I want to disarm white people
*standing ovation*
I want to disarm white people
*standing ovation*
>make fun of rich james once
>become literally untouchable
>bix nood mufugga whyt mayn sheeeeit mo zop dedo bitty cuh fuk mayn bith hahaha nigga wat
*standing ovation*
>tears smollet apart
>tears twitter checkmarks apart
>*media reeeeing*
Admit it, he's 100% right about whites and shootings.
>tfw my son smokes weed
A nig just shot up a football game and killed 10 people you super reatard
it's easier to b&e if white people don't have those guns.
Why do you only think it’s bad when black people do it, you racist?
As it should be.
the nig shot ten people, no deaths. learn how to read.
It's still proportionally white kids
state of black people
why are whites so much better at shootings?
Fine, but we get to disleg blacks. :^)
Why do you only care when white people do it, you racist nigger?
if you look at ALL mass shootings, it's overwhelmingly black men shooting other black people. it's so common we don't even give it national news air time and instead brush it under the rug.
white people going on mass shootings is so statistically rare that every instance of it is warrant for national headlines.
It’s in their savage genes
They don't turn the gun sideways.
Yeah, except in raw numbers, globally, locally, no matter what, per volume, blacks are more violent, more prone to rape, murder, assault, and burglerize. You don't need to read about it, visit them.
>credits roll
>song about how black people wuz kangz and how white dna is an abomination starts playing
>white boomers across america rise from their couches and erupt into thunderous applause
what's wrong with burgers?
>if you look at ALL mass shootings, it's overwhelmingly black men shooting other black people.
Gang violence generally isn't "Mass shootings". Most are targeted attacks aimed at a small amount of people which is why they often get labeled differently. It just can lead to continued targeted attacks.
This doesn't happen. The only people clapping are the ones with tits and multi-hued hair and politics.
White people do this
Black people
Do that
it's normal when black people do it
>The only people clapping are the ones with tits and multi-hued hair and politics
But these kinds of people hate Dave Chappelle.
>annual deaths in the united states: 2,813,503
>annual total gun deaths in the united states including suicide, cited by the Brady Campaign: 33,636 (1.2% of deaths)
>annual gun deaths adjusted to eliminate suicide and accidents, leaving only homicides: 11,208 (0.398% of deaths)
>annual deaths caused by heart disease: 647,457 (23% of deaths)
basically yes, bit observances can occasionally be funny. as this occasionally was. not worth getting worked up about though. lets all just laugh at each other. the world is a much better place that way