Inland Empire

How does Lynch do it?

My mind is being blown right now.

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Other urls found in this thread: ARCHITECTURE OF DAVID LYNCH

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How'd you do that? Locate actual discussion of modern Lynch? On a high level? Actual typeset shit? I'm sure a lot of people would like to shoot in a mansion that's also a museum, but he's not responsible for the architecture. That being said, I haven't read these two pictures.

Here's the secret to Twin Peaks 2x01, a guy asked several months ago.

Heb XIII:2 Bee not forgetfull to entertaine strangers, for thereby some haue entertayned Angels vnawares.

Alright I read them. I watched Inland once, like last month, loved it. Laura Dern told me they weren't the same interiors though.

All that matters is the Power Levels. You know who has the power in this. And it isn't no Bozo "Phantom", Mr. C power levels, weak to bullets combined with fag magic rituals.

Whole thing is a test run for you know what. The big Happy Ending. Autoejaculate, you won't need no fucking happy ending, you'll feel a million holes in blond Chinese vagina holes grip your shit

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post more OP im interested

googling quotes + "name" + analysis
>I'm sure a lot of people would like to shoot in a mansion that's also a museum, but he's not responsible for the architecture. That being said, I haven't read these two pictures.
He explicitly chose the architecture after working on renovations in Poland.

>Here's the secret to Twin Peaks
Here's the secret to 1-3 and FWWM

>A little girl went out to play. Lost in the marketplace, as if half-born. Then, not through the marketplace -- you see that, don’t you? -- but through the alley behind the marketplace ... this is the way to the palace. But it isn’t something you remember.

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That's what I just said, you quoted the wrong post

>How'd you do that? Locate actual discussion of modern Lynch? On a high level? Actual typeset shit?
>He didn't read The Acousmatic Voice and Metaleptic Narration in Inland Empire
Not gonna make it.

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YOU SEE THOSE KNITTERS OVER THERE? lol now post Windom Earle babbling about the Lodge

Oh are shit-smearing Indians taking credit for DNA too now, not just ATP?

>goes to a 3-hour movie in a movie theater
>he's Indian so the old man promoting it next to a cow was appealing
>he brings his Itty Bitty Book Lite
>brings copies of The Acousmatic Voice, Metaleptic Narration, and The Further Glass Elevator Adventures of the Vermicious Knids in hardback
>knocks them off during the movie
>mocks others for not reading books "in Inland Empire"

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It's not about credit you retard. It's one of many cross-cultural instances of double helix depiction. Go read some Narby, brainlet.

Yes their Vedic practices discovered and elucidated all biochemical processes millennia ago, we just can't find the records because India's space program sent them to the moon back then using their human waste ► rocket fuel

Is this some weird autistic joke about mistaking "in Inland Empire" as not part of the chapter title "The Acousmatic Voice and Metaleptic Narration in Inland Empire?"

Nobody credits them with discovering DNA. Why do you keep trying to make it into a people discovering something issue in the first place? That's not what it's about. It's pretty anti-human in general as a thesis if you actually read it and focuses more on the notion of nature itself possessing awareness.

Understand that you're dealing with a man who knocked off Finnegans Wake on the roller coaster at Coney Island, penetrating the abstruse Joycean arcana with ease, despite enough violent lurching to shake loose my silver fillings. Understand that I am also among the select few who spotted instantly in the Museum of Modern Art's impacted Buick that precise interplay of nuance and shading that Odilon Redon could have achieved had he forsaken the delicate ambiguity of pastels and worked with a car press. ARCHITECTURE OF DAVID LYNCH

Taking that as a "yes."

Clearly you know little of the Indian mind, which seeks to credit itself and its people with everything

What do you know about Tibet and Dugpas?

Do you really get that much pleasure out of compulsively framing everything in terms of identity politics?

>identity politics
Go shitpost about your insecurities elsewhere.

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I'm not the one who keeps on wanting to complain about Indians when no one even mentioned them because of a fucking painting used as an example of nature's self-awareness that has nothing to do with human achievements.

Are we bringing out the Aristotle? You're going to need to tell me why there are burnt and unburnt, and burnt and unburnt convenience stores, but you can't. What the fuck do I care what a Dugpa is, what matters is how it impresses itself on the senses to me—what is the thing in itself? What is its nature?

Why are these things dichotomous? We see them in one state in Fire Walk With Me. Is one to believe 1945 has any meaning? That convenience store got smoked out but it was not smoked in FWWM. Why is this.

Do you hold that these are Dugpa? Then this is Inland Empire relevant. Good ending. Wake up, surrounded by people you know. Even a Woodsman there, grooving to tunes.

Do you believe that Catherine Coulson shot footage so that she can be on a stage in the future at the end of David Lynch's oeuvre, arm in arm with Sam Lanterman, the woodsman, unburnt? Is he then a Dugpa? Are dirty bearded men? All universes are Grandmother universe, that old bag came out of a shitload of corn. That little kid's loaded, he's the ringbearer, the black dog. Strong magic. Did these two get forced out when The Zone got smoked out with the store? How do you temporally locate an event such as that when there is no spatial component?

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You need to give your head a shake, read the Epistles of St. Paul and get some perspective on the Spirit.

>writing a 200-page scholarly work on how much you want to huff the bootstink of the Locomotion girl wearing the Uggs

I think it sounds like this author wants to get down to some serious fucking

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Dugpas are from Tibet, Tibet is near India. >You're going to need to tell me why there are burnt and unburnt, and burnt and unburnt convenience stores, but you can't.
Can you tell me then? I'm not good with Aristotle. 1945 was when Jack Parsons conceived the moonchild with L Ron Hubbard to manipulate the intention of the atomic test.

>Grandmother universe
>that old bag came out of a shitload of corn. That little kid's loaded, he's the ringbearer, the black dog. Strong magic.
Aztec, Jade, Sirius, Egypt.

>if there were no other independent things besides the composite natural ones, the study of nature would be the primary kind of knowledge; but if there is some motionless independent thing, the knowledge of this precedes it and is first philosophy, and it is universal in just this way, because it is first.

You sound like you've been reading things other people summarized from a book David Lynch hasn't read. The Fireman ain't no Dugpa. He isn't possessing Señor Droolcup, he's taking on human form. Angelion daimon. How does he greet The Arm? With his name, of course, his sound. Woowoowoowoowoo, and then an imperative, an exaltation. Praise the true name of God, truncated to the first syllable! Hallelujah! Does that sound like a sorcerer? Sorcery flows from it, but not pharmakoeia. Think you that MIKE is a Dugpa? That BOB is other than MIKE's familiar? The Dugpa serve BOB, yet BOB serves MIKE until his rebellion from the one who rebelled by seeking redemption.

Give your head a shake.

>his rebellion from the one who rebelled by seeking redemption
Jesus Hermes Thoth Lucifer Lightbringer Azazel the Teacher scapegoated as Satan the Adversary

They appear as two but one in the same.

Coming up with your own religion while working the flame grill at Burger King hasn't been history's first choice as a path to heaven.

Posting in a JUDY thread now fuckers. Lynch predicted the future again, Odessa is where it went down.

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>yet BOB serves MIKE until [BOB's] rebellion from [MIKE] who rebelled by seeking redemption [, claiming, as he says, he saw the face of God and was purified, finding new purpose and throwing rings in train cars]

>people whig the fuck out when you say there are angels in Twin Peaks
Lots of people who only read the Cliff's Notes on FWWM in here

>4 Posters
>38 Replies


Holy shit if I wanted riddles I would just watch Twin Peaks again why do you think I am reading academic articles.

and half of them aren't even about Lynch films at all.

Any good youtubes? Please not reviews that just list scenes chronologically.

To try to get upvotes since you are far away

I don't BELIEVE anyone is or is not a Dugpa I'm asking for discussion and you're acting like a gatekeeper to esoteric knowledge.

I don't think you really know.

What I'm saying is that's some horseshit. The gateway to knowledge is considering that things don't have to be one way, or to not contradict, or be paradoxical. There are a lot of ways that it can be, and it's very interesting to think about these things.

The word Dugpa was said in the work of Lynch during the Windom Earle tapes. He got his soul ripped out of his head for being a retard.

The things I have seen are more nuanced and demand discussion, not easy answers. Rise to the challenge.

Power level matters, who opened the rail car door? Couldn't be opened by the one armed man, and he was off his medicine. Father.

Who moved the stone?

The academic work states that films cross over. We know a film can be a universe. How does the academic work say that we know unmade film works are crossing over? Direct quotes.

Albert: "the absurd mysteries of the strange forces of existence"

Proof. Ronnie Rocket is coming, the Detective has the symbols.

>The word Dugpa was said in the work of Lynch during the Windom Earle tapes.
Dugpa is taken straight out of Theosophy with Blavatsky and Crowley, its even the same mispronunciation and mischaracterization. So unless you know something about Lynch's specific brand of Trancedentally Meditation and how it relates to them coincidentally. Or your pretending Twin Peaks is completely fiction, while typing like its magic(k). Its pretty clear Lynch himself thinks hes really doing it and hes referencing real world events.

>Power level
of what
>who opened the rail car door
the one where the girls were?
what stone
>the symbols
what symbols
>ronnie rocket

Why cant you just type normally?

I actually have THE symbol but I of course can't find it.

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>Rise to the challenge.
>Detective has the symbols
This one?

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>The term "garmonbozia" was synonymous with "pain and sorrow." It was a source of sustenance for certain spirits, including the arm.

Exactly how similar are Twin Peaks and Madoka Mejuca?
