Get in, boys. This is a Comfy Simpsons Thread.
Get in, boys. This is a Comfy Simpsons Thread
Get in, Chuck. This is a Comfy Sneedsons thread.
How did The Simpsons go from a based show poking fun at American culture to a retarded carcass that actively celebrates all of American culture's worst qualities without a hint of subversiveness.
Why is this the comfiest song in all of history
was never based
Are sneedbros invited?
Because the attitudes of the writers, and the show itself, never evolved. They were clever back in the 90s, but now they're literally decades out of touch.
Next Stop: Cringe Peaks!
(Formerly Peak Yikes)
haha sneed
The absolute comfort of this scene
what soil pH is optimal for enjoying some comfy simpsons kino?
The simpsons died the second the 90s ended
Dead meme
Nah, it died in the 90s.
Shoot billionaires.
the current writers werent even born when the show came out dumb fuck