What is the most quotable movie ever?

What is the most quotable movie ever?

Oh and post some cool posters if you have them.

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Who killed captain alex

Empire of Dust

the big lebowski

Hot Fuzz

What the fu-

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Kung Pow

Who made you Judge Judy and Executioner?

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From Dusk Til Dawn

>Everybody be cool. You. Be cool.
>Richie will you eat my pussy for me, please?
>We're in fucking Mexico you little piece of fucking shit.
>I never said help us!
>Your best better get a helluva lot fuckin' better, or you're gonna feel a helluva fuckin' lot worse.

Dumb and Dumber

Tombstone or Airplane

Some arnie movie. Commando maybe

Casablanca and Star Wars.


Christmas Vacation is one I hear a ton of

Forrest Gump

Jurassic Park

>Hold on to your butts.
>Clever girl.
>We spared no expense.
>You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it.
>Uh... well, there it is.
>Life, uh... finds a way.
>We've got Dodgson here!
>Uh uh uh! You didn't say the magic word!
>Must go faster.
>That is one big pile of shit.
>What have they got in there, King Kong?
>Our attractions will drive kids our of their minds! | And what are those? | Small versions of adults, honey...
>I'm fairly alarmed here.
>You think they'll have that on the tour?
>They do move in herds.
>When you gotta go, you gotta go.
>Are these characters... auto-erotica?
>Get the stick! Stick, stupid! Stick! Fetch! ...No wonder you're extinct.
>He left us! He left us!
>We'll have a, a coupon day or something.

Also the way Hammond says "Damn!"

how the fuck do you forget this one

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Damn, you're right. Ironically this is probably the most quoted in my family

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