Hey user, wanna go to the Nine Inch Nails show tonight? C'mon, don't be a pussy

>hey user, wanna go to the Nine Inch Nails show tonight? C'mon, don't be a pussy.

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I'm gonna hit up a Ministry show actually, but if you two wanna lez out on each other I'll watch.

>Not Type O Negative
you had one meme job


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Nine Inch Nails was what fags used to listen to.

Poster above who mentioned Ministry is on point.

But Ministry was even more gay prior 87
Do your research stupid

Naw, that techno shit is gay as fuck. I also got Slayer/Pantera tickets

No thanks. Mass is tonight and I'm waiting for marriage. Also I'm abstinent from drugs and alchohol which usually appear at those lindane of outings. I hope you have fun though, God bless.

>While I'd love smashing your ass on Mr Self Destruct , I have tickets for Steven Wilson and he puts one of the greatest shows one can see today.

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UNPOPULAR OPINION: Closer is the most overplayed song of their entire collection.

>tfw only 7" naillet

Skinny Puppy is what the cool kids listened to.

This man knows his stuff

I see these two posted all the time. What fucking show is this?

except that's true, bring up NIN and any pleb whos listened to the radio in the last twenty years will tell you they know that song

Give me the time and the place and I'm there

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some actresses from some shitty movie. they both got fucked by big black cocks.

OP is just some lunatic who has been spamming them for months now


can you draw some flip kids around him?

I never drew these but I got a couple others saved

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Cult of reznor

i wanted to screw a girl like that in high school but she had grey eyes and yellow teeth.

>not Godflesh


come to think of it, that's probably why that cuckold faggot keeps spamming them.

he wants to bring up the topic of two pale goth sluts getting fucked by huge black cocks

hurr hurr hurr funny op

what movie tho

Ginger Snaps

Why does the chick in front have a pointy hobbit ear?

Ginger Snaps. Canadian werewolf movie. Has a a sequel and some weird third one that resets the first one in frontier Canada.

I'll go with based Ginger (Katharine Isabelle), but the ugly little man bitch can stay home.

she's turning into a woman and starting to menstruate

the girl behind her was in goosebumps yes?

speaking of NIN, is this considered the incel anthem?

Will they perform the QUAKE soundtrack?

The best part about Ginger Snaps was when she killed the pedo chink janitor. Someone post the Webm if they have it.

Based and Patrician taste.


Ah okay, that explains the ear then I guess.

Does she have elf-ears or what the fuck is going on?

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special ears for hearing big black dicks swinging around so she can hop on them with her pale body

When I become a Janitor, people like you are going to be reported so fast that you'll be sorry about the direction you took in life.

Fuck yes


No, no it isn’t. That’s what total fucking dweeb protogoth or prototrannies listened to.

It's what BRAPers listen to.

I wonder what goes on in the cumbrain of people like you to make them post cringe shit like that.

you are literally posting in a cumbrain thread. the OP posts these threads because he knows the threads are going to bring up the topic of the actresses and the black partners they've had

Ginger snaps, a Canadian movie about two suburban lesbians who decide to show their conservative community what for by winning the local baking competition.

No freddy vs Jason