*record scratch*

>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>you're probably wondering how i ended up in this situation

Attached: 908.jpg (1240x683, 97K)

Would you even feel anything from this?

Ryan still has better squibs than 99% of modern action films.

what did he even die for?
so his grandaughter could be a single mother of a niglet?

You'd feel like you betrayed the white race gramps

What movie had the most realistic gun shot wounds?

Attached: 154561651.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

doubtful. imagine prepping for a big invasion for months only to get killed in the first 3 seconds

before you die a slideshow of the future is shown to you, and you can see your country - the one you sacrificed everything for - degrade into 3rd world status before you slip into nothingness screaming for a second chance

I love thsi retarded cringy "nazi" burger meme

Attached: burger.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

>imagine getting sent into a fucking meatgrinder against an already beaten enemy, who attempts again and again to sue for peace, to fight against the soviets

Attached: Ive made a big mistake.jpg (539x717, 53K)


So his wife could fight for equal rights in the 50s and his daughter smoke weed and have sex with negroes in the 60s

>have sex with negroes in the 60s
this was still a death sentence in most of the country at that time

Yeah like women don't have abortions because it's illegal

I guess you can see the problem

Oh yeah that too they browse through other people's photos like little creeps and make up some stories about them, project their feelings on the veterans basically telling them how they should feel and that they should connect WWII history with things like shipment of blacks to the New World or the late 20th century imigration policy of various American governments. Fucking hilarious fanatics.

Damn, she was qt, why not rping her first?

Hope Jamal sees this, bro

>son snaps a bad photo of you with your beloved granddaughters
>become propaganda for incel neo-nazis
Poor guy.

yep. a bullet in the brain isnt instant death, but its pretty soon after that. although, if you do survive, youll turn into a bit of a cunt

Attached: Phineas-Gage-with-skull-picture[1].png (1600x1157, 1.71M)

You'd feel numb for half a second then nothing

He was dying so his great granddaughter can start her MtF transition in Kindergarten. Could you imagine the horror of spEAking German?

Attached: 1561495801512.png (814x501, 659K)

>Gets impailed with metal rod.
>Carry it around with you for the rest of your life.

Alpha as fuck.

They thinks blacks weren't invented yet in the 40s and that someone who hates them would be forced to act normally and be photographed like that by a member of his family.

Isn't it like the reverse of the "Hitler drank water too" fallacy? Look at those two selected pictures, would a group that spends time actively and wore uniforms really be bad? I wonder if hardcore commies use the same arguments there's tons of similar pictures from the USSR only with pioneers instead of Hitlerjugend.