/trek/ Picard Maneuver Edition

Who was playing the flute?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw emerging into the real world after 80 years in a simulation
How will you react when it happens, bros?

Exactly like the Matrix. I'll also be the one.

jesus christ why is that pic so fucking funny to me

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If I'm captain of a starship and it was an alien probe, I'm analyzing it for all available information, destroying it, then locating the civilization responsible and all descendent civilizations and genociding them.

If it's just some engineer in my own society responsible and I have access to him, I'm punching that guy square in the face then buying another session

The prop flute doesn't even make a sound so why would he need someone else to do the fingering?

It was a special request by Patrick Stewart to sit on a man's face as he mimed the instrument. No one really understands why to this very day.

Can't wait to see what kind of crazy hijinks he gets into later.

John Luck Pickered?

>Now compress your lips to create your embouchure

generals are death and no sex helps

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it's lying on a tabletop, you sperg

holy fuck I cant stop laughing at this

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What keeps /trek/ going? You guys just gossip and meme about ds9 and tng. THE SHOW ENDED AGES AGO AND YOU ALL HATE DISCOVERY

It wasn't that funny.

Reminder that this man's autism saved an entire starfleet crew he didn't even serve with

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I come here because I don't have any friends.

Hope, user. Star Trek fans are inevitably optimistic people, when as Kurtzman spreads his pimply cheeks and shits steaming hot diarrhea down our throats. We still have faith that we'll see another proper Trek series in our lifetime.

We have to hope because if we don't, Star Trek is dead. And it means a lot to me, so I don't want to face that yet.

It's extremely funny. Of course, if you'd encountered it before (it's been posted many times here), not being highly amused is probably forgivable. Your first encounter of the image? If you don't find that funny, you're six levels deep in contrarianism and should probably seek help.

I relate to Discovery because I went to a school for disableds. The personality types of the characters are all really familiar to me.

even as^

when std season 3 starts, i'm gonna post about it here.

Sarcy with an underlying sense of bitterness.

you should use a * when correcting. Better yet, don't correct. It makes you come off as insecure.

>tfw Star Trek Picard will end like Star Trek Enterprise where it's just someone else LARPing Picard's life in a holodeck sim

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Insecure? No, just fastidious about my typing.

*spits in your face*

>Insecure? No
Insecure, me? haha, oh no. No, I'm not insecure.

Laughed then, would laugh again

Why would it be funny?

Reminder that only humourless fags dislike The Royale

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Whats the general opinion here right now in anticipation of the Picard series, is it considered a cashgrab by Trek fans?


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You're really intent on pressing home this point, user. What exactly are you getting from this? It's a little weird for you to be so anal about someone else's post.

Literally everything made in the setting since Star Trek Nemesis has been a cashgrab.

>is it considered a cashgrab by Trek fans?
I don't think we'll be making any money off of it.

>Alex Kurtzman
"It's gonna be shit"

Apparent investment of serious effort into an entire series which after complaints is then revealed to be holodeck fun and then retretconned so that it only applies to that episode is actual fucking comedy, why would it not be funny?

Purposefully missing the point by focusing on grammar structure. Clever.

I'm just breakin' your balls a little

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I'd be so fucking happy. There's no way this could be my life. This HAS to be a simulation of "what if I just kept making all the wrong choices?"

Has to be.

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It's Kurtzman Trek. It's going to be soulless network tv/action movie schlock just like everything else shat out since they've been in charge.
>a cashgrab by Trek fans
The people running CBS and steering the franchise right now aren't even Star Trek fans. They've shown over and over again that they care nothing for what the show is all about, only about making money. Unfortunately, CBS has always been like this which is why Gene fought them tooth and nail to have TNG+ run in syndication with a studio like Paramount.

Get the hell out of my thread.

>grammar structure.
It's syntax.

hugs are on the house, user

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It's a simulation your distant future relatives made trying to find out speculative information about you since you exist on record but didn't reproduce or participate in social media

another no true scotsman

Discovery still has Star Trek themes, which is why the entire first season is about how a moral code is necessary to prevent unscrupulous people from taking command.

Based misanthropic bully-user

This isn't worthy of the 1 cent per post you're being paid

Worked out well for Weimar Germany.

That episode spooked me as a kid because of the scene where they find the dead astronaut. Had nightmares about that shit for months.

>It's isn't "real" star trek.
>This isn't star trek as we've come to love it.

I just watched one of the scenes again on youtube and it's hilarious how he looks shifty eyed at the thot in the room with him . It's like he knows he looks retarded.
about 1:20

u shouldn't watch spoopy epis, fren

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>It is is not "real" star trek.

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night /trek/ sucks borg ballz compared to day /trek/

you only have yourself to blame since you are a content generator too.

maybe someone should post a pic of 10 forward to give the thread a nightly feel? ugu

borg ballz

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How many people didn't know Michael Dorn was black until they saw him without makeup?

Dorn is black like Obama is black.

Is /trek/ only comprised of anons who didn't make the cut for /sci/?

/trek/ is for tripfags and their orbiters

He seemed to get blacker as the show went on, back in season 1 he was as black as Christopher Lloyd

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Scientists hate watch Star Trek for the bad science.

Non-scientists watch Star Trek because the words "recalibrate the main deflector dish" make them feel smart.

Focus on the storybuilding, user.

don't forget friend simulator 2019-guy

I take it you're in STEM?

I related to Col. Richey.

>I welcome death when it comes.


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Redditor pop-sci fags hate Star Trek because they think the science is bad

Scientists love Trek because they understand what André Bormanis, MSC was getting at

I only care about the baberonies

>real scientists
you mean Satan's deceivers


The Federation is so obviously atheist. It's weird since religion is only growing stronger in our timeline.

bring on the /trek/ babeskis

wat is

Star Trek was created in a time before being liberal meant importing the entire third world and paying for them to spew out enough babies to overwhelm the welfare system

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/trek/ so babelicious

I think it's obvious that everyone agrees that Klingons are the best Trek race and Klingon episodes are the best Trek episodes, so what's your favorite, user?

For me, it's Soldiers of the Empire.

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In this house we believe:

"Science" is a lie
The Earth is 4000 years old
There is only one God and Christ his only begotten son
Homosexuality is a sin
Vaccines cause autism, a good whack with a belt cures it
Medicine can't solve anything that a good prayer can't handle

I'm moving to Switzerland.

>Vaccines cause autism
Wasn't there a medical article about this?

Amen. Old school liberals were all about free speech, now they are all about communism and open-borders globalism.

War by subterfuge is more entertaining than war by brute violence, give me a Romulan or Cardassian over a Klingon any day

This image shows the tripfag use on Yea Forums from 2010-2019. As you can see, tripfags have been on a steady decline for a long, long time. They're a marginal thing. You can ignore them if you want, you can filter them, or you can reply to their posts if you like.

But what you should never do is obsess over them when they're not around. There are at least 10 posts about tripfags to every 1 tripfag post.

They're really not the problem. Sometimes, /trek/, you've got to just take a long look into the mirror and admit that you're responsible for making these threads shitty.

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>he says while posting about tripfags

I've fapped to VF and BF pegging tapes. You can't stop me.

Who's BF and VF?

Sometimes, you've got to get inside the skin of evil to really understand it.

>Who's BF and VF?
The king and queen of /trek/. One is a pixie white girl and the other is an asian twink.

This is the most politically stupid thing I've seen of all time. Socialists hate globalism because they see globalization as justification for crony capitalism. If you don't realize this, then holy shit you are retarded.

>he doesn't want to bury his cock is ValleyForge's tight asshole and haterape her for ruining /trek/

>t. someone who hasn't looked upon the political landscape in the real world

Says the fucktard who thinks globalism and communism are interchangeable terms

The left want open borders, the right want cheap workers. (((Globalism))) is a race to the bottom, whatever 'side' you're on.

Nobody said that

>boy tripfags sure do suck
>they ruin every thread with their attention whoring

>welp better post about them constantly, that'll show 'em
What did /trek/ mean by this? What did VF (a particular focus of obsession, even more than BF) do to you fucks? Are you just pathetic losers fantasizing about someone or did VF piss everyone here off enough that they're trying to run them out of the thread with some kind of weird reverse psychology?

Sometimes, I just think you're all imbeciles.

Venomfangx and boyfriend?

Stop talking about yourself, nobody knows you or cares

OP and the first dozen posts were pretty decent. It didn't have to come to this.

I don't know who that is and I think you should probably feel a little bad that you do.
I'm the OP and I'm now using the tripfag posting to kill the retarded political discussion that was going on a minute ago. Forgive me, user. We can only do what we must.

We used to have decent discussions until ValleyForge started shitting up threads with waifufaggotry and jizz-tier shitposts which derail threads. He's also retardedly obnoxious and calls anyone he disagrees with a faggot, humiliating them and killing the discussion. We used to be a comfy general but now every thread, even the Voyager ones, are for some reason a reaction to ValleyForge.

Well, thanks for humoring me. I think they came around during one of my hiatuses or something because I missed all of that shit entirely. But if what you're saying really is the case, why don't people just filter their posts and carry on with the kind of discussion that used to happen? Is VF really the problem?

This whole thing kind of reminds me of the Louis CK situation. If VF posts (asks if he can take out his dick and jerk off in front of me), and I acknowledge that post (I consent to this), is VF the one to blame or am I to blame for taking the bait and acknowledging his existence at all?

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>ywn serve aboard a starship with BF and VF as your sexy commanding officers
>they will never threaten to throw you out the airlock for messing up a survey scan of a planet's surface
>they will never order you into the ready room for a crew penis inspection and laugh at how small you are
>they will never ask you to join them in the captain's quarters for a late night tryst after your shift ends

I think the only thing that makes me feel any semblance of hope or happiness is that ive decided to throw my faith at the infinite multiverse theory and that this universe is just one of the awful-mediocre versions

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I think VF is funny but I still give him shit for being a tripfag

Even if you filter them anons will still spend entire threads gossiping about tripfags so you only see about 50/310 posts in /trek/

It's almost like the thread would be better if people who constantly spam posted about these people were permabanned.

Off the rails in record time tonight, gentlemen. Most productive, however.

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can you explain to me what exactly motivates you to be such a tremendous faggot?

Somebody's gotta keep the thread alive. Bad enough that you faggots let the last one die and forced me to make this one.

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Depends if I got affected by the ennui and accelerated time loss that comes with aging or not. Since it seems to be mostly psychological I'd probably fall into a deep depression.

>Somebody's gotta keep the thread alive

Because some people actually like posting here, user. Not everyone is trying to lose this ship with all hands like yourself.

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why does that require a tripcode?

>turns out everyone else in your cellbock had to experience the same thing
>a qt who is exactly your type makes tearful eye contact with you after emerging
You're going to make it, bro.

/trek/ hasn't been good for easily 2-3 years because of people like you
ever consider the fact that YOU are the problem?

The thread was dead. Now it isn't. My track record speaks for itself.
>ever consider the fact that YOU are the problem?
At length, actually. I've been trying to figure out what the problem is with these threads in a number of ways. I post with my trip on for a few days, post with it off for a few days. I track my posts, the number of replies I've gotten, and try to analyze the content of those posts. My "study" is yielding some interesting results but no, none of them have lead me to believe that I am the problem. Or any other tripfag, really. Once I'm done, I'll make my information available to everyone.

Initial findings point more towards people like yourself, actually.

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>quick we need a hand model Patrick is self conscious again

You're at quarks and this guy slaps your GF's ass, what do you do?

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>thank god

>I've been trying to figure out what the problem is with these threads in a number of ways

do you have a room temperature IQ or something? how have you not figured it out yet? the problem is that there is limited content to discuss and these threads have been going non stop 24/7 for years and faggots like you keep them alive so you can get the attention you so desperately crave

hey I like these threads, fuck you.

While that is certainly an interesting hypothesis, the data certainly isn't weighing in your favor.
>limited content to discuss
There are 504 hours of Star Trek television alone (that's completely omitting Discovery by the way) to discuss. There are plenty of things that don't get talked about here, plenty of episodes that are never brought up.

Part of my "study" has been trying to get relevant discussion going both with and without my trip. I also record other discussion-related posts made by other anons. I'll make a post opening a discussion on a topic, usually centered around a certain episode or concept, and sit back and see how interested the people of /trek/ actually are in discussing it. Spoiler: not very much, it turns out. Most discussion posts get very few replies, certainly a lot less than regurgitated memes and people like yourself who are obsessed with tripfags.

im sorry butbut once again you are fucking retarded

there is no discussion because literally everything has been said, there is literally nothing to do but the same old memes and circle jerk over the same episodes over and over

if you people weren't so fucking stupid and ACTUALLY wanted to stimulate real discussion you'd lay /trek/ to rest for at least a while and just make startrek threads based on actual specific points you want to discuss as god intended, instead of trying to turn this into your own personal reddit or whatever

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hi ntt

We all want attention, dude

>there is no discussion because literally everything has been said
Do you think /trek/ is the first place that anyone has ever discussed Star Trek or something? Are you 12? There are Trek forums that have been alive and active since the mid 90s. Not to mention that Star Trek was, in many ways, kept alive for over a decade between TOS and TNG pretty much entirely through discussion at conventions, comic shops, and other places by dedicated fans of the series. Basically, you're a dumb cunt and your excuses don't hold any water. But you've made it clear to me that you're not interested in discussing Star Trek or in improving the quality of the general at all. I'd venture to say that you're one of the worst posters that shits up /trek/, even.

Whatever the case, good luck to you, user. I hope you work through your neuroses.

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I find NTT unsettling. I haven't nailed down his agenda yet. It is causing me to worry.

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>There are Trek forums that have been alive and active since the mid 90s.

Usenet still has a pulse

I think a lot of anons wander in to /trek/ because they feel at home here. There's the same old gang, just chilling, hanging out and talking trek. We're well established and can be counted on to provide a certain measure of stability and continuity, which humans naturally need. Nothing wrong with that.

I genuinely just want to talk about Star Trek. Unfortunately, that isn't always simple anymore.
TrekBBS was founded in '99. I've been using it since I was on fucking dial-up. Usenet goes back even longer. And I'm not going to reveal all of my haunts -- exposing certain places to the lethal doses of /trek/ autism currently in play would be akin to violating the Prime Directive.

link pls

u for got ur trip

>theres plenty I just won't name them
why bring it up then?

>TrekBBS wants me to disable adblocker
might as well browse New York Times

I'm a former member of the pre-general community. Not the user who complains about it being a general now. I don't bother participating much anymore because the Star Trek threads on Yea Forums have basically been ruined by generalism. I don't speak up much because I'm shy, but I HATE THIS THREAD

To seem important and part of an "in'group".

A bit of meta is bound to come up.

>i'm not the coplainey guy
computer, end program

I'd recommend getting a newsreader, because web Usenet interfaces are scarce and shitty. Google bought DejaNews and then ran ads off it unsuccessfully then kind of started censoring entire newsgroups and disabling the search interface. You can use Google Groups as a start, though. Check out alt.free.newsservers to find some nntp alternatives.

>aliens abduct you and create a custom reality for you to live in based on the media you most frequently consume
how fucked are you, /trek/?

based knowledge-user

Because it's relevant to the point I was making. There's plenty of Trek to discuss. Over 504 hours, sans Discovery, like I said. People have been discussing it for decades, literally.
>it's all been said
>it's all been done
Your posts are the zoomiest I've ever read.

If you can't employ fucking google and figure out what I was talking about in 5 seconds, you don't even deserve these (You)s.
I only post with it when I need to.

Congratulations, you just got named the smartest poster itt.

go back to frogville

nothing you just stated has ANY bearing on the state of THIS general on THIS image board, are you ironically some fucking 12 newfag yourself? is this your first general you've ever witnessed? you do realize that everything i've said is an objective fact that has been proven right 100 times over as the exact same thing we're witnessing here time and time again because faggots like you couldn't let go, completely ruining all discussion of the topic.

by all means though keep on continuing your quest to ruin a beautiful thing and completely burning out all discussion on the topic, just dont pretend you're doing it for any reason other than to try and create your own little social media bubble at the expense of fresh trek discussion you massive piece of fucking shit. spamming this shit 24/7 even though its temporarily outlived its use is doing nothing but destroying trek discussion by running it into the ground, not keeping it alive

>keep on continuing

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jesus chirst, dude

>b-but nobody will want to discuss Trek anymore if we talk about it here
>the only way to save Trek discussion is by not having any
I don't even know why I try sometimes. Live long and prosper, based retard user.

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maybe if we just had organic threads?

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This post reminds me of that episode where Sisko and Dukat are "stranded" and Sisko methodically tricks Dukat into exposing himself for the delusional megalomaniac he truly is.

You're not Sisko in this scenario.

generals like this are organic, the only different between this thread and a so-called "organic trek thread" is the "/trek/" header, a persistent trek general with a standard OP and links to the previous and subsequent threads would be the "inorganic" variant of these threads, which we don't have.
the problem is that a lot of /trek/posters think dukat was in the right in that episode


maybe we could just all agree to post quality content instead of tripfagstuff, memes and waifus?

imagine being so fucking stupid your only attempt at an argument is to put words in my mouth instead of addressing what i said

ill ask again, is this the first general youve ever seen? I never said "dont have any discussion" i said dont spam this fucking awful reddit general over and over again 24/7 despite it outliving its use by years because at this point in its lifespan it will generate nothing but shit, because thats how generals work you fucking newfag scum. the only way to generate decent discussion now is to let it die and have more sporatic threads for the discussion of the topic

please god drop this pretense that you actually care about discussing startek and arent here just to feel a little bit less loneliness in your pathetic fucking life, because you actually cared you would LET IT GO and allow for real organic discussion not this forced horse shit

>generals like this are organic, the only different between this thread and a so-called "organic trek thread" is the "/trek/" header
This is absolutely true. I've made non-general Trek threads for a long, long time and there is absolutely no difference between the two. The /trek/ crowd shows up and it just becomes the same thread.

Would you say, faith of the heart?

>he's still going
Give it a fucking rest, user. You've lost. You're just embarrassing yourself at this point. In fact, I wish you did use a trip so I could identify your posts more easily and continue laughing at you for the countless threads to come.
>*posts in Trek 500 times a day*
What did he mean by this?

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That sounds kinda sad but at the same time reassuring.

Apologize and ask if Thomas' cum tastes better fresh from his dick or out of Deannas ass hole.

these threads are about to b-be about *sob* star trek

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What if we simply had competitive threads, and the one which was more popular would win dominance? Tripfags, cloak and create your /trek/. Rageanon, create your organic thread based on some particular aspect of Star Trek which you'd like to discuss. If one sees a thread by another existing, merely craft opposition. In this way, we will see which is best.

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by all means explain how ive supposedly "lost" you lonely attention starved faggot, everything ive said is objective facts proven 100 times over and the only thing youve done is try your best to pretend you aren't terrified of the idea of loosing the closed thing you have to friends

I mean, it's fine, really. Star Trek isn't for everybody. Fuck, I don't want it to be for everybody because that means the dumbing down of the franchise which is what we're getting now (even though the normies will never completely buy in).

Star Trek is pretty esoteric. It's fine that it's just for us. We've kept the franchise afloat for decades.

people will just argue about which thread is best.


holy shit. I watched this episode last night. I knew about this before, but I completely missed it. Fucking lol.



> he knows im right so this is the best he can do

who would have thought you could fuck up so hard and actually make me look better by pointing out my mistake

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>Star Trek is pretty esoteric. It's fine that it's just for us.
Watch your empire crumble before you with the release of Nu-card and season 3 of STD

I was mildly interested, when Seven shows up in the trailer I thought hmm this might be okay. Picard is based, even if it's nothing like the TNG/DS9 days it might still be decent enough to watch for free.

Yes, fellow anonymous poster. We should indeed continue to back the franchise.

I made this thread and I think four of the last seven /trek/s, user. I've been winning from the start.
>it's an objective fact that if you discuss star trek you'll burn out discussion of it entirely
No, it isn't. Your logic doesn't even make any sense here. Look at yourself, user. You can't even spell half of the words in your sentences correctly. You're so anally devastated about the existence of a thread on a Mongolian laserdisc forum that your seething is quite literally bleeding through your posts. You claim I'm an attention whore but you keep replying to me, over and over again while I'm just callously mocking and ridiculing you, pointing out your retardation so others can join in on having a laugh at your expense.

If that isn't losing, I don't know what is. Go to bed or something. Have some fucking tea. Get ahold of yourself, man. You're disgracing the uniform.

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I still live in hope that they won't betray Picard's legacy with stronk women and SJW feces. I see a lifeboat on the horizon.

Cardassians are the best Trek race over the course of TNG & DS9. Klingons are boring muh honour and only good when their rar muh honor battle good day to die characterisation is being deconstructed.

I'll always back Star Trek. Whenever CBS puts out a show that actually /is/ Star Trek, I'll back it. That's probably never going to happen, though.

>Mongolian laserdisc forum

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Explain how the cardassians are different from the romulans

I don't know, I feel like I'm being peed on in these threads.

>everything ive said is objective facts proven 100 times
Does Trump post in /trek/?

Jesus christ, did I just step through a time portal? I wonder what he and JesusFreak777 are up to these days.

> if you discuss star trek you'll burn out discussion of it entirely
>intentionally oversimplifying my point so you actually have a chance of attacking it

how fucking stupid are you that you thought you could get away with this? especially after you or whomever already tried to do the exact same thing? once again youre just making me look better

OK, I like you but that one was pretty shoddy.

stop this infighting! it's giving me a baddie headpain

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>he doesn't like 'muh honor'
Klingons are the best race for red-blooded, virile Star Trek fans that appreciate modes of masculinity. Cardassians are just Romulans in black leather and Romulans have never been half as fleshed out as Klingons in the lore. While I appreciate all three races, there's no comparison. To me. But I respect your opinion.

fucking assholes itt

>But I respect your opinion.
boring and flat

I'm sorry, user. I hate to say this but I can't feed your psychosis anymore. I'm just enabling your autism at this point and I'm trying to do less of that on here.

You're dismissed.

are you literally so new you've never witnessed the lifespan of generals before? there's literally been entire boards made for them because they all eventually fester and become cancerous tumors for faggots like you

if you want to ride a general way past its natural life span to the point where every single thread is tripfag garbage inbetween circle jerking over the exact same shit, go back to fucking reddit where you belong

On a tangent, does anyone else remember when /got/ got banned for being total cancer? That was hilarious. Didn't it happen to /who/, too? Haha!

yes yes once again a very nice way of saying "im wrong but i cant admit it please leave me alone"


>boy i sure hate generals
>better keep /trek/ alive by posting in it constantly
What is wrong with you? Do you not see the disconnect there?

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>You're dismissed.
b u r n

For some reason, that is beyond my ken, /trek/ has been allowed to live.

Just look at the rest of the board for your answer. I'm pretty sure the mods have entirely abandoned Yea Forums and with good reason.

hit me with a hot elab, bro

Capeshit, cunnyposting, sneedposting, this son of Mask shit. The board's buried in Star Wars, super heroes, and autism. I honestly think they just gave up and we slipped by somehow.

its happened to literally every single general ever made and its happening to /trek/ now

Nah, /trek/ has been a dumpster fire for 1 yr now.

at least 2

How about changing to a positive attitude instead of pissing in each other's faces all the time?


I like holodeck episodes :)

The downfall of /trek/ began with Trekkie229 who was eventually defeated but then the tripfagwars continued what he begun and now the final spasms of resistance are being played out.

This is an exit, user. You might recognize it from episodes of Star Trek that involve holodecks or holosuites. You see, when people want to leave these holodecks, they call for an exit and then, and this is very important, WALK THROUGH IT, thus leaving the holodeck.

Believe it or not, you're not forced to be here. You're not being interrogated by the Obsidian Order. You're not restrained. You can walk away any time you like. You can even add the phrase '/trek/' to your filters so you won't even have to see the general again.

I'm offering you this information because you seem to really, really dislike generals and /trek/ in particular and you seem to be entirely unaware of the fact that you don't have to browse or post here.

Sadly, we can't just flush you out of an airlock so you're going to have to be a big boy and do it yourself.

Attached: exit.jpg (1436x1080, 899K)

was it rape?
no one cares about general drama, it's incredibly irrelevant

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No, it was fully functional

>another slam dung
how can spitface ever recover?

Someday, VF will be my wife.

which one is VF again?

Paints "minis" and posts them.

whoever came up with this picture is a goddamn genious

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I agree entirely. And I'm not saying that because I made it.

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Stop samefagging

furrys gross

yea no i like /trek/, it was literally the best shit on this whole image board, you're the fucking cancer that is killing it. if you really cared you would give it a fucking rest for a little while because it very VERY clearly needs it. its genuinely mind boggling that the mods haven't begun mercy killing it on sight to prevent cancerous faggots like you from working your magic

All of my vicious ridiculing of you aside, the funny part is that I don't entirely disagree with you. You just have an incredibly autistic way of expressing yourself that really puts other people off. You just seem so fucking mad that it's hysterical to me. The thought that someone who genuinely loves Star Trek could get so fucking mad over something like this is hilarious.

I'm sorry, man. I really am.

You can't just ban the oldest general on Yea Forums.

You just want attention.

Attached: VF.jpg (694x530, 115K)

I was meant to add a second line in there but clicked send by accident, Romulans didn't get half as much progression and focus, especially once DS9 started, the Cardies are basically the main antagonist race throughout the entire series, even the Dominion is shown mostly as an adjunct of their being "invited" in by the Cardassians.

Nah. I do feel bad for having a laugh at that guy's expense, though.

Anyway, goodnight /trek/.

night, brah

Can I get a hug?

Now that we're finally alone, can we discuss whether Riker was wrong for killing his clone in cold blood?

>end like Star Trek Enterprise
I imagine Barclay restarting the simulation, running into center and masturbating viciously

He was wrong.

Barclay didn't need to masturbate when he got smart in that one episode.

holy shit

Isn't it like a rape abortion, though? I don't want non-consentual clones of me being made.

Although, after a little thought, it is flattering... Okay, you're right.

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2 tripfags, one is a twink, the other is a tranny.

Do any of you ever sleep?

>Who was playing the flute?

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I'm in Europe.

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No, it's a cashgrab by the studio. Most fans are morons.

you pigs will gobble up whatever swill they pour into your troughs

You'll ask, "why the fuck do we keep going back there?" before getting in line to go again.

Peeps come for community but stay for the jokes and thread continuity.

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I come here because usually these threads are kind and lighthearted.

Wut? The only Riker clone I remember is rotting in Cardie prison somewhere

terrible thread

>wake up
>morning fap
>check /trek/
>first cup of coffee

What are you talking? Star Trek is all about powerful women and SJW feces