Dark Phoenix

So Marvel thought it would be a good idea to create an alternate universe where:
There’s no wolverine,
The men are all pussies
Prof X is a cunt who mindrapes little kids

Well done marvel.
No seriously.

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Oh yeah there’s aliens too.
Cos, at this stage, why the fuck not.

>not the retards at Fox
Even without Tom Rothman there anymore, Fox has wasted the X-Men. Given how little of the rmaining MCU I care about, Marvel Studios better get them right.

Prof X has always been a cunt who mindrapes little kids

do you think he physical rapes them too?
This movie was worse than suicide squad

All those are like, standard X-Men points except Wolverine is off elsewhere. Probably being friends with Jubilee or something.

>There’s no wolverine
Only defence I'll give for this film is that it's set in the early 90's. Wolverine is around.

these are all things from the comics

Storm was finally actually utilized though. Looks nothing like her, but it's Fox we're talking about here so I'll take what I can get.

It actually somewhat bothers me that they found what seems like a pretty solid actress for young Storm and they underutilized her again, and she probably won't get brought back whenever Marvel get around to their version.

At least she got to fuck up some not-Skrulls

>whenever Marvel get around to their version.
Their version of what? They are not doing X-Men.

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>Days of Future Past uses the same cast of old Fox X-Men movies (even Jean Grey) where Mystique for instance was still alive.
>Dark Phoenix sort of kills Jean and definitely kills Mystique.
Alternative timeline butterfly effect nonsense or what the hell.

You are a massive retard if you really believe that Disney paid all that money to never use the Xmen characters in their precious MCU

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Don't reward people badly fishing for (You)s

As always - it doesn't matter
If anything it makes it more comic faithful to be all kinds of messy and fucked up. The X-Men have had a million alternate futures dark or otherwise

Yeah I didn’t think of that, they probably decided he was too masculine for this film.
But the new prof x is just a massive cunt. He has none of that charisma that ol Patrick managed to bring to the role. Fucken hell, the magneto dude was a more engaging character.

>mfw when raven got the arse.
Fuck Jennifer Lawrence phoned this one in. Even the timbre if her voice when she was delivering her lines was offputting and annoying.

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the aliens were fucking awful.

Ahh shieeeet was it really fox who crapped out this one?
No wonder it sucked more than a two dollar whore on fathers day

>But the new prof x is just a massive cunt. He has none of that charisma that ol Patrick managed to bring to the role. Fucken hell, the magneto dude was a more engaging character.

both of these things are comic accurate

>Hank, I found a strange person close to the President of the United States. He had very abnormal psychic reading. Please set Cerebro to track him or other similar individuals.
Imagine if they had the tools to find out about the aliens earlier.

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It’s just not a good movie to watch when your favourite character(s) are suddenly completely unlikable. I could imagine the comics being decent, but the movie just glosses over too much. Ppl who haven’t read the comics are left wondering why the prof is suddenly a total dick.
I reckon the story would have worked much better as a big budget ‘game of thrones’ series
Thye could have fleshed out their characters properly, explained the damn aliens and why the x-men have spaceage tech etc. But that’s just me.

To be fair this isn't at all a sudden change for McAvoy Xavier, they've emphasized his arrogance from the very beginning in First Class. It's actually appropriate unlike how Stewart Xavier was suddenly an asshole out of nowhere in X3.

That said, I think it's very clear how this was meant to be two movies instead of one. A lot of what happens in it is simply too fast for a stand alone movie.

>>X Women

turn it off right when the cunt said it

That was fucken huuuuge cringe moment. Movie just went downhill after that.

she redeems herself by getting killed