Defend this

Defend this

Attached: 1564893822072.webm (1280x580, 2.65M)

Other urls found in this thread:

it's realistic

be glad with what we got

Didn't legolas walk over snow without even leaving footprints while the rest were hip deep on it in the fellowship of the ring?

Someone post the one where he slides down the mammoth trunk.

Elves can do that kinda shit, but in the case of OP's pic, there's nothing for legolas to push off of.

>Someone post the one where he slides down the mammoth trunk.
That was badass because you believed he could do that.
Here he is just op

Legolas is an elf and they are a species of part-angel magic aryan supermen?

he's got magic zelda boots that make you light as a feather

>Legolas is an elf and they are a species of part-angel magic aryan supermen?
Elves are not aryan.
Tolkien spend 1 chapter just for explaining why Elves can't be blonde

From 0 physics knowledge, hypothetically, if legolas' was light enough is it possible

>From 0 physics knowledge, hypothetically, if legolas' was light enough is it possible
You mean if his bones were thin as feathers?



If you didn't notice, Hackson has a boner for Legolas.

Attached: legolas loves surfing.gif (500x200, 996K)

cool "leggy moment"




A huge reason I didn't like LOTR's was the characters never seemed to be in danger.
Its like a glorified kids movie.


"Frodo looked up at the Elf standing tall above him, as he gazed into the night, seeking a mark to shoot at. His hairs were dark, crowned with sharp white stars that glittered in the black pools of the sky behind."
Tolkien's note at the end of the Appendices to LotR, where he more or less says that all the Eldar were dark except "the golden house" of Finrod/Finarphir/Finarphin but being them related with the Vanyar it doesn't count because all the Vanyars were golden haired.
Thranduill was part of the Eldar elves. And his son too

jesus christ it's bad

Is this the amazing CGI thread?

Attached: Iron Derp.webm (1920x1080, 763K)


>The orc just throws another rock at Legolas as he's concentrating on which stones to step on.

Attached: 1353816588460.jpg (550x474, 29K)

That was the citation

That was certainly in the book from what I recall

>That was badass because you believed he could do that.
lol no

The hobbits are constantly thrown into situations where they are close to death. What are you talking about?


>lol no
Well, yes. You saw him killing dozens of orcs and Olophant seemed okay.
But the Hobbit screwed it

Merry and Pippin are pretty safe for a lot of the story, but Sam and Frodo definitely aren't.

I get the kids story thing though - fantasy ain't for everybody.


just like my vidyagames


looked cool imo

this shit is bland compared to the other examples of absolute fuckery and dogshit in the Hobbit trilogy. i dont know why anybody gives a single care about elves doing elfy silly things.

>capeshit legolas

I was expecting thorin to kill azog, then bolg goes beast mode at his dad dying and rekts thorin and then beorn shows up and crushes bolg

so disappointing

LOTR was based on a book for adults, the hobbit is a children's book. it's allowed to be more silly and you should dilate

it would be fine if half the ridiculous stuff they put in the movies was in the source material

the whole movie was one sentence matey.

>"and a terrible battle"

>Its like a glorified kids movie.
It is a kids movie you fucking manchild

It's so bad it's goodbad

hold on bump

on second thought I had nothing to say