Is femcel kino a thing?

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Kys nigger

Yes but they’re all volcels.

this female has to choose to be celibate
there's allways a man desperate enough for pussy to fuck even the ugliest dyke

shit the fuck up

Give me one good reason why women should be respected

Give me one good reason why incels should be respected

Some of them have extra pencils

Notes on a Scandal with Judi Dench.

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i wish i was a chad then i could fuck femcels

exhibit A

she posted this one in one of our brightburn threads

shuckerin shukertash!

what a babe i want her to schlober on my shtick

would breed

Just saw one because of the masturbation scene...not really kino but I saw it...

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May was femcel kino

Femcels aren't even a real thing.
Fat girls who claim they can't get laid actually mean they have "only" slept with three guys and now wants someone who looks like prime Brad Pitt.

That's not true

There was a jap flick about a girl who couldn't get dick and became sad

She is my type. Would fuck every day and take her to a speech therapist. Very qt

During university there was an obese cow in my dorm who had a permanent 5 o clock shadow, an off kilter eye, greasy gross hair, no tits in spite of being almost 400 pounds, and stunk. She got fucked at least twice a month just by showing up to parties or the club while I had bring my A game and take whores out on dates just to het a handy J.

Women should be property.

would hand held

answer his question first


Black Swan?
The Favourite?

I think she had a stroke or something

It is true.
That said, it's true for men too. The world is a big place, full of horrible ugly horny people.

Burn is exactly this. Main character is an autistic femcel who gets bullied by a stacy and tries to rape a convenience store robber.

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People with strokes get treated by speech therapists too. Either way she is very qt and I'll be sad that I'll never have a gf like her

So are incels since 99.9% of them can just hire a prositute.

Someone linked to a reddit femcel sub the other day and all of the roasties in the threads were complaining about how male incels were just hypocrites who wanted Stacey instead of dating them, but then they were also talking about their past and present relationships so obviously they weren't even celibate or perma virgins. So no femcels don't really exist.

Women in mass can not be incels. I know if a really unattractive female that I would def consider an incel if it wasn’t for the fact that she was paying men to fuck her. But I would consider that a statistical anomaly. I see nasty fat gross and plain as fuck women running around with kids. Women can not be alone for long periods of time completely ignored by men. It’s impossible. That’s why there will never be femcel movies lol

It's not unusual, go on some female oriented chan like crystal cafe and it's the same shit. open a 'femcel' thread and 80% of it are posters complaining about how the only guys that ask them out are ugly nerds.
there is some laughs to be had though at the threads where they agonize over attractive men showing them attention. some even flat out state they don't care if they are just a convenient lay as long as they can spend time with a hot guy

what kind of accent is that?? either way ...she's physically attractive enough that a guy would put up with her weird voice

A woman truly cannot understand what true hikki solitude really is. They just can't grasp it, they actually think what their version of solitude (ie still being social, dating etc but just at the bottom level) is also applies to the men. When they think of incels they cannot fundamentally understand the involuntary part.

you can say the same about incels. They always have massively high standards compared to themeselves but there are plenty of overweight, ugly, loopy girls that would suit them fine

pretty femcels are rare though

Wasted years (c2000)

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Wasted years (c1976)
I can't get any earlier this is the oldest movie I have seen

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The same for incels. They can fuck said fat girl but want some doll instead

>They can fuck said fat girl
No, sorry, those girls are allowed to have standards. There are desperate betas willing to take on that 2/10 hamplanet and she won't have him because he's 3/10 and that's just not good enough

>They always have massively high standards
Yeah, I'm sure the incels who fetishize obese women, incontinent women, women past breeding age, ugly women, etc just have such high standards. 25 years ago, unattractive incel types could get paired up with similar women, but now these women can go on tinder or wherever the fuck and quickly find a guy several rungs above them to mess around with, not to mention how western media has pushed this idea that every single woman deserves to pick from a lineup of fit, 10/10 multimillionaire studs, despite the woman taking no effort to improve herself to the point that she's anywhere close to the man.

Thats not true. I've met fat girls who would fuck literally anyone

Have you met many women?

Even a moderately fit, 5'10" 175lb, 31 year old virgin? Asking for a friend.

Not even remotely the same thing


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>Asking for a friend.
take your dumb unoriginal repeated stupid lines back to where you stole them you piece of shit

>Imagine the blowjob

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nevermind, ALMOST anyone.

they're both abstaining voluntarily because they don't have access to who they want. it's exactly the same thing.

thread archive link?

There's some smells that not even a man could put up with.

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How long until the first femcel shooting? And I don't mean the first female shooter, that already happened a long time ago, I mean a genuine femcel who is frustrated at guys and targets only males in her shooting spree.

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People mistake "respect" for common human decency and appropriate manners. The issue is that people, mostly on the coasts, are becoming right cunts who need to get slapped around a bit for being a cunt. Respect is never given, it is always earned, but common courtesy is a thing and should be demanded.

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So back to 4chen?

Seeing the audiences of some pickup artist seminars on youtube, I don't think that's true. Many are in decent shape and dress fine, yet don't have luck with women.

Part of it I think has to do with not understanding how many women just want to hitch a ride on an interesting life rather than be a partner in such a life.

Pic related, sort of

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Incel is a mindset. You can hire a prostitute but you'd still be an incel.

I think I'm in love

No, the fat 4/10 chick fucks the 7/10 dudes with bigger sex drive than women.

In my experience, women like this are usually single because they have a bad case of waiting for Prince Charming / Mr Right, even when they don't exist. I've met a lot of women who are kinda homely/plain who will pass up every single guy - even Chads - because they're not their perfect dream man that they've been fantasizing about since they were young
Go to 1:00. She says she loves BvS. LIterally ourgirl bros...

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I’m a guy but I’m worried I’ll either pass up great women because they’re not my “dream girl” like you describe femcels doing or going the complete opposite and leaping for the first chick who’ll fuck me and getting trapped in a bad relationship

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>Iz fuzzkiz luuhv zzzzzzazzk zzyder

>all women can get sex
yes but what they want is to be loved, its what they want as much as you want sex, and for some of them that's as hard to get as it is for you to get sex. they know some men will "fuck anything". what they want is to not be that anything to someone, the same sort of thing how none of the incels will ever just fuck a hooker and say there that's done.
So there's plenty of involuntarily unloved women. As for kinos not so much because that position is usually the starting situation which is resolved by the end because women typically write their fantasy.

No, they want resources.
Of course they are expected sex and good looks in return, what should a rich dude want them for, what more can they offer him? Her gender studies degree?

>But they want to be loved
Dont we all user?

you guys think she's meek and sweet or someshit but consider the fucking *audacity* of stepping in front of the world's view talking like this

It wasn't that one, its kinda obscure and I only found it because I was fucking around in, but it basically was like a genderbent version of the 40 years old virgin

i want to know what kind of person puts this much effort into a drawing like this in a distinctly female artstyle

Send them to me

a black chick
>distinctly female artstyle
what are you trying to suggest?

>she’s a Snyderfag
Jesus Christ

she lives a very sheltered life

Ok, that's pretty based.

How do you know?

I think she's brave and powerful

Glasses... And a ponytail!? Aw, she's got paint on her overalls! What is that!?

You can tell

Femcels don't exist they had many beta orbiters and want to fuck chad

They are sluts like every woman
Women will never understand true loneliness

she has a lisp

That's not a lisp. It's a speech impediment from corrective oral surgery. She almost certainly has a retainer.

I wish cute girls like this would let me love and protect them forever.

All girls want a man that can protect and take care of them.
You just have to be the kind that can protect.
And if you aren't, make yourself one.

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>women like this are usually single because they have a bad case of waiting for Prince Charming / Mr Right, even when they don't exist
Spot on.

not true for guys unless you don't consider geography an obstacle.

Christine (actually a pretty good movie about loneliness and unhappiness)
Notes on a Scandal
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (sort of)
I think there was some movie about Emily Dickinson made somewhat recently

>I’m a guy but I’m worried I’ll either pass up great women because they’re not my “dream girl” like you describe femcels doing or going the complete opposite and leaping for the first chick who’ll fuck me and getting trapped in a bad relationship
Every normal guy worries about that, user.

Oh also The Haunting of Hill House (the old movie, not the shitty one; I'm not sure about the netflix series as I have never seen it)

>she has a fucking Drive movie poster on her wall in one of her vids

/our girl/

shes ugly

fucking kek

Reminder that ((they)) are pushing celibacy as a bad thing. Reminder incels/losers in God’s eyes are the people who have sex outside of marriage.

betty la fea

All she had to do was to take off her glasses

No,you cant. Dont talk about things that you obviously have 0 knowledge about. Go back

femcels dont exist.

>incels in God's eyes... have sex outside of marriage

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Half of incels would cure themselves taking off their glasses too

You really can't
Ugly fat women are some of the most delusional, they would never admit that they belong with anything less than their dream Chad. The hypergamy meme is real, 5/10s or below are automatically disqualified for most any women

That's not femcel kino you fucking retards
This is

Because they will go on a mass shooting rampage? Haven't you learned anything you dumb nigger brained subhuman cunt

She's just autistic, despai kino though.

normal-size guy in my highschool dated a legit midget
often seen in the halls on his knees kissing her

>that confused nip in the comments

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even this thing had a husband

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There are fat ugly men with personality disorders who have relationships, like that Assanti guy.

Prostitution is illegal in the US. It can get you put in prison and labeled a sex offender. It can also affect your future career prospects. It's not a valid option for a lot of incels

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Legal in Nevada. And it's remarkably easy to get a prostitute, there are entire websites dedicated to it.

Dude I found one of those, she's 25 year old Virgin (yes I know for she's one her Uncle told me about how the Doctor couldn't properly exam because she's still got a hymen) who takes care of her ailing grandfather 24/7.

I so want to pop that fucking cherry too but she's really fucking awkward.

In God's judgement only virgins will be saved. From the book of revelation
>And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. 4 These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. 5 No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.

The US is a continent sized country. Having to travel to the opposite side of the country in order to not have your life ruined for hiring a prostitute is, again, not a reasonable option. Might as well say that incels can't exist because it's possible to travel to Thailand to hire prostitutes

>christcuck C O P E

Airplanes exist and Vegas is a major tourist destination, it isn't hard to get to and it is a perfectly reasonable but above all else straightforward option. I also noted that you could find an escort, which is similarly easy and again, there are entire websites dedicated to doing it including "sugarbaby" sites.

>Prostitution is illegal in the US.

>because they're not their perfect dream man
Women like this are prime material for "Cool wine aunt." Literally no man is good enough for them.

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>"christcuck C O P E"

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Aren't you afraid of what awaits you?
>2 The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. 3 The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died. 4 The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood.8 The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire. 10 The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in agony 12 The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. 17 The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, “It is done!”

That's like $3,000 for a single fuck, taking travel expenses and hotel lodgings into consideration. Again, not reasonable for most people. And like I said about those websites, they're illegal and can get you arrested.
The cat ladies in this doc are femcels, probably as a result of toxoplasmosis.

Mega based.

No, but you should be. There's no paradise, no reward waiting after you die. It's just over. Anything you do you gotta do now. Before you grow old, even, because you can do less things then.
All this bullshit you people belive is low IQ coping with how afraid you are to truly face life, and death.

Tons of men use those sites without ever being arrested, it's a hobby almost. An expensive one, but if you're paying for sex you're going to be paying, you can probably get a ten dollar fuck out there but you probably won't like what you'll get for that. The truth is if you want something easy and straightforward like that you're just going to have to pay for it, and that's that, or just go through the trouble of finding women to fuck (or if you want it easy and straightforward, fuck ugly old hags but again you probably wouldn't like that). Anything worth anything is going to take some effort of some kind, that's life.

revalations is not meant to be literal you protestant dolt

Did that happen before or after he was on TV?

When the time comes, you can't say that you didn't know. I'm not saying that I myself am virtuous but at least I am trying to be less evil.

If we follow this way of thinking, Resurrection wasn't literal. Everything is real, sure angels may not throw bowls around but people like you will burn surely ;)

where and how do i meet autistic qt3.13s, bros? comic con conventions or some shit?

Anime clubs, animal shelters and specific hobby clubs but your best chance overall is in college.

Saint Nasim didn't score even one. She used a .22. Some of the Muzzie attacks had female sidekicks. First solo female would need to be a ghetto black or maybe a redneck. Someone with the experience with the equipment and physically robust enough to use them.

Of course I hope nothing like this ever happens. I disavow all violence and I only ever advocate peaceful, non-violent methods of change.

You forgot her, plus there are female serial killers but not sure if they quite count here.

with all the pointless arguing over the sex question I'd like to point out that
doesn't stand for
>fem ale
>cel ebate

it means
>f emale
>em otionally
>cel ebate


>females can't find an emotional outlet

romans 14:1

Someone post the /fit/ cristy mack escort story

bobs and vagen


>literally would be 8/10 looks wise with zero effort
I appreciate women like her not flaunting her looks, it’s getting pretty old seeing a bunch of half naked women everywhere

Those aren't femcels then

Femcels are 30+ y/o women freaking out because they're single and feel that now it's permanent because they've lost what they had to offer and never built themselves from anything

Bladerunner2049screaming.jpeg i would marry this girl

sounds like some projecting there buddy

Spoken like a true roasty

I literally had goosebumps from this.
Also check'em and look at all those poor
panicked ath*ists.

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>but she's really fucking awkward.
Literally give zero fucks and then you'll give her the fucks.

>Is femcel kino a thing?
Femcel movies exist, they're called "chick flicks," but none are kino.

me in the back

Remember what Yea Forums did to that book reviewer lady? I hope you're better than this Yea Forums, i really hope so.

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Based oc-defender and pasta-cleanser

>moderately fit
Not being fat doesn't make you "'moderately fit". What's your deadlift?

Would you consider When Harry Met Sally, a chick flick and or kino?


You're not entitled to anything, nigger. I'll let the door slam in your fucking face.

White women can't be femcels.

>got matched on tinder with a coworker a little hotter than this girl
>dont message her
>she tried to engage me in conversation at work
>autistically respond stoically
>can see and feel the pain inside her and myself
>quit work a week later

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Resting bitch face: the movie

Why didn't you just become her friend?

I, too, learned the hard way to not try to match with people I know irl.

You can't be friends with females user, it's impossible
Yeah and if you do best just message them. I was playing the all right swipe game to boost my ego though

>Yeah and if you do best just message them
I'll call my autism out. I did, and even said the whole "don't I know you from X?" after we talked for a bit. Immediate unmatch, never saw them again.

>Respect is never given, it is always earned
that's just not true, things like looks(frame,hair,height,bone structure) , race and gender all impact respect people show you and those are things you have no control over.

>Someone post the /fit/ cristy mack escort story
Give me a quick rundown

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Based. I live on the east coast and so many people are cunts starting at a younger and younger age. I am moving back rural next year. I am sick of all these rude, childish, embarrassing regards.

That's not a disputable matter, it's downright heresy. Might as well start accepting Jehovah witnesses.

Worst of all are self righteous pharisees who fancy themselves good in their sacrilegious marriages.



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She sounds like Gail the Snail from It's Always Sunny.

Is this gonna be another Yea Forums book girl where niggas here think she's some innocent virgin girl and start posting weird ass comments to get her attention?

U dating?


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>Might as well start accepting Jehovah witnesses.
I forget, why are JW considered to be fringe Christians again? Is it the prophecy shit or the blood stuff, and nowhere near Mormonism

thats a male

Because they are copying the bible but keep only the pieces that help their twisted narrative.

Real life witch, literally.

ignoring women is better than sex

I'm not so sure about that satan, I've been ignoring women my entire life and it doesn't really feel that great. I imagine ignoring women who actually wanted my attention would feel much better, but that's obviously a bridge too far.

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>1490 Instagram pictures
But how

She visited 20 countries.
Jk, probably one of those girls that takes pics of EVERYTHING because (to herself) her life is soooo interesting.

I wish. I wonder if slutty girls are real, like the ones who would want to bang me only because whatever.

basically he paid her and she still didnt want to fuck him so they did nothing

You need to have sex first before you can make that comparison

Instagram launched in 2010, around 3425 days ago.

She's published 1490 pictures. That basically means she'd have to have posted a picture every other day. That's terrifying..

>It's better to stay hungry than eat shit
You can't say that unless you eat shit first.

High Instagram activity like that is actually a new red flag for me

>sassy entitled attitude
> 170 cm x 70 kg ox
weighs less than expected (probably highballing height and lowballing weight but ok)

2 ez

I can relate so much with this post if it was 4 years ago
Now i'm gone too far

Instagram phillydudewatch that’s got a hardcore femcel vibe

Carrie and Misery are the ultimate femcel films

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incel was coined by some tmblr

I would fuck that femcel

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Yea Forums is the most toxic and negative board on Yea Forums (yes worse than /pol/ because at least they have a sense of humor)
Yea Forums is nothoing but English majors. The worst sort of people.

This shit never gets old. Holy shit, Yea Forums

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I've never watched it, but from what I understand the handmaid's tale is the ultimate femcel victim complex bullshit tv show

Choose a photo of the ugliest girl you can find. Make a Tinder for her. Come back and tell us how many matches you get in a week.

>Been to 20 countries
that just scream 'wifey material' to me

Even the most disgusting dog of a woman gets dozens of requests in dating sites in mere hours.

How widespread is femcelism? I can't imagine it being but a minority of the ugliest and or fuckedest in the head women out there.

I really don't know, all women I know get fucked.

When you put it like that, wow. Honestly, I can understand "influencers" who make a living off of insta, but what fucking normie has that man pics?


no they don't - due to hypergamy, normies berate a 4/10 incel for wanting to get with a 4/10 woman (who herself will have no problem getting fucked by 6-7/10 guys, though no LTR)

just try it by setting up a fake account with facebook photos of your 3/10 friend and see

maybe post results here so we can enjoy betas trying to get in your pants

>yes but what they want is to be loved, its what they want as much as you want sex
Wrong. The idea that women want love and men want sex is a total meme. Men want someone they can commit to and provide for, women are ready to instantly switch when they think someone can give them more than what they currently have without a second thought. It's not a coincidence that when men write stories about love it's about undying devotion and commitment, but when women do it, it's about the biggest chad in town choosing the plain jane main character instead of the rest of the girls.

some women are indeed scared of sex up until their 20s it depends on the woman.
Funny thing is how femcels usually blame men for being femcels.

I agree.

I genuinely think it's nigh impossible for women to experience true loneliness.

>people like you will burn surely ;)
Shit like this always reveals how bitter and petty you are. You're only in this because you hope everyone who was mean to you gets horribly punished forever and it really shows. How about you deal with your issues and try to become a better person?

Good thing I live in AnimeLand and can get a love hotel and call girl sorted within minutes.

It's Yea Forumswaifu all over again

It's possible. It's actually quite freeing when they have the same genuine interests as you and you can discuss things with them as an equal without wanting to fuck them.

But yes, unless they are a 2/10 uggo hambeast, there is still the primal urge to want to pierce them with your meatstick, even if your other male friend is her boyfriend and you would never do anything to jeopardize their relationship. That's what fantasy and masturbation is for.

I'm not bitter, I replied to your name calling ;)
People can't hurt me I am mean and strong myself.
But talking Christianity and saying that evil dudes will not be punished is misinformation at best or simply lying because you worship satan.

>go to sleep when the video has about 100 views
>wake up and video has over a thousand, with some asshole making fun of her lisp/retainer in the comments


>She likes the last Jedi
Oh no, shes actually retarded. There is no hope

your poster is missing something, put more forehead in it

this woman is hot, shes just not flaunting it. She doesnt even has any makeup, many hot women look worse than this on the mornings when all the clown stuff on their faces is gone.
The sch- thing would be considered lovely by most men with a dick. She may have shit taste on movies though

You joke, but that's unironically what normalfags believe.

It's the affection that is lacking, the feeling of being unworthy. It's the same with other things. Paying people to act like they are your friends doesn't actually make you less lonely. Paying to be able to sing in front of a audience doesn't make you an opera singer.
It's all pretend.

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She is out of my league anyways. Negative self esteem will do that to you. But I can still dream.

I'm not joking. That is the truth. You can fuck as many prostitutes as you want, but that won't change your mindset

she tries makeup in some of her other videos, but it looks like she's not very good at applying it

>You can fuck as many prostitutes as you want, but that won't change your mindset
First of all, why are you using "you" and "you're"?
Second of all, sure, but then the moniker of "incel" is no longer a valid naming strata or insult, as they're no longer involuntarily celibate.
If the mindset doesn't change when the conditions that placed them within that category are removed, then what on earth justifies the use of incel? Unless of course it's just for pejorative purposes, in which case they'll eventually just laugh it off.

The issue is the term "incel" is misleading, the problem is not sex per se since just about anyone can hire a prostitute, the problem -cels have is in finding a meaningful relationship. This is why femcels are a thing, sure they do not have to pay a prostitute to have meaningless sex but is that really an upside? It gives femcels unrealistic expectations and makes it harder for them to fall in love if they ever do meet a potential serious partner, so perhaps forced celibacy would do them more good?

Femcel has existed for so long and it's called yaoi.

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I'm a manlet incel, I tried everything, lifting and cardio, good diet, reading the Greeks, reading all the self help and pua bullshit, fashion, made money off crypto, got a cool new apartment in a great neighborhood, developing outside hobbies like hiking, I tried tinder and such with multiple variants in pics and bios, I can say without irony that I'm a great guy, high iq, educated, well off, kind, stable etc. I dress clean and sharp, I stay fit. I don't even have particularly high standards I just don't want a ham beast or a trashy girl, no tattoos, no boozing/smoking, no single moms. I don't get it, besides being a manlet, I'm not disfigured or anything, I even have a nice smile but I just have the classic low test beta features, I don't look manly just boyish. All this self improvement bullshit did nothing to make me less invisible in girl's eyes, all it did was make me feel more disconnected.

>the problem -cels have is in finding a meaningful relationship.
Oh if that's the issue then it's hardly their fault, modern man and women are becoming progressively worse as time goes by.

Women value height like men value good looks, I am sorry to say but you are the equivalent of an ugly girl. You need to do what ugly girls do, and cheat. Get a nice suit, have your hair well groomed, wear an expensive watch, do not be ashamed to use a light foundation if you have bad skin, in short do the kinds of things women do in order to impress potential dates and you will find that many girls will overlook your height.

It is one of those cases where the term itself is part of the problem. -cels are romantically forlorn, not just deprived of the base act of sex (tho ofc the two are related, since many people do not enjoy meaningless sex).

Is "unlikeable" underlined to point out the spelling error?

Would love to be her friend doing nerdy stuff with at the games shop or whatever hobby we share and then one day she says she has a crush on me and I tell her I just don't like her like that, I'm sorry.

Oooo yeah that's the stuff.

but that would make her less of a femcel, now wouldn’t it user


imagine eating at burger king

Are you saying this freckly red headed dyke isn't giving off mega femcel vibes?

Attached: brenda-spencer-looking-down.jpg (800x422, 52K)

that girl is back and still reviewing books


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>I miss y webkinz video someday
Literally what did she mean by this?

So in order to become more likable to women he should become a fag.

>at home, on Reddit

no no, of course not user
that was Yea Forums, this is 4channel we're good boys

What's the mark of the beast?

Ugly girls need makeup and the right clothes to get a man to look past their flaws, the equivalent for men is to increase your perceived status / wealth by dressing "up", socially speaking. This is just how it works, "be yourself" only works for Chad and Becky.

>Be a type of Jew
>Make up stories to get everyone to follow you lest you end up in (((hell)))

LMAO why do people actually believe this nonsense?

Oddly, considering how important it is, the book does not elaborate. It is a little like how Jesus mentions casually that there is one sin for which no forgiveness is possible, then does not explain what that sin actually is. God loves them pranks, I guess.

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lul a girl can't be "incel"
they just don't want their looksmatch

Indoctrination from birth, generally speaking. Very few people actually adopt a religion in adulthood, nearly all religious people were born to religious families.

why would they let you when they can let chad do it instead?

underrated and made me kek

Maybe it's explained in one of the books removed from the bible?

lmao a chad would not love and protect any woman forever let alone a homely chick like that, life is a 24/7 pussy buffet for them. the thing is though that getting pump and dumped by a chad is still preferable to being loved by a beta

Possible, seems unlikely tho. Revelations was only included because they thought at the time it was written by the Apostle John, it's really a type of literature that was very common at the time, there are hundreds of texts just like it and they're every bit as weird and schizophrenic.

Men aren’t women, autistic femcel roastie

The same basic principle applies, tho. A short man in a nice suit is more attractive than a short man in sneakers and tee shirt, just like a plain girl in makeup gets more attention than a plain girl without.

Wrong, the term incel comes from them lowering their standards as low as the law allows you to, and still striking out. These are the people who would be willing to fuck Bertha 300 lbs with a deformed face while still looking themselves relatively normal and the Bertha would still not have sex with them.

Basically satan followers, one example is people saying that some parts from the bible are real(the ones that serve their nefarious interests) and others aren't(the ones that break their twisted narrative).
It's not something physical but you can learn to see it on people given time and practice.

Except it doesn’t apply, because women don’t appreciate that kind of effort, they resent the men that try to pull one over on them this way.
Again, men aren’t women, and that statement applies to both parties in your retard fantasy, retard

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A 'nice suit' where lmao? where the fuck is some random ass dude going to wear a suit and not look like a total jackass? the grocery store? lol

Brehs, we're experiencing the JUGGERNAUT effect right here. The "worse" a girl appears or acts (autism), the more loser men think they have a chance with her. The result, a million losers hounding her inbox. There will NEVER be a woman out there that only YOU like, the entire indian subcontinent would KILL THEIR FAMILIES to get ANY WHITE WOMAN. It's all just a deadly game, for pussy, any pussy.

Men of high status wear suits to the grocery store, yes. You think girls wear makeup because it is so comfortable? It is the price one pays to up one's market value.
Boys and girls are more alike than different, not all girls will appreciate the effort just like not all boys like heavy makeup, but if your baseline is short / plain you will have to make do with what you have.

Who the fuck holds popcorn like that?

>Men of high status wear suits to the grocery store, yes
ok and we are talking about no gf losers not bankers or tech millionaires lmao. the reason high status men don't look like jackasses wearing suits is because they are high status, the reason losers would look like jackasses is because they are not high status.

that loser wearing a "nice suit" is going to look real attractive to his date when he pulls up in his '99 Impala LMAO

It will backfire. Just b urslef

And that cute girl will look less attractive when you see her without her makeup on, the point is not to try to maintain some kind of charade, it is to get your foot in the door. Once the girl accepts your advances and starts to talk with you, that is when your other qualities can come forth and you can seduce her on your actual merits, you will not get this chance at all if she sees a short guy of low status approach her.

Suck a dick faggot

>And that cute girl will look less attractive when you see her without her makeup on
not that user but my first gf didn’t wear any makeup day to day(she was pretty tarded with it when she did) and the second did it tastefully and lightly. More makeup means less inches of face that you can give kissy attacks to.

Pretty girls do not need it ofc, like tall men do not need to dress well. It still helps, just not as much.

lol that foot in the door gets instantly crushed by it the second that '99 impala comes into view my friend, you are delusional.

in fact it's over way before that, if she sees some clown wearing a suit and she's dumb enough to think that means he's loaded, even a girl that dumb will still ask what he does for a living if she's even remotely interested way before anything else. and when he says he works at gamestop that suit becomes his ticket to being ridiculed in public LMAO

>bro just buy a rolex bro she'll think you're RICH bro

Quality dating advice ITT


>some clown wearing
>who would do something that cold blooded
>someone who wears a mask

Again it is not about tricking peopel, it is about making a good enough first impression that you get the opportunity to talk to your crush. It is not some kind of magic trick, it will not work every time or perhaps even very often, but it is what you must do if you are born unattractive.

I am not sure if I am an incel, I just sorta want to fuck off and do my own thing get a small house somewhere and just enjoy what i enjoy. But everytime i bring that up to friends & relatives they add in "and a wife or girlfriend" I guess it would be nice

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>lol awkward autistic girl
She has a significant mouth disease stupids

The point is that is NOT a good first impression lol. If you are wearing clothes that rich people wear in an effort to make someone think you are rich you ARE trying to trick them.

If you stole the clothes then sure, but if you are wearing clothes you own then there is no trickery, you are simply putting your best foot forward. If she asks you outright if you are rich then you can just say no, it will not matter at that point because you will already be talking to her and will have the opportunity to impress her with your wit or intelligence.

>and will have the opportunity to impress her with your wit or intelligence.

>are you rich
>she walks away

flawless plan bud

That is not how people work.

>but if you are wearing clothes you own then there is no trickery,
yeah, there is lol. most guys could scrape together 2k for a suit or even 10k for a fancy watch but that doesn't mean that it's a financially sound decision. the reason that rich people wear those things is because a 2k or a 10k price tag is utterly insignificant to them, i.e. its a signifier of wealth. the ONLY reason a non wealthy person would wear such a thing would be to trick other people into thinking that they are wealthy since a 10k price tag is very not insignificant to someone who works at gamestop

yeah, it is

It is the same thing as makeup, a plain girl who wishes to get advances will cake her face in makeup to present herself more favourably, but once a guy starts to talk to her and decides he likes her, it is not a deal breaker when he sees her without her "face" on. Once a person has invested their time and attention in someone, the superficial details that initially attracted them matter much less, this is as true for makeup as for nice clothes.

>it isn’t trickery to try to trick them
Ask how I know youre a woman

It's not the same thing AT ALL because almost all women wear makeup you fucking retard. only rich men wear suits. jesus how fucking dumb are you?

She's still out of everyone's league itt

cope incel

Then I take it you go on a date wearing dirty crumpled clothes out of the wash hamper, since you would not want to "trick" anyone? I mean you do not always wear freshly laundered clothes and cologne, so why do it on a date?
All women wear light makeup, like all men wear clothes, I am talking about the heavy makeup plain girls put on when they go to clubs, it is not something most women wear all the time at all, it is performance just like putting on a suit is.

>she doesn't even hold them close enough for you to see them on camera

Fucking kek I would date a autistic girl just to laugh at this sort of thing.

Untrue. If the woman wears no makeup she will get the same number of guys in her inbox. In fact, she would have a higher chance of higher quality men at that.
>holy shit left looks way better without makeup
Don’t act like this isn’t a staple of 4chinz posting.

You are talking about pretty girls, I am talking about the plain ones. You know, the sort of girls of whom Yea Forums says "omg women are so evil, look how this ugg-monster tricks men into thinking she is hot with makeup!!!11!!"

Inject more T. Go to Church.

>I mean you do not always wear freshly laundered clothes
You don't wear clean clothes? I think everyone short of hobos and heroin addicts wear clean clothes dude, lol

Thanks bro that actually made my day


I don't know, maybe it's the face? Post face?

If you take any special measures at all before going on a date that you would not normally do in your day to day life, then you are a hypocrite.

But I don’t wear dirty crumpled clothes on a regular basis so I wouldn’t be tricking them by not doing it you logic-disabled dipshit. Yes, I always wear laundered clothes you fuck lmao wtf.

I am genuinely curious where you got this idea other people don’t wear clean, in wrinkled clothes, this is bizarre

She has other videos, where her hair and makeup are done.

I don’t though, so now what?

You wish trannies would look that convincing.

>yfw there are dozens of guys ready to give these girls love but they're not the right sort of guys, sorry

Where the fuck did this date scenario come from? we were talking about day to day life with the grocery store shit you dumbass.

Then I am not at all surprised you are an incel.

But I’m not, so now what?

What causes this type of speech impediment, physiologically?

You said men do not wear suits to the grocery store, I pointed out that they did, we were never talking about grocery stores tho, only about dating.

Then I guess you have successfully wasted my time, well done.

You pointed out that RICH men do, when we are talking about regular dudes. The entire reply chain was about first impressions, then you bring out the date scenario out of nowhere because you were getting BTFO

Keep up the good fight, user.

I’ll be real with you, you have some serious “getting over yourself” to do

Nothing better than hanging out with my bros at BK. What's the problem guy?

She sounds like her hymen is still somewhat intact.

Right unironically happened to me. She's a co-worker who I friendzoned and one day I'm in a shitty mood and blames herself for me not wanting to make fun of her like I usually do.

garbage food

Well I thought it went without saying we were talking about dates, since this is about -celdom. You will not find a life partner by impressing your male friends with your cool meme reference tee shirt, but sure, they would probably prefer it to a suit.

>Well I thought it went without saying we were talking about dates
No, it doesn't go without saying that we were talking about something completely different to what was actually written. You're retarded attempt at sidetracking talk about dates is pointless anyway since they would never get a date in the first place, which WAS the original point by the way.

she said in one video she's never had a boyfriend

isn't there some movie about a female reporter in the 70s who anheroed? Modern women can only be single by choice but I think things were more balanced back then, so some women could be single even if they wanted to be married.

Incel + suit = Reviewbrah

Doesn't mean she's never had dick

No, because no matter how fat and ugly a woman is she will always have at least 5 to 7 orbiters trying to hook up with her at all times. If a girl isn't currently in a relationship it's because she feels she is too good for those orbiter loser guys and would rather stay single while waiting for her Prince Chad who will probably never come.

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she goes from home to church to back. I doubt she's gotten deep dickings yet

>you can say the same about incels.
No...You literally can't
>image some what related.

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Women are sneakier than men. Just look how Zoe Quinn killed a man recently by posting allegations about him on twitter until he killed himself.

That's not true, I've read some femcel threads and those bitches are single because they want meaningful relationships but refuse to get dates through tinder cause hurr durr that's just for hook ups. Like they want a random guy to engage in meaningful relationship with them from the moment he says hi apparently.