>It's a Truman makes a detailed account on a dating website then has no idea what to say to girls in a message episode
Honestly thought he'd get past this after season 25
It's a Truman makes a detailed account on a dating website then has no idea what to say to girls in a message episode
dude truman is just like me!
>it's a Truman breaches and clears every room of his house with his new gun at 2am in the morning
Jesus christ it's EVERY night
>It's a Truman pulls his chin hairs out of his face with tweezers for several hours episode
>it's a Truman spends all night jerking off to Tara Tainton and Xev Bellringer again episode
haha this is getting old
damn I just did this last week
> it’s a Truman doesn’t want to drink but finds himself driving to the liquor store anyways episode
>It's a Truman changes his tinder bio every 5 hours because he's worried his current bio won't land him any matches episode
Dude really needs to get over it and just pick one already.
This hits too close.
>its a truman wakes up and discovers his dog of 15 years has had a stroke and has to be put down on the same day episode
this one was just cruel
Holy fuck im sorry
>it's a Truman's wacky green man movie gets a sequel 11 years later and he isn't in it episode
>it's a "truman drops LSD and realises that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves" episode
Yep, having a psychedelic experience was really worth it.
>it's a truman makes a very basic profile with a hint of hostility and actually gets matches and knows exactly what to say
>tfw it's another dream sequence
Literally just finished watching that episode. At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will.
truman sounds annoying irl
Okay Mohammed bin Salim al-Hakim
Sour grapes
>it’s a Truman has given up completely but has no suicidal urges episode
They can only air this so many times
It’s a Truman is going to go to the park and play with his dog and hopes she has a good time episode
Is Truman going to waste ANOTHER evening browsing that stupid imageboard? The writers need to think of a new plotline.
>it's a truman gets a tinder match with an ugly fat girl that insists on having a date even though she doesn't know him that well and he accepts just because he doesn't have anything better to do, all the while thinking how easy it would be to murder her overly trusting ass episode
Jesus Truman quit it with those thoughts
>Truman surprisngly gets matches with attractive women but they all unmatch him the moment he messages them episode
It'd be pretty dumb to kill a girl from tinder since there will be undeniable and easily discovered proof that you were the last person to see her, especially if it's an actual date in a public place and not just a meet n' fuck.
>it's a Truman makes his 45th thread of the day pretending to be a 9 year old girl bullying you into rubbing her tummy, followed by staring at the screen for 20 minutes wondering what he's doing with his life
>0 replies
fellow patricians I see
Truman should swallow some pellets
I'd post the DFW soijack if I had it.
True man show isn’t real you retards
It’s a Truman steals the dirty underwear from glrls he knows episode
>It's a Truman stares at the empty 'write your message' screen on a dating website for an hour because he has no fucking idea how to interact with people episode