*has absolutely no chemistry with other characters*

*has absolutely no chemistry with other characters*

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

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it was supposed to be patrice

i like him in everything i've seen so far. what is this?

him and andy had good chemistry

*is literally a robot character*

*citation needed

Never thought it was realistic a warehouse n would somehow magically turn smart enough to work on the white people floor. You mean to tell hot tub time machine come out and suddenly Daryl the warehouse moron is smart enough to be a salesman and oh get this in one episode he says he da most qualified to replace Michael as king white man in charge lollll

>warehouse moron
He was always written as the straight man to Michael's antics when he's venture into the warehouse. Nothing more, nothing less. You're not wrong about the rest though. They force his shitty Michael-less character more into the show and write him into a beta faggot who has his head up his own ass. Shit is fucking terrible.

The Office (US).

yeah i saw the episode where everybody in the warehouse wins the lottery except for him and he goes into a bitchmode depression and it made me hate him


He has mumbly black guy voice like an even more monotone Shaq is that’s possible. At least Shaq is funny whoever told this Robinson tool he was funny, dull fucking bore how does he get so much work

his music parts are good
my favorite track is bullfrog in love

Except he outsmarts mike multiple timed

It was just as retarded when the stupid bitch who answers the phones and now somehow qualified to be a salesman lol who did she screw to get that job????

Goddamn bitches and niggers ruin everything

she was a worse salesman than Andy, though

unironically kill yourself if you enjoy this fucking garbage

have fun having zero taste

It's a job that requires 0 qualifications

Was he gay?

Attached: tumblr_p4bw0aIcF21uowbrmo1_540.gif (540x304, 1.41M)

no he just loved girl talk


more like a spot on representation of alot of folks who use this site, down to the weird intimacy issues and taste in film

Don’t you gotta go to like salesman school or something??


So you’re telling me I can walk into an office and be all gummie a job nigga! It’s always been my dream to work in one the show made it look so wacky and fun!

This guy fucks

I hated how he and Pam got their jobs on the office floor because of a special feat and never seem to have any tasks or responsibilities

>black man is the most intelligent and competent character in the show
Of course

I remember some scenes that showed he wasn't really that smart. He had a good idea which got him promoted but then he was kind of in over his head iirc. Also, salesmen don't need to be smart, they just need to be charismatic.

The most intelligent and competent was Jim, he just didn't try because he hated his life.

this, there was a scene in which he thought he was guaranteed a job then shit the bed during his interview

did you guys not even watch the show? I'm not one of these rapid Office worshipers from reddit but damn, this was covered pretty clearly.

Is Office UK any good?


It's actually Dwight though.

No and for the record he gaped Erin on a nightly basis using his tiger powder.

Was she autistic?

Attached: Erin_Hannon.jpg (258x387, 17K)

Michael strongarmed wallace to ensure Pam and Ryan a job by using his high persuasion tactics.

fucking hated this character and actor with all my soul and being. Something about him screams creep


Pleb filter right there, one of the best characters of the last few seasons


He's like 7ft tall. Hes probably got a monster dong and has read multiple books on how to use it effectively.

Opie & Anthony

Will there ever be another comfy mid-2000's slice of life show set in the northeastern US?

