What did Galaxy’s Edge mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


How much did that cost?

Tell us, tell us now!

It's fifty dollars, right? It can't be cheap, Disney has to make it's money.

its funny that the people who decried lucas as nothing but a man trying to sell toys are happily lining up to purchase this bullshit


what the fuck even is this?
I mean it looks like a burger but its got frosting and a piece of chocolate on top.

Some kind of deconstructed space-cake with a vaguely alien-sounding name?

disney good

I always supported Lucas. And I support Disney. Only brainlets don't

It’s called an Oi-Oi Puff

Wanna see more of the Galaxy’s Edge food?

Yes please

>Wanna see more of the Galaxy’s Edge food?
Post it, my body is ready.
Please include name and price as well for the full experience.

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I just googled it.
It's actually a raspberry filled cream puff.

That actually looks and sounds really good.

Attached: oi oi puff.jpg (800x533, 62K)

I'd eat it but it still looks wrong for some reason

>One per guest per transaction
Isn't that generally how it works?

Is that brown coin thing chocolate? I can't see it being any other edible substance and placing random chocolate on all that savory food seems gross af

It's Star Wars. Some dork would try to buy 10 to sell on ebay and if the mouse doesn't get a cut then no one can.

People will buy multiple to sell later to retarded manchildren

It's not savory, it must be sweet
I'm guessing the red sauce on the plate is berry sauce or something

everything on that place came freeze-dried in the same plastic bag it was reheated in

Oi, but looks can be deceiving.

Here’s a Ronto Morning Wrap.

It costs 12.49

Here’s what it looks like on the menu

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Here’s what it looks like IRL

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that looks like something from taco bell breakfast.
like it's just an egg taco with a hot dog in the middle.

>Ronto Morning Shit

why are underage twitter niggers so afraid of writing fuck


>It costs 12.49
California or Florida bux? One hour of slave work in California = 1.5 hours of slave work in Florida, mind you.


>post thing that looks slightly bad-good
>[in pajeet] lame, gross, I would never spend the vast riches I totally have on that
>(no good jokes)
I’m beginning to see a pattern with these threads

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when you say "[adjective] as fuck" in every sentence, it just becomes convenient to abbreviate it to "af", especially if you're phoneposting like most niggers are on facebook all day

Most people were too stupid to get Lucas' very obvious and in your face poetry

I’m surprised they dont offer those portion things from The Force Awakens

Imagine buying one, then going over to a stove to watch it grow

Attached: 77EB0718-99A6-41A0-9355-18231DCD1333.png (732x458, 496K)

Add some mashed potatoes and you've got a Swedish Tunnbrödrulle going.

Here’s Rising Moons Overnight Oats

It costs 7 bucks

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What a fitting and hilarious fate for Star Wars, honestly. It's more funny than sad.

Is this what giving a grill a creampie looks like?

>$42 for a fucking drink
thats a cute collectible glass but come the fuck on

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would eat

gonna post all the GE food pictures I have

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The spics working there can't even put the eggs on the bottom. Jesus christ imagine paying money for this.

isn't that just some kind of dense nutrient stuff? I thought the bread she made was some kind of powder packet.

I'll post how it's described on the menu next

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I write "fuck" enough when I post here, just mixing things up a little.

Should call it "sad dog dick"

Is that dragonfruit?
Amusement parks and tourists attractions are overpriced!? No way?!

That alcohol better be like 150 proof or something.


They don't even given you the cool starfruit?? What a ripoff

Looks like airplane food

Do people actually expect to find good food at a themed restaurant in disney

Those things were nasty looking blue fungus bread and in the movie they were basically equivalent to shitty MREs

this is the menu in DL, not sure if the prices in FL are different

it's my understanding all of those are sold out, hence the limits

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It’s in there, yet for some reason they can’t manage to put it at the top like the picture

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they have edible dirt tho

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jesus christ for those prices i could go to area 51 and eat an actual alien

>$4 for a fountain soda

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thats what happens when you hire illegals

>not going to theme parks and spending all day there on an empty stomach and having a huge dinner outside of the park where food is a lot cheaper
Unless we're talking knotts, you don't go to theme parks for the food. That's what circuses and faires are for.

What the fuck. Why is the breakfast menu unavailable after 10. Its a fucking park.

Anywhere else if I walked in and that was their menu I would be concerned that they didn't pass their health inspection.

Attached: Docking-Bay-7-Menu-Galaxys-Edge.jpg (720x960, 243K)

If you're hungover that probably looks like the best thing ever

>starfruit in the ad replaced with shitty ass kiwi

there's bits of green cake on the OP pic that are supposed to be the portion thing

What are those pink things that look like grapes? And how come the dragonfruit is red

no autists are just mad at disney

Luke, did I ever tell you about Minute Maid and Powerade?

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What do I press if I just want water?

don't get me wrong, if my local corner shop was selling that thing for $2.19 with a free large coke I would be all over it

The toilet plunger

why the fuck do they pick the most off putting not star wars shit they can for names

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>ah yes garcon i'll have the fried endorian tip yip, and give my complements to the chef

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those tin sporks and the casseroles are nice.

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the grey tabs, water doesn't get its own dispenser.

are you fucking poor or something goy?

legitimately looks like business class airplane food

this looks like the type of shit you could get at any TGIFridays

Those cups look like shit you could buy at a dollar store. Hell, that's probably where they'll unload all their unsold cups in a few years.

Water? You mean like in the toilet? What for?

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Might be that little gray doodad under the lemonade. Usually there's a little button under the lemonade that dispenses plain water.
Though knowing ((Disney))) they probably disabled it so they could charge you $10 for a bottle of municipal tap water.

If I'm paying fucking 50 bucks for a cookie I sure as hell better find that shit layered in gold flakes or at least have it come with a bj from one of the disney actresses.

there really is an extremely strong "monkey's paw" feeling to all of this, like someone got their wish but in the worst possible way


fucking this.
they could have just called it fucking tauntaun ribs or something. shit, hide a little edible luke skywalker figurine in the middle of the ribs for shits and giggles.

I can come up with better idea and Im just taking the piss here. Why the fuck is everything on this planet so soulless now

we wuz kangz

About tree fiddy

all this food looks terrible and im fat

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I like having teeth and staying hydrated.

That's a cookie? looks like a rissole with a gelt because reasons.

Based h2obro

because its overpriced theme park food, though to be fair, up in canada all that shit would cost double (factoring in the exchange even)

I heard you actually can get a bj from the girl who plays Rey, but you have to be a member of Club 33 and pay something like $1500. Not worth it.

>all this food looks terrible and im fat
probably because you can tell by the pictures that the actual plate is smaller than your hand, so the portion sizes wont even be satisfying.

Fuck, that $42 ewok cup is probably the size of a shot glass

BASED, except you don't even need the membership card, just the $1500

Name some dishes you'd actually like to see at Galaxy's Edge. I'll start:

>Ewok Loaf

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It's literally repackaged merchandise that they couldn't sell on its own.

>calls chocolate coins "gelt"

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Why does it look so sexual?

>I heard you actually can get a bj from the girl who plays Rey, but you have to be a member of Club 33 and pay something like $1500. Not worth it.
yeah i hear she's a little bit too heavy with the teeth.

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or just don't buy food at a star wars restaurant located in disneyland

I'm a huge non-Disney Star Wars fag and I would feel stupid trying to order these things.

This is a Bloody Rancor

The bone is meringue

It costs 17 bucks

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It's just a sausage in a pita. I mean, I'd eat it, but I'm not getting much of a space vibe.


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cuz it's a weiner in a taco

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Ronto penis

Water? Like from the toilet?

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green vienna sausages
they're called yoda penises

george owns tauntauns, they would have to give him a cut of every plate sold

I wasn't referring to that food item specifically, but was speaking in generic terms.

$17 and you probably have to eat it standing up in the Florida heat

If you go to Disney just plan shit ahead and eat at the sit-in restaurants. Like yeah it'd be even more expensive, but to sit down with top-tier service as opposed to cafateria type shit is worth it. If you're paying out the ass to be at Disney you might as well go all the way.

Is there booze in it?

Attached: Star-Wars-Galaxys-Edge-Blue-Milk-Mark-Hamill.jpg (798x420, 28K)

>$12.49 plus tax for a naan, some eggs, shredded cheese and a sausage

the subliminal messaging here is nice


Direct quote:
>Tito's Handmade Vodka, Ancho Reyes Chile Liqueur, Spicy Bloody Mary Mix, and Rancor Bone

I was speaking down to Americans. Over here chocolate coins are a thing but i've only ever heard Americans refer to them as gelt.

>costs $17
Meanwhile at universal

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its a cream puff you fucking retard

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imagine saying one of these names out loud and then not immediately castrating yourself in an act of flagellation

I both love, and find deeply disturbing how all those logos are in an alien language but I can still recognize them instantly

The power of iconography is terrifying

the smirnoff of current year

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Ewok pate. Served on a steel-toe capped boot


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Maybe it's like Napoleon brandy.

You don’t get the joke?

you can get them on ebay

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-31 Disney Disneyland Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Metal Spork - Docking Bay 7 eBa (912x469, 250K)

is that a single tendie pressed into some mashed potatoes in a gravy bath?

Is the cup keepable and good or shitty bendable plastic

i walked into a tea shop and there was a fucking full grown black man standing behind the counter who had to hear me order a boba tea. He looked at me just like this. I kind of wanted to just cut my penis off and put it in the tip jar.

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It’s pretty funny that they have the “ingredients” on display, even though there’s no fucking way you can get a hot dog out of one of those weird things

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that's too much money for a spork

sure you can, just blend them up

>0 available, 2 sold

imagine working at a themed restaurant and knowing that every scumbag walking in the door is trying to pocket everything that's not bolted down, including the silverware and the knick-knacks on the walls

This must be what it's like to live near niggers.

But how do you get the pita?

from the store

If you sold like four or five of those at that price you could literally finance your entire Disney vacation.

I mean wouldn't you? You're getting ripped off from buying some crumbs that aren't even space themed, fuck them. I'd do the same and sell that shit online to make some money back.


But what about the Coke products that exist before Coke was invented?

>Implying you can ever trust pictures on a menu

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The descriptions ruin the whole thing.

So you'd eat it. Most people won't touch that shit cuz they're, surprise, uncultured

Looks delicious not gonna lie

How dare these people try to make money off their products!

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Also, why do they list currency in US dollars and not credits?

A taste of takodana for me and my girlfriend's boyfriend

Fucking hell

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Hot damn. That looks better than a bunch of the ones I've seen at local bakeries.
I would have loved that shit back when I was into Star Wars. Could even cut it open and stick it on top of an RC car chassis.

Fancy as fuck
I wish I was a richfag :c

>What are those pink things that look like grapes?
if I had to guess, just some kind of pink tapioca or jelly pearls.
boba tea is really popular in college towns with thousands of asians running around, but probably still exotic enough to midwestern normies that they believe it's exotic

Attached: boba tea.jpg (800x430, 59K)

Am I the only one here who doesnt know what good food looks like because Im too poor and socially anxious to eat out at a nice restauraunt and too low energy to cook anything fancy?

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>boo hoo people shouldn’t charge other people money for things they want

Anti-Disney posting is unironically crypto-communism

What if I told you they consulted Ramsay on the menu?

Good food doesn't "look" like anything, to be honest. Presentation is a meme.

time travel

Whenever I get bubble tea I like telling them to not put any pearls into it. I fucking hate those things. Whoever thought it was a good idea to put them into a sealed cup with a straw needs to reevaluate their lives.

how soon before the remodel happens and we get the OT park like everyone wanted

It's not simple or rustic enough.

But the bottle is limited edition!

aren't you supposed to serve bubble tea with a straw wide enough to suck them up?

just call ahead of time and order food for pickup. That's what I do.

Damn. Now I wanna make a Bloody Mary.

>It's not simple or rustic enough.
More like there's not enough avocado or cilantro on top

christ what a hack

How would the people at Coke want to allow someone who claims to be from a long time ago in a galaxy far far away to sell their products?

it's because it's gluten-free, my man, my aunt has celiac and is an alcoholic, and that stuff was a lifesaver for her.

>Not opening up its own little stand selling just those called "Boba Fett's Tea Co."
Come the fuck on Disney

>Did we mention Boba Fett definitely died?

But Disney hates the OT, why would they do that

Then why does Star Tours still exist?

yeah thats why they made solo, the planned boba fett movie, and rehashed a new hope already

it's cute they did a tribute to yub nub at least

I unironically blame Mike Stoklasa


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-31 Disneyland Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge Coca Cola Set + Desani Water NEW AND SEAL (1174x631, 340K)

>paid $200 to get in
>no those sporks arent free goyim

the park is dying. nobody like the nuwars

are we just going to pretend that all the food in all the lands at Disney isn't overpriced?

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It hasn't had anything to do with the ot since like 2002

Have you not seen how hot dogs are actually made, user?

>off to Epstein Island

>Are we going to bitch about being poorfags?

I did go to disney when I was a kid but we always packed a lunch so we never ate at any of the themed places. The food at places like this has always kind of fascinated me because while it looks expensive it also looks like it tastes like ass.

>edible soil with nuts

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Remember when the TSA banned these for a few days?

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I thought was joking about that stuff looking like dirt

>yeah thats why they made solo,
Which was a joke of a film and full of their own shitty OC's while butchering Han's history
>and the planned boba fett movie
Was quietly rebranded as The Mandalorian
>and rehashed a new hope already
Rehashed using their characters while they killed off the OT ones so kids won't bother about the originals

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The Shark Attack drink sounds delicious and I don’t even think I’m gay.

That will be $59.99 plus tip sir.

>limit one per one per one per one

Why do the registers look normal and not Star Wars?

>Jewish cuisine

>hello can I have the bubo wamba family farms light-up souvenir sipper with the blue coconut and rice milk blend?
imagine these words escaping your lips

Pineapple juice and blue curaçao will mask the taste of everclear even.

This is such a fucking dumb Boomer argument. I'm sick of hearing it. They could not of fellated the OT more. Yes. they are trying to shift toward new characters as well, but that's just the smart and correct thing to do if you want to move the franchise forward, and not stay feathered to aging actors who are at risk of dying at any moment. They are not trying to Bury the OT in any way shape or form. They made an entire new movie just so they could have the Death Star and Darth Vader appear in something again.

Screencaped, if I ever go to Galaxy’s Edge I’m going to say exactly that

These generally go for 3x this
They must have restocked with Orlando opening

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-01 Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge RANCOR Tooth Beer Flight Set NEW IN SEALED BOX w GUI (1182x631, 400K)

>conflating the character with the actor
i'm pretty sure every single actor from the Wizard of Oz is dead, and yet everybody know it and it's iconic.

Rum, triple sec, coconut milk outta the can, and sour mix. There, you made it at home. Blue food coloring optional.

That looks like someone took a shit in Rey's vagina.

Mustafarian Lava Roll

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Wizard of Oz is one movie from the 30's. It's not an active franchise.

>I unironically blame Mike Stoklasa


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I know you faggots love to rip off Star Wars at every occasion but this is just retarded, no shit a themed bar at disneyland will have subpar food at exorbitant prices

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>vietnam flashbacks.gif

What about that creepy sequel and that Raimi prequel?

Coincidentally both made by Disney

fucking kek

Give me quick rundown of that Star Wars Hotel they're doing.

Lots of shills today

I literally heard some bitch on youtube call "A Star is Born" a franchise because it had been remade a few times. Apparently all it takes is one movie to be a "franchise" anymore.

Standalone movie. Not part of some larger Wizard of Oz cinematic universe.

Galactic Starcruiser

Basically you pay $3200 bucks to pretend to be on a starcruiser for 3 days

More here:

>the hotel is 2 days of Star Wars larping

>$25 for gook milk and a cup
pic very related

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And the only time they let you out the whole stay is when they put you on a shuttle for Galaxy’s Edge

Why am I thinking of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company right now?

Because you're an optimist

I'm sorry we'll try to make the thread more interesting next time Mr. Professor.

Incorrect, they were taken from the books, which is a far larger universe then anything Lucas ever created. I don't even know what you're arguing with that namefag about but you're wrong on Oz not being a franchise.

And no dorky cosplaying you NERD only corporate approved "bounding" allowed.

Don’t they force you to put on costumes or something?

>only corporate approved "bounding" allowed
this is a new term for me. what???

> Bottled Water $3.99

> I just bought a 32 count flat of store brand for $2.99

4000% mark-up for (((Disney)))

They also built a billion dollar theme park in a swamp, you're paying for location.

>Galaxy’s Edge has $200 build your own lightsaber

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all I know about disney food is there was an 'alien macaron' at the shitty pizza place in tomorrowland that was mindbogglingly delicious. I couldn't believe how good it was, probably the best meringue confection I've ever had, and I'm a sucker for meringue.
Though it could have been because I just had one of the worst slice of pizza ever for like 8 dollars.

Whats the 200 dollar one look like?
Yeah thats why you bring water from home my dude.

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>edible soil
hahaha they are selling edible DIRT for $8.49

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Those are the cheaper extending ones. The $200 dollar ones have metal and shit, far more detailed. It's basic consumerism. You jave tiers of product.

Yes, but the plastic ones are better for us poorfags

The (((guests))) stole them all the first week to resell, so Disney had to switch to standard flatware.


I think they allowed you to keep the mug because they figured star wars fans would steal the mugs anyway, why not charge them up front.

I was wondering why they all said "opening day" on the auction
This whole secondhand market of flatware situation cracks me up

> $7.99 tax NOT included

((( )))

>sales tax
The damn Empire

Damn that loli looks delicious

I'd make fun of you for being a filthy american who's never left home, but then your country isn't overrun by third worlders (yet), so I'm not sure I can really laugh at you anymore.

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Degenerates like you will burn.

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>rey lightsaber
I'm triggered

Can we bring our own dirt from home and ask them to put it on?

Shut up faggot.

Also, where do they even get that dirt?

Suck my dick, monster.

when you an the boys find a girl to run a train on

I have one of the $200 ones, and it's even better than the normal $130 Force FX ones

>All metal parts
>Blade removes with one easy twist
>Replacing the Kyber Crystal in it actually changes the color of the blade and the sounds they make
>Currently six color crystals available

They are totally worth it.

I couldn't say it out loud without bursting into a hearty laugh. Try it, it sounds ridiculous.

>oreo crumbs

$10 please!

Actually, it’s 6 bucks

Yeah Mike meme magic'd the ST with his Prequel reviews. The proof is the part where he says JJ should direct star wars and Lucas shouldn't be involved which is exactly what happened a few years later.

So you can't resell it I guess.

That's not any better, if you think about it. It's a $6 dollar roll with Oreo crumbs on it. It costs as much or more than the container the cookies were in.

I’m definitely going sometime just for that.
Despite it being stuck in a bloated shopping mall with an inferior version of Mission Space, those custom lightsabers would definitely be worth the trip

>meme magic'd
imagine being naive enough to unironically think they weren't always written by disney

They could just restrict it by tying it to your band/ticket/AP but they outsourced their programming to India and can't do shit. If you've got a regular ticket or AP and can sneak past the CMs with iPhones/Tablets, the main gates will let you in for Extra Magic Hours. This means the 2 billion next generation spent with HP can't do a simple table lookup against a "current date has valid Disney Resort Reservation."

English Doc.

It's ok to be white.

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what are those suited guys from fuck

its the opposite retard. your the one making boomer arguments. Disney wants to kill the OT and is only using the OT as a vehicle, first to shit all over its legacy, then as a desperate attempt to recoup their losses now that they fucked everything up.

> If you only knew how bad it gets...

Oga’s Cantina has a secret menu Charcuterie Board. The board has four different types of meats, Bresola Air-Cured Beef, Roasted SPAM, Roasted Mortadella, and Roasted Chorizo Sausage. There are also two different kinds of cheeses, Pulled String Cheese and Burrata with black salt.

There are a few different types of veggies including burnt scallions, roasted radishes, picked caulalini, and roasted shishito peppers. It also comes with crispy pork rinds seasoned with Garam Masala (curry), and an olive oil torta-crispy flatbread seasoned with honey and olive oil. Oh, AND a black bean and tamarind spread.

Attached: Ogas-Cantina-Secret-Menu-Charcuterie-Hollywood-Studios-2.jpg (800x600, 349K)

Banana splits

> $21

How do people even find out about these secret menus?

disney reps posting on popular disney forums would be my guess

that's far and away the worst dish I've seen
i thought secret menus were supposed to be good

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BUT, how does it actually taste?

>How do people even find out about these secret menus?

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"We didn’t enjoy this thing. Like, at all.Honestly, the SPAM and the string cheese were the best components. The chorizo was slightly burnt, which we actually enjoyed because it had heat and good flavor. The torta, though, felt like a weird choice because they’re sweet against something like the Burrata which was VERY salty (we usually like a sweet-salty combo, but this was just…weird). Plus, there were no utensils, so we were basically trying to cut the burrata with toothpicks."

>you are now aware that Coke holds a trademark on the stupid white swish that runs down the sides of their cans

$42 dollars for a goombay smash i speak retard

It was built there because it was cheap and no one wanted that land because it was a fucking swamp. If anything that should make things cheaper to deal with Orlando

what's with this thread where dumb poor incels complaining about how expensive stuff is?

My mummy and daddy make $600,000 a year and let me spend whatever I want. I'd have no problem buying this stuff. Get a real job or some connections if being a poorfag is so triggering for you

Attached: 9e1bbeeed84f58017f3c53316fdbf867.jpg (345x383, 37K)

This is just confusing. I recognize the coke/diet coke brand logo but the rest are foreign to me.

Was speilberg even involved in galaxy's edge? Or JJ for that matter?

we call them gelt in the netherlands you're just obsessed

Is this the /ck/ thread?

Attached: non-newtonian marinade jack.webm (1280x720, 1015K)

>it's the jews fault I have no money but other people do

Attached: Jack Waffels.webm (1280x720, 1.32M)

Attached: jack steak.webm (1280x720, 443K)

If you got a real job maybe you could afford such things. But watching anime isn't a real job, unfortunately

>mashed potato with cutlet
>baked meat with steamed veggies
It's a fucking school lunch.

Disney is already expensive, it's not their fault you fags can't afford it anymore

I'm glad they're raising prices it'll keep out the riffraff be they minorities or incels

>make Star Wars theme park
>don't make it focus on the actual movies people like

>if you dislike something popular it means you're faking it for attention!

Thats sorta cool, I suppose

Attached: jack son.webm (1920x1080, 1.57M)

Attached: jack sandwich.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

Attached: jack salad.webm (640x360, 2.6M)

Attached: jack potato.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

Shut up nerd

Attached: jack pizza roll.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Attached: jack pie.webm (1280x720, 364K)

Attached: jack fish.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

Lol, niggers will just come and take your food, white boy. What will you do about it? Assault them?


Attached: jack dries chicken.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

Attached: jack dip.webm (640x480, 2.9M)

I go to Disney World (not so much Land) a lot and the meme fight video aside, theres been a major decrease in black since they raised the prices

They're maybe 5-10% of people when they'd otherwise be 30-40% of central Florida

Attached: Jack deep frying.webm (1280x720, 1.89M)

its a toy what possible use do you have for it you pathetic faggot manchild

Attached: jack cut.webm (640x480, 2.39M)

Coke Zero, Minute Maid, Powerade, Sprite

Attached: jack corndogs.webm (844x446, 2.71M)

Attached: jack chicken.webm (640x360, 2.88M)

Now I know why it was on the secret menu

Attached: jack burger.webm (640x360, 2.47M)

Attached: jack burger 3.webm (640x360, 1.78M)

Attached: jack burger 2.webm (1280x720, 2.05M)

Attached: jack boiled eggs.webm (1280x720, 2.56M)

I'd buy that for a dollar

Probably eBay reselling

Attached: jack beer.webm (1280x720, 571K)

>eBay reselling
Yeah for a franchise that is declining. Smart move.

Is there any recipe for this online?

this is literally the last place on earth i would ever want to be. I would first choose to go to somalia.

The desserts look decent, but the rest is fucking nasty, wouldn't pay more than 5 bucks for any of it.

>No one this entire thread has asked about the big red thing

The raspberry sauce?


I thought it was ketchup at first

>unironically not understanding the greater context and history of the United States in the last 70 years.

Well you're silly.


Attached: soyjak angry screech cry.jpg (1080x1012, 82K)

>$16 for a chicken finger

Nuke Disney

this got me goin

Oh my god I think I remember these. People talk about nostalgia goggles but one thing is for damn sure - cereals in the 80s DID NOT fuck around. They were good as shit. Ninja Turtles cereal is still one of the greatest cereals of all time.

Yes I am