Films only you have seen

Films only you have seen.

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If you're a fan of b movies, Gore, or excellent practical effects check this. Freely available on youtube.

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A few decent faps outta this.

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I love Lucy.

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The redhead girl mogs the fuck out of the other two, including Watson.

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good taste

An homage to buddy cop action flicks about a SWAT team of werewolves.

Manages to take itself seriously enough to be earnest while still ironically over the top.

Two thumbs up

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Saw it on a Canadian Television Network back in the 80's. A decent 6/10. Animation was bretty gud for being such low budget. Lou Reed was sick as the villain.

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anyone else /mansized/?

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I probably saw it

based lucybros, she is such a great actress


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I actually loved this movie.

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fuck might have to watch this

Lucy kino there

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Jesus she really looks the exact same, same weird liney face. Absolute 10/10 as an adult that is, I'm not getting called a pedo. On this board anyway.

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That movie is fucking ridiculous, and probably what gave me my chronic phobia of being sucked down the drain as a small child.


I saw this 12 years ago when I was sick but I still remember it better than Avatar
I don't know why I kept watching

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mogs the FUCK out of kid Watson

>20 pics
>literally haven't seen any of them so far
Gee you guys are for real

you would, don't deny it

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I love this movie. It's amazing.
Watched it on a livestream.

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I feel like no one saw this for some reason.

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Not really

YES really. watson is a total plain jane

most kino survivor contestant ever and the rightful winner of south pacific

for you.

i've seen it

iggy pop does one of the songs right?

moar young lucy please, thanks

I want to fuck 13 yo Emma Watson

not bad for a chick flick

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yeah, great cast as well


Why would I deny it?

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