Sticks & Stones

Why did the audience yell T***p when he's never tried to accuse somebody of something that happened 15-20 years ago, but absolve them?

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NPC programming

was just watching this show, very funny btw, but what the FUCK is that on the back of his suit jacket??

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>All we know for sure… is that if you’re a white parent, the chances that it’s you… …it’s exponentially higher than the rest of us.
>Shooting up school is a white kids’ game. It’s fuckin’ crazy. You know, I hated school, too. It never occurred to me… kill everybody in school? It’s fuckin’ crazy.
>I’ve given this a lot of thought. I don’t see any peaceful way to disarm America’s whites.
>There’s only one thing that’s going to save this country from itself. Same thing that always saves this country from itself, and that is African Americans.
>isten, no matter what they say or how they make you feel, remember, this is your country, too. -It is incumbent upon us… to save our country.
>These white folks look exactly like us during the crack epidemic. You know, it’s really crazy to see.
>It’s wild, because I even have insight into how the white community must’ve felt watching the black community go through the scourge of crack… because I don’t care either.
What did he mean by this?

Because they are trained sheep that yell Trump at everything.

watermelon pocket

You're as bad as a tranny getting mad at the tranny jokes.

Who's mad?

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>Dave Chappelle makes jokes on white people? Since when? Cancelled

Chapelle triggered the shit out of white nationalists AND trannies in the same special. Based.

how dare he not be in lock-step with one side or the other

Yeah it's really funny when someone makes shit up and uses comedy to hide that fact

cant compete with Joe Rogan

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Damn he BTFO the audience

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wow Joe really tells it like it is

he has always been racist towards whites but more subtly than most other comedians

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Most of his jokes are about "white people do x"


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What's the height of that stool?

lol at sjdubs trying to make it seem like white people are the ones mad about this special
go look at your pozzed journalist outlets, they even made a headline "the worst white people love dave chappelle's new netflix special".

I thought it was decent, had some laughs. Don't see why sjdubs are up in arms over it, even for them. It wasn't anything crazy.

about one and a half feet

Man Bill Burr really did a number on him. He never had this much venom in his jokes before.

Look at the way this cocksucker dresses. Why the fuck is he wearing a nightgown.

joe rogan didn't learn to speak english until several years after fear factor stopped airing, he had to memorize his lines phonetically beforehand and actually had no idea what he was saying or what his role in the show was.

A basketball american shot up a school event just yesterday. Its Jewish propaganda

In fact, I think they're literally mad because of the fact that he marketed it as being offensive to sjdubs, they probably didn't even see it.

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>There’s only one thing that’s going to save this country from itself. Same thing that always saves this country from itself, and that is African Americans.

You forget that after that he says that every african american should get a legal gun because that's the only way real gun control will happen.

that's the way the black panthers got reagan to pass laws banning open carry in california

The first 15 min with the MJ jokes were hilarious. The rest is good to ok

Please do not be funnier than Joe Rogan when discussing Joe Rogan.

Yup and the best part is that joke slayed me when I watched it. I was in tears for pretty much the whole special. It was a legendary standup, probably his best, and that's saying something.

You're reading my mind, OP. It clearly had NOTHING to do with Trump, but they heard "hurr durr" and instantly thought it was him. Did they even listen to watch Dave said after? It made no sense for Trump.

>Same thing that always saves this country from itself, and that is African Americans
like when? lmao

Absolute fucking peak NPC behavior. Just if you even hear something that sounds like it would be negative, just associate it with Trump.
His special was really good though.

It doesn't change what he says before that though, because he's not joking. Surely you're not that fucking stupid

Jesus fucking pleb.

Definitely not his best, zoomer. The MJ jokes were classic thou


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He really seems to have eased up on the black community in his Netflix specials, while turning it up slightly against whites

That's because he's a racist faggot

audience is conditioned is hearing Trump used as a punchline over and over, day after day

why did the chicken cross the road

He's racist towards blacks too but in an even more subtle manner. Whenever he makes a joke about somebody black, the premise almost always assumes that this black person, because he's black, grew up in some crack-infested neighborhood with a crack mother and no father. Ghetto shit.
Well, he's not really that far off base. But still.

The transgender jokes fell flat

He even says another example in the special, just like how whites are undergoing an opioid crisis, the only time it was taken seriously is when white poor people got addicted to drugs.

Zoomer? I've seen all his specials multiple times. Trust me, this is defintely the funniest one.

Was that the joke?

false flagging fagolas

>It's a /pol/ reveal themselves to be as delicate as the SJWs episode, again

These reruns are out of control.

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Nah it's still killing em softly by a mile

that's a normal sized shirt for you or me

>He even says another example
another example of blacks saving america?

All the threads I've seen on /pol/ were calling it based


Nope. Sorry.

He's joking obviously, but the two he says in the specials are already in my post. I'm questioning your reading comprehension.

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It's funny. These racist mra dudebros are always talking about how "triggered" marginalized groups are for standing up for themselves, but any time white men are targeted they lose their minds lol

such a boring nigger

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Nope. Sorry

>marginalized groups are for standing up for themselves
Someone post the "normal guy" mspaint

>It's an "I let /pol/ live in my head rent-free" episode

Another re-run, huh?

>why do ONLY white kids shoot up schools?
>white parents: talk to your kids
That's not racist at all

>He's joking obviously, but the two he says in the specials are already in my post.
The two what? Are you fucking illiterate? The thing I originally was talking about was the "blacks saving america" comment you faggot

Yes user, everyone is delicate except for you. You're truly the grizzled, roughnecked manly man filled to the brim with machismo we all need to lead us out of these dark times of Fabergé-like fragility.

these are fucking great

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Who are you quoting?

This doesn't even make sense blacks already have legal guns. Black panthers were essentially a militia so no shit. Dumbass line of thought doesn't hold up to basic scrutiny but people choose it cause white guilt or insecurity

There's the reply chain for you my retarded friend

I guess such is my burden. Now cry more, fagola.

Yea he went way easy on them. I didn't see the bonus stuff and I heard he jokes about them again thou?

jeez, more tears

you can't :clap: be :clap: racist :clap: to :clap: the :clap: oppressor :clap: class :clap: sweaty!

That wasn't sarcasm and I'm insulted you'd think I'd have anything less than boundless praise for our savior.

>Same thing that always saves this country from itself, and that is African Americans.
I’d be curious to his rationale on how African Americans have saved America from anything other than a sore back from picking cotton.

None of those are me though

havent watched yet, what's T**p?

Obviously that was a joke

Pop quiz: what race kills the most afro-americans every year?

Me neither

That both black people and white people are to blame for their own actions. It's a pretty fair fucking joke.

I noticed it too. Must be some shit only multi millionaires are rocking.

>quick, someone post a thought-terminating cliche because I can't come up with a response!

>It's a pretty fair fucking joke.

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no, it wasn't

nah he actually told a story about how he met a tranny and the tranny was really praising towards him because he didn't get offended, he did have one good joke about the tranny as opposed to a white girl who got offended at a rape joke and stormed out spoiler: I wondered how the tranny could take a joke and the white woman couldn't, and then I remembered she used to be a man.

seething pozdick

Maybe you didn't get it. See he said blacks have saved America before when it's obvious they are just a violent indigent burden

Ever heard of Wakanda?

Very deep humor

It wasn't his best special

yeah I'm sure that was his actual intention lol


the black panthers were a militia but they were abiding the laws that existed at the time, and it's noteworthy because the only instance of a high-profile conservative politician supporting gun control was in a case where the guns were being controlled to keep them out of the hands of black people.

right wingers actually think he's on their side because he made a few gay and tranny jokes kek

This is a pretty bad joke ngl

Well considering he is the best active comedian telling jokes in a comedy special I think we can give him the benefit of the doubt, considering it is structured as a joke

>he thinks the Black Panthers were organic and not creating by the feds


>expecting him to say men should have to pay for women's mistakes

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Well it was his joke, and his words. He also posted a pic with her in the credits. And pics of all people relevant to the other jokes he told. I genuinely thought most of this stuff was completely made up.

>He also posted a pic with her
woops now I did it!
see how they get ya?

>makes a joke that has been mainstream for 30+ years
Mencia tier desu

haha fake news none of that happened nice try kike

>if y'all can kill the nigga we should at least be able to abandon him

That really doesn't change the point that all it takes to fundamentally alter the gun control narrative is to put the guns in the hands of black people

But they already have guns, hence the endless shootings

god damn I hate netflix so god damn much I still can't access the q&a segment. I'm just going to pirate this shit.

It's not a bad joke, it's funny. But I personally know black people who have heroin addiction. It's definitely a problem for everyone, and ironically saying it's a white people problem "marginalizes" minorities once again by ignoring the problem it's causing within their communities too.

What? Blacks shoot people every day and only when its whites that do it do people sperg about gun control

Usb port for charging

Meanwhile at the front page

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A lot of jokes are based on generalizations, especially racial jokes, which is kinda his schtick

It's only noteworthy if you want to perpetuate some kind of nonsense about government not wanting blacks to have guns. Which is just complete fantasy considering blacks do, right now, have legal guns. The headline is "armed militia changes gun laws" not "laws changed to disarm blacks". Like I said basic scrutiny. You got that disease

>I still can't access the q&a segment
are you retarded? it just plays automatically after the special

No it doesn't. All I get after the credits are advertisements for shitty Netflix originals.

It's so you can put your head through.

It's a Rick Owens blazer. He's known to do weird shit with his clothing.

sounds like you're netflixing wrong bruh
for normal people it pops up right after the credits with a countdown

Is it worth watching?

doesn't matter, I'll be done downloading it in 2 minutes.

that's from a bottle of proseco

>Is it worth watching?
Nothing is. You're decomposing as we speak.

because half the audience for whatever reason were a bunch of redditors who expected more "woke" based blackman bullshit and then proceeded to get their entire world view shit on for the entire special

because people have become addicted to being mad, it feels good to complain about shit and work yourself up into anger over shit other people are bitching about. They literally blame everything on Trump now to keep the high going. My question is, what are these people who have become addicted to anger going to do when Trump isn't president anymore in 2020 or 2024? All of these anger addicts won't have anything to place blame on. The media that these people consume won't have their favorite monster to rile up citizens with and the withdrawals are going to be crippling.


>what are these people who have become addicted to anger going to do when Trump isn't president anymore in 2020 or 2024?
being mad at white people/republicans just like they always do


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Fuck he's in so much agony.


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>jumps on stool and makes a duck face

is this nigga Bela Legosi?

Sam Hyde makes fun of black people
>yeah, yeah, thats how it be.
Dave Chapelle makes fun of white people
>woah, not cool

Unfortunately, Comedy goes both ways, just enjoy it and arm yourself.

Fair due, sir

>He feels like a middle school bully who's found out another kid's weak spots and just keeps pushing the bruises: victim-blaming, trans-hating, punching down.
Trans-hating? Did they even watch the show? These people are fucking insane.

What is this punching down meme the left came up with a few years ago? If something is funny then it's funny. Making fun of trans and gays is funny

I don't understand how anybody can have a generally more positive view of blacks than of whites. To be fair though, my opinion of whites has been dwindling quite a bit lately. At least modern ones.

Louis CK and Dave Chappelle are the only comedians that I watch their specials twice


>the only instance of a high-profile conservative politician supporting gun control
Uhm, Nixon?

>why are some people stupid

It's weird that it seems to primarily be shitty people who own most of the guns. Redneck retards and ghetto negroids. You'd think that moderates, liberals, progressives, middle/upper-class whites and "uncle toms" would want to arm themselves to defend against the dregs.

>what are these people who have become addicted to anger going to do when Trump isn't president anymore in 2020 or 2024?

Be angry at Joe Biden or even Bernie Sanders for not going full gulag

Whats more ironic is that /pol/cels pulled the same cancel culture shit on James Gunn for making dumb pedo jokes 10 years ago.


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one retard yelled trump you faggot why lie about something so easily fact checked

Dave Chapelle stole his tranny and LGTB jokes from Owen Benjamin.
Its almost the same joke.

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>You made this?
>I made this

disingenuous retard lmao

Multiple people did

what was the joke? I haven't watched the show because I don't have Netflix

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he said all trannies are gay bus drivers that dont know how to drive the bus and that jews control the world but it's ok because trump is arresting pedophiles behind the scenes trust the plan

Speed hole. Black people never know when they gotta run.

The lgtb being its own groups
The l g t b hanging out, out of necessity
Everyone loves the L
But The g (gay) not liking lesbians much.
The b (bi) making everyone mad for not picking
The t ( tranny) being freaks holding the movement back
Dave chapelle stole that shit




he never said anything about Trump.

>when Trump isn't president anymore in 2020
fucking lol

What the fuck did you call me?

It wasn’t funny, loser

>t. chapo chud bucket

Black people are so cucked

get a life

The races really cant live together


You're actually offended by any of this? holy shit

Denying and seething


>talking about something means you're offended

>be black
>read this post
>70+ (you)'s later

(you guys are pathetic)

>be black

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they're offended every minute of the day.
they desperately need someone else to be so they can feel vindicated and know what it's like to be the one with the "power".
(black people love the word 'power' and are obsessed with the concept)

I don't get it

It's not even a joke. He is just rambling about his opinions on current events. Where is the set-up? Where is the punchline? Just because a comedian is talking, it doesn't mean they are making a joke. This is just a really dry, humorless, statement. But people all laugh because they are at a comedy show and that's what they are supposed to do. Chappelle is paggliacci, the miserable clown.




/pol/ is like rumplestiltskin except saying his real name just makes him really angry and post a bunch of wojaks

You could say that about all stand-up. The point is to make you laugh.

looks like every one got to fuck except you incels

I don't remember how this fairy tale plays out.

more like boogieman

redpill me on rumplestiltskin

>I’ve given this a lot of thought. I don’t see any peaceful way to disarm America’s whites.
This line doesn't worry people? This wasn't part of a joke, not even a bad joke. It was just a statement he sort of threw out there almost under this breath. How is this comedy? That is a very serious thing to say.

>please be outraged too wh*toids!!

Don't worry. Our guns aren't going anywhere any time soon.

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>wahhh you have to like what I like!
Kill yourself



cool picture

nothing more pathetic than a self hating lefty white

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>if you didn’t find this joke funny you must be outraged
Do you project this hard irl?

roasties be seething

guy on the left
where do you think he was crippled? i'd say the right hip, since his leg doesn't seem to be too injured, but he holds the cane on his right, in a pose that seems to be comfortable for him. If it was his leg, he'd be placing more weight on the brace, i think

Stop trying so hard transparent glug

He wasn't injured. It was a stylistic choice.

It's a bad joke but if you're getting offended by it, you're pathetic. Tranny tier.

really? interesting

Am I supposed to know what this means, child?

Possibly, but I was just bullshitting.

all I ever said was that it isn’t funny

>man: trump
>woman: trump
>says it in the captions

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It's the thing in pizza boxes

Based nugger

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You know he's friends with a ton of white people, right?

sure why would the blacks take up arms after being treated like subhumans for a century right? it has to be the feds

MLK was a fed op

>muh i have a white friend!

ironically these kind of conspiracies are heavily accepted in the black community

>I have white friends
That sort of argument is typical of closeted white supremacists. It doesn't mean that he isn't racist.

Look the truth is that Dave is redpilled, even as a supposed rebuke to sjws he was still walking on eggshells and neutered.

Govt liked the MLK. They loved anyone that would soften the radicalism among blacks. Panthers and Malcolm X were the real threat.

Why do Americans care so much about comedians?
Americans are only unintentionally funny because their entire culture is a joke.
When they actually try to be funny they just end up delivering a political manifesto that makes you look forward to the next US mass shooting.

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>their entire culture is a joke
How can our culture be a joke when we have no culture? We appropriate yours and everybody else's.

That's true, you take others and you corrupt it.
Although the favourite word to make it sound good is "subverting" it.

So, anyway, why are we having so many threads about this dumb nigger?

>something bad
>something bad

It's literally a Pavlovian response at this point.

hes calling them niggers

Dave Chapelle was never funny. He's "comedy" for potheads and other retards.

daily reminder that the only good things Trump did was that meeting with Kim John Woo and pissing off some libtards, aside from that, Trump is a shitty jew protector scummy puppet president just like Obama and Bush, period and dilate, case closed.

Maybe it's just because I'm from a different generation and I haven't seen much of Chapelle's stuff beyond this special but, he seems a little hypocritical to me. He seems to talk about how racism is horrible and we should strive to be better but I get the impression he legitimately hates white people.
I was conflicted when I watched this because I did find him very funny and entertaining and I agree with most of the stuff he was saying. I'm willing to accept he lived in a different era where people treated him poorly because of his skin colour, whereas I was born in the 90s and grew up being colour blind and treating everyone the same. I still felt a little uncomfortable however whenever he took a shit on white people and suggested that no black people believed Jussie Smollet. That being said, I tried to see the funny side and accept that sometimes you do have to laugh at yourself. I guess because I never really experienced the same shit he had to go through, or witnessed it for that matter, that I find his racial comedy disagreeable. Or maybe individualism is truly dead and I should just embrace the collective.

Sticks and Stones is pretty entertaining and I'm happy to see comedians pushing back against cancel culture and the retarded aspects of progressivism.

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Oh shit.

Nigga u feel me?


Its Bill Burr shitposting on Yea Forums. He does this every thread. Ignore him

he fell for the yellow fever meme like often white guys do


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hmm don't know bout that one

Yeah and they’re all self hating liberals. Doesn’t mean anything