What is the most quotable movie ever?
Oh and post some cool posters if you have them.
What is the most quotable movie ever?
Oh and post some cool posters if you have them.
Who killed captain alex
Empire of Dust
the big lebowski
Hot Fuzz
What the fu-
Kung Pow
Who made you Judge Judy and Executioner?
From Dusk Til Dawn
>Everybody be cool. You. Be cool.
>Richie will you eat my pussy for me, please?
>We're in fucking Mexico you little piece of fucking shit.
>I never said help us!
>Your best better get a helluva lot fuckin' better, or you're gonna feel a helluva fuckin' lot worse.
Dumb and Dumber
Tombstone or Airplane
Some arnie movie. Commando maybe
Casablanca and Star Wars.
Christmas Vacation is one I hear a ton of
Forrest Gump
Jurassic Park
>Hold on to your butts.
>Clever girl.
>We spared no expense.
>You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it.
>Uh... well, there it is.
>Life, uh... finds a way.
>We've got Dodgson here!
>Uh uh uh! You didn't say the magic word!
>Must go faster.
>That is one big pile of shit.
>What have they got in there, King Kong?
>Our attractions will drive kids our of their minds! | And what are those? | Small versions of adults, honey...
>I'm fairly alarmed here.
>You think they'll have that on the tour?
>They do move in herds.
>When you gotta go, you gotta go.
>Are these characters... auto-erotica?
>Get the stick! Stick, stupid! Stick! Fetch! ...No wonder you're extinct.
>He left us! He left us!
>We'll have a, a coupon day or something.
Also the way Hammond says "Damn!"
how the fuck do you forget this one
Damn, you're right. Ironically this is probably the most quoted in my family