All the tripfags are gone

>all the tripfags are gone

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Other urls found in this thread:!!AOg3EKvNTK6/!.oLiver5IQ/

>and that's a good thing

sure is


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>all the tripfag bullying actual worked
feels great desu

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It's because I've single handledly killed them all. Especially all the post 2012 tripfag zoomers, they were the most easy ones. All exposed and killed.

Uridon - killed
Review Screw - killed (still brainfarts from time to time when he gets off twitter, but gets shut down immediately)
Griffithfag - killed (now resides only on letterboxd)
Zachary - killed (not an actual trip, just exposed)

It worked quite well.



Yea Forums still has a lot of tripfags

Great, I truly hate them.

not really

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What about Swift S Lawliet? That guy has hilarious inconsistencies. Went from being 6'7 tall to 7'2 in the span of 3 years. I used to love shitting on that cunt in /fit/ when he popped up.

this is excellent news. Tripfaggots have no place on Yea Forums.

did someone finally lynch krager for oogling a white lady

Why do you want tripfags gone? They were always outnumbered 3000:1 and most of them were chill as fuck.

Was that recent spike caused by the that NZ thing?

Yea Forums still has a lot of tripfags who post in the general threads, but it's not as much as it used to be

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Is that what you redditors that BEGGED the mods on /q/ to get rid of anything old Yea Forums are saying now?

i dont see a problem

are there actually significantly fewer in total number or are they just a smaller part of the overall board demographics now?

It feels like there are fewer total. 7-10 years ago tripfags shitted up Yea Forums in particular

rip in peace

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whats that namefag spike?

whats diff between namefag and tripfag?

Not that I liked most tripfags; it was annoying how their baiting would garner half the thread's posts and ruin any on-topic discussion, but their absence on Yea Forums as a whole betrays a certain lack of original culture, now. When a tripfag entered a thread, if you were here enough, you'd begin to recognize them, and other people who clearly used Yea Forums enough would also recognize them and tell them to go fuck themselves if they were annoying. You could just tell when someone was and was not here enough to tell off a certain trip user. This sounds crazy, but tripfags almost gave boards a certain sense of identity. It's like how it is with generals, gens naturally attract the same people time after time, Tripfags and namefags included, and you begin to recognize who you're posting with. You know what they're gonna post, and you know how high or low quality the post might be. Although it certainly shits on the idea of "Anonymity", the way things are now are certainly not any better.

Now, they're all gone. Driven out not by the people that actually had to put up with them for years, but zoomers that only got here, recently. I don't even think it was bullying that scared them away, it was probably the abundance of off-topic shitposting. I never thought I'd say this 10 years ago, but I'd take the Tripfags over Yea Forums's current state. Even the "Krager" that hangs around nowadays obviously isn't the original Krager.

Valley Forge and CreepyThinMan are terrible


>Uridon - killed

lol I doxxed this guy. So satisfying.

I'm still here

Fuck tripfags desu. All I need is that badge to identify myself with

every tripfag is subhuman, if you have ever replied to one you are culpable. never reply to tripfags, no matter how ugly of a sentiment you are trying to share with them, attention is their fuel and the only way to get rid of them is to never reply to even a single fucking post they made.

No he's still here and started posting again. He generally spams the same handful of threads over and over. You can tell it's him because they only show up in this amount of volume when it's him
>Valley Forge
He's a janitor

t. tripfag who got bullied into giving up his super special snowflake identity and now is bitter about it.

>t. doxxed trannies on /int/

thank god, they shit up the board even more than regular faggots

>but zoomers that only got here, recently. I don't even think it was bullying that scared them away, it was probably the abundance of off-topic shitposting
I'm pretty sure on Yea Forums they were chased out by the mods pandering to redditors
or at least one of them
summer glau or whatever

there's only room for one tripfag in my heart

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Based oldfag. I 100% agree with you and so would any sensible oldfag.
t. Yea Forums user since 2005

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These kind of posts two above mine are just embarrassing desu

still here
resident boomer (09-12-1959)

Tripfags ruined Yea Forums
Used to be my main board then at the beginning of this year they infested it, almost never go there anymore

Seconding that CTM is fucking awful. The only trip I've recently actually had to filter is YLGGDMylUnP, don't remember the name he uses.

Guess who's not getting his (You), you fucking faggot? Spoiler alert: you.


Go ahead and turn it back on. See what happens, faggot.

krager the nigger is still around

Still gay?

Gayer than ever.

Hot take: phoneposting killed tripfags

Shh, you'll summon the fucking queer. He's the plague of as it is, the unbearable, AIDS-infected faggot.

boomer channers are based. i know a 60 year old boomer that posts on 8pol. he's nuts.


do newfrens even know how to do it

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>of Yea Forums
Krager is from Yea Forums

FACT!!!1!1 XD

Fun fact: over 30 posters are the worst cancer

Webm threads used to be so comfy

Stop using his fucking name before he turns up, idiot.

He also shits up Yea Forums, especially the /box/ threads. I honestly want him fucking dead.

>there were 5000 tripfags online all at once at one point
Fucking horrifying.

It was incredibly comfy and made Yea Forums feel like a community.

Go to gamefaqs for your community signatures faggot

you can have community without tripfags. just look at /kspg/.

Fuck off to discord

Community is fucking lame

what happened to Yea Forums is your fault though

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Tranny tripfag from the swedish general on /int/!!AOg3EKvNTK6/
Sayoko !!AOg3EKvNTK6
Järnåldersvägen 2
831 61 Östersund
Tranny tripfag from the swedish general on /int/

Tripcode: !.oLiver5IQ / Natsuki !.oLiver5IQ!.oLiver5IQ/

Steam account:



Youtube channel:


Leif EMIL Lindh, 1997-09-12

Folkbokförd Kungsgårdsvägen 64, 681 54 Kristinehamn

Hugo Lindh Mor: Monica ELISABETH Niska, 1949-02-25 Folkbokförd Havrestigen 8, 681 43 Kristinehamn Farbror: Peter Lind

ANTON Peter Lindh, 1996-02-02 Folkbokförd Eldaregatan 12C, 681 35 Kristinehamn

Antons steam U:1:82170741

I wish Yea Forums had heroes like you.

back to redd*t

>lives in a fucking commieblock
of course

What is a namefag and tripfriend?

probably april fools where everyone was assigned a name

I like that picture. It wakes my dick up.

How on Earth is it MY fault specifically?

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>almost 90 thousand anons during the Endgame release
damn, how many will The Rise Of Skywalker bring

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This thread has inspired me to become a tripfag.

Who was the greatest tripfag of all time?

>not going for boco first
Shame shame


CreepyThinMan is BASED
Valley Forge is a NIGGER

I miss when people who would spam the same shit every day at least had the decency to use a tripcode


You are VF

tripfags suck

>accept new posters! they're the life blood of boards!!

how to sage in all fields when you can't sage the captcha field anymore?


>he hasn't gone after any of the general tripfags
I, for one, welcome your challenge.

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filtered them about 1.5 years ago. after a few months of occasionally unhiding their posts to read them, i realised there really is nothing lost by filtering tripfags

Fuck off, VF. You ruined /trek/

I was just joshin

Trainerfan > tropic that's all I'm gonna say