this is pretty good
The dark crystal: age of resistance
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>this is pretty good
You're lying. It is incredibly boring. The original movie was only an hour, and a half with much more happening in the first 20 minutes than anything in an entire hour episode of this series.
Looks great, great production but the story is boring, and stretched thin.
Yes it is. I'm intentionally avoiding all threads to avoid any spoilers. See you later
how the fuck do you all watch so many shows. like i heard netflix was losing business because people were like, i need to go to work man i am giving my whole live over to keeping up with the shows coming out.
like even if you watch 1hr a week of a show, there seems to be a show starting every week so sooner or later you're watching 40 shows and it's a full time job
Be honest, would you?
I don't watch every thing that comes out, only what interests me and on my own time. You don't have to be a sheep user.
Imagine lifting up that small, frail, soft, and tight body and ramming her into submission. She's be a mess instantly because she's never seen nor felt a member as large as yours. You could lift her up with ease and act as a onahole and she'll scream in ecstasy, fucking imagine doing her from behind whilst her wings flap wildly and hips buck. Hell yeah I'd fuck her
i dont watch any shows.
so tell me, how many shows do you actually watch
It's really, really damn good, and it was a great choice to make it a series. You couldn't cram half this stuff into a movie. I genuinely have no idea how a truly great fantasy made it into Netflix without any of the usual Netflix trappings, but I'm seriously thankful because it feels like its going to be much more timeless than most continuations Netflix is doing like Fuller House or Arrested Development. The sets have so much soul to all of it and everything is just so gorgeous to look at. For sure the best fantasy show in over a decade. When the trailer came out I said "Who the fuck wanted another Dark Crystal anything, let alone a prequel?" the answer was apparently I do. We know Netflix is gonna fuck it up with Witcher so for at least a little while, enjoy them not fucking up one thing.
Dark Crystal is the only new thing I have watched since Stranger Things season 3 came out in July. I only finished Dark Crystal because I've been sick and had nothing else to do but watching an hour of tv at night isn't that difficult, I just do it while I eat dinner after work. Otherwise I just have reruns of shit on in the background.
So is it CGI or puppets? I didn't watch any of it. I'm guessing it's CGI.
is this show shit or nah. someone please tell me and don't meme me. I love the original and don't want my memories sullied by netflix trash. thanks and god bless.
Majority puppet work and CGI when the situation calls for it.
I think it largely has to do with Henson Foundation doing everything with netflix just ponying up the dough
It's 95% puppets. CG was just used to expand sets and for certain shots that couldn't be done practically or doing touch ups on puppets to help their acting. Most of the CG creatures were shot practically on stage and done over in cg later but all of their movements were recreated exactly.
It's better than it has any right to be.
It's puppetry. CGI here and there to enhance and make up for certain spots that couldn't be done otherwise. It's pretty faithful - the creativity alone is worth the watch.
I would do things some would consider.....un natural.
Yea Forums is not one person
oh, well now I feel silly. I might watch it
I put on cooking shows when I'm working. netflix has seriously great original programs if you like cooking shows. Then a couple series here and there if they catch my eye. Just rewatched eva.
It's booooooring.
This looks fucking retarded lmao I couldn't stop laughing at this shit. The voice and the visuals just don't match. I actually might watch if it turns out to be comfy adventure kino
Its really good and actually lives up to the original. It won't taint anything about the original for you, if anything it'll make you love the skesis more.
What's the age rating for this show?
The fight scenes are awkward and stupid. And they keep bobbing up and down when they walk.
Bros what the fuck, why do I love her?!
>no Mystics
21+, You also need a very high IQ to understand the dark crystal.
Kill yourself faggot scum
Shut the fuck up zoomer
is 4 big boys only
Do you need to see the movie to have any idea what the fuck is going on?
It doesnt feel like a Netflix show. I think the Henson Foundation just took their money and told them to leave them alone.
It's really good and this clming from someone who thought the idea of a show with puppets was dumb. If you like fantasy with good writing, this is it.
But seriously what's the age rating
There are two mystics. The Wanderer and the Archer.
I would. Does that mean I have become a furry?
holy based if true.
Oh look it’s Watto
There are two mystics and they are easily some of the best parts of the show, they don't just spout wise shit and they have actual character growth in one such case.
Kids can watch it, but it does have on screen character deaths.
>tfw netflix will cancel a good fantasy show like this and renew a trash season of The Witcher
>The Archer Mystic
Is this primarily a kid's show or is it more like a PG-13 film?
They don't have fur, maybe a hairy unshaven MINGE.
Mostly all ages. There is a scene in episode 4 where two of the elf characters 69 for like a minute
No, its a prequel. If anything you can use this as the introduction to the movie, the consistency in even the smallest details is astounding. For instance if you remember the movie, a certain someone's death scene will raise a big red flag.
>There is a scene in episode 4 where two of the elf characters 69 for like a minute
haha post a webm to that that sure sounds stupid haha
The slave was my favorite character
More like the film. It gets very intense in a lot of scenes and it never feels like it was dumbing anything down for kids, it takes its story, character and settings very seriously. Things get dark fast in a lot of scenes.
Basically like Lord if the Rings level of fantasy
On a scale from 1 to 10, what's the average death ratio? Is there any fucking?
I mean, we see a geilfling get sworded to death
>average death ratio? I
Like a 6? As in characters die, and plenty of established and developed characters die during the course of the show, but its not over the top gruesome with one very notable exception.
>Is there any fucking?
We see on of the slaves get beaten to death and its blood splash across the little critter, onscreen.
We know for a fact that everyone dies. Everyone. In the original film there are only two left. There's going to be a serious Gelfling holocaust in the future. The Garthim Wars.
The Skeksis are what happens when Jews have the tables turned around on the Aryans kek
>>Is there any fucking?
So was just bullshitting?
BRUH the orignal movie is nearly 40 fucking years old.
not a spoiler you faggot its the premise of the original
we all knew this
Yes I was bullshitting. There is no sex stuff, just violence
That literally occurs A THOUSAND YEARS after the events of the series you faggot.
50 years.
This takes place 50 years before the movie.
Fucking idiot
She lived with the little party creatures and knew the difference between boys and girls (unlike her male counterpart, Jen).
You just know she's going to teach him how to fuck.
Is Deet her mother?
Interesting. None of the usual Yea Forums culture patterns of shit posting. This seems to come from a genuine place, meaning you actually hold the opinion that age of resistance is good. I'll check it out.
Looks like somebody need some to brush up on their dark crystal lore.
Yeah, they are.
Get a name and prove it.
Is it worth asking my nomie friends to watch it with me?
Not sure, Rian will totally be Jen's father or grandfather I bet.
Orrr, you watch the documentary on them making this or read the artbook about the production, both of which state its 50 years before the events of the movie. The event you're thinking of is the Great Divide which happened because of the Conjuncture, nine hundred and ninety nine and one trine before the events of the film.
fuck yeah
I donno what your normie friends are into.
It might seem too girly or kiddy fare.
I loved the immersivness of the film. No humans in sight. Wonderful sensation.
hmmmmmMMMMMmmmmmm posting begins
idk, seems a bit like a kids show. Though they also enjoy Marvel movies and really liked the GOTG movies, you think they'll like it?
I could see that. I just made the connection with Kira and Deet because she saw her in the vision but she also left at the end like she was going to live in the wilderness. And Deet's got that kinship with creatures and Podlings like Kira does too.
>idk, seems a bit like a kids show.
It gives off that vibe but it takes itself too seriously to be just kids fare.
>and really liked the GOTG movies,
I dunno, might have too little comedy for them. They might like the alien settings, world and creatures but lack of quips might be a dealbreaker. I dunno, get them through the first episode and see if they like it. Better gauge would be how they feel about LOTR though.
How about you fucking kill your friends and then yourself you insecure faggot?
They like LOTR alot too, yes
No profanity, please. This is a nice thread
Then they'll probably like it. Its not copying it or anything, they're not looking for a mcguffin until like 3 episodes till the end which is kinda funny since the OG film was nothing but a mcguffin chase, but its that same fantasy world with distinct cities and leaders who have their own politics and desires and each area is its own thing. Also Wormtongue is a bird and is somehow one of the best characters in the show.
Will they like the movie too?
Heretic and Ergo the Wanderer are godamn fantastic, same with Hunter and Archer
>Also Wormtongue is a bird and is somehow one of the best characters in the show.
I wonder who could be behind this post? HhhhmmMMMMmmmmmm
Gelflings die every single episode
Probably yeah, especially if they see the series first. Kind of a downer though.
It's not really a kids show. Themes are a little too deep and the show can get pretty dark.
Its basically LOTR tier with puppets
Provided the show gets future seasons which it definitely should we're gonna see alotta bitching from people that haven't seen the movie when the Skeskis inevitably turn the tide of the war.
Kinda hope the series ends with an epilogue of sorts where we see old Jen and Kira having brought back the gelflings from certain extinction
Hunter totally stole the show every time he came on screen, and props for there finally being a mystic that seemed like a legit badass. Took some real balls to shoot yourself with so many arrows it should be fatal and still shittalk your other half into leaving.
i would recommend watching the movie first because this pretty heavy handedly spoils the movie
i hope they remake the movie in season 3/4 or whatever
just cover the same events but have a few more characters on the sidelines doing things elsewhere and setting up a potential sequel as the series continues on after that
Hunter > Heretic > Scientist > Emperor > Scroll-Keeper > General > I can't remember the other ones
The Collector was the one who went "That wasn't so bad" at the end.
You know, that one.
>Hunter comes back for rematch
>where's your father now
Fucking ruthless.
>I have two fathers and a brother.
Like, Did they really have to slip that in there?
i watch at 2x speed
Hunter is just straight up brutal, if all the others were even a quarter as badass as him they would have wiped the floor with all of them
>dumb princess refuses to listen to anyone and keeps helping skeksis
>my lords traitors are spreading lies that you drain us of essence
>uh no we are totally doing that you idiot
God it was great to see that bitch get her comeuppance.
doesn't necessarily mean they're gay
we're talking about weird green elf things
for all we know they don't even reproduce sexually
Don't be an idiot.
don't be a bigot?
>for all we know they don't even reproduce sexually
I'll say it again, don't be an idiot.
dilate transphobe
best girl
If it's actually this good, why did they have to name it the most obnoxious WOKE SJW name they could possibly manage?
Age of Resistance sounds like the title to a new Disney Star Wars film about an evil blonde orange God-Emperor building a giant mega wall around the universe.
When the Skeksis are calling you out for trying to sell out your own people you know you fucked up.
Honestly thought they were going to rip her apart.
the name comes from a comic from the 90s
>rent free
Just enjoy the puppet kino. Im sure some fags in the upper leadership of Netflix looked at it from this perspective, but if you watch the behind the scenes its pretty clear tons of people who love the Dark Crystal just wanted to bring the world back to life. This is a dead art form in modern times, just enjoy the show.
Also what said
Archer > Hunter
Why bluescreen and not greenscreen?
because best girl is green and it would cause complications
>nothing to do with orange man
Get a grip, jesus.
"Rent free" nothing, dumbass. If you actually want to try and claim that Netflix hasn't become the most pozzed SJW company in the history of identity politics, we'll all have a good fucking laugh right in your retarded, delusional face. The new Rocko shit was the absolute last straw for me, and they go out of their way to fucking ruin as many remakes as they possibly can.
If this is actually good, I'll be pleasantly surprised and actually fucking watch it, but given Netflix's obvious history, I'm very much correct for assuming this would just be more SJW trash meant only to destroy the old movie in the name of liberal progress rather than actually create anything decent or with any integrity.
I'm happy to hear I may be wrong.
has nothing to do with netflix actually
jim henson foundation fully funded and produced the show and netflix just hosted it
i get where you're coming from but there is literally nothing left-leaning, sjw or whatever about it
give it a watch assuming you are actually old enough to be a fan of the original movie
Netflix is a multi billion dollar company. The people that worked on the Rocko movie aren't the people that worked on the dark crystal. Seriously, Netflix isn't one person. Also a VAST majority of the work was done by the Jim Henson Company, Netflix is mainly giving them their distribution and funding. Not to mention Netflix can still make good shows/products. Such as the new season of Mindhunters.
It is rent free in your head because nothing in this show mirrors Trump, and the fact you are triggered because they named it "Age of Resistance." The left doesn't own your language, you own your language.
Why are you on here sperging out about a show you haven't even watched you retard?
Go watch it right now and you'll see that the libshit boogieman didn't ruin this one
actually don't even reply to me
/pol/ is a cancer on this site and I actually support trump
you retards are just as retarded as the sjw and trannies that you pretend are ruining everything just because you're projecting SO HARD that you see niggers and drumph and walls in everything you watch
kys immediately
fuck off back to fag
you first bitch
go watch the show and see for yourself
Go back to discord tranny
It gets darker than LotR, honestly.
This series has far more death and torture.
>in 2019
luddite morons
watch it
Dark Crystal and Thunderbolt Fantasy are ushering in a new age of puppet kino and you can't stop it. John Malkovich was right and ahead of his time.
then leave my thread
The difference between them is that the dark crystal series is *actually* good.
Speaking of thunderbolt & moonspeakers....
Is there any news on how puppetry fanboys in Asia are reacting to this stuff if at all? Do they like it as much as us?
I was one and I watched all the show back in mid 2000
Best time ever.
Wagecucking is the bane of our society
how long before some cunt cosplays these fucks and basedboys want to fuck them puppets?
>Is there any news on how puppetry fanboys in Asia are reacting to this stuff if at all?
Seeing as there is no Japanese translation or on Japanese Netflix I am guessing completely unaware to vaguely knowing it exists.
gooks love the labyrinth so they're obviously aware of the dark crystal
Well the new show has no translation and isn't being shown there so I guess they are vaguely aware that a new show in some form was made.
What crack are you smoking the original movie was 2 hours
Strange, because the original movie did very well in Japan.
It takes a lot of effort to do stuff like that and normies prefer watching CGI anyway.
I has a question.
If Chamberlain destroys The General.... how does this tie to The General being emperor when the original emperor dies in the film....?
Season 2 will probably answer that
not sure what you're talking about user
the emperor in the show is the same one that is on his deathbed in the movie
the general on the show is also the general and the one that duels chamberlain in the movie
Is season 2 confirmed?
Visually, its amazing. The script so far is a bit weak tho, perhaps too many characters?
Also I've noticed the speech mannerisms of the Skesis is completely inconsistent. In passing they talk like they did in the original, very caveman-ish. But now, come any important or long pieces of dialogue, this mannerism is completely forgotten about and the Skesis speak in full, articulate sentences.
Did you watch the series...? The emperor caste out the general during the skirmish, and Chamberlain wanders off to follow him. The general calls out to him that he is badly wounded, and wants his friend to help him. Chamberlain then Sticks him with the sword, and The General crumbles into dust.
.... Are you paying attention?
They're also a 1000 trine younger than theirselves in the movie, so they aren't quite stoic and rigid.
writing is great you retard
it has the stiff delivery and childish fantasy sort of dialogue and then the serious/mysterious and adult drama shit mixed in just like the original movie
I guaranTEE you weren't even born when it released
>making shit up
Who would win?
A dozen fat old bird aristocrats
The combined rebel army of all seven united Gelfling tribes
>age of resistance
> tfw you're rooting for the gelflings
> tfw you know they all gonna die anyway
Hell yeah
name comes from a comic from the 90s as said in this thread a few hours ago
there are absolutely 0% sjw shit in this show and if you say otherwise you are a triggered alt right snowflake projector
I mean its inconsistent in the series ALONE. They they swap back and fourth from these mannerisms.
>not rooting for based chamberlain
The original movie wasn't particularly well written either. Its a great film, don't get me wrong, but the script is pretty bland. Same goes for the tv show.
kys zoomertard
I just finished episode 4. Wherein it ends with the universe taking a big dump on Rian because that's his lot in life.
I wonder if Rian or one of the other MCs will commit genocide on the Gelflings? Since we know they're all but wiped out by the time of the movie.
I imagine it'll be a downer ending, unless it simply sets things up for a second season. I suppose we could still get a "happy" ending if the Gelflings become Geldar (ie Space Gelflings ie they make a big exodus away from Thra)
not sure how many seasons this is even intended to get but i would imagine season 2 should wrap up the gelfling extinction plot for the most part
there will be a small group of survivors in the right places that would lead to jen and kyra
i fully expect season 3 onwards to be a reboot of the movie or a heavy time jump forward and actual sequel to the movie
The skesis or the glefling?
>there are people who think the split was retconned because they didn't bother to keep watching
Eh. It was alright. I would recommend it to people that really like the genre of children/YA fantasy. The movie sits in a weird spot where some parts are so silly it obviously meant for children but has lots of wordy dialogue and violence that’s not meant for children. I felt it stumbled because it couldn’t decide who it was for children or adults and didn’t quite make the cross over to be interesting to both. Almost but not quite. Very beautiful atmosphere. A little disappointed they set up a second season. Come on. It doesn’t need a second season. They will just ruin it. Greed.
you 100% were not alive when the original movie released
So.... Is the Great Conjunction no longer part of the equation?
give it a few hundred years user
The character in the movie is skekUng the Garthim Master (which is a title I guess he gets in a later season), not the General. When the skeksis are talking about recalling some of the other skeksis to deal with the rebellion, one of the names they mention is skekUng, whom they say is a good warrior.
Her voice is sex.
>age of resistance
Why must Americlaps shoe horn their shitty politics into everything?
Up to episode 3 now, it's comfy so far
It's actually about the Jews.
How is that name political?
t. wagecuck
>i dont watch any shows.
why are you even in Yea Forums?
>The movie sits in a weird spot where some parts are so silly it obviously meant for children but has lots of wordy dialogue and violence that’s not meant for children. I felt it stumbled because it couldn’t decide who it was for children or adults and didn’t quite make the cross over to be interesting to both. Almost but not quite.
To be fair this is the exact same problem the original movie has, so it's at least consistent
The disney era star wars films are collectively called "age of resistance" so I guess some people assume this show is gonna be some kinda politically charged garbage as well. Can't blame them given it's a netflix original.
"Resistance" is an extremely generic word, particularly in fantasy movies about battles. It's not their fault you can't stop projecting.
>you guys are so political
he says, whilst reading a political meaning in something that is clearly not political
>and told them to leave them alone
This seems almost completely true except for the one pair of really forced feeling homosexuals in the show. I loved the show but that really didn't sit well with me at all and I'm gay.
somebody's eyeball gets eaten out, its typical Hensen 'made for kids, but fuck them have some nightmares' bullshit
Rent free.
What if Hickey was a skeksis
Marathoner the first 10 minutes. Got so bored after the skaksies got off cam and we focused on the little man lets that I instantly turned it off. There's no reason to watch this
This is one of those fascist dilemmas where every fantasy adventure about underdogs fighting against elites becomes an attack on you.
The heroes in Star Wars have literally always been called "The Resistance."
I'm watching the making of the series and it's mind boggling the amount of detail they poured into this thing.
Henson studios was one of the few that understood its perfectly alright to scare the shit out of children.
A little terror is healthy for any child. If you don't scare them properly while they're little, they'll grow up to need safe spaces in Uni once they reach """adulthood"""
It's one of those cases where it's genuinely amazing that a studio (even if it is Netflix) just let them get on with it. Basically gave them the money and gave them the time they needed to produce something good.
>even if it is Netflix
Hup deserved better
I hated the bit in the middle at the sun circle with the cringe comic relief duo
i wonder how they will cover the whole rape slave thing.
Yea Forums here, that's very pretty, I would fuck it without hesitation.
>he doesn't like the puppet show inside the puppet show
Begone foul pleb.
Overused cgi, lame characters, boring stories, lack of any discernible aethestic. Only good thing we're the Jews ironically
I really enjoyed it, but why did they shove in like 3 love triangles in the last few episodes?
It just clogs everything up.
Theyre puppets so maybe like a felty
lol I'm so quirky with my absurdist humour. Look look this one guys entire bit is that he talks slowly when people are impatient isn't it genius
She looks like Marie Rose from Dead or Alive
I never liked Carly Simon
That also means that Deet will get slaughtered by the Garthim, or captured and turned into essence by the Skesis, according to the vision Kira has in the film. Poor Deet.
Can I just say that the actress they got to voice Augrah is pretty amazing? She's spot-on like the original, down her her grunts and mannerisms.
I feel like she's probably be come a living battery to the Crystal with the darkness she is consuming, cementing the Darkening. Similar to what the Emperor is doing to the crystal in his staff, and explaining how it can still be drawn power from at the start of the movie.
Yes, but with Deet
>Brea likes Rian
>Deet likes Rian
>That flute playing guy likes Brea
>Hup likes Deet
Who is going to end up fucking who>
I saw the first hour, and honestly do not recall ever being so bored in my life.
Certainly it has incredible production, and artistic crafting value but aside from that the story is predictable, and extremely boring.
Sadly most will praise this simply for it's high quality production rather than being honest about how terribly boring it is.
Feels as if all entertainment is dead, and too many are suckered into faking liking content just based on visuals, and sound rather than the story being worth watching. Too many suckers tricked into promoting content that yields no improvement in story.
Chamberlain was one of the best villains I have seen this year.
Does any of these gelflings have any relative ties to the movie characters Jen and Kira? How far back is this prequel series.
Apparently at least a generation.
So there's a good chance that the characters might be tied as grandparents or parents.
Garthim will fuck them all.
>How far back is this prequel series.
50 years.
Grandparents makes more sense than anything, if they get busy quick enough.
Rian fuck everyone because that's how gelfling works
That's perverse!
Reminder that Deet > Brea
Hup > Rian
Chamberlain is still a great character he's like the Kefka of puppets.
Yeah, I didn't like the fact that Hup gets sidelined in the middle of the series and doesn't even get to participate in the final battle. He'd probably die, but still.
I'm okay with him dying, I feel like he probably should have died when the Hunter attacked the desert temple, but just feels awkward for him to be a bigger focus character and then getting brushed aside.
Deet is best girl. I didn't care that much for Nathalie Emmanuel in GoT, but she does a great job with Deet's voice in this, making her sound so sweet and innocent.
>not a kids show
>too dark
Ever read old fairytales? Kids were okay with dark. People get mauled and murdered and burned alive and tortured in tales for kids. Themes are about good and evil, life and death. It’s not a problem.
If anything signifies it being for kids it’s that the moral complexity is reduced. Things are in starker contrast. The evil is actually evil.
Yeah, I think it's a perfect film for the kids, maybe not like little toddlers who are traumatized by spaghetti, but the themes are great and while it's very multifaceted it's still kept simple enough to be understood.
The Yea Forums-/pol/ alliance discord is telling me this show spreads Jewish lies.
Chamberlain when he was still combined with his Mystic self is the entire reason the Crystal split em in two, ultimately he's the most dangerous of the bunch in that he has no allegiance but to himself and he'll shit fury on anyone that threatens his position of power.
Emperor appreciates his dick dasterdlyness but for any of the other serious skeskis like the General and garthim master they cant stand the bullshit, especially Gathim Master
Skeskis are the Jews user
flash back pretty much confirms deed being her mother
I find it funny how the skeksis here are both much more terrifying but also much more sympathetic then in the movie. the one scene where the emperor talks to the generals about his dreams was kinda touching, you understand why he so desperately want's to remain alive and keep the self created myth going that the skeksis are immortal.
if anything watching the movie fist will confuse and make you angry since they cheated a bit with the Original movies lore
What did they do wrong?
Yeah spot on which makes me happy since she is easily my favorite character in the entire franchise
They sorta downplay the Great Conjuction and what role Aughra had to play in the Skeksis coming into power.
She literally handed them the crystal because she got tricked.
Not sure if Incase or Yuni.
>Aaah that's better
>Aaaaaah that's da best!
The Dark Crystal was always leftist propaganda with a lot of Crowley/Alchemy stuff going on. It was just made at a time when propaganda was created with talent, by very talented people.
Which means you didn't notice the messaging because it was a lot more subtle.
Based tricocked birbmonsters
I'm actually gonna go see the original movie in a Alamo Drafthouse today. First time seeing it in over 15 years. Looking forward to it.
Looks like yuni/jahi.
what a bitch
Watched the first three episodes. Now I'm going to wait a week before I watch the next three, I don't want to burn through this too quickly.
Hup > Rian
even tv has a cameo
it was all part of her Keikaku.
Only under Disney. In the OT, they're the Rebels to the Empire and the Alliance among themselves.
Any one notice the puppeteer in shot during episode 10 at 28:20 when the slave picked up the cage to put on the scientist
It's a PREQUEL. We already know how it ends.
That's like walking into Episode 1 and saying, "Golly, this Anakin kid... I wonder how turns out as an adult?"
so is there gonna be a season 2? It feels like there could be room for a few more episodes but not another full blown season
This is the most redpilled show out there. Its literally aryans vs jews, how do you not see that?
50 years between series and the movie has enough space in between for many seasons
I feel like a second season of two halves would be perfect.
One dealing with the rise of the Garthim, discovery of the prophecy, and the few loose ends in season 1.
The second about the births of Jen and Kira and the final extermination of the Gelflings
One instance out of 10 hours isn't bad.
I love my spoon nigga so much
Not gonna lie, that ad looks better than any Western promo material I've seen in years.
God damn though, imagine the instant relief of being able to take three simultaneous pisses.
I want to drink Deet's essence
I hope he and Lore fuck shit up in a second season.
Gotta show Deet he's a contender.
where the fuck do the other Skeks even go?
I'm mildly annoyed at how much dialogue the gelflings have. Am I misremembering the original or something?
Jen didn't shut the fuck up in the original, man.
Is it darker or lighter in tone than the movie?
about the same. Starts out light, but gets very dark very quickly.
Haven't seen the show yet, what is this?
Does it get dark in the first episode?
I didn't even make it 10 minutes in.
1) starts with long narration. This is never a sign of quality story telling.
2) the introductory narration doesn't make any fucking sense. It's shit.
Let me guess, you watch The Closer Look?
It's not Hup's fault Rian fucks better
Comedic scene where one of the skeks goes to take a piss. Basically the joke is that he has three streams
lol COPE. The dialogue in the first skesis scene sounded like it was written by a 5 year old girl.
these are shill threads right?
No, if it were shills all criticism would get attacked immediatly which isn't the case here.
Does it show the dicks? That sounds pretty disgusting
How fucking dare we talk about something that's been out for two and a half days..
>Does it show the dicks?
Yes, I haven't stop cumming since.
no, it' just off screen
It's a funny scene honestly, but yes it is disgusting. That's the point of the skeks
skeks have three pussies?!?
>tell me General, do you dream?
Did Frank Oz work on this too?
It's fucking great. Especially if you like fantasy and Jim Henson movies.
So what the fuck does Deet getting 'Norted mean. Is she ebil now?
I don't think she's ebil, looks like she sucks the life out of everything around her though.
I think eventually there will be too much dark energy in her and it will corrupt her but right now I thought she was trying to avoid everyone.
Haven't seen the original movie, but that was her on the floor in the throne room in her vision right?
She's not evil, but I think it implies that she has an aura of darkening that she takes with her everywhere now. I think her vision implies that she locks herself away because of that
But I think her vision also implies that she's alive at the time of the original film as well, so I'm not sure what that means
No, but Andy Samberg as the Heretic is a dead ringer for Oz. I'm genuinely impressed.
Is it better to watch the movie before the series?
I started watching the movie and got the impression the mystics and skeksis part of the same race that split 1000 years ago or something?
Yes, obviously. Though it isn't nessecary
I haven't watched the show but yeah that's a major plotpoint in the movie
Actually a schizo
The series is a prequel though right? I would've thought it's better to watch the series since it would give more context to what's going on in the movie.
So what are the gelflings? Just another race that happens to be on the planet?
anybody noticed that looked like watto?
The original race on the planet
Yea, seems like the native races were gelflings, podlings and the thing that the Skeksis and mystics split from.
Blessed post
Honestly it makes sense to do it this way.
are you gonna piss on the fucking moon too?
He's in the credits for Episode 4 as Lore, but I don't remember Lore speaking, maybe it's about the recording?
Has there ever been a character so fucked over on a children's show?
Podlings are the down syndrome cousins of the gelflings?
Almost all of the female leads want his dick. He's not very fucked over.
>had to live the emotional pain of his gf dying
Holy shit
At least he has based Deet now
he gets his dick wet in every gelfling slit he meets
Noice trips.
>the virgin Jen
>the chad Rian
I think it's more like a relationship between humans and primates, except podlings are a little bit smarter.
>see drawing Brea did of the two of them
>slight smile
This man knows what he's doing
>maybe it's about the recording?
Yes. When he plays backs the grooves on his arm its frank oz doing his yoda voice.
I thought that was a drawing of Rian and his dead gf that Brea did based on the memories she was shown by Rian
That's what I thought I saw anyway, maybe I should have went back and checked
Deet has to force herself into isolation my dude
>implying hes not going to heal her with the power of the D
I didn't think of it that way. Would be pretty hard to tell since both are blonde women from the same clan.
I really do think they're sequel baiting already. In her vision, it implies she's still alive at the time of the original movie (she reacts to the crystal shard being rejoined with the crystal as she sits in isolation)
Nah, she gonna snap out of it after she kills Hup
you need to delete this post
Might need to rewatch, but I think that's actually Rian in the vision, failing to rejoin the piece.
Hup has to survive to hide her offspring in podling village.
The beings that Seksis and Mystics split from are outcasts from another planet that, through their experiments on the crystal caused the split