What a shitty character
What a shitty character
Fookin laser soights?
Force Awakens was so bad. JJ has no idea how to make a movie that isn't drenched in references and wish fulfillment.
Now onto my second point, The Last Jedi is a masterpiece and nobody understands Star Wars better than Rian Johnson
Come on. At least try to make bait believable.
I'm not joking, I'm 100% serious. Please tell me why you didn't like TLJ. It was incredible.
Shit, you got me. I was only saying it was bad because I’ve never had sex.
That's the usual. Cheers mate.
he looks like snoke in younger years
Rian Johnson is the Zack Snyder of Star Wars
Luke wasn't Luke, he was a plot excuse. He left a map to himself, but didn't want to be found? He went to a Jedi Temple, where no one decided to check? Yeah right. Finn is useless. Pointless. The 'save the animals' scene is a complete fiasco of nonsense. If those evil rich people fund both the Resistance and the First Order, shouldn't Finn and Rose be extremely careful about making them hate the Resistance, and not just 'let's destroy it because they have it and we don't'? The cat-horses, too. It's the space age, and they 'free' them by letting them loose in the front yard? Those animals will be captured by a giant hoover that the rich people send out in no time. Why was the twitchy DJ, who just happened to be a master hacker, in the cell with those two anyway? What are the odds, am I right? And then Snoke, who's just Emperor 2.0, but not even that. The edited-out knife in the fight scene, of course. Yoda was a joke. Force ghosts can summon lightning now? What happened to Obi-Wan's "I cannot interfere"? Then Luke on Crait. Go through all the trouble to kill himself on the chance that Kylo hasn't found his way into the base yet. And tumblr hair. And that's just scratching the surface. What on earth do you like about it?
A Star Wars™ Story for another time. I personally can't wait to see more of fan favorite Maz Kanata.
I don't know why I reply to bait lime this I just can't help it
TLJ is shit but TFA is pandering shit
Prefer TLJ anyday
they botched the most important part. the lightsaber battle. weapons were disapering so the main character wouldnt be hurt. it is unforgivable, i mean one second the guy has a weapon in his offhand, and the moment he has a chance to rip rey to pieces, its just magically gone
All the Nu-Star Wars characters are shitty. Kylo and Po come closest to being interesting but their hamstrung by shitty writing and political/social adgendas.
Nice samefag.
1. Luke didn't leave the map. Lor San Tekka had a map to the first Jedi Temple, which was lost to all but Luke and a few members of the Church of the Force, which was a mostly anonymous group of force worshippers.
2. Finn is searching for meaning and attempts to do good for most of the film but fails every time for one reason or another.
3. Finn and Rose saving the animals was their way of escaping and making it to the Supremacy so they could shut down the tracker and escape.
4. Why would they care about getting the Resistance on the evil's bad side? It's stated that the conflict is what makes them money, so they wouldn't snuff out one side, they like the fight.
5. The horses being let go right there is a valid complaint lol I agree.
6. DJ being found was a wonderful coincidence, but he also follows through on that by being the exact kind of douche you'd find in a jail cell, which is greatly juxtaposed to Star Wars in the past where our heroes trust the "lovable smuggler" they find in any random shithole.
7. Snoke is an ancient force user and simply represents the old dark side. Just like how Luke represents the old light side. The point of the movie is breaking from the old, but Rey learns that you can't just LEAVE the old behind, but use it to inspire the future, even if it's broken.
8. Yoda has an incredible scene in this movie, and who knows if the "I can not interfere" was a result of Obi-Wan being less powerful than Yoda, or a rule? Maybe the rules apply differently on a place as holy or powerful as Ach-To?
9. Luke on Crait is a deep and rich scene where a hero of the past saves the future through his image alone, which is super important. Just the IMAGE of THE Luke Skywalker was enough to save the entire resistance! And Luke didn't do nothing. He showed Kylo that the idea of good still exists and is powerful through the force.
10. Holdo was supposed to be annoying. and further thematically expands on this movie, based on expectation vs reality. She didn't do anything wrong, everyone just hates her because she looked like that.
I love this film for it's extracontextual look at how we perceive our heroes and what they've done.
Stick with me here, but we're all Rey.
We've all heard the stories about Luke. (OT)
We know how great he is.
We know how powerful he is.
We are disappointed he ended up like this, and are pissed at him for being such a lazy douche when he's supposed to be THE great Jedi.
We abandon him.
The idea (symbolized by the projection) of the hopeful, young Luke Skywalker with the bowl haircut and Blue Lightsaber is what inspires us, gives us hope, and even saves us.
no she ibbnt yello yoder iz woiz n smrt an feerse she pew pew bad guys wif lazer frum jetbak an duzznt afrayduv ennyfing betta den silly goofy green coward yoder so much ugh
What a load of sad bull.
I'm right you're just retarded
Eat shit, eat my shit
"but the choreography sucks, I watched it 10 times at 0.25x speed to notice it!"
Force kick
>Yes, people will definitely buy toys of the lady with butthole eyes.
>moving goalposts
i bet you never lose arguments
>Holdo didn't do anything wrong
Withholding the plan from a guy you know might freak out and shoot up the place sounds like 'something wrong'. Coming up with a plan that gets the entire Resistance shot down except for a dozen people sounds like 'something wrong'.
the point of editing is covering your mistakes. I guarantee you didn't notice that on first viewing and it had no affect on your original opinion. It's a nitpick that barely changes the quality of the film.
Imagine being in charge of one of the most popular franchises of all time, with an almost unlimited budget, and you don't even notice when a guy has a knife when he shouldn't have one. That's not a nitpick, that's a shame.
Poe has been shown to disregard orders whether he was told about them or not, and he wouldn't have trusted her plan even if she did tell him. her plan would've worked completely if Poe didn't send the two imbeciles to space Vegas, which gave away the smaller craft leaving the Raddus. He fucked up her perfect plan.
Oh well. It's a movie error. Continuity is broken for a shot. Heaven forbid this happens. The entire movie is ruined! So disappointing! This breaks the entire franchise!
It's completely unable to resolve it's cynical view of the franchise and the empty performative attempts at rejecting Luke's nihilism or Finn's radicalism are so poor even the autistic fans noticed. Luke's death is treated with all the sadness of the death bed confessing atheist's death in God's Not Dead. He has performed the correct ritual and the words are said but reveal the emotional hollowness and lack of humanity. No one really cares now that everyone can return to stupid optimism again. The final scene of the kid dreaming of being a Jedi is dark and ominous, foreboding of neverending war and religious violence except that it's played with uplifting music. Only John William's still believes in it.
>So frightened of Snoke's raw power and presence inside his nephew that he instinctively tries to murder said nephew
>Said nephew easily dispatches Snoke by 'tricking him' while he was LITERALLY INSIDE HIS HEAD
I believe this cynical view is used intentionally, in reaction to the inherently cynical ideas presented for this universe through the other films. The film, if Luke had *actually* gone to Crait and fought Kylo Ren would be exactly what you described, but he doesn't he sticks with what he did, and stays on the island, even dying there.
A woman made this post, a disney mom even.
1. Luke didn't try to kill him, he ignited the lightsaber, and he regretted it. Heaven forbid Luke Skywalker makes a mistake.
2. Snoke saw Kylo's intention to turn a lightsaber, ignite it, and kill his true enemy. Those were Kylo's thoughts. He just happens to be doing the same thing with two lightsabers. It's not that hard to understand, guys.
Nope. Just a Star Wars fan (male, big surprise on Yea Forums) who doesn't reel back in disgust because a parent company has changed names. The Last Jedi was the first good blockbuster I've seen in years, and made me start liking Star Wars outside the OT after the prequels and Legends had been so horrible.
>Luke makes a mistake
That's not the bad part. Luke failed his way through the entire original trilogy. The problem is that he made such a casual mistake about the one thing he was absolutely sure of. He wasn't even willing to kill Darth Vader, but his nephew? Sure, let's ice him in his sleep.
Her plan was to ram her ship into the fleet and destroy them.
She could have had a fucking droid do it instead of her.
If you disregard the fact that this scene makes it so that them not just sending in ships into worlds instead of building death stars would make more sense.
You know what will happen to a planet if you throw something the size of a soft ball at it at light speed?
Incrediablly shit character. I hated this alien orange looking piece of shit from the moment I heard its cat like negroid voice. There are no qualities about this piece of shit that I like. They tried to make their own "black woman yoda" and as you would guess everybody hated it. Fuck is Disney ever shit
>Disney mom
Raping hugely profitable geekspace and male and child aimed media to sell to creepy middle aged boomer women who failed miserably with men and life and even their own children is a bad call.
>Parental figures killed by oppressive government
>Use this as inspiration to go fight against the regime
>Discover lost true religion that brings meaning into your life, mentor is murdered
>Give everything to join the conflict, dedicate an entire lifetime to fighting this government and rebuilding afterwards
>Father was indoctrinated and a good life was taken away from you and him because of the dark side
>Last member of a dying religion, struggle to rebuild it from the ground up
>Somehow, against all odds, manage to start a new academy
>Punk ass nephew shows up
>Kid has been creepy as fuck, sense the dark side in him
>Look into his mind, see him trying to tear down everything that took an entire lifetime to build, and kill everyone you care about
Mistake. Not simple in the least, but understandable.
>Now onto my second point,
this guy is shitposting on an expert level, take notes
>cast andy serkins
>make him a human cgi character who does jack shit
Ill never be not confused at that
>oh no he's going to kill everyone I care about
>better hide on an island while he destroys the New Republic, kills Han, and has his fleet shoot down Leia's ship
So consistent.
This is the man who redeemed DARTH VADER, the most evil and ruthless Sith Lord in the entire fucking galaxy next only to the Emperor (who he also bravely and openly defied), all because he felt that there was still good in him.
Luke being mortally terrified of Snoke, an absolute joke of an antagonist, more than the friggin' Emperor, the man who literally MADE Darth Vader and who was at least ten times the Sith that Snoke could ever be, is ridiculous, artificial, contrived, unbelievable and absolutely godawful writing bordering on out-and-out character assassination.
Her plan was to abandon ship in the escape pods because the First Order wasn't monitoring for small craft. They would slip away to a secret based on Crait undetected while the FO continued to follow and destroy an unmanned Raddus.
But DJ (with Finn and Rose) tells the FO to scan for smaller craft. Poe's fault.
is she a character? She had one scene in the first film and didn't appear in the second. I bet JJ scrapped her entirely.
>I lost everything I ever worked and it's completely my fault
>no big deal tho
Luke wasn't afraid of Snoke, he was afraid that his nephew had latched on to the dark side and threatened to destroy everything he'd ever worked for
>Lost everything
Only the temple, at that point. And apparently it isn't Luke's fault. Kylo had the Knights of Ren lined up by then, apparently, who helped him destroy the temple. Then Luke just wandered off while everything else went to hell, because that's how JJ gets to write everything right back to square one and give the franchise a soft reboot.
Well, from Luke’s point of view he messed up and ruined all this. And I agree JJ is kind of a retard, but I think Rian ended up making a pretty incredible movie with what he was given.
literally just femme yoda with nothing interesting to say
But that's even worse! Compare showing nothing less than total faith and endless patience towards one of the most objectively evil men in the whole galaxy all because he was family and sensed some RESIDUAL good in him, with instinctively igniting his lightsaber merely because he sensed the PRESENCE of evil within his own as-of-yet uncorrupted student (who was ALSO A FAMILY MEMBER).
This. Also, Luke is the guy who threw his lightsaber away in front of Emperor Sheev Palpatine just to show that he wasn't going to kill Anakin, and he wasn't afraid.
>boba in the background
based desu
My god you are a fucking assblasted faggot.
>Luke didn't try to kill him, he ignited the lightsaber, and he regretted it. Heaven forbid Luke Skywalker makes a mistake.
He had NO REASON to ignite the lightsaber. It's like finding out your nephew plans to commit a school shooting at some point so you point a gun at his head while he sleeps. It's completely outrageous.
What if Yoda was a gross old Lesibain?
>the First Order wasn't monitoring for small craft
Why wouldn't they be? If you're chasing a fleet across the galaxy you'd be scanning for escape pods and such the entire time because what else are they gonna do if they can't outrun you?
Oh no maybe Ankain got is Canadian?
She and Chewy are a thing. Get over it.
We have never seen Chewie's penis.
And to add even further insult to injury, after making such a monumental blunder and unleashing this new darkness on a vulnerable and thoroughly unprepared galaxy... what does he do?
He absolves himself of any guilt and simply blames the ENTIRE JEDI RELIGION for all the turmoil that has engulfed the galaxy for eons. Not the Sith or the Dark Side for their role in fomenting past conflicts, not himself for substantially contributing to this new conflict... the fucking JEDI.
Not only that, he goes out of his way to locate the mythical undiscovered homeworld of the ancient Jedi religion, a veritable archaeological holy grail...why? All so he can cut himself off from the Force and spend the rest of his days as a smelly hermit flipping off and cursing out all the ancient ruins and relics strewn about the island, and to eventually litter and profane this sacred island with his cold, dead FORCELESS corpse, essentially giving a massive proverbial middle-finger to every single person who fought and died for everything the Jedi ever believed and stood for, including his own friends and family.
Try to imagine an even bigger act of petulant spite and display of your own inability to own up to your responsibilities and choices. Protip: you can't.
Fucker didn't even read THE SACRED JEDI TEXTS. Probably used em to wipe his bum, the giant fucking baby.
Based butthole eyes poster.
Nope. Zack has vision. Zack has an actual grasp of the characters and themes. Zack gave us a live-acti9n comics world with an astoundingly elastic tone and completely self-consistent conventions.
But most of all, Zack has the balls to take criticism like a man instead of crying like a little bitch stalking other people's conversations on Twitter.