Any burgerpunk kino?

Any burgerpunk kino?

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Other urls found in this thread:, PA/ Report - Welfare Spending The Largest Item In The Federal Budget.pdf)

Can't walk anywhere because too far. Boss fires me for taking sick day.
public transportation is literally third world tier.
Chinese people everywhere
Chicago niggers keep coming and ruining everything.

Act 1 of Young Adult felt kind of like this.

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Fucking unbelievable. Actually rustled my jimmies when I first saw this. I'm trying to not be too edgy but don't people who think like this deserve to get their ass beat? Atleast once

what in the fuck is this

Insufferable Boomer entitlement

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More like NA mentality

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The day of the pillow can’t come soon enough

What I never understood about this picture or the original was why "Restaurant" is under "McDonalds" on the sign. Could there possibly be any doubt what a McDonalds is?

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>working that hard for a max five dollar tip
yeah, no

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that's a standard thing on the older ones

>5 dollar tip
What kind of poorfag shit is this

are they claiming 68 1-hour lunch breaks is the equivalent of 46 days?

It means you can go inside and eat, as opposed to being drive thru only.

Fine. I'll work one 24 hour shift and take the rest of the year off

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>Chicago niggers keep coming and ruining everything
You live in Indianapolis?



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I should be grateful I'm not in Indianapolis though

>public transportation is literally third world tier
at least you have public transport in your city

Bernie 2020

Yakki: The Movie

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>16 hours each day away from work
I forgot sleep and getting prepared for work in the morning are net losses for boomers.

this is my wallpaper. true american kino

Unironically comfy to drive by during a late night trip on the highway.

Why is America infested with ants?

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>crtl+f "logo"
>no results
c'mon guys

Just put some sugar on your counter mixed with powdered dish soap so they bring it back and it kills their whole colony.

there is a major math mistake in the lunch hour calculation

t. seething millennials that think labor has value that can be measured outside of supply and demand

>when you failed every single math class but your dad owns the factory

Full automation when?

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Clerks 2

name literally 1 reason why people should not spend as little time working as possible

Why would you do something so evil?

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i didn't show any anger though i was just wondering how 68 hours of lunch equals 46 days

90's capitalism was so good.

>looks up name
m-m-muh corporate f-fat cats!!

shut the fuck up boomer

Conversion errors are really the essence of boomer energy.


>literal ants have gotten more pussy than you

Actually based.
Although, you should probably just not tip.

What the fuck, most of those calculations are wrong or aren't even close.

68 1-hour lunch breaks is only 2 days worth, dumb cunts

>big tex

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Universal Basic Income?

Because you fuckers keep showing up in bigger numbers and smell bad when I crush you.

Because those same ppl complain the most about economic inequality

Imagine the smell.

It's McDonald's Restaurant.

This will only work if we get rid of all other entitlements and social spending (which I would be in favor of removing for UBI).
Shame Yang supports keeping all that shit.

Probably more confused the waitress more than anything.

now this is kino

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wanna watch the cutest boomer video on youtube?

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I don't know where or how exactly this goes wrong but if there are 261 days available for work, then you'd take a maximum of 261 hours for lunch + 130 hs 30' for coffee breaks. That's roughly 16 days.
There's also no fucking way

Maybe it's supposed to be ironic boomer bullshit? Idk.

Welp, there goes my panty fetish.

New meme

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God, America is so uncivilized. It's actually really cringey

Thank you based reddit

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Democrat paradise btw

This, they need to accept Islam like we have.

This desu Islam and Christianity are basically the same thing


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if i saw anybody wearing that shirt i'd need to stop whatever i was doing and run and shake his hand

Reddit socialists will obsess over this image but will never show the same place from any different angle

Attached: Breezewood,_Pennsylvania.jpg (2272x1098, 572K), PA/
Its the connector from the PA turnpike to Rt 70 which goes to Washington DC.
It's amazing that this still exists. You literally have to drive 2 miles out of your way through this living hell of traffic because some politicians forced the Turnpike commission to route through Breezewood to protect the motels instead of creating an exit directly to 70.

Wtf. Would have slown down and avoided that. That could have gotten ugly real quick

Looks like East Hastings up in Canada. Fun place.

why would anyone want to leave this paradise

it looks even worse lol, what are you trying to prove.

shitty edit
burgerbung needs to bright and sunny, like
that special type of day where the sunlight reflects off the asphalt that hurts your eyes and it's hot as fuck out too

It's like "yeah, why dont you commies acknowledge Perkins just once goddamn it the pies at the counter look really delicious"

If you don't think this looks comfy as fuck, you're probably a communist.

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It's literally down the street from Appalachia you fucking retards. Its a truck stop in the middle of nowhere.

It's happening all over the midwest. My Iowa hometown of 12k people has been inundated in the last few years.

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Literally Obama did that to Iowa specifically.

Also the "Gifts and Souvenirs" store is pretty much a Pittsburgh Sports worship mecca.

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West Virginia is the heart of burgerbung territory
t. has family in West Virginia I visit often

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Satan, do you realize how badly that had to hurt his mammaries? Also, that could have easily resulted in involuntary manslaughter and accessory charges.

What's the problem? Looks like a street.

What's some good yuropunk kino?

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you spend too much time on the internet. Please try going outside and finding some hobbies sometime

There is a lot of billboards if you take a photo from a very specific angle so capitalism bad and stuff

jesus christ look at the size of those titties
imagine having titties that big, and then suddenly 300 lbs comes crashing straight down directly onto both nipples

Sorry, I don't know any movies about getting free healthcare/education and not getting shot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yea Forums has been doing burgerpunk generals for almost a year now, I've wondered how long until it reached Yea Forums

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>goes for the ad hominem
what's the problem little buddy? upset that I insulted you great Appalachian pride?

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>not getting shot up
user I...

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>A Confederacy of Dunces
Been putting this one off for a long time

Boomer tier economics ladies and gentlemen.

the corporate fat cats just so happen to be Jewish, still makes capitalism evil

>4 years ago
>there have been at least 3 high-profile mass shootings in America in the last month

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If you think all of West Virginia is billboards and gas stations then you are actually retarded, so the ad hominem is pretty accurate

>32 people compared to 138
Based yurotard

But what if I want to buy things?

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Hey I was just gonna say that!

This is no exaggeration the worst movie I have ever seen.

My dad was from West Virginia user, I live in Ohio and visit my relatives there every damn summer
I think I know what the state looks like
the whole damn region is forest, drug ridden urban decay, some genuinely nice places, and a great chain of burgerpunk that follows the highways

After the "leaving 91 days available" part the calculations are wrong.
It's still mind blowing that you only work a total of only 91 complete days per year, what the fuck?

>this thread
>this timeline

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>ahhhh that big city life

kekked hard at this, am I a boomer now?

this is shit and Yea Forums is really a dead board

assuming you are getting 8 hours of sleep every night you spend 4 months of the year asleep

Fight Club

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Yikes. Make some inspirational Reddit posts talking about capitalism and gas stations or some shit. Maybe you'll get some imaginary internet points for your bravery

You should watch SubUrbia

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I hate you americans so goddam much.

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Reddit hates capitalism outside of funko pops and video games though, you'd fit right in.

good to know you were shitposting user
lets me know that all this time you weren't actually retarded just pretending to be


Most of the US doesn't look like that at all.

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Communist countries are so much better than current day amerikkka amirite?

>Me house look like YOU house
>Replace this America with an America where everyone has to work 2 jobs to live in a studio apartment
>MUCH better! How individual c:

Imagine being able to get things you want cheap and easy. How absolutely disgusting. There should be nothing but trees and brutalist housing structures. FUCK MCDONALDS.

/pol/ raids another thread

Imagine actually writing this. Are you a child?

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Not him, but Cuba is actually impressive considering how poor it is. It has a GDP per capita on par with that of Indonesia but it outdoes other third world countries on most indicators.

Tell us more from your first world dwelling user.

Yeah, I would love if the US would stop subsidizing your healthcare and withdrew the majority of its funding for NATO.

My parents told me a lot about this when they went there.

Lmao you're such a retard. Singapore has far surpassed Cuba on every level.

Western Europe doesn't benefit much from NATO. That's Eastern Europe.

European shitheads* raid another thread


He's right, you know? What's the problem? If you zoom out, there's a lot of things that look the same? What do you want, exactly? There are seven billion people.

Singapore isn't a third world country. Singapore also surpasses many, many countries when it comes to things like public sanitation, living standards, and overall wealth, but even according to its founding father its prosperity is sui generis.

Just keep moving the goalposts right? LKY completely transformed Singapore but it was only because of government spending right?

fuckin' a
the rest of the world does nothing about bitch about the US sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong so why fucking bother?

>three rigs dueling in two lanes

the state of normies

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how come no mass shooting at mcdonalds?

Who cares? Nevermind that you people don't understand the economy of scale, or that welfare entitlements, including food programs and medicare/medicaid, take up: CRS estimates that exclusively federal spending on these federal programs equaledapproximately $746 billion, and further emphasizesthat there is asubstantial amount of state spending—mostly required as a condition of states’participation—on these same federal programs (primarily Medicaid andCHIP). Based on data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Oxford Handbook of State and Local Government Finance, Budget Committee staff calculated at least an additional $283billion in state contributions to those same federal programs,1for a total annual expenditure of $1.03 trillion. ( Report - Welfare Spending The Largest Item In The Federal Budget.pdf) but keep on ragging about that healthcare.

I don't care how much it impacts you or not, I want our money out of it.

I'm not the one moving goalposts. I was comparing Cuba to other countries on similar income levels, and you just brought up Singapore out of the blue.

Value of labor? What about the intrinsic value of life and the human experience? The irony that economics has taken human quality of life out of the equation. Industrialization was supposed to make life easier for everyone permanently... yet here we are.

Except Cuba was better before Castro in terms of the rate of improvement. But Communism good so that doesn't matter right?

How is this related to NATO? I'm not defending it (it has less of a purpose than it did 50 years ago), but I don't see where it's relevant to this post other than the fact that it takes up our military spending.

There was one decades back

>rate of improvement
You know how deceptive that can be right? Some of the highest rates of development right now are in Africa since they were so undeveloped until recently. And I never said communism was great.

WOW a country spending money taking care of its citizens?? That takes away from our multi-trillion black budgets!

Military bad.

oh yeah just remembered that one, wasn't it a black guy too?

Which 3rd world country is this?

it looks like they got it from doing 365 hours (one for each day of the entire year) divided by 8 hour work days.

When you're spending at trillions of dollars, spending that extra to prop up a military treaty with nations that care nothing about you is a waste of money. Yeah, I'd rather spend it here.

You miss the point. It would be financial suicide to try to do for ~400 million people exactly like you do for 30-50 million. Also: the US military budget is 623 billion. If we didn't spend what we do, our enemies (including you) would take advantage of that.

Literally the most painful "joke" I've ever rrad. Fuck everything about this.

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I'm not saying that access to healthcare is bad, nor that it shouldn't be augmented. I'm saying emulating the way Europe does it isn't the way. It's about scale.

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>If we didn't spend what we do, our enemies (including you) would take advantage of that.
Not him, but Western European countries aren't the ones who need NATO. The ones that need it are the Baltic countries.

I guess you didn't read the part where I said that I don't care and that I want our money out of it. That's your backyard, you take care of it.

>just so happen

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Yeah that money could be better spent in the US for sure. There's a lot of roads that need repairing and people that need services.

is O'Reilly a Jewish name?

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guaranteed replies

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leftypol refugee detected

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>Jews love capitalism
>Jews love communism
>Jews hate national socialism

Hmmmmmmm really makes me think

prove the image wrong
oh wait, you can't

Only two of those people look Irish. No one would ever adopt a foreign name to go unnoticed.

play all sides and you never lose

God I hate capitalism guys. Is there any alternative where we can have 4 hour work days, but doesn't result in some shitty regime or something?

Can you greentext it for me?

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>much like a tumor humans have made the mistake that the deer crosses the road but in reality the road crosses the forest

We could have free health care if we weren’t your military


A brutal technocracy that uses eugenics to massively reduce the population and combines it with state-of-the-art automation that allows all menial labor and low to mid-level manufacturing to be automated. Then, you need to become skilled in a valuable trade or science/discipline. Then, yeah, you can have four ten-hour shifts a week and paid vacation without capitalism.

>paper delivery
I wish I could pay to make them not deliver the fucking tribune to my house every Sunday.

>ban guns
>more euros have died in terrorist attacks than Americans in the last 10 years

Wowie zowie

Sounds amazing. Who do I vote for?

your buds have a backup on bunkerchan, you don't have to stay here

Me; alternatively, pay attention to candidates and policies that reflect this desired outcome. You'll have to pay attention to policy developments more closely, but there is a current of the idea running through the halls of power.

>chase literally run by debnts
Should i transfer my checking immediately bros?

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>that uses eugenics to massively reduce the population
can we just wipe africa, south america, china and india off the map? I'd rather we keep even the dumbest of whites ya know.

>40 hour work week was established in 1940
>after 79 years of incredible progress in automation, the work week is still 40 hours
Why the fuck is this?

>Giving people money for doing their job
why do Amerifats do this?

Unironically, for the goys. I fucking hate it man. Feel sorry for my boomer dad too, man deserves better. Peasants unironically had a better fucking life style with their 4 hour fucking work days.

>give money to people, Euros complain
>don't give money to people, Euros complain
>give money to people who don't work, Euros happy
>give money to people who work, Euros unhappy

You people are just truly evil, aren't you? That's the joke, isn't it?

Take it up with the technocracy.

not enough rioting because whiteys think it's just a black thing to fight against oppression I guess

>40 hour work week
try 60....

They created communism and fascism while destroying their own continent multiple times, what do you expect from yurotrash?

Communism and Fascicm were basically on the right track.

please dont include UK in your thoughts of europoors. even we tip here. we're too alike. can you yanks invent a machine to drag our island closer to you?

Why has no one posted this yet? This is the quintessential midwestern burgerpunk documentary.

I present to you: Gothic King Cobra.

Attached: Gothic King Cobra.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

>can you yanks invent a machine to drag our island closer to you?
We literally fought a war to get away from you, why the fuck would we do that lol

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This is hypnotizing & comfy in a weird way

That war was over 200 years ago man. We're unrinonically more culturally closer to you, Canada and Australia than we are to europoors.

God. Stop brown nosing. I bet you're from the South, you big poof.

I guess you've never heard about all the fascist regimes the US sponsored?

Time for bed sweetie

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>The anglosphere is literally 3 separate landmasses separated from everyone else
Isolated islands are your thing lol, its in your blood

Probably buried underneath all the info on how Europeans traveled the world murdering and subjugating brown people, slaughtered their own people at home, destroyed east Asians with drugs, butchering Africans over rubber and sugar cane, and to top it all off, are proud of it and haven't changed much since then.

But yeah, whataboutism or whatever...lalala

>mfw wagies actually put up with this

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hahahaaha fucking based


so euros are bad for...doing the same things america does now? I don't get it

It's probably the funniest thing ever written. Lots of Yea Forums humor.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

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52 weeks * 5 working days per week = 260 working days
260 days * .5 hours lunch = 130 lunch hours
130 hours / 24 hour day = 5.4 days of total lunch hours yearly

America hasn't, and doesn't, do anything REMOTELY close to what Europe is guilty of. In order for us to do "the same things as Europe", we'd need to invade Africa, conquer and enslave them, butcher them for insubordination, and kidnap their children to ship to other colonies where...
We invade South America, conquer and enslave them, loot their treasuries, butcher them for insubordination, rape their women, then...
We invade China, forcibly hook them on heroin, butcher them for insubordination, then...
We invade India, conquer and dehumanize them, subjugate them under an alien legal system, conscript them into our military, then...
We round up all our minorities, place them into internment camps, force them into slave labor, butcher them for insubordination, then...
Seriously, Euromonkey?

going to try it tomorrow, thanks

America wishes it was this alpha.

i love burgermobiles

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>we invade South America
The CIA crushes democracies for breakfast for our business interests. The USA is that bad.

I hate being american. This country means nothing. Fucking nothing.

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>We round up all our minorities, place them into internment camps
user, I hate to be the one to break this to you...

I seen someone do this. Don't do this.

Going to prison for committing a felony isn't the same, and you know it.

I'm not defending that practice, but it's not the same either.

>I seen
Don't do this.

>t. european

Europe isn't anymore.

>Maybe it's supposed to be ironic boomer bullshit?
of course it is. All the retards seething over it, don't understand that Boomers are fucking animals with the worst sort of sense of humor so they take it as reality. It's

What the fuck is this math?

>also a millenial that took econ 104 and thus feels he is god
>has never had a callous

You are a fucking retard.

what about going to prison for being undocumented, and then using that rule to detain legal citizens of Mexican descent?

this is evil

That's a crime, retard.

no, watch it it's kino that user is a fag

being of mexican descent is a crime? huh sounds like america has done a decent job replacing europe as colonial empire

Well theyre all within 10 fucking feet of their neighbors in the middle of a literal fucking desert.

Stupidest fucking joke ever. Besides the obvious fucked up math breaks and lunch don't even count on the clock in most places.

Well, in the first place, illegal immigration is illegal. Secondly, if you are comparing this to Nazi and Soviet concentration camps, idk what to say. You could have mentioned what the US did during WW2 to Japanese Americans, but you didn't.

>these fat fucks spent well over 100 bucks
>only tipped 5
>and played this stupid mind game

Charge your phone

Yes it is.

So where should we put them? A mass grave maybe?

No, being an illegal immigrant is a crime. If you want to immigrate to this country, do it legally. I have Peruvian and Cuban family members that had no problem at all with the process, so I don't want to hear that sob story either. Billions of US dollars get "envio'ed" to Mexico, bypassing the economy entirely, I don't want to hear your bullshit.

>to Nazi and Soviet concentration camps
no I would just say its clearly heading in that direction
>You could have mentioned what the US did during WW2 to Japanese Americans, but you didn't.
well we can count that too. Also guatanamo, black sites, nsa spying, corporate-backed coups, aiding the saudis and Israel, there's a whole list of stuff I'm sure you've already heard of. Americans are uniquely complacent

tipping is for fags


classic selfish "I made it so fuck everyone else" mentality. Doesn't explain or justify inhumane or illegal treatment at all. Some immigrants are so scared of being disliked they think hating other immigrants will get them accepted by the white man. it rarely works. sad

Right. So what are you arguing again?

This? So, aiding the Saudis and Israel. That's only bad if you think Israel and SA are bad, but objectively, it's absolutely normal geopolitical choice and nations have aided other nations since the era of city-states. NSA spying, now that's rich. EU is big brother made real, so that's moot. I think that, even though it's terrible, any sufficiently technocratic nation is going to do it, and every nation that is moving towards technocratic corporatocracy seems to be doing it. Let's see, the black sites, guantanamo, etc. Yeah, the US does that; more precisely, extragovernmental agencies do that, but that aside, my point is that Europe has no moral authority to criticize the USA, especially when they undeniably did and therefore killed, maimed, tortured, and displaced far more people for a far, far longer time. This isn't a pissing contest.

You're wrong and being infantile. I didn't justify the inhumane treatment. I said illegal immigration is illegal and that the channels through which legal immigration is done are accessible. If you want to come here, then be able to pass the fucking test. It's nothing to do with being white, you subversive fool.

Get out.


>the channels through which legal immigration is done are accessible.
not true. deporting paralyzed people, elderly and people who need medecine, detaining mexican-americans with legal proof they are citizens, all of those things are inhumane and arguably illegal under international law. Trump intentionally withdrew from the human rights court to avoid having to hear about it. the list goes on

you are not proving anything, no one respects you for this, you are just sidestepping the problem by looking the other way. very weak response, at least the out and proud nazis can fall back on ethno-nationalism and say keeping america whites-only is more important than what's legal. you can't even do that without fully cucking yourself and proving me right lol

>for a far, far longer time
alright so really its a time issue than. certainly america's manipulation of global markets effects as many people as the british or spanish empire did. It's just a matter of how you consider someone "colonized". if america keeps at it for another 500 years im sure they'll have statistics on par with europe. that's all I was saying

get out

What part of "I didn't justify the inhumane treatment" don't you understand? What part of wanting people to pursue legal channels to immigrate don't you understand? There are plenty of people that have no problem immigrating here legally. Then you finish it off with irrelevant appeals to emotion. I told you I have literal immigrant family members from Peru and Cuba and you go the race route. Seriously, are you deranged?

You're focusing on one statement and ignoring everything else. I said Europeans have no moral authority to criticize the USA on anything, and they don't. You want to criticize someone on human rights violations, go spam virtue signals to the Chinese.

Were universal human rights even a good idea?

By the way, I agree that this is terrible, so you attacking me on that basis is disingenuous.

so are inhumane things happening under the current system or not? you say there are legal channels to immigrate, but also that you don't want to justify poor treatment of immigrants. It seems like you are avoiding talking about the many inhumane and cruel parts of the current system, because you know they are indefensible. no one is fooled by your silence, you haven'y outsmarted anything it just makes you complicit

You shit for brains, I posted this

There are legal channels to immigrate, are you an American at all? You'd know that if you were. How did my relatives get here legally if not? Me stating that there are legal ways to get here doesn't mean that I support barbarism. Get your head out of your ass.

The aristocracy has always been the driving force of art and creativity through history. Most humans are, unironically, NPC worker slaves who can get by just fine working 12 hours a day, because they have no soul. The masters meanwhile, used to be born into a good family automatically. Nowadays the master must work to live AND create his art (creativity is what it means to be human, and separates us from the NPC cattle), and hope that the NPC slaves take a liking so he can move out of the worker class and into the creative class. Most creative masters don't make it and end up killing themselves or becoming terrorists.

so who has moral authority than? You say europe bad for opium wars, but also that i should criticize china for human rights? shouldn't they be above criticism if they are the victims?

Sounds comfy you should be a real estate agent user

Don't put words in my mouth. I said if you want to want to criticize someone, take it to the Chinese. In other words, spare us your diatribe.

WI here, went from hearing one siren go off maybe every few months to multiple times a week. At least it's winter most of the year and they don't go outside during that time.

>I support barbarism.
and where is the barbarism? I've asked you multiple times, what parts of the current system are inhumane? The parts you don't want to justify? Why can't you answer very simple questions? Are you afraid whitey will send you back?

older immigrants trying to pretend they are white and distance themselves from the injustices around immigration is a documented thing btw its not something i made up. look at how reactionary florida cubans are for instance

don't come to a burgerpunk thread if you don't want political diatribes lol. You're the one who's setting up a false argument where no one has any moral authority so all criticisms are invalid. Its possible you're just cynical and didn't realize how poorly that kind of judgement system works in practice.

So literally every thread on this board is now just a NEET group therapy session?

do you queers realize how transparent you are?

All you had to do was ask me that, instead of launching your stupid insults and try to insinuate something that doesn't exist. You didn't ask a question, you immediately accused me of all manner of shit and tried your shame tactics as usual. Dumb fuck.

Anyone who is already a legitimate citizen should not be forced out. If you're legally in the US seeking medical treatment that has already been approved, you definitely shouldn't be forced out. Families that would be broken apart should have a facilitated citizenship program that eased them into the process and allowed them to complete it. These are some things that I think should be changed.

By the way, I'm not an immigrant. Those Peruvian and Cuban relatives married into the family a couple generations back and are now integrated into the family, but that changes nothing.

Faggot, I'm not a NEET. Get your pussy ass shaming tactics and go sit on a plunger.

>since you spend 16 hours each day away from work, you have used up 170 days

What the fuck? Is he scolding his employees because they're not literally working 24 hours a day, each day?

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Spare me your weak-ass rhetoric. You fuckers come to every thread on this website with your bullshit, so expect to get a response that illuminates your ignorance and hypocrisy from time to time. Don't throw stones in glass houses, and all that.

Indianapolis is great you jelly fuck

Cuba self reports it's numbers so it's all bullshit

not true dude, I asked here "are inhumane things happening under the current system or not? "

I was meaning more the family separation and kids in camps thing but its good to hear you agree that its not perfect

This is unironically the way you get spit, urine and/or semen in your food.

Holy shit are there unironic communists itt?
Ahahahahahaha wtf like nigga kys

" It seems like you are avoiding talking about the many inhumane and cruel parts of the current system, because you know they are indefensible. no one is fooled by your silence, you haven'y outsmarted anything it just makes you complicit"

"Why can't you answer very simple questions? Are you afraid whitey will send you back? "

Nowhere in there did you ask me anything. Now that you have asked me, and I answered you, for future reference, when you leave the gate the way you did as I quoted and linked above, you come across as very hostile and that is no way to foster discussion on important topics.

Many of those activities are only recently coming to light in full detail, and those of us who care about issues like that are putting together the information in order to decide what we think and what should be done.

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>illuminates your ignorance and hypocrisy
yet you still can't explain what disqualifies a country from being moral arbiter. every empire or region in the world has committed massacres and colonization at some point. its not the euros fault they were successful at a time where tech allowed them to spread long distances

>of us who care about issues like that are putting together the information
he's been doing family separation since day one
>very hostile
feel free to go back to /reddit/

I don't have to explain anything to you. It should be fairly simple to understand that you aren't in a position to determine the character of the people of a country based on what the government of a country does. I'm illuminating that the majority of the vocally insulting Europeans on this site have a major inability to understand that, which is terrible considering your own history, and it is a glaring stick in the eyeball. When your nation is completely innocent of all crimes, then you can be a moral arbiter. There's a difference between standing up for human rights and decency, and being a judge of the character of a people.

I'm not a degenerate tipping faggot but if I were the waiter that would just make me do the bare minimum since at worst I'm only losing 5 dollars

Now you're just being a bitch. Fuck off.

Why vote for Bernie when Yang exists?

I mean, it's in the middle of nowhere on a highway.

>When your nation is completely innocent of all crimes, then you can be a moral arbiter.
right, and no nations fit that description except like polynesia or cherokee nation or something

>being a judge of the character of a people.
what if a people's character is anti-human rights, like the slovenly american dogs?

One day, we will take back our cities.

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Please, get fucked. You people are disgusting and you're full of shit.


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kek do you really think anyone says slovenly american dogs unironically

What the fuck?

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>Why yes, I do enjoy cookie crumbs and spilled kool-aid, how could you tell?

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Mother always said: You can be poor but you don't have to be dirty. Mother didn't have the opportunity to speak to many black people.

Wait, I swear I heard in his book wanting to end the disabilities income and eliminate other basic services to fund the ubi? which ones are you referring to?

>chimping out, looting, and destroying property belonging to other poor/working class people is fighting against oppression

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HAHAHAHA nice “eyes”, faggot

>comparing the history of an entire continent to a country that was built by people who came from that continent
This is some apex level brainlet shit

Kek. But seriously, stop being so fat that walking up a few stairs is hard.

>White male sperg with asian female
Huh never seen that before


That was a fucking masterpiece. Should be in the library of congress desu

heres texas

one of the better docs. florida man.

quintessential burgerpunk music

This is the funniest paragraph I've read today. Is it satire? It must be

thomas friedman is a neocon kike faggot if you want a hegelian celebration of burgerpunk read Fukuyama

Assuming you get 8 hours and you live for 99 years, you've spent 33 years of your life asleep.

>Do this
>Dont actually tip at the end

And you can only go to that place once. Word spreads about shitty customers, like what, they don't think the waitstaff is human and talk shit in the BoH constantly?

yea i used to work at a restaurant and if someone did this theyd be forever known as "that old fucker who puts money on the table and tips horribly"

It's pretty fucking funny if your idea of a good time is reading about a fat incel pseud NEET in his 30s who lives with his mom.

when I went on holiday to America I wouldn't tip and just went to a different restaurant every time. I guess you'd run out eventually if you lived there but you could probably cycle them every couple of years because of different staff/forgetting you and shit.

That fact makes me want to try that fucking weird sleep schedule where you take like a dozen short naps throughout the day that add up to like 3 hours a day total. You'd gain so much living time.

>66yrs of sleep time wasted being awake
life is cruel.

>No one would ever adopt a foreign name to go unnoticed.
Is this bait?

I love my 4+4 house in the suburbs and will NEVER go back to living in an apartment with noisy naggers for neighbors

Your image is literally a /pol/-tier infograph that means nothing.

most suburbs arent this bad this is just that garbage they built in las vegas in the fucking desert, i think most of them arent even inhabited.

where are my Yea Forumsbros?

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>intrinsic value of life
kek, what a bitch