This whole board is a joke

This whole board is a joke.

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kek, but I get banned when I make a thread like this

I tend to disagree. This board, Yea Forums, is a pretty neat place to engage in serious film and television discussion. Sure, there are times when threads are off-topic, or where apparently-serious threads are farcical, or where serious threads are derailed immediately, but for the most part, it's an entirely superlative place for well-qualified film and television discussion.

how about we agree on no drinking at meetings?

Hear, hear!

>not knowing hot how dodge bans in the current year
absolute state of you m8

Perhaps he was wondering why you would kill billions to save millions

Blake saw the true face of human kind and
chose to become a parody of it, treated
it like a joke.

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What happened to the Yea Forums dream?

>tfw no squid monster to save Yea Forums from itself

scary dubu

look into her eyes, there are souls trapped in there

that was a dream user
wake up

Somewhere in some foreign field the user sleeps tonight...

wait, you can dodge those things?

So why was he killed? He probably didn't give too much of a fuck abou the plot.

You some kind of Comedian?

yea. watch this just made a shitpost and mods can't do shit about it.


L O S T ended. GoT began.

A Joker Joke?

>Shadow the Hedgehonk

>did horribly cruel things to innocents and viet cong alike in vietnam
>took glee in mowing down protesters in NY with beanbag guns and tear gas
>didn't have a problem raping women
>sees it all as a joke
>gets a glimpse of what Ozy was doing with the squid on the island
>is the only one cynical enough to put the pieces together
>has a mental breakdown when he realizes that human existence itself is a cruel joke
Comedian is far and away the best character out of Watchmen, and he dies on the first page.


Moot will have the last laugh

Its not the board we want, but it is the board that we deserve.

What's funny is he's ultimately wrong. He breaks down because he realises Ozy's plan will work and the edgy persona he lived his life as was all for nothing.

The Comedian is by far the most juvenile, brainlet aspect of watchmen, which is pretty scary since it's already 'babby's first pseud socio-political commentary'.
It seriously blows my mind that people actually think that his character or the comic in general are clever or incisive in any way.

spotted the nu male

>...the comic in general are clever or incisive in any way
So what is clever or incisive then Emmanuel Kant?

No, user. I’m trying to tell you that when you’re ready, you won’t have to.

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Made me kek

I don't understand his character. He was fine raping, murdering and doing all kinds of shit in close person (evidently not valuing life all that much), but was petrified when he learned that a couple of million people that he has no personal attachment to will die? Doesn't make much sense.

Check out the big brain on this guy. Anyone else dumbfoundedly impressed?

Youre just too innocent to understand the comedian. You havent been broken down by life yet.

He wasn't petrified. He found out too much and knew he'd be killed for knowing what he knew.

he realised he was wrong about everything and the world would be saved.

let this user have his innocence please

Mad brainlets. Imagine being impressed by crude rehashing of 100+ year philosophical concepts because it comes in comic book form.

There's nothing to understand about the comedian. He's literally just Moore taking shots at American hypocrisy and authoritarianism in the most smoothbrain way possible.

The comic quite literally explains his motives for being upset about the plan, the reason so many people get confused about it is because moore is a retard and can't write a coherent character.
If you want the cliff notes:
>The comedian is a man-child who got scared by the nihilism of modern society and dealt with it by pretending to reject the idea of morality, reject the idea that humanity could progress from being violent apes and generally act like an edgy teen his entire life.
>However, in underneath the cynicism and debased behavior, he was still a little boy who couldn't resolve the conflict between his underlying idealistic morality and the injustice of the real world.
>So to protect himself from this painful disappointment and existential terror, he adopted a false philosophy that everything was a big joke and nothing mattered, which enabled him to fill the void by pursuing his violent and hedonistic tendencies... aka contemporary american society, according to Moore.
>However, when he saw that Ozymandias was going to exploit man's basest instincts to create a nietzschean ubermensch utopia without war or injustice, his carefully constructed edgelord philosophy came tumbling down and he had to deal with the fact that his entire worldview was a lie and would soon be obsolete.

Of course, a lot of people miss this because that reaction doesn't make sense for the character that Moore presented and the way he would really react would be with denial, anger scoffing etc. and would no doubt try to sabotage the plan or even go along with it "as a prank bro".

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>i can smell the autism & low test from this post

bet you hate Trump also faggot

Alan Moore hates trump.

It came true. You're looking at it.