This is 100x better than Avatar ever was, discuss

This is 100x better than Avatar ever was, discuss.

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I was watching ep 1 and kept thinking this is a puppet show for kids or young adult but after 8 eps in, the story, lore and atheistic of the series got me engross that I didn’t even notice all the puppetry involved

>age of #resist ance

This nigga spilling beans

Was there reference to the bad orange man?

The movie suffered from being too generic/childish for adults and too dark/slow-paced for kids. Does the series have the same problem?

Is it woke?

I want to come on that things tongue, and make her unwillingly swallow.

giv Deet gf pls

Not but skesis are ultra jews

Deet is best girl.

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the alleged "protagonist" of the movie was the stupidest faggot imaginable

he had a small peepee

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It's nice to see puppets that aren't Sesame Street knockoffs.

You think the new puppets are anatomically correct?

Now watch Thunderbolt Fantasy for puppet kino.

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I'm shocked

I don't understand why they would do that?

Do you get it now?

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Live Action Remake, cast them with only actors that resemble these muppets.

Is this show really only PG? There were some strangely violent/disturbing scenes.

What is it which drives a man to be so pathetic as to shill for that trashy not-anime of all things? I’ve seen you post the same attempted meme pic & similar ‘now go watch pili’ comments multiple times now.

On a mostly unrelated we know yet how/if the moonspeakers & bugmen are receiving this? Puppets for serious fantasy is a looot more popular with them than it is in the west... I mean admittedly ‘serious fantasy with puppets’ isn’t a thing that really exists in the west in the first place but you get my drift.

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Is this a Cronenberg movie?

Glad Jim Hanson™ is still with us.
