when are the sequels going to come out

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Maario Naharis

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>tfw swn give you an eyebrowjob

Lou is not for lewd

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BREAKING NEWS: Rumor says Emilia Clarke is set to become my wife!

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rank them 1-16

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thic Emilia looks attainable.

>"I want someone who is super smart, can make me laugh, has, like, a dad bod. I don't need no six-pack. Like, I ain't kicking it out of bed for sure, but every character I've been with has been too perfect."
Someone knock her up already

Goddamnit I just jerked off

Damn dude, congrats!


How is that possible when she's already my wife?

THICCmilia is best milia

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When you and your Discord buddies stop spamming Emilia Clarke threads

Fat shops are so dumb.


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Is this the new boogeyman since the reddit one failed?

Someone say boogey man?

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The ghoul is cursed

>he doesn’t like my ghoul outfit that my dad made for me before he passed and I was very proud of :(

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I like it but it cursed the other thread

extremely illegal webm

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Wake me up when september ends


That obviously fake-blonde mixed with those slightly puffy (but not chubby) cheeks AND making a "Oh really?" face is just the perfect combination.

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>Wake me up when september ends
I would rather listen to George Michael.

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I'm guessing "oh really" is going to be her expression for most of the movie and it will be great

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the rapid cuts are autistic, it's unwatchable

Then go watch the full trailer, that's got a bunch of non-Emilia scenes cut out

steals your soul

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She looks great as a dirty blonde, looks prime for a couple of shags in the back alley

what if you also added her "other" work being bridget, doyle, marianne and lumpy

don't fucking do it though it was painful enough sitting through those I don't need to be reminded

>"Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon," the actress, who portrayed Daenerys Targaryen on the HBO hit series, reveals. "You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family."

>But somehow a solution will be found. "Yes, I want babies," she says. "I don't know about marriage. That's probably quite a painfully millennial thing to say. But I do want to find a human that you'd want to create a family with." In England, in the country, not dissimilar to the Oxfordshire countryside where she grew up.

>"I grew up with ducks in the garden and a stream," she says. "We used to go mushroom picking in the fields. My first plays were done inside of trees. And if I manage to push out a few sproglets, I'd like them to have that experience as well."

>When I’m 90, I’ll have a million stories to tell my grandkids. It’ll be lovely

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Lou was an alcoholic wasn't she

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I the books I think so, in the movie she gets drunk off 1 drink

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Still hurts

She starts drinking more after Will's death to cope with her depression, but she's a lightweight in the first book.

gib expressive gf

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she got to be unleashed in this film

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for me it's the subtle expressions

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they needed to give her more choice on picking the outfits
>CH: Is it true that you helped create her looks?

>EMILIA: Yes! Jill (Taylor, the costume designer) is amazing. She picked a few pieces and we tried to develop Lou's style together. But there were some things I made up and the Americans said it wasn't good. I was trying to explain that it was very British, but they wouldn't listen to me. One day I turned a scarf into a tie and everyone was like, 'what is this?' And I would say, 'This is pretty cool, okay?' (laughs)

the designer was also venuspilled
>"It's a very English look," the movie's costume designer Jill Taylor tells me. "What you see here is tame to what is on the streets of London."

>Most of Emilia's wardrobe was found in vintage stores. "We basically trolled everywhere," Taylor said. "We looked around everywhere."

>Not only did Taylor and her staff lend the movie some of their own items, Emilia's mom provided the poodle broach her daughter wears on a yellow raincoat because "she thought it was very Lou," Taylor said.

>Emilia was a dream to work with. "She's gorgeous and thank goodness she liked trying on clothes," Taylor said. "We were constantly nagging to get her in for a fitting."

>And, she added, "Emilia has a gorgeous little figure. She's not like a boy, she's not a stick. She's shapely. She's got boobs and a waist and hips. She's lovely and so pretty."

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