>make a movie on the most legendary psycopath in comic history
>fuck it up by making it about drumpf
BRAVO Hollywood.
>make a movie on the most legendary psycopath in comic history
>fuck it up by making it about drumpf
BRAVO Hollywood.
Other urls found in this thread:
>everything is about muh politics
Life must be utterly unenjoyable for you, insufferable twat
That remains to be seen
Yeah, because it's not like Trump has a tendency to make everything about him.
I'll be in dc next week. If dubs I'll dress up as a clown and hop the white house fence.
Damn it.
what are the chances this actually kicks off occupy wall street 2? suicide squad was very popular with non-whites(mostly mexicans) and they're the majority of america now
For a character who's main motivation seems to be engineering social collapse, doesn't it make sense for him to target politicians? Its not necessarily about Trump that's just what everyone is reading into it. That said, I refuse to watch comic book movies on principle and I have never paid one red penny for capeshit
Stop bringing politics into kino of the year
In a society of clowns the court jester becomes the most important advisor to the king.
>just wants to make american great
>media jews don't like that constantly and shriek about that 24x7
>omg why does drumpf make everything about him
Put a bullet and off with yourself yourself tranny
In case you missed the memo, Joker fights a Trump-like Thomas Wayne in the movie. Except he's Trump like in the leftist view. Le authoritarian corrupt bad man etc.
>assuming it’s about Trump
It's anticorporate. It's tackling "Trump the billionaire" not "racist russian covfefe Trump". The Trump analogy really only extends to Gotham=NYC and there'a a billionaire (Thomas Wayne) with his name on buildings.
>kino of the year
But this thread isn't about Ad Astra you communist scum
>Put a bullet and off with yourself yourself tranny
I'd be fine with it as long as Thomas Wayne doesn't want to "Make Gotham Great Again" or has any ties to the Russian mob or any stupid, hamhanded shit like that.
lol pathetic. ship your hunched back ass off to israel
>I'd be fine with it as long as Thomas Wayne doesn't want to "Make Gotham Great Again" or has any ties to the Russian mob or any stupid, hamhanded shit like that.
You're too hopeful. They're gonna signal Trump in clear ways. Guaranteed.
Back to discord, trannigeer
There are literally “make gotham great again” billboards in the movie and Martha Wayne now has a vaguely eastern european accent (that the actress can barely do) to make her seem more like Melania
It's against jews
>movie made by jews is against jews
>There are literally “make gotham great again” billboards in the movie and Martha Wayne now has a vaguely eastern european accent (that the actress can barely do) to make her seem more like Melania
Told you so.
The movie is basically a Dem propaganda film for 2020.
Mouseshills still trying to fit in I see.
Vote faggots
please be lying
I mean I know it's phillips but please
And as is typical for lib propaganda, it's already backfiring.
he’s not. the indiewire guy said in his review that it’s even spelt out like maga at first glance and the audience reacted to it (MAke Gotham great Again)
>Communism and leftism good: the movie
The hollywood jew is achieving his transforming into his real self finally.
>late stage capitalism
Why do I keep seeing this meme? Is everyone in my generation economically illiterate?
>Late Era-Capitalism
Yeah Communism will surely fix everything.
This but unironically