Kinos with this feel?
Kinos with this feel?
Based truthposter
Kill wojakposters
Kill frogposters
This whole website needs years of chemo
Most of the those early Yea Forums memes were shitty though and the O Rly Owl was stolen from YTMND.
in all srs; Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
the whole monologue about the death of the 60s summer of love points toward any cultural spark eventually being subsumed to the greater society where the consumers take over and the creators move on
Old Yea Forums was cringe
i don't think op is an original fag
>ypu must wait 3 minutes before a duplicate reply
>please reformat your post our system thinks is spam
>slowly as fuck fading captcha
>you seem to have mistyped the captcha
>you must wait 1 second before replying
>you hava been banned for racism outside of Yea Forums
>you have been banned for trolling
>you have been permanently banned for posting sexualized images of children
>your ip range has been banned for uploading files due to abuse
>BUY A Yea Forums PASS
Wew lads
frog posting is here to stay
>let's put up stickies to tell anons not to spoil endgame
Never realized how much we just repackaged the same memes these days.
Making a thread to spoil the movie for everyone was worth the 3 day vacation. I even got to see their angry replies before the thread was pruned. Pure kino.
>proceeds to not make his own oc and praises old memes despite being a newfag contrarian
Just fuck off
>make announcement thread or fapbait
>reply first post with spoilers
fuck redditors that come here
Its always fascinating seeing people with no self awarenes
go be passive aggressive on reddit
Oxymoron. Memes by their nature are not unique.
The picture on the left is a collage drawing made on purpose. The picture o the right is the actual content. The "soulful" memes were mostly copy-pasted crap anyways
None of this matters, this place is beyond saving. Burn it down.
Ever noticed how the main difference between old and new memes (or call it board culture, if you will) is hostility?
Old memes had soul because they weren't meant to attack anyone or any group. They weren't nasty or mean-spirited, at least not most of the time. It was just about having fun.
Modern memes are either straight up political statements or conceived to insult, harm, ridicule and mock. In short, they're based on schadenfreude, they're toxic and negative by their very foundation. That's why they're soulless.
Dubs are an exception.
It was also infinitely more fun.
I do miss when shitposting was funny, and not so obviously expressions of actually upset retards.
into the trash it goes
Did someone just say... dubs?
It def was. I miss the weebs and eccentric autists that didn’t mean any harm. They were just spergs and it was actually fun to waste time here.
Further proving their point...
what will the final phase be like bros?
how times have changed
>reactionary response over literally nothing
Yeah, you're the cancer.
It would cycle back to the first.
A man can hope.
Those on the left felt like harmless inside jokes. The one's on the right are ubiquitous thanks to social media.
That munching blue Wojak gives me the creeps, can’t tell you why
most of them were stolen from 2chan too.
I've been here for 15 years and Chad Grug, Gigachad, and FUCK NIGGERS Pepe are some of my favorite memes of all time.
The only better ones are from 2008-2011 Yea Forums
Imagine actually believing this
his point* , trashcan man is an old meme by the way remember when Yea Forums bullied that girl to death in 07? good times now it's just redditors wanting those times back for some weird reason
Shirts with expletives is the height of white trash culture
>muh toxic
nobody but invasive redditors write like that
Memes are a reflection of life. We're in an age were we can witness the obscure, collective direction of our world through clear, silly pictures within the comfort of our bedrooms and the picture is only going to get messier.
I'd rather have pepe and wojack than a grinning faggot, a nigger, and a bunch of gook shit as the mascots. old Yea Forums was for weak fat pussies who let themselves be bullied by society. the new order doesn't do that. get used to it.
nobody fucking posts tony kornheiser anymore. fuck reddit
Remember when Yea Forums didn't have the captcha-cancer it has today? Remember when you could just post something without having to do a dumb little minigame first?
Unless you wanna give the gooks who run this crappy site some shekels, of course.
I’ll throw you all back to the glory days.
Wew lad, those were the days
I miss angry islam guy.
it won't user, it will only get worse Babylon will have nothing on 2030's western civilisation and internet culture.
daaaaaaaamn it's been years
>tfw permanewfag
fuck this gay life I'm out
The weak, fat pussies facing adversity are the ones who breathed life into the anime imageboard and turned it into something new, and revolutionary. It's been a decade since it exploded in popularity, only getting more popular every year. The memes are still good but appeal to a much wider audience, which is why you see normies use them on social media. Yea Forums of today is more normified version of what it was, and with that it has lost something that can't really be put into words. explains it well. The creative energy that birthed this website has subsided and been replaced.
old Yea Forums was like reddit.
/pol/ saved this site.
I knew I was always a newfag
are you insane
At least I'm not cancer.
this 100 times
i'm old fag but they called us newfags because most came from newgrounds
/pol/ is reddit
only it's anonymous and all political opinions are allowed seems like a big difference
Holy shit, a literal zoomer
wow, this is
fucking depressing
And LUElinks
holy shit a litteral chappo millenial does your wife let you on the computer this late or is tyrone taking care of it
BAHAHAH nice typo, IDIOT
is that cock mongler?
>soul is 80% weeb shit
t. redditor
fuck these niggers for infesting /pol/ with boomers
Kinos of foreigners invading and being let in ultimatelt destroying the country from the inside?
>Imagine being here before 2010
kek ptg is cancer i give you that
Tbh old /pol/ was incredible. It was sad losing it.
yeah ever since 2016 this site is full of liberals pushing their politics like it's ever going to work fucking tourists man
Desu is the Sneed of the 2000s
>immigration is good
>but redditors stay off my Yea Forums reee
he's a tourist himself probably
/pol/ are the good guys
american demographics
>r/the_donald saved 4chinz
u wot m8
>/pol/ is one person and it's /ptg/ who's also one person and the whole board
even then your statement doesn't make sense if you view the timeline
Those are middle aged Yea Forums tho.
Man pre2014 /pol/ changed my life. If I was a bluepilled goy and saw /pol/ as it is now I would think conservatives were retards too.
/pol/ was never about conservatism kike donald is probably the biggest psy op /pol/ ever had
Conservatism just means traditionalism. Pretending to be a nazi is practicing a form of tradition.
where the fuck did the name wojak even come from
What's the blue Wojack?
I did see pre-2014 /pol/ and conservatives are retards
pedobear is the best internet meme of all time and I want him back
Anyone who defends old Yea Forums memes after the cringe public scientology protest shit is a fucking faggot
nice larp queer — you know this is a site for posting funny shit not for your autism meetups right?
This site is for posting funny AND cute shit. Anyone who disagrees doesn't belong here.
>Porn threads
>Gore threads
>Meme spam threads
>Social media screencap threads
>ylyl/cringe "kino" webm threads
Why is Yea Forums now Yea Forums?
Most Oldfags will never admit this but its true
because Yea Forums became cumbrain safe space
because the cümbrains ruined old Yea Forums
tfw actually attended autism meetups irl
You're still not wanted here.
Anyone who defends current Yea Forums memes after the cringe of... The last 6+ years is a fucking faggot
wojak and pepe are the peak of meme evolution
we reached a perfect design
funny how /pol/ always manages to stay way ahead of the curve and rent free in so many people's head
Technically they are good memes because they are so easy to spread and edit. Meme hipsters don't like them because they're overused. They're TOO good.
>actual oldfags either became trannys/sjws, /pol/tards, or went to kiwifarms to be lazy and boring
Conservatives are people who try to maintain the status quo. Wanting to go back to something before the status quo makes you a Reactionary.
Reactionaries are part of conservative politics. "Conservative" is just a general term that means different things in different areas of politics. The republican party have corrupted the term, because as the left pushes, the right fills in their space, gradually moving the herd to the left. Do you think conservatives of 20 years ago want to conserve where we are now? Every new policy turns a conservative into a reactionary. Having such strict definitions in politics is meaningless semantics.
Kinos with this feel?
>chart hasn't been updated in 5 years
we're in strange new territory these days.
If you want to see old Yea Forums just go on Yea Forums and /pol/. The site has always been majority unfunny cumbrain reichfags. All the fun and infamous stuff was carried out by a few individuals. The userbase has always been 95% shit.
2011 newfag
Even then the board was much better
I'm sorry user... you have cancer.
I believe there's more to them than we give them credit for, they are much more flexible than the rage faces of yore.
2010-11 was prime Yea Forums mate
Peak Yea Forums and /fit/
/pol/ was never good
One word defies what you say:
They're the face of the global conscience as it comes into being. It's bizarre to think of now but there may be no getting away from them when discussing the history of our time.
I too remember when Yea Forums was nothing but memes stolen from other places
I have posted less than 100 times.
>chart hasn't been updated in 5 years
>not stretching reddit out to 2015 to accurately portray the last demographic influx
One job.
At least people are drawing things instead of it being 2 second crop shops of real photos with text under them.
Literally /Yea Forums/: the post.
These unironically.
I'm newfag and proud of it
A dark tunnel of pain into infinity
>le long cart is long xD
>epic win
t. Boomer who was here since 2009
Somebody had to say it.
>2 second crop shops
What a way to spend a life
>new order
This is just a website m8
Go outside and make friends, or just kys nobody cares either way
>Based truthposter
>Kill wojakposters
>Kill frogposters
>This whole website needs years of chemo
kys kid
>Old Yea Forums was cringe
seems to have struck a nerve here
He speaks the truth.
Go back to your containment board, retarded newniggers
>"Wait what aboit 8cha-"
>Realize it's dead now
Damn, whoever made this was ahead of the game
Sounds like something some nigger weeb would say notice how most of the shit on the left is weeb anime shit.
nice was looking for this one
>not just phoneposting, airplane mode, repeat
Literally old Yea Forums's equivalent of CreepyThinMan
Yea Forums literally was /pol/ back in the day. Less boomers and reddit though, but that is a sitewide problem now.
And Yea Forums was despised by literally everyone
Interesting, I didn't know the name/author had any significance. I thought the person was just some random DAfag.
If by “everyone” you mean goons and proto-redditor faggots, then yes.
Shoo shoo, leftist shill.
Yea Forums was like Yea Forums now but with less mods
>miserable hysterical incels saved the site
Jesus christ user
Who the fuck is moot?
Hiro, ban this stupid newfag.
what about christ, user?
>t. contrapoints
I blame the 2016 elections and GG
Been here since 2009 and have wojaks saved on my phone. This place is still funny to me even if the memes changed
fuck you. old Yea Forums actually had original content instead of posting the same stale memes over and over again. seriously, what was the last good meme this place had? bane? pathetic. Also, it wasn't that long ago that 'kekistan' was a thing and that's just as cringey as anything old Yea Forums ever did.
>Yea Forums
That image predates 8ch by around 5 years
Im 2019 blacked and I don't care. Also I crosspost and some might call me a (tranny) tourist. Tbf, on a personal level, I'm modest but als extremely based.