Be on long flight

>be on long flight
>loads of capeshit movies
>fuck it, I'll watch some
>watch Guardians of the Galaxy
>expect quippy marvelshit
>its kino
>watch GotG2
>its kino


Why am I only finding this out now

When is the third one coming out?

Attached: guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2-2[1].jpg (1195x796, 289K)

I love Guardians 1 but Vol 2’s excessive and badly done humour honestly ruined the film for me.

Vol 2 still has lots of good parts that redeem the bad ones

1 was definitely superior

But 2 was fun

The music theme throughout works a lot better than I would have thought

Even in Infinity War (watched that after), as soon as the song come on you know who's being introduced, it's great

There’s a lot I love in the film. It does a lot right (that other MCU films lack) but the humour annoys the hell out of me and I can never get into the movie.

It's not the best tongue-in-cheek capeshit though, that's pic related

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>not quippy marvelshit
did we watch the same film? because its exactly that

>its kino

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>GOTG movies are good

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Congrats, turns out you actually like quippy marvel capeshit.

out of all the marvel movies. i only care about guardians. the soundtracks>>>>>>>>

>Why am I only finding this out now

Because you didn't follow this chart.

Attached: 1525371987563.jpg (1995x5184, 3.4M)

Is this the most reddit picture that's ever been posted on Yea Forums?

>8 1/2 between norbit and pluto nash

We got another Gunn fan in the house

GoTG is infested with quips but GoTG 2 is worse. Drax's forced laughter. Mantis' thick ching chong accent. That taserface joke that went on for way too long. Groot being completely useless for 90% of the movie and the Sovereign chasing the Guardians because Rocket stole batteries that they were hired to protect, as a joke is fucking ridiculous. It's really bad

2 has a better soundtrack and Kurt Russell

Not to mention that fucking awful forced undeserved "muh blue alien dad is dead, so sad" shit. Why did the filmmakers think I would care about a comedic sidekick dying just because they forced some copy-paste drama on him for 2 minutes?

Kurt Russell is great but his character kind of sucked

What the fuck Yondus death was kino

No. It felt straight up like I was watching some children's Pixar film. A scene like that needs to be deserved otherwise it will just feel trite and forced.

I loved Ant-Man.

Hank Pym is the best.

Because you're an autistic fucktard that uses the kino meme and takes what Yea Forums says seriously.


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Don't you have some kids to diddle, James?

Redditor spotted.

The movie was shit, but having both Michael Douglas and Walton Goggins made it more tolerable than most of their movies.

And unlike most MCU movies, they were actually used decently instead of just being a empty pointless void that could just as well have been replaced with a cardboard cutout like what happened with Mads character in Doctor Strange.

But my name is Nick.

First one was meh, seemed like they weren't confident enough to go with pure fun stuff, it's a pretty goofy concept so it doesn't work when it takes itself seriously

They got it right for the sequel imo

So wait

How will GOTG3 work without Gomorah

Or will they just bring her back or something

She's kind of a generic bitch character but I'm not sure it'll work quite as well with Nebula

There's an alternate universe Gamora now that will presumably join them, though it obviously undoes all of the character development of the first 2 movies.

She's not on the ship at the end of Endgame though

Unless it's a source material thing

I mean aside from Nebula she doesn't actually know any of them, so it would be a little weird if she was just immediately on the ship with them as if nothing happened. I'm sure how she ends up back on the crew is a big part of the plot of the 3rd movie.

How would she join them? I thought they were supposed to return the stones back to the past like they were never taken. If Gamora is with them then the past is changed and Loki has the Tessaract too.

I hope Thor doesn't stay with them though

Having a Big Lebowski homage trying to cuck Quill for the whole movie will get old fast

Plus they're supposed to be underdogs, having a fucking god on their team changes that

Well there's secret test you have to pass before you can see those movies. Congrats on not being a virgin anymore!


Because gold debicki

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Patrician taste right here

How can one woman be so perfect?

GotG had a great cast and didn't take itself seriously. That last part is what separates it from gay avengers bullshit

>no the worlds end
shiggy diggy