Your television size, your dick size, and your favorite color

Your television size, your dick size, and your favorite color


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65" 8.5" zima blue


no tv
6 inches

>foot long


>29" I accidentally broke my 42" TV ;_;
>15 cm

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>no tv

>55”, 45”, 30”
>Cosmic blue

>Don't own one


Painfully average person.

>i use my pc monitor

70 in
Red, white and blue

>no tv

How do you even things?

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How could I have a TV, if I don't have a license Officer?

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>no tv

Dunno, 24”? It’s one of the small ones. I have it on (muted) at night, while sleeping, for company. I’m living alone for Uni these days.
Eh, dunno. It’s upwards curved and I’ve gotten overweight and have a fatpad (steadily losing pounds). Depending on bonepressed or not, if I measure from the front or the back, whether it’s fully erect, or whatever else, I get everything from 5” to ~7” (that’s probably cheating; it’s that way if I measure from the “bottom”, meaning putting the ruler under the dick, beginning from the hard part in the balls and ending at the head). I’d say a bonepressed 6” with the curve. It’s around 4.5” flaccid (bonepressed).
It used to be blue when I was a kid. Then black as an edgy teen. Now... Dunno, I can’t think of anything specific. I like gold and crimson. I also like platinum a lot. Purple as well. I can’t really choose, it depends on the object.

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Blog on

No tv (I'm black)
9" (I'm black)
Black (I'm black)

You're playing a board game and each player gets a figure that looks the same except for the color.
Which color do you want your figure to be?

3” (I’m Asian)

>I have it on (muted) at night, while sleeping, for company
Literally cannot understand how faggots like this exist.

8" on a good day
Windows 95 backround teal

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

55" living room, 37" bedroom
6,3 x 5,7


>i don’t have a tv I use my computer monitor

It’s insane how much you can tell about a person from just that information alone. There is literally only 1 type of person that has that sort of set up. The funny part is they think “nornal people” that own a tv are doing it wrong rofl. Similarly, the “I only watch everything on my phone” tells you a lot about a person, just not as much since there are 2 kinds. Underage zoomers or poor people. Likely both since parents that aren’t poor will usually buy their kids a laptop, desktop, or tv. So basically poor people are the ones who watch everything on their phone. No need to describe the “i watch it all ok my pc” since we all know what those guys are like.

>small/dont measure because it's basically a computer monitor

How do I unsubscribe from your blog??


>42 inch
> 7.5 inch

riveting blog

>No need to describe the “i watch it all ok my pc” since we all know what those guys are like.
for sure

Attached: GuyWhoWatchesEverythingOnHisPc.jpg (912x1024, 71K)

Hi, white girl user here. Will you fuck my pussy? (never had a black cock before)

>being off age and still having a favourite color
lmao what is this, art class? fuck outta here fag

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Glad you could make it npc-kun

42 inch
7 x 7

6.3 inches
4 inches

So what's your fav colour?

It’s crazy how some things change so much and some things remain exactly the same. Instead of just nerds playing video games all kinds of people of all ages play them now. Seems like more girls like Star Wars currently then guys. Almost everyone has internet access, I could go on but you get the idea. The type of person who watches everything hunched over a pc monitor though, that has remained exactly the same for going on 30 years now. You guessed it, chad thundercock. He plays a game of basketball with the guys, slays pussy then hunches over a computer desk to watch anime and calls anyone who owns a television a pleb. Haha

>5 1\2

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>no tv
>8.3 inches


Don't have one, sometimes watch movies with a projector.
16cm on a good day
Don't have one.

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I seriously can’t conpehend how someone can be too poor to own a tv. It’s mind bottling. We need a no poor rule as much as we need a underage rule. You guys are shitting up the place with your poverty. Go be poor elsewhere.

Every poorfag in my country has a TV.


literally kys yourself my man


>mind bottling

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>7 x 6.5
but how thick huh

It's not about how it's about why
Why would anyone own a tv in this day and age?
