Did anyone else go through a “Miyazaki is overrated and for normies” phase?

I don’t know when I was younger I went through this phase where i thought Miyazaki was overrated and for “the mainstream”. Did anyone else?

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Not really, I just don't think anyone is perfect and that he has some flaws but most of his stuff is great.

its not a phase it's the "ultimate" truth that you don't change

I might be stupid but most of his stuff puts me to sleep. Castle In The Sky and Porco Rosso are the best ones I've seen.

miyazaki works satisfy western ideals of japanese animated feature films in contrast to hollywood produced animation

I don't really like cartoon movies anymore.

His works are kino, the technical detail put into each movie is incredible on every level. For that reason they have my respect and appreciation, but some of the stories themselves are just not my thing.


Anime was a mistake.

You have to be over 18 to post here

I think I got lucky on that front. When I was young enough to care about that kind of thing, anime in general, and Miyazaki in particular, wasn't even close to mainstream, so I never had that worry.

And then when it was, I was old enough not to care about what things I liked were and weren't mainstream, and how that reflected on me.

Oh my god he is flipping pages back and forth to see if his cartoon really moves! I heard about it but never saw people actually doing it!

>Never watch a Miyazaki movie, assume he's overrated
>Pop on Castle of Cagoliostro on Netflix out of boredom
>It's fucking kino

What do I watch next bros?

Howl's Moving Castle or Nausicaa

Yes. The most popular movie in japan until recently. You can't get more mainstream and normie than that.

You don't. His career peaked there. Nothing he did matters after that.

>Hating anime on an anime discussion forum

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Nausicaa first.

In fact, you already started with Lupin, continue with Nausicaa and then just watch everything in order. Really no losing

I hate retards like you

>I didn't know about a thing, so I decided to educate myself and now I have a newfound appreciation for that thing!

>I hate you

What the fuck bro

Honest answer. No. Lupin was the last time the old man allowed his male character to succeed, to take the prize, to take revenge and to win a love interest.
He then became a feminist and swore to only adapt shojo comics and stories written by female writers.
Porco Rosso may be another instance he allowed it.

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What a constrictive, depressing, small life you must lead