What do women see in this panda-eyed loser? He's not funny, he sounds like an idiot and he's not attractive. Goddamn it,
What do women see in this panda-eyed loser? He's not funny, he sounds like an idiot and he's not attractive. Goddamn it
well neither is she, its not a bad match
"big dick energy"
Not being an incel might help
He's 6'3
This, they even kind of look alike.
>dude big dick durrrrrrrr
okay but that doesn't explain how he gets them in the first place
he's ugly
They both look pretty ugly tb h. Just like his previous bitch grande. Total munter that one.
Massive cock according to Kate BEckinsale.
He looks like every wigger I grew up with in the late 90s and early 2000s who I hated
He's rich and famous.
imagine going from the chad cary fukunaga to this drugged out loser. if her 0/10 feet didn't make you guys drop this chick i seriously hope this does
He's tall and famous, that's literally it
>thinking the woman on the right is out of the man on the left's league based on looks
Fuck, my dude, get your eyes checked.
Holy fuck her mouth is scary
>panda-eyed loser
Butthole eyes is still my go to insult for him
Ariana Grande boasted ages ago he has a Perfect Penis.not just big and girthy
apparently his Penis seems nice and is aesthetically nice to look at
His previous bitch was Kate Beckinsale
doesn't he try to an hero every six months or so? i've been told he's not very stable mentally
Me on the left
no, this does explain that
do you not understand?
Nice gums.
I'm ready for him to kill himself now.
tbf id rather look at his dick than her face. and im straight.
Kate Beckinsale’s previous boyfriend was 21 and they dated for a year, I think she was interested in pete because of his somewhat youthful appearance
He's got Borderline personality disorder which basically means he's clinically a bad person
>his previous bitch was sloppy seconds and leftovers from an era ago
so much for "muh big dick energy"
I can score with cuter chicks at my local target.
Me in the grey sweater
They look like brother and sister haha
holy shit that dude in the grey sweater
But you guys told me having a big dick doesn't matter and women prefer smaller average sized dicks
That fag literally looks like a school shooter
She was really good in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. But she is honestly ordinary looking as fuck.
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I wouldn't go balls deep in that cooch, but I am saying you can find waitresses that are Qualley-tier. 7/10 which is nothing to be ashamed about.
Why does he look so uncomfortable
as a rational homosexual, he's not that bad looking. if he has a nigger's dick without being a nigger, I'm down for him
He's a spoiled rotten rich jew who's jewish dad was killed on 9-11 and the jewish elite have decided to gift him, on a silver platter, a career in comedy because his dad most likely was helping the elite jews hide/embezzle money stolen from the goy.
He even got to use Ariana Grande (who is an elite MKUltra cock sleeve for the elite jews) as his very ow cock sleeve when Ariana's assigned master got bored with her for a bit.
>okay but that doesn't explain how he gets them in the first place
You really don't know that women tell other women about guys they've fucked? Like if you've ever been with a girl, that girl 100% told someone about it as soon as she could and told someone about the size of your penis, stamina, if you found a decent spot and so on.
Oh shut up no he doesn't, he's many things but he doesn't look like a school shooter
That's Chad.
Why is it "creepy" when Leo does it but no one says a word when a woman does?
This to get to the penis, they'd have to get past his face, personality and reputation.
How are they beating those levels? Grinding with even shittier, non-famous guys for years? It seems too hard.
"youthful" is probably one of the last words i would ever use to describe pete davidson
doesnt she have tourettes or some kind of autism that makes her twitch so much?
Shut up faggot get aids and die already.
If you want the honest answer, he’s just some motherfucker with connections in the industry that’s dated a few famous people. There’s absolutely nothing remarkable about him. He’s pretty much the epitome of an NPC. Nobody would give a fuck about him without his mommy and daddy. The big cock meme has definitely been disproved by how women date and dump him, with absolutely no remorse. His gay ass panda eyes shit is basically the only thing people will remember about him, as he fades into complete obscurity, as the last thing people thing about him is, “wow, he was a heroin looking poofter motherfucker.”
He's famous and fairly wealthy.
Me on the right
You seem really fucking jealous.
have sex incel
Guy on the left is disgusted AF
hes probably a chad IRL, i dunno.
I mean she looks like the type of girl that would date that druggy looking dude
junkie zoomer+kike hoe=sounds about right
>defending “celebrities,” especially those who have sucked cock for a silver spoon feeding
I seriously hope nobody actually does this
It's okay user not everyone can be popular and have a big dick.
He was pretty funny in that Bieber roast. He's completely fallen off the radar since that tho
Wait wait wait... How can the male persona of a trannie date the female persona?
He literally looks like an albino chimpanzee with a wig.
>.01 shekels have been deposited in your bank account
Why did she left him tho
Wish I was a jew then I wouldn't be so fucking poor.