Cast them. I will start.
The father - The Mountain
Cast them. I will start
how the fuck did you post so fast?!
>creator is some yellow fever soicuck bitch who hates le pen
>ugly incel who couldn't get a white girl because of his pedo stache goes for a short Asian girl who can barely speak English
Yep looks like your average hapa parents
The seething has begun
Did a Jew write this WMAF propaganda?
Idris Elba
Idris Elba
Idris Elba
Seething ricecels
Why do I suddenly keep seeing Miraculous Ladybug poster on Yea Forums? This isn’t even new
The average straight white man's future is either yellows or ebonies, white women have abandoned them and so they must start looking for new horizons
The new season just came out, I think.
>nail polish
>Roasties being lesbian to spite their male counterparts.jpg
Do you find it...Gauling?
the daughter: bonbi
No no, I'm seriously. Your post was funny.
Oh, it's that child that intros Ricardo!
maybe if you asians stopped treating your women like shit they wouldn't seek comfort in the strong warm arms of a white man
I just thought about Chinese/French fusion cuisine and now I'm REAL hungry.
I have a strong urge to beat her to death
All hapa children are incels, so there is no future with yellows.
SHOO SHOO GO ON GET BACK TO !!!!! Damn kids...
cringe but I get it
Post Chat
post the other webm, you know the one
>creator has yellow fever
>adopted an asian girl
>is obsessed with her
hmmm where did i see this happen before
this one?
>when your daddy is a big strong White man
That is a smile of good upbringing.
father: Danny DeVitto
mother: Leslie Jones
grill: Michael B Jordan
>blonde dad, dark haired children
>half as thin as his arms
I guess having a grasp on basic biology isn't a prerequisite to be working in the animated film industry.
it could go either way, a childhood friend of mine, his mom is like a fucking midget and skinny as well, she looks like you shrunk a normal human to 70%, his dad is 1.9 massive person, my friend is a skinny wanklet, it's fucking hilarious, he looks like a real life skeleton
A Jew would have made it BMWF because any situation where a white man is happy is anathema to them
>life sized cutout of rukia
where can I find one of these? asking for a friend.
if Marinette's waist is the same width as her head imagine how tight her pussy must be
What are you talking about?
White people are the least likely to racemix.
American detected.
>white males are 100% going to prefer Asian/Indian
This is a graph for the stupid.
>can't read the graph
>he doesn't walk outside and witness the race mixing of western society
How'd those reffugees work out for ya?
>he gets his worldview from what he sees out of his window instead of stats and research
Next time you'll bring me a twitter screencap.
Once again, American detected.
>How'd those reffugees work out for ya?
Pretty bad, it'll come a day when we have to kill them.
At least we aren't mixing with them, which is what you Americans would love to, since America is an inherently anti-white nation.
There's no place like home.
Race Mixing is based and I can't wait til Hapas and Castizos take over the world
Every butthurt pure Irishmen crying about this shit only makes me fucking laugh
>I can't wait til Hapas and Castizos take over the world
Racemixing doesn't happen outside of America, and America has its days numbered. Ironically, due to racemixing.
>Racemixing doesn't happen outside of America
dumb yurotard
It doesn't.
Look at this thread, who is the one saying that whites should racemix?
It's not me, it's the American. It's always the American.
Americans are fascinating but contradictory creatures, who claim to be "redpilled" for following their programming.
I lost count how many times i've seen stupid Amerimutts say how they are going to "stick it" to the jews by racemixing.
There's no hope for you, the best we can hope for is that you racemix hard, make your country crumble away fast, and, with it's demise, all this push for tolerance and racemixing will die out.
>Europoor stays indoors and his worldview is sculpted by stats and graphs he found by saving pics on race threads on /pol/
Also, didn't Europeans start the whole race mixing thing? After all, if it weren't for their sexual escapades we wouldn't have modern day mexicans or amerimutts like me. So please, if your'e gonna act smug and superior at least walk around your town and discover how inaccurate your stats are. After all you didn't even cite sources so how do you expect me to believe whites aren't gonna racemix when they've been doing it throughout history, granted in smaller rates than compared to now, but still depending on just stats don't make you correct, they make you look like an asshole. Just try to at least get some real life experience rather than spend your days online seething over every news article you run into, okay?
Racemixing existed before "MASS MEDIA" you retard
As opposed to getting your worldview from your window and a bunch of cherrypicked Twitter screencaps?
Yes, I'm going to follow the data.
>how do you expect me to believe whites aren't gonna racemix when they've been doing it throughout history
Because we've seen that it only creates third world warzones like Brazil, Salvador, Venezuela or the USA.
>depending on just stats don't make you correct
Yes it does.
>they make you look like an asshole
I understand that you Americans consider people who drive themselves by logic instead of gut feelings and pitiful emotions to be "assholes". Indeed, we should all act like teenagers on their period like you do, getting all emotional over corporate products and pretending you are saving the world by posting on Twitter about how much the latest shitty Marvel movie offended you.
And it was a clusterfuck every single time.
yeah that larping user who's probably from brazil is damning evidence
get lost dumb yurotard
>And it was a clusterfuck every single time.
Says you?
Many castizos and hapas are fit and rich while irish people will die in poverty HA HA
>Because we've seen that it only creates third world warzones like Brazil, Salvador, Venezuela or the USA.
all ruined by the corrupt hedonism of anglos and jews with the CIA
what the fuck 'stats' are you idiots even talking about. The one saying whites prefer whites?
>Says you?
Says the state of the world.
Look at Latin America, it's just Africa with Internet access.
>irish people
First of all, I don't give a fuck about the Irish, second, the Irish have a long history of not being considered white.
Hapas like this?
Racemixed "people" are abominations.
Only Amerimutts praise them because they are mutts themselves.
Compelling rebuttal from someone who doesn't understand how percentages or axis labelling works.
No, a country is defined by it's people, and we all know latin american and US citizens are rabid and violent savages who's biggest skill is destroying.
I am reading the graph, that's exactly what it says.
nancy just for realism sake
So you actually think every single people in the planet prefers asians?
It's percentages, the demographic on the left has responded the amount in the bars.
For example, about 85% of white women prefer white men.
Post more statistics and cite your sources if you really wanna prove me wrong about the number of whites race mixing increasing over the last decade.
You are the one making accusations, burden of proof is on you.
Then again, we know there's none outside of America because only Americans are stupid enough to do this.
>No statistics or sources to prove his claim, has no arguement
>says he acts on logic and not on emotion, calls Americans stupid
Stick to farming yuropoor
Everyone knows Americans want whites to racemix because Americans are addicted to interracial cuckold porn.
Everyone can see through your jewish bullshit, American traitor.
>mfw im icelandic and people are calling him "Half-Thor"
Post more pls, its imperitive that you post as much info as you can so you can better educate everyone who goes on this thread with the realities of racemixing and its involovement with the death of human civilizations.
Non-American whites do.
Then again, considering the nigger worship thats programmed into Americans, I'm starting to doubt if you are white at all, and not just fair skinned niggers.
I am a mix of Armenian and Mexican and I acknowledge the dangers of racemixing and its potential to further divide all races making loyalties easier to manipulate for jews. I'm on your side dumbass.
You are American, you are not on my side.
>with blue eyes
Whether you want to believe it or not, we share similar ideologies revolving around one specific idea: Preservation. I may be an American but at least consider that even dumbasses from some of the stupidest places in the world can see a problem the way you do. And even if I'm part of the problem, so be it. At least I understand the amount of pain that men like you go through every single day, but know this; I have no loyalty to any race. I hate interacting with others and I like to keep to myself. But that doesn't mean I wish to remove other races. I admire them. I like how each have there own characteristics which personify them whether it be good or bad. I just don't want to see God's creations turn on eachother and create hideous mistakes like me. So please, know that at least one American can see what you are going through and try to spread as much awareness of it as I can. I don't want to see more mixes like me roam the earth with no purpose and no morals.
The great debate.
I'm through with believing in you Americans, all of them are inherent traitors.
They offer you one hand and hold a knife in the other.
Then you have truly lost to the Jew.
How is it a debate? Violet barely looks human.
Crazy emo qt > bugblina.
I'm european and i like black woman
>Violet barely looks human.
Violet's proportions look ridiculous, grotesque.
Indian detected, the feather kind that is
anglo's aren't even human let alone european