This is 100x better than Avatar ever was, discuss.
This is 100x better than Avatar ever was, discuss
I was watching ep 1 and kept thinking this is a puppet show for kids or young adult but after 8 eps in, the story, lore and atheistic of the series got me engross that I didn’t even notice all the puppetry involved
>age of #resist ance
This nigga spilling beans
Was there reference to the bad orange man?
The movie suffered from being too generic/childish for adults and too dark/slow-paced for kids. Does the series have the same problem?
Is it woke?
I want to come on that things tongue, and make her unwillingly swallow.
giv Deet gf pls
Not but skesis are ultra jews
Deet is best girl.
the alleged "protagonist" of the movie was the stupidest faggot imaginable
he had a small peepee
It's nice to see puppets that aren't Sesame Street knockoffs.
You think the new puppets are anatomically correct?
Now watch Thunderbolt Fantasy for puppet kino.
I'm shocked
I don't understand why they would do that?
Do you get it now?
Live Action Remake, cast them with only actors that resemble these muppets.
Is this show really only PG? There were some strangely violent/disturbing scenes.
What is it which drives a man to be so pathetic as to shill for that trashy not-anime of all things? I’ve seen you post the same attempted meme pic & similar ‘now go watch pili’ comments multiple times now.
On a mostly unrelated we know yet how/if the moonspeakers & bugmen are receiving this? Puppets for serious fantasy is a looot more popular with them than it is in the west... I mean admittedly ‘serious fantasy with puppets’ isn’t a thing that really exists in the west in the first place but you get my drift.
Is this a Cronenberg movie?
Glad Jim Hanson™ is still with us.