What did a successful and interesting Laotian girl see in a fat, annoying...

What did a successful and interesting Laotian girl see in a fat, annoying, borderline psychopathic redneck who kicked both of parents in the groin?

Attached: bobby.jpg (256x197, 9K)

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Mike Judge is JBWpilled

bobby was a super good kid, and pretty funny and popular all things considered

Someone interesting, unlike OP.

He lived next door

The opposite of what her parents wanted for her

Asian girls love crackers

>assaulting your parents and being a retarded pussy is interesting
By your standards maybe

It's called being middle class living in the middle of fucking nowhere. Love happens.

Do you think the Souphanousinphone family was rolling in money? A Laotian immigrant that settled in buttfuck nowhere?

They are not the Wassanasongs.

He was very confident and didn't care what people thought of him. Women unironically love guys that ooze confidence, no matter how weird looking or lame they are.

They did make quite a bit more then their neighbors

>He was very confident and didn't care what people thought of him. Women unironically love guys that ooze confidence, no matter how weird looking or lame they are.

Attached: 874f289b3516f874a161ff4052b71c621244d6ac_00.jpg (384x512, 42K)

He was also living in a gas station bathroom pretending to go to work everyday after he got fired.

When's that 14th season coming?

>Bobby and Connie seniors in high school
>Luanne and Lucky dead (RIP)
>All of the adult characters older
>Joseph is a giga chad
>Hank and Peggy have to raise GH and Gracie

Attached: koth.png (1441x1079, 1.32M)

I never even thought of GH and how his father died because of that cunt peggy until now

>He ran a red, you can’t do that!
>The only lady I’m pimpin is sweet lady propane and I’m turnin her out all over this town
Hank was too good


What kind of systems?

>Luanne and lucky dead
Shit, I never even thought of that
How would they shoehorn it into the story? Drunk driving?

Only proving his point, plenty of furries get pussy

fucking cats doesn't count

He was funny and her parents hated him, that was pretty much it. Hence why they broke up

Yup yup, keep being a self defeating incel while people in dog costumes fuck women

Insurance/lawsuit scam gone wrong.
Lucky's slipping on peepee at the Costco in the sky now

non white girls go crazy for mediocre white dudes

All women are whores.

I've also noticed this.
t. mediocre white dude who finds racemixing of any kind disgusting, but is not racist

I am a racist (ie. acknowledge innate differences in races) but I’m not against race mixing

No BBC around so she had to settle for him

Non-white women go fucking crazy for white men. If you haven't fucked an african girl with white fever, you haven't lived. I never knew sex could be so raw and passionate.

Africans > Asian > Latina > Amerimutts > power gap > white roasties

what do people think of white washing?
t. white guy married to half fillipino and now have a son who is quart flip with white skin, blue eyes and brown hair.

Bobby committed multiple felonies throughout the series. He's a piece of shit.

>Bobbie goes by B-dog now and is a big time wigger

Connie was what I like to call a "dirty Asian"
A dirty Asian is a brown Asian from a shithole Asian country, like Indonesia, Phillippines, Vietnam, etc.
In my opinion they are pretty low on the desirability meter.

Minh was pretty hot desu