>Movie night
>He starts hooking up his laptop to the TV
Movie night
Other urls found in this thread:
>movie night
>the girls group around a smartphone with a cracked screen
Anything more comfy gals?
If I was a girl, I'd dump him for that.
>Kill all women
>ask him to turn off the korean subtitles
>theyre hardcoded
Get new Material
Do girls really think like this?
>Movie night
>He starts hooking up his dick to the fax machine
queers first
Why do whites make this face?
Why are women so fucking useless?
Because we can, big lips.
You people, that’s why
>movie night
>spend 30 minutes trying to get the girls to agree on a movie
>try and find it on Netflix, then Hulu, then HBO GO
>They don't have it, spend another hour browsing
>Pick something randomly because Emma likes the lead actor
>It's shit
VLC supports streaming to Chromecast so I don't even know why I bothered replying to this stale bait.
why have i seen no porn of female wojack why have you failed me Yea Forums
>come with boyfriend to his friends house
>wear my batman shirt and skinny jeans
>they make frozen pizza and chicken wings for dinner
>watch some Marvel movie (can't remember I was on my phone)
>ask my boyfriend to leave after the movie is over
>go back to his house and stay on my phone until we both fall asleep
ugh why is my boyfriend soooo lame???
this edgy shit is not funny. stop making disturbing pics of my wojakfu
>wear my batman shirt
Every woman that I've met that wears batman tshirts have had huge tits. It must be something to do with how the bat symbol stretches out or something. Seriously everyone was in the big girls club with big tits
You should date me instead, In my free time I like to LARP as a woman on Perivian salt mining forums
>user this is taking far too long, perhaps we should just skip the movie and cuddle in bed till we fall asleep?
>it's not anime
>I like to LARP as a woman
I've found girls phones with time stamped pictures of them posting to Yea Forums, they definitely come here, who else do you think get's trigger all the time randomly? It's fat ugly nerd girls posting here
Is it based or cringe when a cute girl does ass to mouth??
Please stop I want a girl who dresses like that.
Oh wow, sure baby
cringe, only desperate women do ass to mouth
Do you guys think this girl gives good head?
>this comic
Fucking boomers are so fucking stupid
Based op btfo
You can do both.
I cuddle my sister all the time when we watch movies. Except in summer, the warmth is unbearable.
All ass play is cringe and bluepilled.
On the contrary you are the stupid one for failing to spot deliberate satire
>Honest Cable CEOs
You are fucking retarded
We're not even to the root of all weevils scene and you're already complaining. Do it again and we're starting over from the beginning.
haha goteem
>collecting physical media
Uh, actually I just remembered I have to do something at Stacy's. Maybe another time.
She looks like she thinks she does.
Get a job
Samefag is a fag
>can watch berserk with this cutie
>have sex during the demon rape AND play gameboy on her titties
damn what a life
I don't think you get how real that is. I had to pause THAT exact movie to have sex with her before we could finish it. Women are sheep and men are their shepherds.
back to back mid ti winner how can sharteezy compete
Kill yourself faggot scum
>he brags about his stolen yify rips unironically
Nothing more comfy than playing your favorite movies from the 4k/blu ray disc not to mention some sets having almost endless special features. Really missing out poorfag.
enjoy those kosher wings goy
i'm not op disgusting accusation
Wasn't this girl mentally ill?
Why does Chad have asymmetrical traps?
Damn, I never realized how pathetic that was but I don't know what else to do? Do I just get a netflix subscription? Is that more socially acceptable?
BPD, I think.
Because he doesn't lift for aesthetics on for his career as a Supervillain
>It must be something to do with how the bat symbol stretches out or something.
I can see that
Just wait a year until all these new streaming services launch and piracy will be popular again.
just get a kodi box and tell her it's amazon prime or some shit, they dont know
idk she has nice teeth though
see this why u always have a pocket ho u can call when ur main chick start actin indignant. u call the pocket ho right dead-ass in front of her, invite her over, then tell ur chick she gotta go cuz u got company comin over.
Do bluray still contain 40 minutes of unskippable commercials and shit like that like with DVDs?
If I'm gonna have to suffer through fucking ads despite the fact that I bought the damn movie I might as well just pirate it.
fukin epic bruh!
>woman in movie takes her top off
>she's bigger than me
>he's clearly turned on
>Woman in movie takes her bottoms off
>She's bigger than me
>he's clearly turned on
Is it okay if I just use my PS4?
yeah, i'm thinking they're based
>trad thot
I have a Network Attached Storage and I use Kodi on a Fire TV to access it. I don't really give a shit about what's socially acceptable in this case, it's just convenient.
Just like all women.
Oh my god man, even if you are joking it's pathetic trying to cater to women's irrational opinions. They want you to be rich AND have unlimited time for them as well as have a lot of friends which is impossible if they want to lock your attention down. They are insane, don't bother
warning: too based for this thread
Install PLEX on your laptop/PC and buy literally any device that plugs into your TV that has the PLEX app. Firesticks and Rokus both have it.
On your computer, tell PLEX which folders to scan for media and it will automatically grab metadata for it including episode names, thumbnails and descriptions. To pair it with your TV box you just enter a 4 digit code, and it uses your LAN to stream from computer to TV device.
Take notes, lads. This is one of the rare, "based, yet cringe" posts
Why wouldn't you just use kodi? I don't understand the need for plex when I can just access my computer's storage via the network as well as watch any movie stream I want
I haven't seen this many red flags since the fall of the Soviet Union fucking hell
Ah, the mental illness that most psychiatrists wont even attempt to treat because their minds are so so irrecoverably warped that they unintentionally break the minds of those around them.
Nothing “cringel about it redditor.
kys whore
Because I already had a Firestick which has access to all the same streaming platforms as Kodi anyway. They essentially perform the same feature vis a vis network stored media except PLEX is dedicated to that whilst Kodi tries to replicate everything a Firestick or Roku does already.
I cannot wait until BDP becomes as chastised and despised as psychopathy. When are we getting a kino to truly portray it for what it is?
Not soon enough my bro
she looks really nice
>PLEX is dedicated to that
So what? I don't undertand why it's needed at all. So you can stream to your phone when you are in the bathroom or something? is it hooked up to a gay ass seed box or something?
BPD is pretty much just the female version of It anyway, except BPD women still have the female drive to be socially accepted, they just can't maintain it
BDP is nothing like being a psychopath. Not only I'm pretty sure psychopaths also want to be socially accepted (and are often very successful at it), I know for a fact BDP people are capable of feeling immense guilt for their actions - if only for a limited amount of time. Either way it's hard to determine who causes the most damage to society.
I honestly think 'bpd' is just present in all females.
>d-do I fit in yet?
I've never met a women that didn't enjoy being cruel or hurting others
They all are.
back to /lgbt/
jerking off
I'm guessing it's another bullshit anime thing that trannies do?
That would make a lot of sense.
>my pussy when he doesn't pay for his movies
Is this what Yea Forums means by "wine-aunt".
Lol no problemo m'lady, i'll just hit it with my tornado tongue and give you the o'l lick-a-roo
>his setup doesn't include HDMI wired through the walls into the office where his laptop is
>porn night
>he doesn't put on interracial
I can never pin down what this dudes agenda is. Is he just some insane boomer that makes newspaper comics?
I've noticed that girls really like lesbian porn, even if they aren't gay.
Women like what chads tell them to like
>girls really like lesbian porn
>even if they aren't gay.
>even if they aren't gay
It's true. I look at the big cock solo threads on /gif/. Not gay, but I'm just interested in what's out there.
>my cock when she cares more about how the movies are watched than the movie itself
>It's true. I look at the big cock solo threads on /gif/. Not gay, but I'm just interested in what's out there.
>i never realized how pathetic
i took the bait, wtf is bad about infinite choices in higher quailty than streaming
Women are ultra-normies, if it's not what everyone is doing it's just not done.
>my vaginji when he doesn't hunt and kill our movie with his bare hands
Nothing, but just like most things in the world, begin efficient is not as alluring and sexy as being an NPC.
>when he has Netflix and not Disney+
Hahahaha nice try anime transsexual
I'm not even sure I would even have the confidence to subscribe to something called "Disney".
she got killed
don't make the mistake of treating women like they're human, bros, believe me. they can put on a very convincing act but they are livestock.
insanely based
The streaming from computer to TV device also works out the box, literally all you do is pair the two devices with a short code.
If you read Dostoevsky this was actually a serious academic debate in the 1800s on whether they were human or not
Well they used to also think the Earth was round back then
>It's easy
So is making vodka out of antifreeze, but non-losers just buy it in the store
And when was this debate settled and by who? Now you got me curious.
no they didn't
I think it was in the footnotes of either the Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky or Anna Karenina by Tolstoy. They included it because it was common knowledge at the time but of course modern readers wouldn't know
go on...
Ahh was she the one stabbed by that robot?
user that's very gay
>yes goy, pay money to kikeflix for a shitty propganda schlock you could download for free, think of all the money Spielberg and Weinstein are losing!
Uh no it's not. I just go on /gif/ once every day to look at some big dicks and sometimes I meet up with other user's and suck a dick just to prove I'm not gay.
>tfw you can't find any film you like on the market, except for Amazon, but shipping is too expensive so you get your film for free using torrents
I see nothing bad in that. I swear women like these know nothing about money management.
>tfw 26 years old
>memes like this used to hit me right in the feels
>now i'm such a vidya addict neet that it doesn't even affect me and the idea of having a gf doesn't even attract me at all and couldn't care less about fems
what's it like watching movies with a girl that browses Yea Forums
of course she is
>when he starts talking about redpilling
Why are women so afraid of technology
That's a good selection with the exception of Dragon Ball Z.
Have white people gone too far?
>I was merely pretending to be retarded!
fpbp, clicked the thread just for this
Gratuitously based
Holy shit, can confirm. Had a gf with huge tits who always wanted me to get her a batman hoodie with the logo.
i wish we were still this way
>is a woman
there's your tell
I've been to several countries and this is a constant, perhaps it is a goth aesthetic? Also they aren't universally fat just their tits are way above average
>"Imma stop you right there, Jaydyn - y'all really finna bouta spread trannies to Proxima Centauri?"
Imagine Pepe’s heels are really his knees and he has bell bottoms on, looks like he’s soaring across the room through the air and just THWACKED her on his way by
All women are whores.
It's literally supposed to be satire of political cartoons, but with the writer typically being over the top with the message, and usually the topic being some random crap that annoyed him that day.
I really don't know just how big of a brainlet you need to be to not know that these are jokes, or what the meta joke is.
It’s funny because streaming is over cable too
>Movie night
>he hooks his penis into vagoina
See! I told you! also I think they go into nerdy stuff because A) other woman reject them because of tit envy and B) they only have guy friends because they are whores and other women know that and spurn them
Big tits and batman t shirts also Striped stockings and long socks is a big tit fashion item as well
Fucking BASED
hahah honkler is even cute killing people
Always makes me laugh
Either that is one fucked up based girl or a discord tranny, the former being the most likely.
I bet when girls learn they have BPD it makes them even bigger bitches. since they are insecure it would be cyclical
its just every girl ever, they all have the same fetishes based on hating themselves
is that makeup, whore? take that off before i break your neck.
Yeah, I'm thinking based
Just wait until the ADD superautists that lurk on Yea Forums becomes the diagnosis for school shooters.
Now THIS is funny
Based/88, /thread
Why would it? Anyone who has been in contact with people who suffer from ADD know that it is a mental illness of peace.
>not getting into bed with the laptop sitting on the covers in front of you
Maximum comfy and super easy transition to sex
>bp mother
>histrionic gf
That is until they visit /pol/
Unapologetically BASED.
the sopranos already did with Tony's mother
>I've just never had a "bad break-up" and always try to remain in good terms
Fucking women can't even commit to breaking up with someone let alone staying with them
>I honestly think 'bpd' is just present in all females.
So it's basically female autism?
God, if I saw her I'd cave her dome in like an overripe watermelon
What do your sister's panties smell like
Psychopaths are actually reasonably okay, especially compared to BPD. I can at least usually respect a psychopath.
You look at that and you really feel the need to ask?
i dunno, autism has its upsides at times. bpd is just being an unstable mess who needs to cling to an actual human like a parasite.
hello, based department?
>bpd is just being an unstable mess who needs to cling to an actual human like a parasite.
Can confirm, I think my mom has BPD or Histronic but she denies it. She basically destroyed my self-esteem since I was born with her constant yelling :(
>I’m like, so hardcore and damaged!
>anal is way too much
Why are women so cringey
Psychopaths are based and also basically the cure to disgusting BPD insects as I'm the only with the spine to subjugate those dumb sluts
A quick rundown?
Congrats on being an evolutionary dead end. Do everyone a favor and stop posting your pointless opinions on anything, thanks.
holy based fpbp
>evolutionary dead end.
Have none of you niggers realized that in the end nothing matters? You'll still be dead and no one will truly care, life as it is will continue. Wether you have a kid or a wife it doesn't matter.
>actually being affected by anything a woman says
Fucking hell lad, get a clue. I can only assume daddy wasn't there.
I meant that it's the brain being dysfunctional in a feminine way like how autism is the brain being dysfunctional in a masculine way and that's why it's so split along gender lines.
Yeah, had no daddy cuz he died when I was a baby. And of course your affected, Imagine your mom blaming you for everything every second of your life, even if you manage to get into a prestige university. The only way out is buying 200dB headphones who block the outside world. I honestly think she turned me into a sociopath, but who knows by now.
Nah you're too much of a faggot to be a sociopath
Your opinion dies with you. My kids (4 so far) know that life is a competition and that the future belongs to those with fertility.
If you want to kill your genes, to ahead. Just don’t act like it’s some noble cause that anyone else should respect or remember.
sociopaths are pretty much faggots inside, stop getting your science from (((hollywood)))
yeah sure
alright then here we go again
I'm saying he's EVEN MORE of a faggot than the average sociopath
>haha look at me I'm such a nerd
this is no different to me than people wearing designer clothing and flaunting the logos
redpill me on BPD or whatever its called. Borderline personality disorder? or Bipolar? idk, never heard of it, redpill me
borderline personality disorder
it's basically a blanket term to describe every mentally unsable thot with daddy issue. Generally characterised by unstable relationships, impulsive and reckless behaviour, emotional instability and an inability to handle rejection. It often manifests symptoms such as self harm, drug/alcohol abuse ect.
The arm he carries the shield with is bigger
NEVER FUCKING again. My bank called me and asked me to confirm that the transaction is legitimate because I'm a 35 year old single.
this comic is by the onion or one of it's affiliates you numbnut motherfucker
Based and Redpilled. Have pic related as a reward
A good day to shitpost gents
stranger things s2 dvd has 5 min unskippable ad for s3
It's in the footnotes of Crime and Punishment, I just read that part the other day.
Seriously if you're venting off agression by roleplaying a woman, you must know that she is in the right.
Watching a Marvel movie with frozen pizzas? Frozen pizzas show nobody have income to buy from a pizzeria. A Marvel movie shows that you are the kind of man with a fantasy of "boring man has something happens to him that somehow make his life super". Marvel movies are to masculinity what weight loss pills made from ancient chinese herbs are to bodybuilding. Why improve yourself when a fucking spider can bite you, change you for the better, and you get the girl + an unboring life? Way easier than training for months with an old Jew in his dusty gym so you can loss to a blacky but learn about life.
She was also on her phone because she actually wanted to put on a wall. She's probably texting her best friend saying how her boyfriend is a loser and wondering how to get out of this relationship without driving him to suicide.
just reply to this with an anime reaction image and tell me to dilate to complete the reddit circle.
just followed up on this.
I have two brothers with kids. Problem solved.
Incel lol
>income to buy from a pizzeria
People who habitually order food are debt-ridden wage slaves with poor spending habits. A huge red flag
Self-awareness and not being a mental/financial burden to your partner is for both sexes
Ordering for a couch night with your male friends is totally fine.
Maybe I’m just horny and lonely, but would anyone else pound the shit out of Femjack!
Everyone can enjoy some girl on girl action. Idk what it is but something about just brings peace to the world.
That is gay af dude.
>Not gay, but I'm just interested
All I know is how her hair smells like.
She has a very puffy hairstyle, everytime I hug her or whatever I end up with my face buried in hair.
Literally fpbp
Based beyond belief
Everyone likes girls getting on with girls.
>Letting a girl choose a movie
Just put movies you like. If she doesm't like she tries to cuddle. If she likes the movie, she'll be quiet; and then cuddle.
A girl has better taste in anime than you.
This is what millennials tell themselves now, and why you will all kill yourselves in your 40s.
dont even watch anime but naruto, dbz and one piece fags are the worst anime fans from what ive heard just because of their obsession with their retardedly stupid obsession with a show
Their obsession with their obsession with a show?
Ahhh, the 2000s were a fascinating time.
Everyone was so horny back then.