The Boys

How fucking good is this show, Yea Forums? I loved it and can't wait until season 2.

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It's frankly impossible for a human being to run so fast that he runs through another human being and makes them explode without suffering any harm, or to launch themselves in the air and fly, or to survive an assault weapon attack at point-blank range. I just stopped watching it after a while. People today are so fucking stupid.

You're not good at comedy

You know, before I posted that, I thought to myself "this isn't very good," but since I wanted to bump the thread, and thought some friends might respond bitterly to it being unfunny, I decided to post anyway. Thanks for playing along.

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I want to eat you and become you faggot

Anthony Starr fucking kills it

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Can someone post that exaggerated Homelander expression?

When he run it generates a force field around him

Homelander and Butcher steals the show in every scene they're in

It's fucking great.

One thing I'm wondering- what do you think makes Momoa as Aquaman a badass, compared to Deep being a joke?

It's not like Chace Crawford is unattractive, I'd say he's less manly looking than Momoa and more of a pretty boy, but he's certainly attractive.

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Was the assault weapon part intentional or do you actually not know what it means

Its pure kino

The fact that everyone thinks Deep is a joke

You need to be checked for the autism son.

So fucking good. I wasn't expecting much because I've never been a huge fan of Ennis's work, but the show's hitting all the right notes.

Well how the heck is Aquaman not a joke? Even in the dumpster fire that was Justice League he was pretty badass.

The Deep even kind of gives off the aura of a loser.

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Best new character in years.

I didn't think he was a joke when we first saw him, but when we learn more about the character being a pretty boy and loud mouth and complaining of only getting "water adjacent crimes" I started getting the hint he was a standard aquaman.

Homelander is from 2006, user...

I guess it doesn't help he coerces people to fuck him and Vought has to deal with the cover-ups, so they probably are like, "yeah screw you Deep, you get the water crimes only now"

Intentional! Thanks for noticing me.

super powers are literally magic. off yourself.

>what do you think makes Momoa as Aquaman a badass

Momoa as Aquaman is a fucking joke too, DC tried way too hard with him.

>One thing I'm wondering- what do you think makes Momoa as Aquaman a badass, compared to Deep being a joke?

No offense, but do you have autism or something bro? It's kinda obvious.

>He has that hollywood-poseur 'upbeat charisma' that's obviously totally put on and brittle.
>He's extremely vain and self-conscious.
>He's a spineless coward who folds instantly when told off.
>He bitches like a small child about not being respected.
>He has these airy fairy plans to save the whales but allows himself to be blown off and ignored every time he brings them up with others.
>He's a manipulative faggot who has to trick women into sucking his dick.

He's basically the epitome of an effeminate pretty-boy pussy, while aquaman is exactly the opposite - masculine, self-assured, brave etc.

Him getting slight actual spoilerfin raped was both sad and hilarious, that seen was genius.
New TV character you knew what he meant.
Plus TV Homelander is different form the comic book Homelander.

In the comics, the deep is supposed to be a black guy who barely interacts with the rest of the group unless there is a crime or public apperance because he has to spend his time in water or is talking to his agents.

Homelander, white atrain, and the rest of the male members tell whats her cunt to suck their dicks while they all stand there or she can go the fuck home.
She sucked the dick of every dude in the room except for the deep.
Who had left to go talk to his agent about a shoe deal before the blowbang sgtarted.

>that seen
sorry I've lived abroad for many years and forgot English.

>No offense, but do you have autism or something bro? It's kinda obvious.
Woah woah, calm down? I mean, you're kind of acting like the Deep with how pissy you are.

I never saw neither Aquaman or Justice League.
How much does Aquaman does outside the sea? How useful is he?

He's not human

He still has super strength, durability, and a trident.

So he's more useful than fucking Batman at least, cause he has superpowers.

got to the end of episode 8 and dropped it

Because he's acting and is written like one

Only a bitch would say something like that. Real men thrive on interpersonal conflict.

fucking awful
the girls are stick
and the acton is pure garbage

It was solid. Most of the superheroes got really annoying as the show went on, though.

>Most of the superheroes got really annoying as the show went on, though.
That was the point.

Next you are going to tell me people can't fly or shoot laser from their eyes as well.

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it's good. looking forward for s2 too.
but it's still capeshit and slightly overrated by the spammer here on Yea Forums

>Real men thrive on interpersonal conflict
You're typing that as you probably look like the Amazing Atheist mixed with The Blob from X-Men?

Why does he eat that much doritos?
It seems like that's the only thing he eats lol

12 year old who creams their pants for Marvel detected.

He's the equivalent of a superhero neckbeard, maybe?


>born in the 90s
>accuses others of not being real mean

On the bright side, he was very good at assessing the Deep and the Aquaman and explaining what made one more respected.

On the other hand, if he acts at all like he does on Yea Forums, he's likely socially inept.

I don't mean "lol see they turned out to be the baddies all along oh the ironing", I mean they were literally just annoying whenever they were on the screen, like whoever wrote them didn't understand how to not make them come off as whiny little shits.

What about them did you not like, or specifically what was "shit?"

>Stormfront is Aya Cash
So is she still going to be a Nazi, or no?

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As a Sandusky native, Deep being deployed there made me rofl

it must be so hard living every day as a brainlet.

>t. omega-boi incel zoomers.
Deal with it kids, your fee fees don't matter to me. If you're offended get back in the kitchen with the rest of the bitches.

>fee fees
yeah keep gaying it up kiddo

>he typed as he downed another jug of Mountain Dew, crudely wiping the spittle and Dorito dust off his lips

>boi incel
Homosexual reddit zoomer detected

>Using gay as an insult in 2019
lol wtf bro, repressed sexuality much? Having sex with another man isn't wrong and god isn't real. You should try getting in touch with your true self some time; real men don't let society who they're allowed to fuck or what they're allowed to wear, only pozzed up bitch boys like you do that.

Okay it was kind of funny at first but now you're just trying too hard.

Hot take:
This show would have been better if Hughie got killed and Robin was survived.

then it wouldn't be called the boys

The title refers to Homelander's offspring with each member of the Seven's counterorganization

Lol they are all super human can't die

I always like his acting, especially in banshee

What's the date for s2?

just finished reading preacher. a good first half immediately nose dives into cuckery and love triangle nonsense right after cassidy and jesse have become best friends. what awful cheap shock value writing. I hope the boys doesn't have the same problem

The way he carries himself. The Deep lacks confidence. Aquachad does not.

gay zoomer detected

But there's already a girl in The Boys.

They're filming right now so early 2020 at best

It's much better.

So fucking great.

I heard July 2020 in an interview, but don't hold me to that.

He's strong as fuck and it takes plasma weaponry to even have a shot at hurting him. He gets knocked down by a high-caliber explosive round at one point, then just stands back up and says, "ow."

That's before you even get into the telepathy and outright magic.

She's a nazi dyke.
Cause...that's awesome and subversive and they think the middle aged loser cunts and twitter cunts.

It will litterally bring nothing to the plot story and be unfun for everyone.

I guess?

It's the first interesting genderswap I've seen in a while

Stormfront was a shit character so hopefully they do something interesting with it. The Deep shows that a literallywho character can be turned into one of the best if done right.

I liked what they did with Stillwell too, the mommy fetish thing was a good twist, although Comic Stillwell gets good towards the end

No one talks about those characters favorably user.

The Deep came out of nowhere as one of the best characters

Iirc his sole contribution in the comic is that the flies to the Boys' office to deliver a message, and Butcher opens the window to tell him to fuck off

Don't forget that underwater he's strong enough to lift a submarine out of the water, and even out of water he's strong enough to throw a pipe so hard it impales a guy's shoulder and embeds him into the wall of a metal submarine.

Yeah he was an interesting character- flawed, imperfect, really showed the problems the Seven have.

I hope he gets a redemption arc. Curious, do you think he has a prehensile penis like a dolphin?

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Its capeshit masquerading as not being capeshit. I’d recommend you grow up.


Hey I have an idea for how the Boys might get powers.

So we know Homelander has access to stores of V, as he was able to give it to A-Train to transport.

And he respects Butcher, because Butcher is the one person who isn't afraid of him. Homelander kills the one piece of leverage? Butcher gives him the finger by blowing it up.

So I'm thinking, what if Homelander is like, "I want to beat and break you Butcher, but I want it to be fair. So take this, get all your little buddies on it, come fight me whenever" and gives him syringes of V that will empower The Boys permanently, and (relatively) safely. He's had lots of adult human trials, after all.

Oh and they can add in a scene where the guys are all shitting themselves and vomiting and crying as the V makes them feel sick as it alters them.

It took me 8 hours to realise that he's a bargain bin Michael fassbender.

Do not disrespect me.

Nah fuck that, it'll just be
>we need to fight supes
>let's take V

which is pretty much what it is in the comics

Sadly checked. Sadly, because I left out some words there and did not want that post to become anything other than ignored ITT. Thanks a lot, pal!

This is great show but it is also extremely uneven. There are kino moments and some retarded script. Anyways in the sea of shit its a perl hands down. Also YOU GUYS ARE REAL HEROES

I don't think you watched it.

>Fish boy Momoa is chad
Yeah, sure.

Why don't you show us a selfie of yourself so we can see what a real Chad looks like?

I thought Episode 5's church fair momemts were pretty cringe aside from Homelander meeting Hughie and Episode 6 was the worst episode, just got really sappy with the Hughie/Annie stuff as well as Butcher's awkward motive confession, surprisingly written by a woman.

Because i'm not a zoomer nor a narcisistic person so there are zero pics of me on the internet. Last pic taken i can remember was at a degree party of a friend of mine five years ago.

Sounds like someone's all bark and no bite

The Church stuff was cringey yeah. I was wondering throughout the entire thing, "Wait, didn't the Church like....stop being this douchey with converting others and praying gay away? Or at least it's not widely supported?"

Better than sound like a massive faggot like you.

Catholic here

That's not a feature of the Church, its particularly Burger Protestant retardation

5/10, caught me a bit off guard but didn't have much of an impact later.

Yeah it kind of sounds like a corruption of original values.

>stop being this douchey with converting others and praying gay away? Or at least it's not widely supported?"

Only on the internet and in blue cities, go to the south and all this stuff is 100% real.

>Or at least it's not widely supported?
Only in mainstream Christianity, the more hardcore sects and fundamentalists are pretty much as the show portrays them.

Queers need the rope

Daily reminder The Boys comic is shit
Amazon's The Boys is pure kino capeshit

Shit. I should visit Southern US some time.

Jesus Christ, Raimi.

Did someone screencap the thread where OP meet Homelander and fell in love.

>Shit. I should visit Southern US some time.
No you shouldn't.
My friend lived there for a while and she said she was blown away one of the first questions you get asked when introducing yourself is "what church do you go to?"
It's racism, bigotry, and lack of education hidden by shitty accents, apple pie, bbq and sweet tea.

>Nubian Prince,fits your populations "urban" demographic

What did she mean by this??

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>racism, bigotry
>lack of education
>apple pie, bbq and sweet tea.
Wait, so I should?

Hell does Raimi sneak in CIA style into the writer's rooms and make small edits here and there? Goddang.

Huh. Sounds kind of like a dump.

Fuck off were full.
P.S. southern states are known for having high amounts of black people,you're not welcome white boy

>Caucasians love him too with a 59% approval rating

Please stop Raimi no more

Packing my bags and leaving California now, sorry dude.

Well homosexuality is not encouraged in the Church in the same way that depression or schizophrenia aren't encouraged, however it's not strictly sinful as an innate feeling either, as it's not voluntary.

Homosexual ACTS, are, however, but primarily for the same reason that masturbation or sex not for babbies between a man and a woman would be, i.e. it's a misuse of the seuxal function for pleasure

Wait if it's only hardcore sects and fundamentalists, why is The Boys portraying it as something that's really common, something big enough that goddamn Homelander went?

I hope they lynch you tranny

go back reddit nigger

No, I understand homosexuality being frowned upon by the Church.

The thing I thought of corrupting was how they did stuff like try to convert people of other religions (like that scene with the Minister going, "if you love your neighbour, you must save her from her false Hindu gods"), and how Ezekiel was all about pray the gay away (I don't think he made a speech on it specifically, but it was mentioned in the series), and the forcefulness in trying to force and push others kind of goes against how you should act. I'm not Christian though, but from what I've seen of other Christians, they don't usually try to convert people.

Deep > Quipquaman

go back to primordial soup since that's what you ultimately seek to emulate in communication

>faggot brackets

Yes and no

Since Vatican 2 there's been a lot less focus on 'other religions are wrong', for better or worse.

However it's important to bear in mind that while there may be some room for debate on certain doctrinal issues, it is nonetheless heretical to state that other faiths are equally correct or valid, as this would defeat the entire purpose of holding an opinion on religious issues.

So direct missionary activity has lessened due to the cultural climate in the church at present, but strictly speaking Catholics should be attempting to divert others from error - it's just that we've had too much error on our own plates for the past half-century to really be bothered with others for a while

So would Catholics mind if, say, Buddhist monks went around trying to convert them, if in the Buddhist monk's eyes other faiths were not equally correct, and the monks saw them as diverting the Catholics from being trapped in the cycle of life death and rebirth?

Because that sounds like it'd be off putting to most Catholics.

Not that user, but that just isn't the role of a monk. How many times have you been proselytized at by a Catholic monk? Buddhist adherents are extremely obnoxious, as you'd know if you'd ever encountered one.

Fair enough on the whole monk thing.

I've never been proselytized by any Buddhist, but I have been proselytized by Christians before (mainly Mormons, a Jehovah's witness here or there).

But the question still stands, if a religion thinks it is right to convert others from paths they see is incorrect, would the adherents be alright if other people of another religion tried to convert them from their path? The monk was simply an example, you could replace it with a simple follower of the faith.

Yeah obviously, it'd be super offputting and would probably just entrench your religious views rather than change them

That's part of the reason it's not really done these days, unless you're deep into apologetics and theology and can argue those points effectively so as to change someone's mind, you'll just end pissing them off. And most people don't have that level of knowledge or ability tbqh.

>faggot brackets

Mormons are to Christian people as Christian people are to Jews. They have their whole new other book and a different path. JWs were a doomsday cult whose doomsday date(s) never happened. These are both pretty far outside the norm if they're your only encounters.

Your question is not new and the danger is known to all missionaries of all various religions. Most of the time, missionaries get killed.

Yeah, I feel like faith is something the person has to choose themselves, the more you push onto them, the more they'll push it away, because it won't seem like something they chose themselves.

It's also why I hate Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses a lot and like to prank them by opening the door naked.

I heard you the first time (I'm still going to do it)

I'm not saying they're by any means mainstream Christians like Catholics or Protestants.

I am simply pointing out proselytization is, frankly, quite annoying, and if Christians are actually supposed to do it like that poster above indicated, that might be something that could need a little changing.

Of course I don't know the original text, so it could very well be easily interpreted in a different manner than how that user sees it.

At being a loser, maybe.

Dude's powers are on the level of loser. He's like, a bit stronger than human when he knocked out those 2 thugs in the drug bust. He's got enough durability to survive in deep waters, but that's nothing compared to shit like Starlight getting hit by a 50 BMG and it not even breaking her skin, or Maeve stopping the truck without a single scratch.

There's not even a Batman on the team that lacks powers. Deep's just all around bad, his on land abilities are too weak compared to the others.

If you have delicious pie, and it turns out this delicious pie has healing properties which will extend your life, is it offensive to offer this pie around to one's neighbors, or everyone one meets, in fact? I understand it. I also understand why you don't like it.

I've invited them in in every place I've lived, and they don't come back after one conversation, ever.

No, I understand why they do it. I don't agree with it. Like how I understand some of the choices people make on TV shows, but I wouldn't do them myself.

But if you had that delicious pie, and someone else came along telling your that your pie was gross and wrong, and THEIR pie was the good one, you'd probably tell 'em to bugger off.

That's how I see it, and that's why I don't invite them in.

> faggot brackets

>if you had that delicious pie, and someone else came along telling your that your pie was gross and wrong, and THEIR pie was the good one
That's when food fights happen. Historically not good

>That's when food fights happen. Historically not good
Witty response. Havin' a giggle there mate?


jason looks like a badass, chace looks like an abercrombie model

Without too many spoilers can somebody please tell me if in in the comics butch rises up

I just finished the series and I'm fucking pissed becca raised homelanders kid and cheated on butch for no good reason. Fucking hate women.


Black noir was fun

Lowbrow as fuck

[breathes loudly]

Season 2 is being shot in Toronto right now with the money left over Bezo's divorce.

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I liked that part too

>The Boys actively encouraging people to google Stormfront

Lmao, expect a lot more leaf flags on /pol/ then I guess

I felt like his comic costume was super lazy. Just straight up a full body spandex suit that's black.

But he was an interesting character and in the show he was great too. Dude was charming without even saying a word.

Also he's the only one of the Seven smart enough to use weapons to fight.

Why would homelander or maeve or starlight use a weapon

Maeve had a sword in the comics. And she is a parody of Wonder Woman who has a sword.

Also cause it has longer reach than their hands.

>A show about super powers is unrealistic

No shit

Next he will complain about how real life humans cannot fly unaided by machines.

So about 6-8 months for Season 2 sounds likely?

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Didn't Butcher say he shot her with a rubber bullet?

Checked the transcripts, no mention from what I remember

Also does Butcher look like the type to use rubber bullets? Lol

wow i bet you are at least 12 smart

deep can only talk to fish, doubt he has any big STR or resistance, Aquaman is literally superman of the ocean

He was strong enough to punch one of the drug dealers hard enough that the guy flipped, but yeah his powers are kind of shitty.

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you're a dumb fuck user

No u