Other urls found in this thread:
I hope the terminator has a T1 skin in MK11
Thread theme
Phased plasma rifle in 40watt range?
>Just what you see here, pal.
>taking one of the best synth songs of all time and turning it to shit
the electronic / vaporwave culture was a mistake
Who is the Oozie Nine?
What weapons would you a have picked for the mission anons?
What if Sarah connor was not listed in the phonebook ?
terminator really is one of the best movies ever made. even to this day they haven't really been able to make a terminator movie that can compare to it(with the exception of terminator 2)
actual thread theme
High Explosives, or Dimethyl Mercury...
everyone knows that this is the superior theme
like the T-X in T3 he probably had secondary objectives, other targets like the parents of other people important in the resistance and facilitating the development of Skynet. Like, he could intimidate politicians that were opposed to the skynet funding bill to get it passed faster, give tech information to cyberdyne scientists working on the project (as his own smashed CPU was used to hasten the development of the neural net processor in T2), kill executives of companies competing with Cyberdyne for government contracts, etc. He would still have the primary targets of Sarah Connor and John Connor if he ever got a lead that led him to them he'd pursue it single mindedly, but if he had nothing to work with he'd definitely not just sit around doing nothing.
>click the link expecting burning in the third degree
>hear some industrial synth sludge vomitting in my ears
you make me sick sir.
Here's the based song.
The assault on the police station was a tactical error
this is actually 100% realistic. The usa used to be this free.
Such is the current world we live in.
red flag laws and comprehensive background checks would have prevented this
But apparently kids in current year are able to buy guns just as easily.
You literally can,just don't be autistic and say anything weird.
crime is so low these days, however mass shootings is way up thanks to a valueless capitalistic predator culture that republicans champion.
He did nothing wrong,until he shot "just what you see here"guy.
Im pretty sure Arnold him self has a Glock. It is Austrian made.
Hey wait, who is the title character of this movie? Arnold is not playing the same character as in the first ond, not THE terminator, A terminator, so is the T-1000 the litteral terminator 2 and Arnold's character not the title character? Him being the hero of the movie wouldn't mean he has to be the title character, the bad dude was the title character in the first movie.
>however mass shootings is way up thanks to...
"Straight" early 20's white males
>a valueless capitalistic predator culture that republicans champion.
what a dumb cunt
ignore the bit about video games
>no slice of life t-800 feature film where Arnold never got a lead on the Conners and ends up finding true happiness comes from within
Oh what could have been
eh he killed three punks and stole a car
Technically Arnold's first real acting role, since he barely had any lines in Conan and Terminator. And he's already a parody of himself in it too.
well, he'd have to have the read only switch reset otherwise he just seeks out mission objectives. If he can't find one he moves onto the others. That's what the T-X did. John was off the grid so no way to find him.. kill other important people instead and spread the skynet ai virus.
How can Arnold embody the 80s so good, like an 80s action figure, when he was already in his 30s when the 80s arawied?
I'm sure he was born for the 80s and it proves atheists are wrong.
This is /k/ in a nutshell.
>thanks Obama
Its 2019
>assault weapons bans
But I need my AR-15 for the evil government and immigrants legal or not
Anyone that dislikes muh "traditions" hates AMERICA
have sex
he had no police record. Had no ID, which the gun shop owner would have run a background check on if the Terminator had actually been purchasing the weapons and not just killing the guy and taking them anyway. No way of really stopping that.
Wasn't this ment as a reply to this?:
"Stand your ground" laws apply to cyborgs too.
why can't i own an ar-15? whoever is going to attack us will have shit 100x more powerful
>no police record is reasonable suspicion now
You first.
save the faggot brackets reddit
Age is just a number.
>Bullets will stop Drone strikes,Tanks,and Birds in the skies
>Possible response:
>Go away
>Fuck you asshole
>Have sex
I'm not implying he was too old, I'm implying he couldn't be corrupted by the 80s before the 80s had even started, unless he's a lab experiment created in the 80s then sent back through time.
probably not, he was thinking along the lines of what if the Terminator had no missions to pursue, would he go off and just live life?
It's not that, but if it's a requirement to run a background check and you have no ID, you can't buy a gun because you can't have the background check run, otherwise the gun shop owner is in trouble legally. It's like he couldn't buy the gun without money either. It's not suspicious, but it is a requirement for the process.
Go back
>many members whom are openly anti-semitic
what did he mean by this
>ney either. It's not suspic
if you have nothing to hide? Why are you trying to buy a gun?
Answer should be obvious.
>Still looking for a FOHTY-FIVE LHONGSLIDE
home defense, hunting, target shooting at a range or gravel pit, plenty of reasons. The gun shop owner said any one would be ideal for home defense (including a full automatic uzi, remember this was before 1986 when civilian ownership of those was banned).. but he mentioned a waiting period so I think California had background checks (before the brady bill that made them federal) in place so he'd need ID to buy a gun.
go back to the donald
Lol retard, just like how I would use a shotgun OR a mossberg 500
my test raised just from watching that..
Friendly reminder that T1 is kino and T2 is a shitty action flick.