Don't forget the part where the beings who created us left us with a map to the factory where they make their weapons of mass destruction, instead of, say, nearest embassy.

Its decent if you have nothing else to do/watch.

They only talk about the original movie.

>that were intended to take us out after our experiment was over
Actually it was originally written that we killed an Engineer who was supposed to be Jesus, so in retribution they were going to wipe us out
>the engineer's vast interstellar empire had collapsed since mankind was made, and were reduced to roman tier technology on their homeworld
That wasn't the Engineers or their home world, it was a creation of the Engineers just like humanity was, a shit tier one
>>the engineers had independently created the xenomorph on their own, and the ship discovered by the nostromo was carrying a payload of these eggs intended for a war, but never reached its intended destination
David created the Xenomorphs

nope, mural proves otherwise retard

How do I download this, ?

I should've been clearer, he created the Xenomorphs in that era, they were originally invented sometime prior by the Engineers but the existence of the Xenomorphs in the 21st century is by David

alien lore is the most worthless thing in the world to try and make sense of. it has been capriciously ripped around in all sorts of directions and any nitwit trying to untie the knot should be slapped in the back of the head. it's an absolute shame that ridley wasted any of his few remaining years filming those retarded ass putrid scripts.

They lack the biomechanical casing. Probably pt 3 would have ended with David merging with the Xenomorphs to give them the classic biomechanical look.

I'm more inclined to think that David was just full of himself and that black shit would have eventually congealed into the aliens when exposed to dna regardless of anything specific he did. It doesn't make any more sense that way, but at least it's slightly less retarded. to download torrents

Anywhere i can download this in proper HD?

sent ;)

The series got fucked after Aliens too
Should have been one and done

Space jockey was best when he was just a random alien astronaught who got fucked over by xenomorphs same as the humans end up being. And xenomorphs were best when they were just some dangerous alien species that had naturally evolved into what they were.
Fuck any series that tries to retroactively add deepest lore bullshit. There's not a single time when it doesn't completely fuck with the original material.

Watched this last night and they basically confirmed how Alien is a jumpscare snoozefest. 45 minutes of nothing before the egg scene. I’m glad I didn’t get that far before switching off.

but what were their tax policies?

>And xenomorphs were best when they were just some dangerous alien species that had naturally evolved into what they were.
And that was cannon or just guessed?

That's your headcanon. In reality the engineers in covenant aren't proper engineers, they're another creation as seen by the different look, technology and the fact that they religiously converge when the engineer ship appears.

The xenomorph is created by david. The engineers have deacons and similars but his experimentation leads to what we see in the alien film.

this, fuck Hollywood for not being able to write a suspenseful plot or relatable characters now but they can come up with endless backstory nonsense

Yes? I hope you are not implying that's a good idea

1. Ignore Prometheus
2. Never go anywhere near Alien Covenant
3. Watch Alien
4. Watch Aliens
5. Only consider watching the Director's Cut of Alien 3
6. The End.

its a good idea

holy shit you're a retard lmao

6. watch Alien Res
7. play Alien Isolation
8. The end

>3. Watch Alien
Not directors cut?

ignore this pleb fuck

Ignore everything but the first movie. In the production notes and in early interviews Ridley Scott talks a bit about the origin of the alien and just what that many eggs were doing on the ship.

>The alien is part of a truly alien race that goes through different lifecycles that ultimately culminates in a peaceful, thoughtful, creature.

>The alien's race is extremely aggressive and dangerous in its adolescence.

>The alien race is aware of this and new alien offspring are raised in pyramids where they can't harm anyone as they grow.

>The alien ship encountered was delivering a bunch of eggs to one such pyramid, but crashed due to an unrevealed cause, possibly involving a containment breach of the offspring.

>At full maturity the alien race is fully capable of understanding speech and communicating.

There was a big list of stuff cut in one of the production diaries that describes the pyramid they had originally intended them to find the eggs in, as well as a few planned scenes that never got made. Obviously the official canon has changed, but if were talking about the original artists intent, there it is.

Attached: LukeTheDrinker.gif (450x252, 1.13M)

The alien story at face value is now something like
David found a long forgotten ritual to create the xenomorph.
He uses the ancient practice to make xenomorphs.

so he didn't invent the xenomorph. He had inspiration from the Engineers historical records.
They had some unspeakable sacrifical ritual using nanotechonolgy that made aliens.


No, he does end up creating the xenomorph.
Because the black goo only creates a biological being, but xenomorph is also part mechanical.
So the final prequel Alien movie most likely would have dealt with David merging with the xenomorph to finally complete his creation and create final life of his own.

>anything canon after Aliens

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There is a cut scene from Alien that shows where the eggs come from as well as why there weren't anymore space jockeys on the ship.

Why the fuck not both.

It could've easily been an outpost, they had all their tech and weapon shit there, but it could've also a been a place where they could meet, too.
Also people are forgetting that the engineers still had at least hundreds of years of prep time to redecorate the place into a nice meeting place. Mankind was still playing in the sand during the engineers' visits (the last being early BC) and there was no particular rush for them to expect interstellar visitations from us any time soon to their hub location.

>David spent thousands of years alone making life

Try "threes of years." I don't think even so much as ten years passed between Prometheus and Covenant.

Time for some re-watching.

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Yes he creates a xenomorph but he got the idea from a ritual using their nanotech.
Its all explained here.
He didnt invent the xenomorph at all he got the idea from this ceremony.
Also interesting lines to note
>he tried to offer Shaw to have sex possibly somehow with him or some other way to reproduce.
>he used engineer women as test subjects instead
>the process of the ritual metamorphs engineers into aliens the process is absolute genetic engineering.
The last part was seen i the concept art the engineers had some way of drinking something that would transform them into a xeno creature.

Alien 3 would have been better as a stand alone movie, not connected to Aliens. It just shits on the characters too much. A lot of the atmosphere and setting of Alien 3 are fun, but trying to bookend it as the end of a trilogy is awful. It doesn't elevate the franchise, it's another "alien" movie in the same way slasher movies are all the same.

That's stupid as fuck.

And why would David want to become what is basically a rabid animal? Sounds stupid.

Ridley Scott loves Beavis and Butthead

I don't know, it was heavily implied that David had spent a LONG, LOOOOONG time in there.

that user is stupid watch

Is it onions to watch a docu about Alien? I think not. Onions care mostly about Jewish shit like capeshit.

>The seeding (as seen in Prometheus) has a ritualistic quality

But what about the feeding?

This scene is included in Scott's DC version of the film and I feel it's a subtle finger against Cameron's lifecycle design in the sequel, also it meshes more with Prometheus/ Covenant version of the beast. I can imagine Scott having been ocassionally annoyed for not including this scene in the theatrical version, which allowed Cameron the creature into zergrushing insectoids.

It was the 70's man. RS also wanted to have walls of the pyramid be covered in elaborate frescoes showing the fully matured aliens wearing robes and looking erudite. They cut the idea when someone told Scott how fucking expensive it would be to build. But the basic idea is why later movies like the AvP series feature elaborate pyramids.

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And they choose to do so in a way that requires us to solve a riddle shitposted in a cave painting thousands of years ago.

you know what the biggest mistake people make in analysing this series is?
The xenomorph is supposed to be female. It isn't male.

When you get that it suddenly all makes a lot more sense.
Also read the greek story of Pandora.

Or maybe Prometheus is not well thought out and they just wanted to include xenomorph imagery somewhere.

Is it worth it?

Sounds like your headcanon. The OG beast is a creature that knows how to multiply itself in all the ways.

Only Aliens introduced the concept of the xeno being a ''bitch'' but that was directed towards the Queen which was explicitely female.

Because he says, and I quote
>He was human. Entirely unworthy of his creation.
David hates humans and wants them dead. Just like the Engineers.

Look at the xenomorphs in Covenant. Completely smooth, no signs of anything mechanical of the later aliens.
Its just like a normal animal.

The last work of David would have been to infuse a mechanical aspect, namely himself. To fuse with the beast to make his own creation.

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yes, for the first 6-8 hours or so, then it gets a bit repetitive, but it's probaly the best Xenomorph focused game(no avp shit) if you're into stealth/horror genre.

Yes. Very much. In fact the main problem with it is that its so much of it that you are likely to tire of how much it is rather than find it bad.

It really can be explained though.

The weapon silos in Prometheus are tartarus. The engineers there are the titans.
They were banished by the Gods the actual Engineers, the titans were in conflict with the rest of society maybe being a warrior cast (titan engineers are almost certainly androids themselves)
The ooze stuff is full on lovecraftian god stuff,
Possibly it is the actual evidence of an actual god in the setting. As in literal blood of a god that can create monsters locked in tartarus with the titans.

He couldn't have. Thousands of years and no one would remember John Denver, let alone Shaw.

Its not its based on some facts
For one the original xeno was supposed to be played by a super model

in aliens 3 it was supposed to look like a woman with sexual lips

And it makes sense in the engineer alien relationship Engineers in prometheus are nippleness they are straight pure males.
The mural shows reproduction and the alien above it.
That fits back into

Pandora and the story of Zeus.

ill continue.
So at one point the engineers were immortal and lived in a paradise.
They were all male and it was a golden age,
They introduced sexual reproduction into their society. This has some link with the xenomorph.
This is somehow the beginning of the end of their golden age.

>>he used engineer women as test subjects instead
Like what? Their corpses? get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. Even if a couple of engies survived the gassing, how did David manage to do those experiments? Fucking scared them into submission? I mean ffs one of them was able to tear his head off with its bare hands... All those promo clips and additional material was put together by fucking morons and doesn't make any sense(no less than the actual film).

Its just another generic horror game.
>run when spooky music
>hide inside things
>open and close doors
>find items
>monster magically knows where you are all the time
If you played one modern "horror" game, you played them all.

In interviews Ridley Scott has said that the Engineers were fell to a brutal civil war between the warrior caste and the priest caste. Prometheus takes place on an outpost of the warrior caste.

The ooze is their most sacred object, so yeah, it might as well be a god in its own right.

watch the video. He had access to fresh engineer bodies particularly women and you see this in his lab in the actual movie.
Maybe engineers were able to hide in bunkers or suvived his intial attack and he found them.

>Ridley Scott has said
too bad he didn't fucking film it

The aliens on that planet aren't Engineers, they're created by the Engineers just as humans were but they aren't Engineers, David didn't wipe out the Engineers and their home world

fuck the video, shit doesn't make any sense in context of the previous film nor even for what is presented to the viewer in covenant for that matter


>in aliens 3

Yeah, "in aliens 3"

Made several years after the original movie, continueing the lifecycle of the sequel. Like I said, it's your headcanon.
Also that female xeno that Giger designed got shut the fuck down by the studio, which didn't want to go an experimental route because they were content with Cameron's concepts.

>aren't Engineers
whatever, we saw one ripping his head off without any effort, how the fuck was he supposed to experiment on live specimens if they could easily just kill him?

I agree engineer-lites or whatever creations you can see the difference betwen the prometheus pilot and the covenant "engineers"
But yes i believe we have never been shown the actual Engineers.
Thats why they cut that scene from the beginning of Prometheus to mystify the Engineers.

Ok so the big white dudes created humans. They also created a black goo which sort of just randomly does whatever the plot needs it to, from simply melting animals to mutating them. The outcome of some of these mutations though, are proto-xenomorphs, the primitive ones you saw like in murals and flashbacks and shit.

Then, long time later, humans started checking out space and made a robot. The robot found an old base of the white dudes and took one of their ships back to a world of theirs, where he dumped the black goo and it melted all the white dudes there.

Yes, all of them.

Then while on that world, he experimented with the black goo on a human he had with him, and overtime and selective breeding or genetics or whatever the fuck, he "perfected" the creatures that originally resulted from black goo mutations, into the "classic" xenomorphs we know.

That's the plot of the newer movies.

The problem though is that the white dude ship found in the old movies, has "classic" xenomorph eggs (resulting in the same xenos the robot created) inside, and that ship had definitely been crash landed for at least... centuries? I think? So there's a big continuity error where the robot creates the "classic" xenos, but a white dude ship full of them existed and crashed long before the robot created the "classic" xenos.

Unless of course, the crashed white dude ship actually got classic "xenos" in it and crashed, *after* the robot made them. But that seems unlikely because one, the crashed ship looks ancient by the time it's found, and two, we are to assume the robot killed all the white dudes and at the very least would not be on terms with them where he could interact with one to give/put "classic" xenos on the white dude's ship for him to take. Unless it was like, stowaway smuggled onto the white dude's ship by the robot without him knowing, but that also seems unlikely.

Fuck off actual evidence isnt head canon. Stop misusing words.

What evidence bitch


Prometheus was OK, but Covenant is the real kino. I hope Ridley Scott gets to make his third prequel before he dies and we get even more embryo kino.

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>we saw one ripping

>we saw a human kill a cat
>then how come monkey isn't as good as human?
This is you.

jesus christ get your head examined.

>still no evidence

Yeah, thought so.

listen to this based man.

>get two pieces of evidence
>noo nooo not evidence

So the Engineers (at least the ones from the outpost) wanted to kill us because our DNA is the prime ingredient to breed proper xenos with the black goo, which they obviously wanted to stop?

According to Ridley the xeno is neither male or female and they don't have sex.
They are a hermaphrodite.

I'd call you a nerd but you're too dumb to be called that.

Breh don't you get it? DA VIDEOS! It makes perfect sense!

>Oh shit our planet got gassed but we survived in bunkers or some shit. Also we're all of us only women in this bunker, no men.
>What? Something is knocking outside the bunker?
>"Hello, I am a tiny robot man whose head was ripped off with relative easy by one of your men, let alone numerous of you. Please drink my black goo or else I will force you to."

See bro? PERFECT sense it all makes!


They wanted to kill us because we were a shittier version of themselves and didn't improve on their race.

When they analyze the dead engineer though, their tests show it's and human DNA are identical, essentially. And we're to assume from the opening of the movie that life on earth, including human DNA, comes from engineer DNA.

I think humans were some unsactioned creation. That had the spark of "divinity" in them. Whatever that means.
Created by a rebel Engineer(s) Anyway humans fundamentally offend Engineers and their creations.
Maybe because humans are more natural they threaten the actual unseen Engineers themselves
So they send out bomber ships to wipe out unsactioned creations.

Things that really rustle me is stuff like them leaving out the engineer in prometheus walking on the planet without a helmet.
If this was left in people would realise it is an android. So ripping off Davids head was android on android action.

It's stated that the black goo killed all animal life on the planet.

You've learned nothing. Ridley will scrap that whole thing in the next film and just make it about another crew.

It's literally because we killed Jesus and he was an Engineer

>what did we do to make God/our creators angry? Well, if you theorized that it was because we crucified Jesus, you win! Confirming that at one point the script explicitly spelled this out, Scott says that was the direction they were taking with the story — at least at first. “We definitely did, and then we thought it was a little too on the nose,” he admits. “

this is shitposting the extras and the movie shows there was fresh male and female engineers bodies.
Maybe he found a fridge full of them.

So its not cannon, its just another scrapped idea.

it's literally the same thing in both movies you simpletons

No, the "people" in the "village" are not the same thing that ripped David's head off, stop being a retard.

No, it was in the script, they took it out which left out the context of things such as why the Engineers were angry at humans, but doesn't change that it was the reason why

>muh extras
fuck off, Scott probably didn't even take a look at the promotional crap and extras that were shoved into the bluray... it's all shiny crap made for advertisement and you're trying to make your own head canon out of it.

Dialogue from Covenant:
"Dr. Elizabeth Shaw. She was the chief science officer of the Prometheus."
"The ship that disappeared."
"Precisely, ten years ago."

A lot of things were taken out of a lot of alien movies that would have changed entirely the real cannon, if it isn't in the movie it isn't cannon.

>muh script
too bad they didn't film it

its in the actual fucking movie bro.
So your line about no males is dumb

Considering nothing is in the film to explain it and you're just theorising I think what the creator intended to have in the film but was told to remove by Jewish studio executives who hate Christianity, I think I will take what was in the script and what the creator intended

another thing that doesn't make any sense. are they talking about ten years from the point they went into hibernation or from the point they were woken up...

It’s canon, not cannon

I honestly want them to show the "Engineers" as being Xenos but more evolved maybe looking like women.
Maybe with a final mind fucking horror at the very end the actual "god" of the setting. Some gigantic biomechanical abomination. The engineers worship.

I didn't make the line about no males, but you're the one who constantly refers to unfilmed crap to justify your head canon

>literally get fass to narate some docos
thats pretty arbitary.

There is no canon after Aliens. It all gets fucked up after that. Even the bonus scene in Alien Director's Cut make no sense. Ripley finds Dallas in a secluded room and he is cocooned and morphing into an egg. But in Aliens it's established that a Queen xeno needs to lay the eggs. Shit makes no sense then only gets more fucked up in later movies.

In the next movie, make the Engineers time travelers to explain all the continuity fuck-ups of the previous movies. KEK

Ridley says they dont have sex but they are like an insect and can re-evolve themselves.
So both are correct. They adapt new reproductuve strategies.

well if you want to emphasise their power level why not.

That is the bullshit he makes up to """"fix""""" all the mistakes he's made. He's been talking all that bullshit for the past 10 years.

That's all retconned horseshit. It was never meant to have sequels, especially by other directors and then picked back up by him. He's had to make a lot of shit up for the franchise to even half make sense.

covenant would be good if the script didn't use shortcuts and didn't rely on retarded behavior of the characters
you'd think they'd learn they lesson from prometheus critique

i swear to god you are one cheeky cunt.
It hardly is it fits in with the whole Aliens are a primordial being.

They were so desperate to do an 'A-ha gotcha' storyline that they could cram full of human actors that they ended up destroying all the theory and lore of old films, just to trade on the fleeting popularity of Fassbender.

As usual, Hollywood took a fantastic story of alien complexity and managed to trainwreck it into a bland nihilistic human drama. Because normies couldn't be trusted to accept that maybe humans are irrelevant in grand schemes, and have to be made the nexus of every event.

Ask yourself, when have all the interviews where Ridley Scott offers all this information taken place. Most in the past 15 years, many years after Alien. Dude is just making shit up after the fact to make his baby seem more intellectual and planned out than it is, when it was never supposed to be more than one film. If it was, why didn't he direct 2 and 3?

>Director's Cut of Alien 3
Theres no such thing, Fincher distanced himself from the film after the studio fucked it over, the Assembly Cut didnt involve him.

Similarly to the above situation, the so called directors cut of Alien didnt involve the director. Ridley considers the theatrical cut to be his directors cut.

The only directors cut worth watching is for Aliens because it puts back some great scenes.

>There is no canon after Alien
Aliens was already hot garbage.

the original film was supposed to have pyramids and shit in it and unexplained phenomenon.
I mean who cares.
He most likely wrote a bible for the setting and kept it hidden and is just leaking it out of boredom.

it really didnt. All fassbender did was become frankenstein and experiment with engineer knowledge to bring back their ancient customs.

So, the engineers had a hight tech empire and were activly engaged in the galaxy for billions of years, but then in the last 2000 years degenerate to morons? How convenient.

Alien 3 really adds nothing to the backstory of the alien species and the AvP movies were disposable and not canon. Scott really had a lot of interesting places he could have gone, but he is an old geezer who can't think anymore and so he shit out Prometheus and Covenant and ruined everything. That about sums it up.

David is created in Weyland's image

That means he's essentially megalomaniacal narcissistic piece of shit with superpowers

the engineers we see are probably not the actual engineers.

Ridley has stated explicitly that the engineers are not dead and that 'Awakening' will feature their fight with David

>Ridley has stated explicitly that the engineers are not dead and that 'Awakening' will feature their fight with David
KEK. He just fucks everything up more and more with each movie.

How retarded are you? It's been said countless times itt that the aliens David wiped out aren't Engineers, they're one of their creations as humans are

No it's ten years between Prometheus and Covenant. And the original Alien is only something like 30 years after that.

>Taking things Ridley Scott said literally
He rambles the first shit that come into his head.

People like you is why things have to be dumb down, just because two things look similar they must be the same, Engineers and the aliens David wiped out are different, they look different and they have completely different levels of technology

'Awakening' is 100% happening
The Alien franchise will have to be trotted out for Disney at least one more time.

And he knows now that people dgaf about Xenomorps anymore. They make for boring jumpscare tier sci fi.

The philosophical questions the engineers and David raise are the most compelling aspect of the story

the script for prometheus called the one who tore david's head off literally "the last engineer"

I will never forgive Ridley for taking a well grounded film series like Alien and turning it into a retarded Star Trek-tier fantasy shitfest. He literally took the alien out of Alien. It was a backstory that no-one asked for because it being explained would have destroyed a huge part of what made it great. Not only did they attempt it, but they utterly fucked it up beyond believe with the dumbest, most idiotic cartoon story to be forced into a serious film series.

Attached: alien-prometheus-spacejockeycomparison2.jpg (1280x765, 291K)

Leave David to me

Attached: IMG_1789.jpg (1000x1000, 199K)

>The philosophical questions the engineers and David raise are the most compelling aspect of the story
yes but it's wrapped in badly put together movies full of laughable shit

I'm guessing that reply wasn't for me user

Which could mean the last engineer present at that outpost.

nah you suck it was good a mystery scifi plot.
It was supposed to be realife ancient aliens.
Americlap audiences are just not sophisticated enough for a movie series about exploration and discovery.

Didn't he find that planet by using the map device searching for their homeworld? Why would he choos e any random shit planet with wheat on it?

David literally says it's their homeworld. Ridley Scott also said it multiple times.

I've heard that in Awakening, only a few engineers survived David's attack and those seek revenge. So it seems that planet WAS the engineer planet and those killed WERE engineers. Maybe they have tiers of society just like humans, and most are plebs and the upper class are the genius tech gurus. Sounds like more bullshit from Ridley Scott to extend the series, though. He obviously doesn't know what to do anymore and is just continuing because of pressure.

>I've heard that in Awakening
You've heard wrong because there is no story yet. It might not even happen at all.

>I've heard
Dude stop, you are not right, everyone has been telling you in the entire thread how stupid you are for saying they are the same as the engineers, please, stop, we know its just you.

Any other franchises had their mythos fucked up this bad?

I’m sad that this post will not get the attention and laughs it deserves.

Star Wars, but is hard to "fuck up" what amounts to basically a soap opera in space for manchildren.

heres why i think some things about the Engineers based on biology.
The prometheus Engis have no nips. They are some sort of asexual clone.
The Covenant Engis have ugliness. You may say so what but the fact they look different indicates they aren't clones and sexually reproduce. Further reinforced by the fact theres females among them.

Now if you go back to Greek myth.
>Hesiod also outlines how the end of man's Golden Age (an all-male society of immortals who were reverent to the gods, worked hard, and ate from abundant groves of fruit) was brought on by Prometheus. When he stole Fire from Mt. Olympus and gave it to mortal man, Zeus punished the technologically advanced society by creating a woman. Thus, Pandora was created and given the jar (mistranslated as 'box') which releases all evils upon man. [11]
Jars. Do you see? I do.

>You've heard wrong because there is no story yet.
This literally came from the author of Awakening. Like, the person who literally wrote the Awakening script literally said this publicly.

also this is really interesting for a moment replace "woman" with alien
>He commands Hephaestus to mold from earth the first woman, a "beautiful evil" whose descendants would torment the human race. After Hephaestus does so, Athena dresses her in a silvery gown, an embroidered veil, garlands and an ornate crown of silver. This woman goes unnamed in the Theogony, but is presumably Pandora, whose myth Hesiod revisited in Works and Days. When she first appears before gods and mortals, "wonder seized them" as they looked upon her. But she was "sheer guile, not to be withstood by men."


>Maybe they have tiers of society just like humans, and most are plebs and the upper class are the genius tech gurus
This is why Alien should never have gone into this sci-fi fantasy direction with the dumb as fuck "ancient aliens" shit. There's a tendency for writers to make every alien civilization a monoculture that fits a childish kind of stereotype society. Imagine if Earth was like that. Everyone looked the same, all had the same beliefs, all listened to the same music, spoke the same language, wore the same clothes. Designed all our vehicles and spaceships and buildings and clothes to have the same matching aesthetic for some reason.
It's the same way they do it with planets.
"Oh we need them to go to a jungle"
"Make them visit a jungle planet!"
"Then they need to be in a place with snow"
"So we'll get them to travel to a snow planet!"

Attached: alienGiger-Necronom-Iv-1-1024x768.jpg (1024x768, 213K)

someone really needs to murder the shit out of lindelof

the thing is alien always had this in the pipeline from the beginning.
The original script was ancient aliens.

>Like, the person who literally wrote the Awakening script literally said this publicly.
Who wrote the script? Fox/Disney haven't announced any writers because the film is still in the treatment phase to see if it can even be produced. The fact that you're even calling it "Awakening" tells me you're getting this from bullshit HOT SCOOP clickbait sites.

wheres this other script for prometheus is there a quick run down?

"While the future of Ridley Scott’s “Alien” franchise on the big screen remains unclear, details about the intended next film, “Alien: Awakening,” are coming into focus. As part of Empire Magazine’s special “Alien” anniversary issue (via AV Club), the publication confirmed screenwriter John Logan, who co-wrote “Alien: Covenant” with Dante Harper, has already finished writing “Awakening” and the film is now waiting to be made. Empire even spilled the beans on the next sequel’s plot.

Following the events of “Covenant,” in which it was revealed the android David (Michael Fassbender) caused a genocide on the planet Paradise that wiped out the Engineer population, “Awakening” would find a group of Engineers who survived the mass murder making it their mission to exact revenge and kill David. The Engineers were first introduced in “Prometheus” and are humanity’s forerunners. The fight was expected to bring both parties to LV-426, the planet featured in Scott’s original “Alien” where Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley first encountered the Xenomorphs."

>>the engineer's vast interstellar empire had collapsed since mankind was made, and were reduced to roman tier technology on their homeworld
>>the android david easily took them out with their own bioweapons, and conducted experiments on the crew of the ship sent to investigate

That's not the engineers homeworld, pal.

This is interesting. Thanks for that