Would watching this be a complete waste of time?
Dark Phoenix
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It's unironically better than most marvel trash.
I suggest watching it if you want to complete the fox movies
X-men is the only capeshit I enjoy but this is trash
You know, I didn't think it was that bad. The acting was mediocre across the board and the CGI was dodgy at times but I thought Apocalypse was actually worse.
Watch a film like Logan, and then watch this. You'll see and notice the significant amount of drop in quality.
At least Apocalypse has some fun schlocky action moments and Oscar Isaac hamming it up. Dark Phoenix is just bland and inconsequential.
Yeah, I can agree with that.
I am white knighting and telling you that yes, it is a complete waste of time. Don't watch it.
it's absolute garbage by any metric
Actually it's best to stop at Days of Future Past, the last great one.
Is there even a good Quicksilver scene in it?
Not this time. There's a very small one then he's put in a coma for the rest of the movie.
It's worth watching. I'd probably be annoyed if I'd paid to see it opening night but watching it at home, it's fine. It's the level of a mid-tier Marvel movie like Strange and the Ant Mans, etc
Zimmer score elevates parts of it and Fassbender is effortlessly good as Magneto.
and it looks like shit because they didn't know how to replicate it
>Would watching this be a complete waste of time?
No, but it will leave you unsatisfied. I watched it the other night. During the final climax, I happened to notice there was less than 20 mins left in the movie and I was shocked. It felt like the midway, end-of-2nd-act showdown in which the heroes are beaten and then they have to regroup and fight the antagonist again. It felt like there was a 40 minute chunk of the story missing. Bad character development, weak story, etc...
There's no point after Logan, which is the true canon ending of the series.
>It's the level of a mid-tier Marvel movie like Strange and the Ant Mans, etc
Doctor Strange is 10 times better than Dark Phoenix.
A capeshitters time is worth nothing so no OP you wouldn't be wasting any time watching this.
>a remake of X-Men 3 directed by the guy who wrote X-Men 3
What did Fox mean by this?
I prefered it because I think they did a decent job at establishing the scope of pheonix I wonder what the sequel would've looked like. Though the train fight was solid
>A capeshitters time is worth nothing so no OP you wouldn't be wasting any time watching this.
Those are both high tier films.
This one isn't fucked sideways by studio interference and behind the scenes messes like that one was and there's certainly not the "Dark Phonenix is a secondary subplot in the Dark Phoenix movie" thing again
That's because they completely overhauled the third act in a hurry and gave up on trying to make the story into a two parter. That's why it feels unfinished. Also, the aliens were going to be Skrulls but they had to change that, also in a hurry, because of Captain Marvel, which is why the ones in the actual film ended up just being random generic aliens with no actual motivation.
Wasn't Fox literally collapsing when Dark Phoenix was made thoughv
Not a fan of Ant Man. It has too much of a kiddie, Honey I Shrunk the Kids quality that I hate. Strange is much better to me.
Lol you should read up on Dark Phoenix behind the scenes stuff. It was a shitshow, user.
Makes sense. Watching the movie, it feels like they cut a bunch of shit out for no reason.
The train fight was the only thing I liked, to be honest.
>random generic aliens with no actual motivation.
They're literally unnamed Skrulls who explain their motivation directly
It's not any worse than Apocalypse, but that's not really praise.
The space shuttle scene where they work together was pretty good other than that this was a fucking awful final X-men movie. Sophie Turner was terrible as Jean Grey. I wish this last movie could have been about Professor X and Magento because Fassbender and MacAvoy are easily the best things about these newer movies.
Apart from being cut down from two movies to one, nothing really notable went down
Everyone knows they reshot and replaced the climax, but that's clearly a good change
I actually dug it, but I think it's because I have a soft sot for Sophie Turner and hope she gets more work. And 2bh she did great with the shit writing she was given.
I had to skip every 5 minutes, i couldn't stand all that shit, only good scene was the train part, and what the hell was Chastain? some sort of alien like the skrulls?
Dark Phoenix is weirdly "more down to earth" than the previous two films. Not as flashy. The villain was kind of meh. The way they were it was like they were this universe's spin on the Skrull.
It's not great but it's not bad or a trainwreck either
There's plenty of good ideas spread throughout it but it's overall a big shoulder shrug. Making it one of the lowest scale X-movies is a positive and negative at the same time, it's good that it's not another End of the World type thing but that also means when it's over it's a bit sure, that happened I guess. Jean isn't established enough to make the loss of her work on the smaller scale story level. I mean when Magneto and Beast go full murder Jean mode I was on their side.
I'm watching this movie as I type this...
I will let you know in 40 mimutes
I mean it's capeshit so, yeah obviously
It wasn't bad at all, although the story was pretty scaled down. Sophie Turner's acting isn't amazing but it's passable.
Reminder someone approved of this scene
I'm glad they did purely because of how much it makes you seeth
Watched it last night. Unironically yes.
It feels like it's missing an hour. I think Disney intentionally sabotaged it. There's nothing of interest, no dramatic weight, scenes fly by way too quick, and there's not even any standout action moments.
Oh sorry, then "random aliens with tired cliché evil motivations".
I mean, the train fight is entertaining but like that other user said the whole movie feels shorter than it should be. Like they clearly had a lot more stuff to develop and explore but were forced to wrap it all up in some big CGI shitshow climax because Disney told them to hurry up and get it out of their way.
I don't think the rush was in the third act, it was in the first and second
The X-Men have gone to openly recognized as a good thing (even labelled superheroes) off screen, and then one minor incident literally has the government breaking off contact with them and firing up concentration camps. Magneto and Beast immediately wanting to kill Jean I imagine was supposed to be them going rogue and a bad thing, but we have more attachment to those two characters than Jean and Xavier advocates for Jean while was low key being a secondary villain of the movie to that point, so the tone of it is at best a big wonky.
The original ending was supposedly Jean going full firebird in space or something so it was scaled down rather than up
That's what I meant. It's smaller scale but the character development isn't done nearly well enough for things like Jean's sacrifice to have any weight. So what we're left with is just a bland movie that feels rushed. Apocalypse was at least fun in how overblown it could be at times.
>I think Disney intentionally sabotaged it.
Disney didn’t own Fox until 3 months before release, and the most they did was fire the marketing team
Is it really the last one?
It's the last one until Marvel start their MCU X-Men stuff.
Oddly enough, despite being the last movie I like the status quo that the movie ends on, close to a period that I liked in the comics.
Why did they fire the marketing team?
Disney wrote the movie off as a sunk cost, basically. They inherited it in the Fox takeover and didn't want to spend what was now their money promoting it.
don't bother, op
it's shit
Oh yeah that was retarded when Magneto grappled with the helictoper against ST's character :-)
Anything made by pedowood is a waste of time
>Mike loved it
>Jay kinda liked it
Watched both last night. I think Apocalypse is overall a better movie but I honestly enjoyed Dark Phoenix more, even with the woefully undercooked villains.
I'd put it before venom. The train battle had some interesting power set usage.
cringe /pol/ facebook boomer