>white men cant ____
What would the appropriate title for 2019 be?
>white men cant ____
What would the appropriate title for 2019 be?
because it would just be a remake
White Men Can't Catch a Break in the Media
>be voted Woman of the Year by Vanity Fare
what a crazy world that would be, huh!
Not shoot up a school
Not overdose
Lose their virginity
stop going to hamilton
stop watching anime
stop complaining
be niggers
satisfy a woman
have sex
Say Nigger
stop provoking ricecel seethe.
stop being the envy of other races
I use the fact I'm white to take money from black people.
Jump...blacks are like pumas and they can jump 25 feet in the air dont ever question their abilities or judge them at all.
please women like black men can
now check em
This thread makes me wanna go to /gif/
Check this 7
I'm still waiting for the sequel 'Black Men can't pay child support'.
based and cinema is dead pilled
Cam to post this
the only correct answer is white men cant stop cutting their own dicks off
>have an opinion on racial politics
have sex